Charlie, his shirt and hands now bloodied, was clearly engrossed in doctoring Joe that it took a moment for him to realize that Adam was beside him.Adam, we couldnt get a good look at the guys. Little Joe didnt even have to ask. Crimson blood began streaming down the side of his face. But the only problem is that it's not. I got it Pa. Adam didnt even raise his head nor did he make eye contact. Ben finished collecting the papers, began to neatly place them into his saddlebags and slowly rose from his chair. Hours had passed and every minute still counted. You and that no good father of yours killed her!. Come on Joe this is nonsense and you have a lot of work to do.. He began to tremble. Little Joe snapped himself out of his man-made fog and dragged his feet slowly back over to the chopping block. Pa, there was so much blood, he began. David slung his arm around his sons broad shoulder. B. Brigitte Rau. What happened? Adam looked directly at Joe. My mother. I promise, well get whoever did this to you and save mama. A tear slipped out and fell down the side of his face, recalling just how hed treated Joe yesterday and what hed said. He held out his hands in front of him, slowly glanced down and became entranced with what he saw. Why? Little Joe knew he had to do something.anything, but what? Then he grabbed my arm, and wanted me to promise, he needed me to promise to save herher body and then he collapsed into my arms. He imitated the position in which hed held his baby brother. It was short lived though. You fool kid! Besides, he hadnt seen Seth in awhile and was hoping to find out if he was going to the dance next Friday night. Dadburnit, he mumbled to himself, as he meandered over toward the window. As she rose from the rocker she noticed Ben leaning against the wall by Joes bed, I love you so much Marie! He walked over, kissed her and then watched as she gently lay the boy down in his bed. Bonanza Boomers. A slight grim formed. He was even able to walk past the place on the floor where hed lain where his mothers picture had fallen when the intruders had invaded his home and changed his life.he could see it now without losing his breath and reliving it all over again in his head. Come on son.. Seeing both the excitement and sadness in his son, David Debois was more determined now than ever to bring Marie home. Ahhh!. Silent screams were locked in Joes head as monstrous shadows surrounded him. Joe Francis. Hurts.., Joe cried softly, pulling Adams attention again. Go and get some cold water quick, and towels please. The panicked expression on his face said it all. The rocker that gave Joe vague memories of falling asleep in his mothers arms. Sudden fear built up within Joe as his body began to tense. His full attention on Joe, Adam paid no notice to his pa and Hoss. Adam? Ben hurried through the door followed by Hoss. My.Ma-ma!. Thats it buddy. He knelt down by the side of the bed. Dont get up. He needed to talk. Oh, and Hoss and I will be back in a few days.. Hoss, hot on his heels slammed right into him. Age verification is mandatory to read all stories marked as . He simultaneously drew his gun and kicked Cochise to a full gallop. It was going to be a long and bumpy road, and this was just the beginning. ! Little Joe weakly screamed. Note: This is my first story. Son, you never think something like this can nor will happen to someone so close to yousomeone you love. Bens eyes filled with tears as he remembered Marie. AHHHHHH! Joe wailed as fire immediately erupted at the site of his injury. Think JoeThink. She. Have you seen them before? He was very careful with his tone as it was very clear that he now had two sons who needed his help. He hastily gathered up the wood and filled the bin near the front door. He imagined pa must have come and gone several times without once disturbing Adams sleep. A few stray rays of light filtered through the branches and began to warm the ground where Joe stood. I dont want a shirt or nightshirt on him just yet. Ben trusted the doc as he has been to his house many times. Just listen to them complaining," Deborah said, smiling, as tears . Oww!. I realize now that I have to I should have been there as your brother and not as a parent. Joe, its meIm here Joe. Adam was quick to collect himself and tend to his little brother ,however, there was no response. Natures own silence encircled Joe and he allowed his mind to drift into dark places. Hed started discretely asking around to find out where shed gone. "episode," is set probably somewhere in between seasons eight and nine of Bonanza. Joes fingers remained limp. Little Joe, come on. He bit his lower lip as his nostrils flared, while a single tear fell from his eye. They flew right past us, but I can tell you this, they were some pretty hefty guys, he said as he tossed away a soiled, bloody towel while Hank painstakingly pulled the visible small pieces of glass from Joes back, simultaneously holding a towel to his wounded shoulder. Please, forgive me. One fully painted with blood, while the other only the tips. But you and your pa stole all that from us, and you will pay! Rage was etched into the mans face. Nooo! No one talks about his family like that and gets away with it. Lots of drama and trauma for our handsome Joe. Thanks doc.. Joe tried to pull away, however, between his crippled body and the clump of hair within Davids grip, it was a battle he could not win. Resting. Adam set the cloth back into the basin and gave them his attention.He keeps saying my mama. It doesnt make sense.. What do you want? Grasping the mans thick arms, Joe tried to break free, but found it difficult without having leverage on the ground. First of all, poor Hop Sing had a family emergency while Pa and Hoss had gone to Carson City on business. Little Joe eat breakfast. Slightly hunched he shuffled into the room. You dont even deserve to look like her! With that he once again whipped out his knife from its sheath, grabbed a handful of Joes hair and yanked his head backward and to the side. With both hands, the brute of a man nearly lifted him clearly off the ground, where his sandwich now lay. A slight smile ran across Charlies face. He saw wet crimson sheets covering his baby brother. Let me go! Just look at you boy, you cant even defend yourself, youre so frail, and pathetic. Word about his interest had eventually reached Maries mother-in-law and shed arranged a meeting with David, freely supplying him every detail he needed to find her. the blood that had surrounded her head while she lie on the ground, so still. A tiny smile appeared while he visualized his mother sitting in the rocker. How can I leave him? A mostly cannon, Adam doesn't leave, fix it for Adam's bad luck with relationships. The mans claws tightened their grip. I love you Adam. He slipped off to sleep. Um, well Im his son. Okay, Im done. The doc cleaned up his mess and tools. and an emotional Adam. I knew he wanted to stay and help his brother, but Joe was bad Ben. His mother? What the hell are they talking about? Nor did you let Hoss or I down. So much blood, pa, and I didnt know what to do. Tears began to roll down his cheek as he stared at Ben. How do they look doc? Ben was eager to find out as he held his sons hand. Dont make me laugh., Hi, Joe. Doc Martin jumped in. Martin began . Why? Oh Joe. Not. Shes my mother, Adam. PaHoss. When the door opened, Adam glanced up to see pa and Hoss walk into the room. Just look what happened. Easy Joe, breath slow. Adam coached him. Ben had insisted on buying Marie the finest dress. Take it easy son.. He staggered as he bent over Joe, who now lay in agony and bleeding from his side as well as his shoulder. 14 year old Joe Cartwright was just trying to do something nice for a friend. Oh, Paul! Hey, brother., Hey to you. He smiled back. There was no immediate response, so Ben called to him again. Dubois wiped the bloodstained blade onto Joes already soiled shirt and placed it back in its sheath. Its Adam.. Bens reminiscing came to an abrupt end when Adam bolted upright from his chair, knocking it over as he hurried toward the door. Was Adam really mad at him, or was there just more going on with Adam that he wasnt talking about? Ad-am hurts?. Oh, my God Joe!Adam squeezed himself onto the bed next to Joe, and pulled him close to allow his little brothers head to rest on his chest. He was now experiencing excruciating pain in his left shoulder, and could only guess the severity of his injury. Do you know when the last time I had brandy was? Dubois shook his head and clenched his fists as anger spread across his face. Maybe Seth decided to come and see me.. A-AdamHurtsHelp me! He cried as he slightly began to thrash around in the bed. Son dont blame yourself. Adam was about to get up when the doc held up his hand. Adam help me please! He was weak so weak. They had been so busy on the ranch lately, and all Joe had been doing was fooling around. Over the next couple of weeks the Cartwrights were still bewildered about Little Joes refusal to talk about his terrorizing nightmares, however, they were there for him in case he wanted to open up. Ben glanced over at Hoss, and with raised eyebrows answered. , That monkey pick your French quarter mother gave you.. Come on, Dax. He wanted revenge to whoever did this to Little Joe. He was hurt but there was no blood so he was good to go. You never appreciated her. A careless mess. Dubois wife died when his boy was young and he was going to ask Marie to marry him, knowing that his son needed a mother. He glanced over at Little Joe and took in a deep breath before continuing. Lets see what we have here. Doc Martin quickly checked Joe over. JoeLittle Joe. Adam attempted again. Ahhhh! Joe cried out as his now beaten body had all but given up. It was a chore for Joe just to try to catch his breath. He needs me. No part of these publications may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any . Although he fully understood that the fewer setbacks Little Joe had hopefully the quicker he would healemotionally. She was still here. Moments later, Doc Martin was at Joes bedroom door. Do you think Im blind and deaf? Little Joe clutched his side, as his contracting muscles began pulling on his abdomen and chest, making it harder to breath. How can one kid get into so much trouble in so little time? Ma-ma, ma-ma, mama. The three of them then replaced the top sheet only, for it was too dangerous to move Joe and change the bottom one. I would like to thank my beta reader, freyakendra. You dont deserve to look like her. Yes sir. Hoss exited the room just as quickly as hed entered. You are going to tell me just where Marie is buried!, NooooNever! Little Joe was delayed in answering as excruciating pain now radiated throughout his whole body. I dont know, but it doesnt look good. He said pointing at the house, The three men abruptly halted their horses, quickly dismounted, tied them to the hitching post and ran through the open door. Joseph, whats wrong? his father asked seeing that same expression again. Love At First Sight. This was Joes first clue to try to high tail it back into the house, close the door and grab his gun, however, before he knew it, he was violently yanked backward and quickly swung around, facing his attacker once again. He grabbed the decanter on the table beside him and guzzled some of Bens fine brandy before walking slowly over to the burning fireplace where he began pacing. Was he really mad at Adam? Little Joe knew he had to tell someone about the nightmares that had been plaguing him and how he had come to realize how it was affecting his relationship with his family. His heart was pounding now, echoing through his head while tears escaped from his eyes. Who are you? If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). When your mother died, I told you all about Marie and her stories, Remember? With a gentle hand David forced Dax to look at him, Remember how I told you she was going to be the one to read you the bedtime stories to make your nightmares go away? Youre safe and youre gonna be fine. Answer me boy! A few tears leaked out as he continued, while looking Adam in the eye. Hey! he hollered back at them. Easy Joe., At a snails pace, Joe turned his head, showing his joyless face to his brother. Hes just a kid brother. Slow Joe, slow. Adam was always the best coach for this. Everyone just calls me Little Joe The words came out of his mouth quicker than he could shut it as he immediately began to notice an anger building up in the rugged visitor. Come on, I need you to stay awake. He was doing the best he could with what he had. With a tremendous heave, Joe struggled to his knees, ready to attack the bully who now towered over him, but Dax gave him a hard swift jab to the stomach adding pain on top of pain to his already bruised ribs, and Joe to collapse back onto the floor. What an ordeal for Joe to suffer through. It seemed hours had passed before the three men had Joe bundled up in towels and blankets. Shirley Monroe. It was obvious how they all were affected and how they all knew they had once again come together as a family, to not only help Little Joe but each other deal with what had happened. Slow your breathing, Joe. He could hear Adams voice. Joe shrank away from the horrific smell of the mans breath . Im here, Joe. He took a wet towel and wiped his brothers sweaty forehead. Open it.. Not you and that scrawny body of yours. Hopefully Pa got the telegraph and will be here soon. Pa? he repeated as a tear slipped out. Why am I wet? he thought feeling a bit disoriented. Was Was? It just makes me wonder just how ready is he to be left alone to take care of the ranch. He stopped and glanced back at his father. For that, I am sorry. His heavy eyelids finally closed and although his heart was in the right place, realized here is where The end didnt justify the means. . No, an image like that will forever be branded in Joes mind. See, I told Pa not to leave him alone. Its your Pa. He placed the palm of his hand over the young mans forehead and shocked at just how hot he was. It was still thereshe was still there, untouched. He was finding understanding and forgiveness, the forgiveness he needed for himself, for the only way for him to eventually help Joe was to help himself first. Crying on someones shoulder? He really didnt know where to start. I saw Jimmy on the road, riding like the devil himself was on his tail. He continued to wipe the wound on his brothers face, though it wasnt nearly as bad as the others. Dax seemed oblivious. Adam Hurts. Joe closed his eyes and sat almost motionless, straining his ears in an attempt to listen to their plans. Required fields are marked *. Joe, come on look at me.. He should have been getting better by now as Doc Martin had said, however, just the opposite had been happening. Martin will be here shortly. There we are. He finished. That's what big brothers do for little ones." "Thanks Pa," Little Joe grinned, "I told ya I still like that little guy even if he tried to beat the stuffing . Follow/Fav The Bride from Baltimore. Adams chest was still a replacement pillow for Joe as his arms carefully supported his younger brother. Hoss, can you walk the doc out?. Youll be alright Joe I promise nothing will happen to mama, and I promise we will get these no good. Come to think of it, Adams attitude toward him had changed quite a bit in the past month, and this confused Joe. Why couldnt I give you a chance like you deserve. I felt bad I had to leave him last night, however, there wasnt anything more I could do and he was resting comfortably. Panic suddenly filled Charlies veins looking toward the open door at the Cartwright house. I need to go with the Sheriff, too. The inner voices within his head continued to persistently whisper, giving him an intense headache. Deserve to look like.. my mother, and that is when he did this. Joe pointed to his face, he hung his head, and could no longer hold it in. Shhh! He tried to run, but he couldnt move. It was neither the time nor the place for Adam to be drifting off worrying about this. It wasnt the most comfortable position, but he was tired. Long, ragged nails scrapped Joes chest while tiny shards of glass dug into from his back. I cant let them take mama, I cant! Please, I need you! He squeezed his eyes closed as he begged for his older brothers return. That means youve got part of the responsibility of running this ranch, same as Pa and Hoss and me.. It pains me to see you like this. Adam curled his fingers and stroked Little Joes cheek. Shhhh, your gonna be okay son. Ben tried desperately to calm the agitated young man. Adam and Ben scanned the room only to find Hoss sitting in the wing back chair by the window. You must eat.. They said it was his fault, too.. Grungy ole ripped jeans paired with a solid red button-down shirt covered with dirt. Run. He froze when he heard Dax cry out, Ma . No,No Noooo, Noooo! Though She Be But Little (by mcfair_58) - Bonanza Brand - Fanfiction Library. Is Joe alright?. Sure. The question threw him slightly off, but so had everything else these past few weeks. It seems this kid is a bit confused and we have to help him., Joe glanced down at the shattered, broken pieces of glass that now surround him. As for the mental standpoint, it was no doubt the untimely death of Marie. Pa, where is the medicine the doc left? Adam shot Ben a worried look. JoeSon. Ben was the first to respond and gently tried to rouse the young trouble man. He told us that they were from New Orleans and why he came here. Adam noticed the comfort and ease he was giving little Joe just by taking control of the conversation. Nope, not today as nature couldnt have painted a more picture-perfect day. Ride fast now. Familiar voices. What was he so afraid of? YouYour speaking again. Tears welled up in his eyes. Love all adam/Joe hurt stories. I am leaving Joes medicine here with the instructions. He had even delivered Joe. His eyes focused though on what was right there, foremost in front of him, his mothers gravestone. My ma-ma. Squirming, Joe cried out once again. No sensible person would dig up someones grave Right? Using his right arm, Joe managed to prop himself up and leaned back against the desk. Was he awake or was he dreaming? Ben was slouched back in the chair near the window while early morning rain began tapping at the pane. Stories written by fans of the TV series Bonanza. The last time Adam was this upset was when Marie died, just as Doc. But Adams mind briefly played tricks on him for he saw straight through the dressings and was visualizing blood.lots of blood. Besides, this is actually a good opportunity for your younger brother to prove himself as you should not be gone long. Walking towards the steps he finished with, I think we both need to get to bed as we have an early start. I didnt let them take you. He then painstaking rested his head against her headstone, expelling all of his emotions. Please hurry. Im cold, Adam so cold. There wasnt a place on his body that didnt hurt. He smacks her rear causing her to bolt out the barn door, Joe falls down in pain. Ive got it. Between the two of them, they were able to carefully restrain Joe while giving him his medicine. Over the next month Joes healing, both physically and mentally, although slow was progressing, as was his relationship with the family. A Reset font size. Easy Joe. He once again was interrupted. Adam please hurry home.. He, Adam Cartwrightthe man, Adam Cartwright, had a responsibility, for now it was up to him to take Pas place and take control of the situation at hand. Your email address will not be published. Pa. Howshould he begin? That makes no sense, Why would someone want a dead body? The possible realization of what Joe was telling him puzzled him. Its still playtime with that body. He laughed. Now go.. Ben, I have never seen such huge men. He glanced over his shoulder at Hoss. Never! Joe was not going to give him the satisfaction and show him just how frightened he was . Youre doing real good son, Ben told him. Hoss stood in the doorway feeling helpless as they all felt it better he stay the back for now. You dont deserve to look like her. No, stay put Adam. His wounded body now drenched with sweat was soaking the covers. No, its kinda late for visitors. Ben replied. He and his son are from New Orleans. He had no knowledge of Little Joe until Joe told them who he was. Adam, Charlie told me you were there for Joe when he needed you, and then you did exactly what you had to do. He continued to lead them astray. Shhhhh. He knew it was true, but, Little Joe would never knowingly treat Hoss that way. Son you need to rest. Great tale and especially for your first one. Joe was still not well enough for a gunbelt. Im here for ya Little Joe. A tear slipped down his heavy-hearted face. Pa what do you think is going on? Hoss asked. Hurts. His breathing was becoming rapid. Ben sat next to Little Joe cooling his now sweaty head with a damp cloth. What do ya got there son?. Ben dragged a chair over and placed it at the end of the bed. It's clear that the 15 year old has been hurt in many ways. Why? For this reason he became confused as to why Adams behavior had changed drastically over these last months. Sparks fly, drama ensues. He kept reminding himself, that day would come. He slowly drew up his legs. Even now, all these years later, the scene was so vivid every time he played it back in his mind. How ya feeling?, Wanna race? They all chuckled. It's clear that the 15 year old has been hurt in many ways. His son hasnt spoken since his biological mother died of pneumonia, when he was just eight years old. Shhhh! And just how, with these two giants in his home? I..I..Im seventeen. Joe was struggling to keep his toes touching the ground. They had kept Dax home and tried to teach him what they could, however,when his wife died, Dax was devastated and stopped communicating. Adam. After taking some choppy, deep breaths, Little Joe closed his eyes. Stories written by fans of the TV series Bonanza. Ad-am! Im here Joe, Yes, the voice he had been searching for since his nightmare began. Joe, that is when I realized I had gone too far. Holy smokes that was a lot of Joe angst! Ben walked back to his chair beside Joes bed. I might be able to answer that question.. Bonanza-Legacy. He remembered the time when Adam had come came his bed after his mother died to sleep with him to keep the nightmares away. Who are these people? He wasnt complaining to any particular person, he was just confusedand hurt, truth be told.He would never hurt Little Joe. Hoss, you cant take this personally. He tried to make eye contact but failed. The most beautiful dress for my beautiful wife.. Due to subject matter, the few stories that are listed as only available via e:mail from the author will still not be accessible even with answering Age Gate. French quarter mother. Forget about us being kin? Bonanza ~ Joe calls to Hoss before collapsing 11,020 views Dec 17, 2017 82 Dislike Share Save Jessica MacLellan 387 subscribers A clip taken from Season 7: All Ye His Saints. Youre safe, Joe.. I have to go check on Jenny and the baby., Ben, when Adam comes home he can fill you in. Doc. The sheriff needs your help, now.. Now, however, he looked to be in another world. Here with your family. He bit his lower lip as the tears slipped out. Adam interrupted him. Your gonna be alright. The strangers so-called boy looked more like an ape sitting atop what seemed to be a draft horse. He grabs the broom and limps outside. fine. Im trying to hold on, Adam. The mans massive body began to tense up, blood began to flow and Joe could detect the redness forming around his scruff of a beard. Im afraid the wound on his face might leave a scar, but its near his hairline so hopefully it wont be that noticeable. His heart began to race, while he stared right past Ben seated there next to the bed. Father and son kept a vigil until Little Joe finally settled. He was not one to run away from danger or problems, but this one was gnawing at him, confusing him. Yup, and youre stuck with us. Hoss grinned. Adam, stop! Ben had a pretty good idea of his oldest boys intentions, however, needed to confirm his suspicions. His breathing got worse, as did the pain. He knew Adam was his only hope, for Pa and Hoss would be away for a few days. Peering out the open window, Joe let the book fall onto his chest as a slight warm breeze brushed his face. He couldnt even remember seeing Adam cry before. Pa? Joe was drenched in sweat and his legs were tangled in the sheets. Not his. The cloud burst as streams of tears lined his cheeks. Hoss and I will go get something to eat and change. Hoss and I were without a mother for too long and when Marie came along it was like she was our own mother and she took us under her gentle wing without question. Dont you understand that? He sucked in a deep breath as he raked his fingers through his sweaty black hair. Ben carefully slid out of the bed. Good. His nostrils flared while trying to fight back the tears. Pictures To Draw. are the property of their respective owners. Ben was quick to check by placing the palm of his hand on his youngest sons forehead. I just dont know, but what I do know is that I made a mistake, a mistake I intend to fixas your brother. A small tear slipped out. Little Joe suddenly froze. Notes: Posting for Bonanza finally! Like a staggering drunk, Joe found it difficult to find his footing. It hurt Hoss so damn much to see his little brother like this. Im sorry as I know it is a bit late, but I was in the area. He shook Bens hand then set his medical bag down on the night stand and proceeded to pull out his stethoscope. Back into the basin and gave them his attention.He keeps saying my mama for... Raise his head nor did he make eye contact sense, why would want! The horrific smell of the bed but, Little Joe would never knowingly Hoss. Make eye contact his left shoulder, and all Joe had been so on. Ben had insisted on buying Marie the finest dress on what was right there, untouched son hasnt spoken his... That way tear slipped out and her stories, Remember his head to... The young trouble man of Little Joe until Joe told them who was... Complaining to any particular person, he hadnt seen Seth in awhile and was visualizing blood.lots of.. Talks about his family like that will forever be branded in Joes head as monstrous shadows surrounded him makes... 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