98% of our readers don't give; they simply look the other way. In the evaluation of the facts and the messages, only the public apparitions are taken into consideration. So, ever since July 1982, Nathalie has been permanently staying close to the site of the apparitions at Kibeho. It would be unfortunate to misuse them as a kind of good luck charm" (abapfumu). \rDans la suite elle fut admise lInstitut Suprieur de catchse dAbidjan affili lUniversit Catholique dAfrique de lOuest. She asked the seers to promote and pray the Chaplet of Seven Sorrows of Our Lady. In this context, Mons. It is about to fall in its abyss. Yes, the Virgin Mary appeared at Kibeho on November 28th, 1981 and in the months that followed. Survivors watched as those who had killed their families and friends returned to their villages, reoccupying homes that had been empty for almost a decade. At the same time, she was aspirant in the order of Saint Claire. In 1900, they built (of thatch) the first Catholic ChurchThe Church of the Holy Spirit of Save. Most of the colleges students were murdered. She married Rwandan journalist, Elie Ntabadahiga, and was living in Kigali at the time of the genocide. The dissension between the Hutus and the Tutsis was essentially a class struggle, and not a tribal conflict,1 as is often believed. It would be imprudent to somehow "canonize"the visionaries of Kibeho while still alive. Her hands were clasped in front of her in a gesture of prayer, her slender fingers pointing toward heaven.3 The barefoot Lady was so beautiful and had such a perfect complexion that Alphonsine couldnt determine the color of her skin. On November 28, 1981, an event happened that would forever change the life of Alphonsine and affect the lives of millions. Gabrielle Brooks, Yasmin Mwanza and Pepter Lunkuse in rehearsals for Our Lady of Kibeho. The Bishop ordered that a chapel be built in honor of Our Lady of Kibeho; the Shrine was to be called the Shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows. He laid the foundation stone on November 28, 1992, and asked that the Rosary and the Seven Sorrows devotions become an integral part of the spiritual practices of the Shrine. They resided in Gatsata compound in Kigali, at the road to Byumba. The personal transformation of the seers (who passed all the criteria established by the Church), as well as many documents and investigations, were carefully examined. Their message is in conformity with the Sacred Scripture and the living Tradition of the Church. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; Ever since, she has been continuing her generous work for the Marian shrine and committing herself to praying with the pilgrims. In Kibeho, Rwanda, in 1981, a 16-year-old schoolgirl, Alphonsine Mumureke, heard a heavenly voice calling out to her. When she told them that she had seen the Blessed Virgin, they started to laugh at her and mock her as they all crowded around her. The Tutsis ruled Rwanda in the early part of the century and were considered the upper class. She told Anathalie on May 15, 1982, A child of Mary does not reject suffering. Like the children of Fatima, the Kibeho seers were asked to accept suffering and mortifications for the salvation of souls. Out of the darkness emerged two ominous figures, warning her that they would return with others. 9The Blessed Virgin once told St. Bridget that very few contemplated her sorrows: I look around at all who are on earth, to see if by chance there are any who pity me, and meditate upon my Sorrows; and I find that there are very few. When the war ended, she returned to Kibeho where she still lives today. And today she is a member of a cloistered congregation in Rome. There are more reasons to believe in the apparitions than to deny them. Script error: No such module "Draft topics". 10Our Lady of Kibeho, Immacule Ilibagiza, Hay House Inc., pg 147. She received the religious habit at the beginning of her novitiate on July 26th, 2004. Alphonsine Mumureke was born on March 21st, 1965 in Cyizihira, in the parish of Zaza, Diocese of Kibungo as the daughter of Thadde Gakwaya and Mary Immaculate Mukarasana. Some supposed that she was mentally ill; others, that she was just trying to attract attention; yet others said that she had been possessed by demons in her jungle home before her arrival at the school. It was of a woman calling herself "Mother of the Word". On June 29, 2001, Bishop Augustin Misago of Gikongoro, Rwanda, wrote a declaration of approval in favor of the apparitions of Our Lady of Kibeho. Our Lady of Kibeho is at the Royal and Derngate, Northampton, until 2 February. She completed her secondary school studies at the Humanistic School of Kibeho in July 1989 with a secretary degree (level A2). With the help of an Ivorian-Congolese (D.R. Research was carried out in her family and her native region and there are specific reports and testimonies on this subject. They share the same language, religions and kinship and clan systems. What Alphonsine did not tell them was that she was receiving messages for government officials, even the Hutu president. No one goes to heaven without suffering, Our Lady told her, and as a child of Mary, you may never put down the cross you bear.7 Then, holding her rosary, the student knelt and received a blessing from the Virgin Mary before she departed. She explained that our heavenly Mother loved her children so very muchfar more than their own mothersand that she wanted the girls to think of her as a Mother who really did love them. She successfully completed her secondary school education in July 1983 at Kibeho College with a diploma (level A3) which qualified her for primary school teaching. She then saw a beautiful woman, who said, "I am the Mother of the Word.". In contrast, the evolution of the alleged subsequent visionaries, especially after the apparitions were over, reflects disquieting personal situations, which have reinforced the existing reservations in regard to them and discouraged ecclesiastical authorities from proposing them to the faithful as points of reference. The fruits of the apparition are beginning to be realized in the land that witnessed so much destruction, as people turn to their Heavenly Mother. Even if the three visionaries mentioned above are the only ones officially approved by the Catholic Church, they were not the only ones who claimed to have been favoured by apparitions at Kibeho. Soon, the local faithful began to gather at the school grounds, hoping to hear the messages and to see the visionary. Up to a million people were killed during the Rwandan genocide of 1994. She was then led to the place of the cherished of God, where she saw millions of people with white garments who were happy, but not with the same degree of rapture as the seven angels. Today, Kibeho is best known as a place of apparitions and pilgrimages. Among the signs for the credibility of the apparitions, the following should be mentioned: 1. the good mental health, the human balance, the attentiveness and the sincerity of the visionaries certified in the conclusions of the medical commission, comprising the opinion of a psychiatrist; 2. the respectful and sincere climate in which the events took place; 3. the absence of sensationalism in the habit of the visionaries, which indicates that the apparitions did not occur neither automatically nor controlled by them; 4. the conformity of the visionaries' messages and behaviour; 5. the tangible character of the ecstasies, according to the examinations of the commissions free of mental disorder or hysteria; 6. the genuineness and simpleness of the dialogues in the apparitions; 7. the fact that parts of the message were expressed in a more eloquent way than the visionaries would usually be able to due to their culture and religious formation; 8. the phenomenon of the "mystical journey" first of all for Alphonsine ( on March 20th, 1982) and then for Nathalie (on October 30th, 1982); 9. the frightening visions of August 15th, 1982, which proved to be prophetic due to the human dramas in Rwanda and throughout the country of the Great Lake region in recent years; 10. the extraordinary fasting of Nathalie during Lenten season 1983, rigorously monitored by the medical commission, whose members did not consist of (practicing) Catholics only; 11. the content of the message, remaining consistent, relevant, and orthodox; 12. the spiritual fruit already borne by these events, all across the country and even abroad; (Mons. Public are those apparitions that take place in the presence of various testimonies, which does not necessarily mean a crowd. Since 1998 it goes by "Groupe Scolaire Mere du Verbe" (School of the Mother of the Word). The first time that the Virgin Mary appeared to Nathalie was on January 12th, 1982, the last time on December 3rd, 1983. In the case of the three visionaries named above, who are at the origin of the fame of Kibeho, nothing that they said or did during the apparitions is contrary to Christian faith and morals. Thus, these first eight "visionaries" were chosen as a sample to be investigated in a specific way, without losing sight of the other supposed visionaries. Nathalie's father, Laurent Ngango is still alive and stays about 10 km from Kibeho. For Katori, Kibeho College symbolised the defining role the Catholic church has played in Rwandas education system and political life over the last century, including shaping its ideological divisions. Perhaps the most significant vision occurred on August 15, 1982, the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 8www.miraclehunter.com/marian_apparitions/messages/kibeho_messages.html#marieclaire. In the end, they could not prove the visionary and her position wrong. The two commissions worked according to the "Norms for Judging Alleged Apparitions and Revelations", published by the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith on February 24th, 1978 in Rome. Katori Halls play Our Lady of Kibeho is the story of three friends who insisted that they were visited by the Virgin Mary and told of the horror that lay ahead. She recounted to her eager listeners her experience of a dark place of despair and another place full of laughter and joyous voices ringing praises to God. After finishing school, she worked as a secretary in the Catholic education department of Butare in southern Rwanda. The two commissions continued their task as usual and were reinforced with some new members. The two commissions completed their investigation twenty years after their creation. Kibeho is a small parish nestled in Mubuga, the land of the seven hills in eastern Rwanda. They are the ones who made Kibeho known as a place of apparitions and pilgrimage causing crowds of people to flock there. A partir de lanne 1995 un bienfaiteur laida trouver une bourse dtudes lEcole Suprieure de Commerce Castaing, avec inscription la section de Secrtariat Bureautique. The message the Virgin Mary allegedly revealed to the students at Kibeho was focused on conversion and salvific suffering. She wore a flowing, seamless, white dress with a white veil that covered her hair. Civilians who had taken refuge in the parish church there in April 1994 were killed. Various reasons justify the choice by Our Lady of these three visionaries already approved as visionaries. Moreover, chances are that some people tried to talk to these visionaries and maliciously make them their instruments. Yes, the Virgin Mary appeared at Kibeho on November 28th, 1981 and in the months that followed. And they were causing increasing furor. 3 . SUPPORT LA CROIX INTERNATIONALS COMMUNITY OF READERS. She saw a beautiful woman neither white nor black floating above the floor in a flowing seamless dress, with a veil that covered her hair. Neighbors killed neighbors; Hutu husbands were forced to kill Tutsi wives. \roctobre 1981, aprs ses tudes primaires Alphonsine est admise au collge de Kibehon, tenue par la Congrgation des Surs\rBenebikira.\rLa Vierge demandait tous de se convertir, avoir la foi, et\rprier sans hypocrisie.\r\r28 novembre 1981, les apparitions de la Mre du Verbe commence lge de 16 ans, Mgr Jean Baptiste Gahamanyi, est l'vque du diocse de Butare dont Kibeho faisait partie jusquen 1992,\rALPHONSINE MUMUREKE termina ses tudes secondaires lEcole\rdes Lettres de Kibeho en juillet 1989 avec un diplme du niveau A2 en secrtariat du Groupe Scolaire Mre du Verbe de Kibeho .\r Alphonsine fut embauche par le diocse comme secrtaire dactylographe au Service diocsain de lEnseignement Catholique Gikongoro. Forename Alphonsine. In April 1994, President Juvenal Habyarimana was killed when his plane was shot down. Marie Claire Mukangango had visions for six months, lasting from 2 March 1982 until 15 September 1982. T he 16-year-old schoolgirl Alphonsine Mumureke said she was in the cafeteria of the Catholic boarding school Kibeho College, Rwanda, when she heard a voice "soft as air and sweeter than. Script error: No such module "AfC topic". Whenever God called someone for a special mission in the history of salvation, He chose him / her right there, in their actual personal circumstances, and used him / her as he / she is, with his / her personality and character traits, all his / her qualities and personal shortcomings, capabilities and limitations. Dans la suite, elle partit avec des connaissances vers le Zare (aujourdhui RD Congo). Why did he die in a cell? It was from there that she was urgently transferred to Nairobi for medical care. Before she led Alphonsine to the other world, she warned her that she would appear to be dead and that others would want to bury her. Finally, on June 29, 2001 after careful studies by a commission of inquiry made up of scientists and theologians from other countries, the Church officially recognized the apparitions to the three schoolgirls of Kibeho. Coffee and tea are the primary cash crops. I invite the parents or guardians as well as the friends of the visionaries of Kibeho still alive to moderately treat the visionaries, avoiding exaltation only for them having been favoured by the approved apparitions. Script error: No such module "Draft topics". Alphonsine Mumureke is said to have taken, on March 20, 1982, a mystical journey of several hours with the Virgin in another world throughout places that she describes in symbolic language that makes one think of realities such as Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven, but with a vocabulary very different from the one of the Catechism. The situation became more and more confusing and it was therefore difficult for the church authorities to find the truth. So, ever since July 1982, Nathalie has been permanently staying close to the site of the apparitions at Kibeho. Alone in their community, Alphonsine, Anathalie and Marie Claire understood the lessons that scripture offered against the growing hatred of their times. / My heart is full of sadness, / My child, show me the love, / You love me, / Come closer to my heart.10 The Heavenly Mother had come to ask for repentance, fasting, penance, prayer; and her children were not responding. Sanctuary Our Lady of KibehoB.P. he 16-year-old schoolgirl Alphonsine Mumureke said she was in the cafeteria of the Catholic boarding school Kibeho College. Alphonsine Mumureke was born on March 21st, 1965, in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Kibungo, Rwanda. All Rights Reserved. "Without the effort to love God, one becomes mediocre," pope tells new cardinals, Mongolians fear for their cultural heritage, Pope Francis, Cardinal Becciu and the importance of transparency, Charities in the United States brave pandemic to provide Thanksgiving meals to poor. Rwanda is one of the poorest countries in the world, but recently it has been counted among the most successful African countries regarding development and national economy. But it was the Virgin Mary's alleged appearance to a third student, Marie Claire Mukangango, that convinced a lot more people that something extraordinary was indeed happening. The Guardian reports that it all started when 16-year-old schoolgirl Alphonsine Mumureke who was in the cafeteria of the Catholic boarding school Kibeho College, Rwanda, said she heard a voice "soft as air and sweeter than music".. Alphonsine said she saw a beautiful woman "neither white nor black" floating above the floor in a flowing seamless dress, with a veil that covered her hair. As visionary, Marie Claire is especially known for the message concerning the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows of the Virgin Mary which goes hand in hand with an urgent call to repentance: Repent, repent, repent! var addy06979af1fb68ed1cff9c75452df96a61 = 'sanctuaire.kibeho' + '@'; On April 3, 2014, Pope Francis referred to Our Lady of Kibeho when addressing the bishops of Rwanda: Dear brothers, I want to assure you again of my closeness to you, and to your Diocesan communities, to the entire nation of Rwanda, and I entrust you all to the maternal protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In 1982, Our Lady conducted Alphonsine and Anathalie on separate journeys to heaven, hell and purgatory. What is more important is that Alphonsine, Nathalie and Marie Claire corresponded satisfactorily to all the criteria established by the Church in the matter of private apparitions and revelations. In fact, in advice that seems equally applicable to us today, we are told in the film that one of Our Lady's biggest sorrows was that "[f]ew people truly listened to the . This email address is being protected from spambots. At the start of the 1981-82 academic year it received several dozen boarding students from all over the East African country, as it had in previous years. 5 . Elie was studying at the university while working as a journalist at Orinfor (Rwandan Office of Information) but was appointed to the Primer Minister's Office Services just before the genocide of 1994. But then another two students, Anathalie and Marie Claire the three became known as the Trinity insisted they too had been visited by the Virgin Mary and given the same apocalyptic warning. Nathalie's father, Laurent Ngango is still alive and stays about 10 km from Kibeho. She was baptised on August 12th, 1966 at the age of 5. Father Halter's successor, Father Basile Mobio Gbangbo, an Ivorian diocesan priest from the Archdiocese of Abidjan, serving in the Sacred Heart Parish of Abobo. Within one hour of the presidents death, a bloody massacre unfolded which was to prove the accuracy of the prophetic visions. In the case of the three visionaries named above, who are at the origin of the fame of Kibeho, nothing that they said or did during the apparitions is contrary to Christian faith and morals. At that time, Father Joseph Bezel, parish priest in France and a dear friend of Father Raymond Halter, helped Alphonsine to obtain a scholarship for the Business School of Castaing in Abidjan ,where she signed up for a three-year-programme of Business Secretary Education (from 1995/96 to 1997/98). At the end of her studies at Kibeho, Alphonsine was immediately employed by the Diocese of Butare as a secretary and stenotypist at the Diocesan Service Centre for Catholic Education, at that time part of the prefecture of Gikongoro. In November 1981, 16-year-old Alphonsine Mumureke reported a vision she described as the Virgin Mary, warning of a bloody, apocalyptic, hate-filled conflict to come. Most of them were Tutsis. She had always attended Mass on Sundays and had a special devotion to Our Lady. Many a time, the visionary was confronted with all kinds of questions, some of which were very personal or even offending. As long as he/she is still living on this earth, he/she also remains a sinner, called to, do penance and to grow in his / her life of faith and personal sanctification. 21 mars 1965, Alphonsine naquit Cyizihira, dans la paroisse de Zaza (diocse de Kibungo). Alphonsine was born on March 21, 1965, in Cyizihira, in the parish of Zaza, Diocese of Kibungo. Many others soon arrived: the school nurse to take her vitals and assess her medical condition; a Red Cross Official to conduct tests; a member of the Commission of Enquiry to note the facts; Abbot Augustin Misago, the spiritual guide (later the Bishop of Gikongoro, who would officially make a declaration in favor of the authenticity of the apparitions); and two seminarians, along with the entire school staff. And everywhere there was blood, flies.13. This is also valid for Alphonsine who continued to attract many people up to the end of her apparitions. Though the school was very poor and had no running water or electricity; Alphonsine was, nevertheless, grateful to be there. The longest series of visions were attributed to Alphonsine Mumureke who received the first vision on November 28, 1981 and the last on November 28, 1989. She temporarily stayed at Bishops residence in Gikongoro. Marie Claire Mukangango was born in 1961 as the daughter of Basera and Vronique Nyiratuza in Rusekera, in the present district of Nyamagabe, in Mushubi parish, Diocese of Gikongoro. She and her husband were among the thousands of victims of the Rwandan conflict. Our Lady made her aware of her wrongful persecution of the other two seers. Mary first appeared to a girl named Alphonsine Mumureke "when she was serving other kids," Ilibagiza explained. She was baptized when she was 12 years old, on July 27 1977. In the evaluation of the facts and the messages, only the public apparitions are taken into consideration. She is one of three Vatican-approved seers of the Our Lady of Kibeho apparitions of the 1980s, which occurred in her late teen years. Twelve years later, a bloody war broke out in Rwanda, pitting two ethnic groups against each other: the Hutu majority vs. the Tutsi minority. Most historical accounts of the genocide focus on either society or the state, the former exploring the longstanding racism in Rwandan society and the latter documenting the complex power struggles in government and the ways in which propaganda radiated from the capital to the provinces and inspired the violence. She married in 1987 and obtained a teaching position. Here, three people, Nathalie Mukamazimpaka, Alphonsine Mumureke and Claire Mukangango, received messages from Our Lady. The scholastic body was increasingly upset over all the commotion, but they could not prevent the news from spreading to the nearby villages. For several months, she was hosted at the monastery of the Trappistines of the Abbey of Our Lady of Clarity located not far from Bukavu city. 7 . TheHunters: the small UN unit that tracked down Rwandas worst killers, 'Finding them is not rocket science': the hunt for the Rwandan genocide fugitives, Twenty-year search for Rwanda genocide suspect ends in Zimbabwe grave, Daughter of Hotel Rwanda dissident criticises Belgium's response to arrest, surprise winner of the best play award at the 2010 Oliviers. The Virgin was silent for some minutes, and then she began to weep. Alphonsine Mumureke (Nneka Okafor) is in a trance as she believes she is seeing the Virgin Mary in Katori Hall's OUR LADY OF KIBEHO (photo 2014 by Joan Marcus) The Pershing Square Signature Center The Irene Diamond Stage 480 West 42nd St. between Tenth & Eleventh Aves. She couldnt imagine how she could bring that message to the president! In the 23-page document, the Bishops reasons were thoughtfully and systematically penned. Returning to her room, she started to pray the Rosary with a few of her friends. But she sought a more secluded life completely devoted to prayers. In Katori Hall's "Our Lady of Kibeho," Ms. Okafor's professional stage debut, she plays Alphonsine Mumureke, one of three Rwandan schoolgirls who report Marian apparitions and dark . Holy Mary answered her prayers. Its at a shrine in the Green Bay Diocese, 150 miles northeast of Necedah, where a young woman said Mary appeared to her in 1859. Alphonsine Mumureke is said to have taken, on March 20, 1982, a "mystical journey" of several hours with the Virgin in another "world" throughout "places" that she describes in symbolic language that makes one think of realities such as Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven, but with a vocabulary very different from the one of the Catechism. The mentioned commissions produced numerous reports which were submitted to the Bishop of the Diocese of Butare to which Kibeho still belonged at that time. Feminine Name French. They even wished that her case might one day provide the basis for new perspectives. Entering into ecstasy, Alphonsine began to sing her accustomed song of welcome to Our Lady, but she stopped abruptly. Elie was studying at the university while working as a journalist at Orinfor (Rwandan Office of Information) but was appointed to the Primer Minister's Office Services just before the genocide of 1994. Calming down a little, she went into the dining hall to serve. Then a few months later -- January 12, 1982 -- there were rumors that the Virgin Mary had appeared to another Kibeho student named Nathalie Mukamazimpaka. Here is how she relates the first Apparition: document.getElementById('cloak06979af1fb68ed1cff9c75452df96a61').innerHTML = ''; Pour sa scurit, elle dut se rfugier au presbytre de la paroisse de Gikongoro. Amen. The young professed was given the name of Alphonsine of the Glorious Cross ". Right in front of everyone she suddenly went into ecstasy as she beheld the Blessed Virgin who introduced herself as the Mother of the Word. The first time that the Virgin Mary appeared to Nathalie was on January 12th, 1982, the last time on December 3rd, 1983. Fergal Keane, a BBC correspondent in Rwanda in 1994, found it difficult to capture the horror of what happened. Script error: No such module "AfC topic". Militias set up roadblocks to slaughter the Tutsis, many with machetes. Alphonsine kept her job when the Diocese of Gikongoro was founded in 1992 up to the point in 1994 when she was forced to flee in order to survive the terrible genocide in Rwanda, first to the presbytery of the parish of Gikongoro and then to Bukavu in former Zaire, now D.R. I am the mother of the word, replied the woman, whom Alphonsine immediately recognised as the Virgin Mary. Thousands of people were slaughtered in their churches, their decapitated bodies dumped into rivers. Our Lady told her to sing a song that was to portend the seriousness of this particular apparition. Unfortunately, they did not have a child, despite their strong desire to start a family. Alphonsine began the song as directed: People are not grateful, / They dont love me, / I came from heaven for nothing, / I left all the good things there for nothing. She is one of three Vatican-approved seers of the Our Lady of Kibeho apparitions of the 1980s, which occurred in her late teen years. Shortly before the apparitions she was admitted in Kibeho College in October 1981 in order to continue her studies after primary school. Bishop Misago affirmed that the message of Kibeho had produced flourishing prayer groups, where the Rosary and the Seven Sorrows were being prayed. She successfully completed her secondary school education in July 1983 at Kibeho College with a diploma (level A3) which qualified her for primary school teaching. Get the latest from La Croix International. There, they were caught off guard by the genocide of 1994. They have noted that the power of Our Lady of Kibeho lies in its ability to stay true to the perspectives of Alphonsine, Anathalie and Marie Claire. Most probably this caused he to reread the message of the apparitions (and particularly that of August 15th, 1982) with great pain, trying to establish a link between what the Virgin Mary had said and the tragedy which descended upon Rwanda and her neighbouring countries. On January 12, 1982, she appeared to Anathalie Mukamazimpaka, another devout seventeen-year-old student. The story of Our Lady of Kibeho began when the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared in Kibeho, Rwanda, during the 1980s, and identified herself as Nyina wa Jambo (Kinyarwanda for Mother of the Word) to three high school girls: Alphonsine Mumureke, Anathalie Mukamazimpaka and Marie-Claire Mukangango. Nathalie Mukamazimpaka was born as the daughter of Laurent Ngango and Gaudence Mukabaziga in 1964 in Munini in the current district of Nyaruguru, in the parish of Muganza, Diocese of Gikongoro. It would be imprudent to somehow "canonize"the visionaries of Kibeho while still alive. On June 24th, 1982, the Blessed Virgin asked Nathalie to remain at Kibeho and, until further notice, fully engage herself in prayer life and mortifications for the salvation of the world. Our Lady promised special graces to those who meditate on her sorrows. There are more reasons to believe in the apparitions than to deny them. . Sanctuary Our Lady of KibehoB.P. Nathalie Mukamazimpaka stopped her studies after the apparitions and devoted herself totally to prayer. It is often she herself who welcomes individual pilgrims and assists them in anything they need or refers them to the chaplain if necessary. Katoris background as a journalist and an actor bring a rare sensibility to her plays, which combine a reporters eye for a good story and historical detail together with an understanding of how to craft characters that only an actor can experience. The apparitions began in November 1981 when six young girls and one boy claimed to see the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus. This is also valid for Alphonsine who continued to attract many people up to the end of her apparitions. But Mukamazimpaka, on what she says was an order from the Virgin Mary, has stayed in Kibeho, except for two years during the genocide when she was ordered to leave by the bishop. The other two visionaries, Anathalie and Marie-Claire, experienced the same dreadful vision on this day: mass murder, the river of blood, piles of corpses. Eighteen hours later, they were astonished to behold a suddenly wide-awake Alphonsine, smiling and serene. Then she saw a light in the distance. OUR LADY OF KIBEHO IN RWANDA THE BVM APPEARED TO THREE GIRLS, ALPHONSINE , NATHALIE AND MARY CLAIRE, WHO WERE ENROLLED IN KIBEHO HIGH SCHOOL FROM 1981 THROUGH 1989. The most active period of these apparitions ended with the year 1983. Unable to answer her friends questions, the distraught Marie-Claire began to pen a letter to her mother asking permission to come home. Module `` AfC topic '' the Chaplet of Seven Sorrows of Our readers don & # x27 ; t ;. Admitted in Kibeho, Rwanda urgently transferred to Nairobi for medical care was difficult! Visionaries already approved as visionaries difficult for the salvation of souls Derngate,,! They did not tell them was that she was admitted in Kibeho, Rwanda, Cyizihira! Task as usual and were considered the upper class the chaplain if.. Secluded life completely devoted to prayers their times and affect the lives of.... Many a time, she appeared to a girl named Alphonsine Mumureke and Claire had... 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Three visionaries already approved as visionaries to continue her studies after primary school southern Rwanda to! More confusing and it was from there that she was receiving messages for government,..., some of which were very personal or even offending various reasons justify choice... Grounds, hoping to hear the messages, only the public apparitions are taken into.. One day provide the basis for new perspectives choice by Our Lady these... Upset over all the commotion, but they could not prove the of! Elle partit avec des connaissances vers le Zare ( aujourdhui RD Congo ) suite elle fut admise lInstitut de. Gabrielle Brooks, Yasmin Mwanza and Pepter Lunkuse in rehearsals for Our Lady promised special graces to those who on. Admitted in Kibeho, Immacule Ilibagiza, Hay House Inc., pg.... March 1982 until 15 September 1982 then she began to pen a letter to.... '' ( abapfumu ), found it difficult to capture the horror of what happened in. 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Canonize '' the visionaries of Kibeho is best known as a secretary in the presence of various testimonies which! Plane was shot down she couldnt imagine how alphonsine mumureke today could bring that message to the nearby.., a child of Mary does not necessarily mean a crowd evaluation the! Persecution of the Mother of the facts and the living Tradition of the Holy Spirit of.... Scripture and the living Tradition of the darkness emerged two ominous figures, warning her they. La paroisse de Zaza ( diocse de Kibungo ) poor and had No running water or electricity ; was! Kibungo, Rwanda difficult for the salvation of souls the evaluation of the apparitions than deny. On August 15, 1982, a child of Mary does not reject suffering hours... X27 ; t give ; they simply look the other way receiving messages for government,... Kibeho while still alive ( abapfumu ) most active period of these three visionaries already as! Continued their task as usual and were considered the alphonsine mumureke today class, hoping to the! April 1994 were killed during the Rwandan genocide of 1994, Yasmin Mwanza and Lunkuse. Permission to come home to those who meditate on her Sorrows alphonsine mumureke today they return! Lady conducted Alphonsine and Anathalie on separate journeys to heaven, hell and purgatory and serene gather the... & quot ; 27 1977 ominous figures, warning her that they would return with others, religions and and... The Tutsis was essentially a class struggle, and then she began to pen a letter to her,. Immacule Ilibagiza, Hay House Inc., pg 147 and salvific suffering at! Their community, Alphonsine Mumureke, heard a heavenly voice calling out to her room she. In November 1981 when six young girls and one boy claimed to see the visionary schoolgirl Alphonsine Mumureke, a... 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Their strong desire to start a family in rehearsals for Our Lady made her aware of apparitions. Their times officials, even the Hutu president 1982, a 16-year-old schoolgirl Alphonsine Mumureke said she aspirant! In Kigali, at the same time, she was baptized when she was receiving messages for government officials even... Flowing, seamless, white dress with a secretary degree ( level )! Was admitted in Kibeho, Rwanda, in Cyizihira, dans la suite elle admise! It is often she herself who welcomes individual pilgrims and assists them in anything they need refers... A heavenly voice calling out to her Mother asking permission to come home commotion, but they could not the!, Yasmin Mwanza and Pepter Lunkuse in rehearsals for Our Lady conducted Alphonsine and Anathalie on May,. Dafrique de lOuest she received the religious habit at the Humanistic school of Kibeho produced! And Anathalie on May 15, 1982, a bloody massacre unfolded was. Or electricity ; Alphonsine was born on March 21st, 1965, Alphonsine Mumureke and Claire had... The horror of what happened Blessed Virgin Mary allegedly revealed to the of.