In the car driving to a theatre on Broadway, Yukiko is trying to rush to the theatre, so she wants to make a turn at a high speed. Leaving the pair disappointed. When the Osakan male confront the culprit, he was missing a single piece of the evidence. Dicen que toda m Valentine's day, yay, why can't it just go away and stop reminding Ran of how utterly single she is. ^^ As well as KaiShin. , !" However, the 'guy' would later turn out to be a 'girl'. Ran types a message to Shinichi asking him to come home quickly. Conan/shinichi birthday Ran sits on a swing with a daisy, pulling petals in the classic 'he loves me, he loves me not' manner. Ran comes to Shinichi's aid when the latter is hounded by the police, at one point she holds his hand to do so. He tells her to calm down, prompting Ran to demand. Kogoro mentions that Ran seems to have a crush on "good for nothing detective brat", meaning Shinichi. Conan is surprised, and later plays the violin alone in his house's study, trying to figure out what the distinctive mannerism is. Ran shows Conan her dress and asks whether it looks weird. Because of the light, Subaru/Akai (FBI) was able to shoot the sniper's hand. Sonoko then teases that because of that incident, Shinichi and Ran almost kissed. Then, Shinichi picked up the phone with a nervous voice and it turns that Kogoro called him through Ran's phone since Ran was shy and couldn't work up the courage to call Shinichi. Conan disarms and seemingly knocks out the culprit with a kicked soda can. Together, they fly off on the magic skateboard toward the moon. The best kind of family is dysfunctionally lovable and that family's group-chat should mirror such behavior to it's fullest. A series of interrelated perspectives in an AU where the people around Conan are not what they seem. Ran brings some food for Shinichi so he won't get so caught up in the case he'll forget to eat. After Ran catches up to an impatient Shinichi on the streets, they walk together and talk. Then with a smile, Megure replied, "He's returned." Ran reveal to always hung a teruterubozu for Shinchi very important soccer games. Conan, blushing and shocked, thinks to himself "That short?". The Defiants Face the Dark Demon, Episode 390-391: Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 6, Episodes 401-402: A Jewel Thief Caught Red-Handed, Episodes 406-408: Conan and Heiji's Deduction Magic, Episode 411: The Shinto Shrine Torii's Surprising Code (Part 1), Episode 429: Two People Who Can't Return (Part 1), Episode 449: Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story - Fake Wedding, Episode 473: Shinichi Kudo's Childhood Adventure, Episode 479: Three Days With Heiji Hattori, Episode 490: Heiji Hattori vs. Shinichi Kudo: Deduction battle on the Ski Slope, Episode 507-508: The Blind Spot in the Karaoke Box (Part 2), Episode 511: Deduction Showdown! For her, there's nothing exciting besides uncovering the mysteries and cases. After Heiji explains that the "Detective Koushien" competition will need the "Detective of the East" aka Shinichi Kudo, Ran thinks of him and blushes. (only manga). I promise I'll find you. Conan blushes on seeing Ran in a designer western-wear and remarks that the dress suits her very well. Hope you enjoy the trash and cringe in this hahaha. The message was sent to Shinichi's phone (Conan's other phone), this supprised Ran since she was sure Conan's phone would receive the mail. Ran worriedly asks him if he's okay and that she can go get him some cold medicine but Shinichi snaps at her to stay away from him. Completed. After the case is resolved, Shinichi tells Ran the reason why he came to save her, when she was chasing the criminal: The pair try for another kiss, but are interrupted by the bickering of Kogoro and Eri. Shinichi and Ran have dinner at Eri's apartment. Conan looks her with a surprised face. Conan recalls that Ran isn't too good with directions and remembers their Tropical Land date where Ran almost lost. No, Shinichi had to stay awake, at least until he cleaned the wound up and properly assessed it. Ran collapses onto her bed in a fit of giggles and giddiness. SHOCKING- the KID Killer's true identity revealed! a bunch of those pills so that he can grow larger for Ran). You are an average high school girl; shy, secretive, and highly intelligent. However, Conan is able to quickly free himself and then use the, When the culprit is identified he grabs the still-unrecovered Ran as a hostage and orders Conan to bring him Inspector, When the assassin Scorpion attempts to kill Ran, Conan yells Ran's name (without Conan's, After the events in the castle, Ran confronts Conan over whether he is Shinichi. Sonoko then says, "That Ran, she already has Shinichi!" Afterwards Conan blushed. Ran blushes when she heard the news, even though she tells Sonoko she does not care if he was in the plane or not. Heiji and Kazuha are very supportive of their relationship, Kazuha encourages Ran to confess, and Heiji teases Conan. After the police and Kogoro rescue them, Conan asks how Ran knew he didn't really have a tank. He had not seen those two together which left him worried because he thought Ran and Shinichi had gotten into a fight. Sure, its not her 7-year-old and 17-year-old faces appearing side by side in the report, with the headline Great Detective of the East is the KID Killer? The Defiants Face the Dark Demon, Volume 44: Files 450-452/Episode 390-391: Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 6, Volume 44: File 483/Episode 400: Ran's Suspicions, Volume 47:Files 484-486/Episodes 401-402: A Jewel Thief Caught Red-Handed, Volume 47:Files 487-490/Episodes 406-408: Conan and Heiji's Deduction Magic, TV Original/Episode 409: The Simultaneous Stage Advance and Kidnapping (Part 1), Volume 48: Files 491-493/Episode 411: The Shinto Shrine Torii's Surprising Code (Part 1). When it turns out to be her only meeting Sonoko and Sera, they decide to leave. (Fan fic Valentine's day, yay, why can't it just go away and stop reminding Ran of how utterly single she is. Conan with a worried, thinking about Ran being kidnapped by mysterious guy and then said to himself "Ran, why didn't you call us? When they arrive at the tennis court, the rain suddenly pours down. Conan thinks to himself that although he could easily end the case, one thing that he could not end is the brimming tears of this tender detective. After meeting with Heiji, Heiji guessed that Conan was paying too much attention to Ran until he sprained his ankle which Conan denies in embarrassment, even though it's the truth. (AU). But what if that flower had been waiting to be picked? Ran turns to see Conan and happily goes to meet him. At one point in the case, Shinichi holds Ran by the hand. Conan tells his parents he has other reasons he can't leave Beika just yet. Treasure hunters kidnap Ran and Sonoko to help them reach some hidden treasure supposedly belonging to legendary pirates Anne Bonnie and Mary Read. Conan blushes as Ran holds his face. Several months later, Shinichi takes Ran to Tropical Land and gives her another phone strap as a present. Kogoro asks Shinichi to take care of Ran, with Shinichi telling him [Kogoro] in his mind that he knows. As shinichi realize that Haibara is more than a special partner, he feels empty inside because she is now nowhere in this world. However, when Ran first meets Conan (whom she's unaware is really Shinichi), she confesses that despite his flaws, she really likes Shinichiwhich causes him to blush and nearly confess his real identity despite his resolution to hide it. When Ran collapses after the case is solved, Conan goes into a panic-stricken condition. He keeps giving Ran loving looks as he asks his favor and before the elevator closes. He knows it's wrong, but he really can't help it. Conan picks up the box of chocolates himself and sees "Shinichi" on the card. ", adding later. Ran, red in the face, manages to say, "Su-" before she changes the word to "Su-baru-san" and Sonoko and Conan are both surprised. And Conan, no, Shinichi, knew that. The Moment the Black Organization Reaches Out! Ran offers an umbrella to Shinichi, and grabs his hand, as well as telling him to come inside from the rain. Ran and Conan recall the time Shinichi and Ran visited a nearby lake after playing tennis together. After the case is over , Ran and Conan are heading home where they see Sato and Eri receiving White Day gifts. She blushes and denies Ray's question of whether Shinichi is her boyfriend, but Conan, who sees the exchange, blushes anyway at the realization that she remembered Ray was Shinichi's favorite soccer player. As he was going to accept Ran's offer, Ran already decided not to go. Not long after, finally a dark and empty street materialized itself in front of him. Despite that, he has some good points. He's saved only by the appearance of. It's been 2 years since the black organization got defeated, Ai has finally finished the antidote, yet she is nowhere to be found. Conan grudgingly let Wakasa-sensei guide him to his own desk and sat down. The hand is revealed to be Ran's, and she hugs it close to her chest, looking vulnerable and sad. Conan later finds Ai but discovers a h A drabble series of the Pairing Shinkai (not Kaishin) in which Shinichi didn't shrink because he didn't follow Gin and Vodka and Shinichi and Kaito are Childhood friends Kaiya Matsuki finds herself in the Detective Conan world! He is shocked at seeing the photo, but when Conan/Shinichi receives a call from Ran telling him to delete the mail he just received and Sonoko asks Shinichi not to delete it because it is her 'Special Sexy Shot' of Ran, Conan realises that the photo is actually of Ran, causing him a nose bleed. That's exactly why I can't do it!". Genta and Mitsuhiko told Conan that they saw a high school student walking home with Ran, so the jealous Conan calls Ran's cellphone to hear about it from her, and asked about the person Ran was walking with. I never want to see her cry anymore, even if it means I no longer exist in her heart. Ran and Conan are chasing after each other, Young Shinichi and Ran are looking at each other in the rain, Young Ran gave young Shinichi an umbrella, Ran is "secretly" looking at Shinichi in the rain, Shinichi is "secretly" looking at Ran in the rain (middle school). Sidebar: This is Shinichi Kudo's second case, the first one being on the plane to New York. Conan instantly turns red and thinks to himself that Ran looks very cute. Ran and Shinichi sit together at a bus stop. Also,because of ne Shinichi Kudo x Shiho Miyano One-shot story. A helicopter comes to provide an airlift, but an antenna prow hits them as they rise and Conan drops back to the ship. Ran is slightly disappointed, thinking to herself that it was only a kiss on the cheek. Haibara always teases Conan about how he cannot properly expresses his feelings, and about how much he likes Ran, and often makes cynical remarks about relationships not lasting, but will tease and say there are rare exceptions with a sly glance towards Conan. Ran was at one of the Lovers Beacon, which they called that because there is an old saying that if lovers were on the beacon they wont depart no matter what difficulty they face when she looked at the other beacon she saw Shinichi there. After Ran is trapped on the sinking cruiser, Conan has a feeling that he's in danger of losing something he can never get back. Cue montage of them looking through photos together, smiling at each other, sitting back to back, Ran handing post-it notes to Conan, making coffee for him, and when Kogoro turns in his sleep, they look at each other and laugh. Shinichi catches Ran when the plane bulks, with the former accidentally grabbing the latter's breast. Ran blushes and tells Conan that she wanted to know where Shinichi is. Ran lifts up the wrist cuffs holding her and Shinichi an admits she worries if their bond can hold on. Shinichi is trying to solve the case when he realises he cannot concentrate because he is too focused on thinking about Okita and Ran. Conan tried to protect Ran from Tokio Ebara tries to grope and flirt with Ran but didn't have his Power-Enhancing Kick Shoes and Satoru Maeda stops Ebara. After Scriptwriter, Kitaura, reveals that Ran would have to do a love scene if she is to be selected for the role, Conan (with Kogoro), tells Ran that she shouldn't take a role as an actress. Ran is happy that Shinichi decided to come on the trip, and Sonoko teasingly tells them now they can have their "honeymoon". He starts to think that he must be reading into it, but then gets upset again when he hears her saying that they might also see Shinichi there, feeling like an after-thought. Conan blushes and tries to stop Asami from telling Ran Shinichi's reply, by is stopped by Sonoko. Ran drags Conan into a mixed-gender hot springs bath, despite his embarrassed protestations and attempt to avoid it. The fortune tells her to stay just as she is to "capture the heart of her brilliant-minded man". Fearing the numerous crim Just what the title said Conan tries to move the car, but gets trapped himself and runs out of air. Conan "wakes" from the memory of how he shrank to see Ran smiling at him, holding his hand as they walk to her home from Agasa's, as in. At the end of the movie, Sera comments that only one man (referring to Shinichi) can snipe Ran's heart. Now he must revisit everything he thought he lost, and find a way to help another victim of the BO. At numerous openings Ran was shown to wear a white dress which white has been an auspicious color in Japan for much of its history. Ran leans against a wall in her room, talking with Shinichi on his cellphone. Perhaps out of fear of pushing others away or perhaps of others perceiving him in a way so delicate than how he wanted to be seen. Self-Indulgent With too thin wrists and a penchant for stumbling across murder, Shinichi wanted, but never spoke. He appears to be on the brink of confessing when another murder occurs elsewhere in the restaurant. Ran leaves for a mysterious meeting at a coffee shop early in the morningto Conan's deep suspicion, she tells him she's meeting Shinichi. Since there is also a big fat liar who's been hiding his identity from the person he likes for a long time anyways (referring to Shinichi and Ran)." Conan was blushing at Ran idol outfit she was borrowing to wear to help sell the Happy Seal toys. It was an emotional case. When Ran (wearing a swimming costume) asks Conan whether he is looking forward to seeing Sera in a swimsuit, Conan blushes and thinks that he is personally satisfied seeing only Ran in a revealing swimsuit. And they're not the only ones. And that reason, even though he doesn't say it aloud, is Ran. Heiji also thinks to himself with a blush that Shinichi ruined one of the beautiful places on his list he wished to take Kazuha to and to confess to her. Kudou Shinichi's famous celebrity cousin, Fujimine Shiori, visits Japan for a long-term vacation where she lives with a man who will turn out to be her late friend's ex A girl died trying to save a kid , but an unexpected twist happen and she was reborn in her favourite anime which is Detective Conan as Ran's twin sister so how she w ? During the Detective Boys' trip to a mountain forest, Conan receives a photo of a woman in a swimsuit from Sonoko. As Ran is going to treat his wound, Conan steps forward and heals Eisuke's wound with his saliva. Sonoko calls Ran from the plane advertising Jirokichi's upcoming Sunflowers exhibit to tell her Shinichi is in the plane. After seeing Ran's body (which is faked), Shinichi goes into a state of panic, trying to run to her body, but is held back by Sato and Takagi. Ran realized that the real reason why Shinichi ask her to make a name tag for him too is because he might've saw them earlier and he is trying to save her from further bullying. She snaps back at him, saying "Who said I wanted to see you" while blushing. Pairing : Kudou Shinichi X Miyano Shiho This tag belongs to the Relationship Category. "Something like that. After hearing her real fortune, Ran easily takes care of her attacker. Ran blushes when Professor Agasa comments on how Shinichi has such a "considerate girlfriend". It's because he's not there with her, right? However, a still mad Ran turns her head, causing Shinichi to remember and cringe. Ran and Shinichi are spotlit amid darkness, walking sadly in opposite directions. Meanwhile, Conan already finds out the real culprit and went to Touto Stadium together with Prof. Agasa and the Detective Boys. Conan calls Ran from his voice changer through the earring cellphone. I want you to wait for me. Shinichi and Ran pose together in a park, but as the scene turns into a photo Shinichi turns into Conan standing beside Ran. Conan was blushing when Ran carried and hugged him against her chest. They have been friends and playmates since kindergarten. Coeur's owner told them that the two dogs were actually childhood friends in which, Ran wondered, "childhood friends, huh? At a party, Ran's palm is read; she is told that her marriage line is Y-shaped, which means she is not able to bond with Shinichi because of numerous obstacles. After Shinichi sneaks back into class one day, he glances at Ran and gives her the "V" sign for "Victory", telling her he has successfully solved the case. When Shinichi begins shrinking back to Conan, he painfully expresses his regret at not being able to tell Ran anything as himself. Conan smiles at her replies: A soda in Ran's backpack gets hit by a bullet and starts to fizz out, causing Conan to remember the events in the flashback above. When Ran answers the phone, she starts to cry from relief, and continues to look worried as Conan talks to her via his. It was an emotional case. It has been a while since the two of them were getting along. Ran is taken hostage by the "faceless culprit", but Conan frees her by kicking a soccer ball in the culprit's face. Kudou Shinichi | Edogawa Conan & Shounen Tantei-dan | Detective Boys, Hakuba Saguru & Kuroba Kaito | Kaitou Kid, agasa. Since his figure is not clearly visible due to the blackout, Ran thinks its Shinichi. A figure stood behind him shrouded in darkness. "I must admit I am impressed of how the name of Kudou Shinichi was abstracted into a new legend. Get out, Ran!" Sera informs Sonoko and Ran about the articles online suggesting that the Shinichi they saw during the trip was an illusion. The image of Shinichi and Conan on opposite sides of a mirror zooms out to reveal Ran illuminated only by the glowing mirror, which she clasps in her hands against her chest. Sonoko then tells her that she has to wear normal underwear since she doesn't have a choice. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Conan replies in his mind, "You dummy, We were together the entire time.". After the case is solved, the other boy approaches Ran and Conan as they sit on a bench. (in response to her previous message of asking if they are dating). Ran, who thinks Reika Shijo is a good person, hears about the extortion and seems disappointed, going into the kitchen with a sad look. Shinichi thinks to himself with a blush that he had gotten used to seeing Ran from below as Conan, and he had almost forgotten what it is like to see her up close. Cake that will make the tr Tc gi: Bnh Phm Ba Lan Cu If you find it as a couple, you'll marry or if you touch it, you'll fall in love. This causes Conan's face to turn red. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). He decides to sleep rather than keep staring at Ran's lips, but isn't sure he'll be able to. After waking up in a white room, Shinichi immediately goes to Ran to see if she's alright. He has to stay alive in order to solve this case. For starters, it would change the whole stay at Kogoro's, since Conan should control more how he behaves in order to not piss him off. After the case is solved, Ran accuses Shinichi of being somewhere close to her, yet still making her worry about him. But as *Completed* Conan remembers back how he sprained his ankle. Everyone will get together to face against Black Organization. They get mad as he reveals that Sonoko was the one telling him that Ran is probably hiding Shinichi. Ran grabs Shinichi's arm when volunteering them both to look after Sonoko. Conan privately thinks that if she ever learns his true identity, he's a dead man. After Kazuha mentions how much she enjoys seeing the triumphant smile and the gleam in Heiji's eye when he's solved a case, Ran admits that she, too, is happy every time she sees Shinichi's face looking like that. Mong mi ngi ng h *ci u*. If we die, we die together. Canonically, Shinichi nearly confessed to her during the Desperate Revival arc, where it was implied that if he hadn't been interrupted by a murder case and then reverting to Conan, he would have proposed. When news reporters gather in front of Teitan High School, Ran wonders what has happened. Ever after the three kids' meeting they've been inseparable Just a small storty I started any the bio Conan looks at Ran with a sad face because he left her in the last episode. Nakamichi and his friends then come up to the two, blushing, and ask how it was to kiss Shinichi. But not even wanting to she meets her childhood friends Kudo Shin'ichi, Mouri Ran and Suzuki Sonoko. Conan-Kun?" Be it alcoholic ex-policeman who did not exactly raise his daughter, peers that werent really peers, or cats. She actually picked up his charm in the last case they had together at the kendo tournament and Kogoro peeked inside, leading her to also see that Okita keeps a picture of a girl in his charm. He mentally complains about her contradictory behaviors and that he doesn't understand girls at all. do you think the two of them are going to pleasantly get along, Black Organization Takedown (Meitantei Conan), not a MAJOR plot point but it does come up, (they do want it they're just dumb sometimes), shinichi and kaito both get their fair share of panic as well, Kudou Shinichi | Edogawa Conan & Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko, Another Criminal Organisation other than the BO, no child knows how to create a professional website, Gosho doesn't know that because he's a boomer, This is more spontaneous than even most of my one shots. Thought you just had one, but you actually have two, which is uncommon. Ran and Conan are trapped high up in the bombed and burning hi-rise Tower A, forced to 'bungee jump' with a fire hose to the lower floors to reach safety. Young Ran admires young Shinichi as he practices juggling his soccer ball. He trips, and she catches him in her arms and then smiles toward where Shinichi had been, with Shinichi's face in the background. [8] Ran has nearly figured out that Conan is Shinichi several times in the series, but each time Conan manages to create an alibi that she'll accept, since Ran seems to prefer that Conan not be Shinichi. He makes a minor nuisance of himself trying to "protect" Ran from the attentions of the boy who invited her to the party. Lies will be revealed. Shinichi quickly claims he's not. I just thought it could be fun to write and read while blushing. While (M/n) has been partly deaf for most of his life, but that doesn't stop him from being a musician- and a detective on the side. Conan Edogawa is used to keeping secrets from the people closest to him. OR Conan goes red as he imagines sleeping in the middle of Kazuha and Ran, causing Heiji to say, "Oi, pervy kid!". Ran worriedly approached Sera to don't put Conan in any more harm whilst Conan worriedly looks at her too. When Genta is worried that Kobayashi-sensei will never know how she and Shiratori is destined to be together, Haibara says, "Well, isn't it fine that way? "Let's finish the play once and for all." he said. When she starts crying, he immediately cuts her, saying "Moron! Ran thinks about how Mana and Kuranosuke kissed at the Kiyomizu butai in "The Fighting Red Tengu" story and stares at Shinichi's lips. Alone, Ran asks Shinichi to find her, just like last time. Additionally Shinichi/Conan's parents have teased him on multiple occasions about his relationship with Ran. Conan accidentally becomes Shinichi on a case, and people find out who he is. After a while he sneezes and is found, but the party lets him join them. Coai/Shinshi Oneshots. Ran is able recognize Shinichi by only his hand and rushes to hug him, telling him how much she's missed him. 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