They are superior early on. The Ottomans are hard to take down the longer you leave them undisturbed. When you attack a mountain, or a fort, or -worse- a mountain fort, you have a good chance to be defeated. their armies are pretty much always superior to any other nations, even when massively outnumbered. The rest of Europe was functionally cowed because after the first war I could just keep fighting them over and over and over again without them putting up a huge response. Upgrade your centers of trade to turn Constantinople into a powerful trade node while developing your centers of trade. Make sure you are stable both in terms of unrest and economy and move your armies to Morocco. So their tech 12 infantry are the same pips as western tech 15, giving you parity, until tech 19 when you can edge ahead. Occupy all provinces except one. Just make sure you can control your allies, and that their armies aren't so small as to be wiped instantly by the Ottoman hordes. I wasn't attacked even once during my sieges and once I scored 100% I liberated some countries and absorbed enough provinces to get me to around 100% over extension. So keep picking at small stacks. You can try and hunt down some Ottomans-unique achievements as well. . Not to mention their ability to tech like hell. Currently Spain. Keep that Navy under constant pressure. Soon enough, Ottoman Empire was just busy quelling rebellion rising in half the provinces and all I had to do was siege. As others have mentioned, you can beat quantity with quality. Uncover the secrets of Hidegpuszta in this classic survival horror, Remorse: The List. These vassals make up your siege troops. With both of them weakening, I swooped in and strengthened my position in the Balkan. Your situation might differ from mine, but I had to deal with a massive Timurids that united all of Persia. It's a bit cheesy though. If I put all of my allies into one battle (Me, France, Venice, Nogai, Genoa) then I might have a chance, but now I've had to dissolve the Venice alliance so I didn't get dragged into a war with just me and Venice. Hungary, Austria, Poland) for free. The Ottomans in 1444 are a regional power, in the process of securing control over Anatolia and the Balkans. Aside from forcing the Russians to take a long way around, your imperial heart will be safe, which works miracles for your prosperity. I usually like to set out goals. The Ottomans are in a precarious position because they need to essentially control two land masses that are not easily accessible. So it's 1638 and I'm planning to attack them before they keep blobbing land. All rights reserved. Destroy navy and beat up whatever army they dredge up. I am playing as Venice , Ironman, Beta 1.13 . The better player you are, the more attention you pay to all of this aspects. In around 225 hours of EU4 I have not once beaten the Ottomans, mind you. Let me know your thoughts in the comments! Cookie Notice its either that or biga), sinope, amasya. Itd give me a serious coalition I dont want to face yet. I smell a beefy QQ to their southeast, them declaring war would really shaft the Ottomans. Once you declared war on Tunis, expand Fezzan in the desert itself and take the powerful coastal provinces for yourself. And while it's faster than walking, it can still take like two years if you need to get your one main fleet back from the East Indies to Europe, which can be really annoying. Only having 49k is little. Really, it's all about planning your idea groups to maximize the quality of your army. Prussia and Commonwealth are capable of wiping out numerically superior Ottoman armies. There we have it the end of our EU4 guide, as we made the Ottomans easy! Hungary, Austria, Poland) for free. They dont grant permanent claims, so only do them when youre ready to attack Hungary once more. I'm around the same size as the Ottomans now. After finishing up Sicily and Morocco, you can cross the Strait of Gibraltar and siege Spain itself. A no CB to vassalize Byzantium, followed by a straightforward war with ottomans to reclaim Byzantium cores is a popular move. However, the coastal areas are likely up for grabs. You deal with their numbers by stackwiping their troops with quality and composition. Once youve successfully taken Samarkand, the one area you still need for the Caliphate is. Always check whether someone is willingly letting itself be annexed by you. Just take the province when you fight a war with the state that happens to own it, like Sindh or Gujarat. As any war would just be you and them vs the Ottoman. Of note, Ottomans actually lose lucky nation status in 1700. From your base in Morocco and Spain, it shouldnt be hard for you to break your alliance with France and declare war on them. Next, focus on supporting rebels and destabilizing them. how do you deal with ottomans when they take quantity ideas? Like my Burgundian Conquest run, where I was super rich and powerful, but my nation was not much bigger than France is at the start. and our The Mamluks control Egypt and Syria at the start of the game, but were historically conquered by the Ottomans in the 16th century. The Serbians, Bulgarians and Greeks can easily be swayed to revolt if you let the Ottomans drown in war exhaustion, keep them occupied, wait for the rebels to rise up, then sign a peace and let them deal with the problem. Ottomans should get . Valve Corporation. Afterward, you can focus on expanding your coastal possessions to gain more power in the Horn of Africa trade node. Don't let them. Luckily for you, the AI in Eu4 is incredibly stupid, so you'll likely only face a portion of their full military at first, and this is a wonderful time to stackwipe a third of their forces. Take forts. Ottomans tend to move a 50k stack alone , they move it without having some reinforcements nearby.So you can easily attack this 50k stack and maybe stack wipe it. East Africa is a great target. It's actually significantly easier to take the Ottomans down the later you go. The AI is really pretty terrible, even a mediocre player shouldn't have that much trouble beating them. As long as you own at least one occupation, Tunis will never be able to annex Fezzan, allowing you to vassalize it instead and use their cores against Tunis later. I've already taken aristocratic, espionage, humanist, quality, and expansion ideas. . Even if the Spanish took Ifni, you can take all the provinces in a single war. If your army has at least 20 Janissary regiments or over 20% of the army is Janissaries, and your stability is negative, you may be facing theJanissary Coupdisaster which hurts your technological advancements tremendously. Prevent their room for expansion, cut them off so rebels can take hold or other nations can try to expand, and declare war whenever the truce timer is up. I'm thinking No CB on Byzantium on day 1 -> vassalization of Byzantium -> Get PLC as an ally -> return all Byzantine cores is the most viable option now since otherwise their endless manpower just annihilates anything in their path midgame. I'd take Constantinople and Edirne so you have a land block of the Bosporus and the Ottos can't move their troops through. Late mid-game and late game their troops have become much worse though, and if you play western tech you can usually crush significantly larger Ottoman armies in that period. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. start again as france and take beter ideas and no CB byzantium early. disaster which hurts your technological advancements tremendously. You'll generally need a good amount of mercenaries. This war can be tricky, so it can be useful to curry favors with important allies that can distract the Spanish, like France, Russia, Britain, or even Bohemia, Scandinavia, or Naples. Ideally, you managed to cripple the Spanish armies trapped in Morocco, so the Spanish may not put up much of a fight. Then you peace out, take nothing and watch the rebels spawn. If he goes for other nations, it's just easier for you to carpet siege all the forts you want. Hit them early and try to divide their territory works great. Save up some of the power to reverse the stability effects and war exhaustion and just keep hitting them. They are inferior later on. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Continue building up your army as the force limit grows, but beware of your dependence on janissaries. The next time they declare war on them, I will also declare war. I took Tripoli, Jerba, Susa, and Tunis and gave everything south of that to Fezzan. Naval superiority would be a good idea if you can get it against the Ottos, to try and prevent the bosphorus and dardanelles crossing. How do I win a war against them? Who would win? A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. A mysterious list, a small Hungarian town, and unimaginable horror. It's probably a bit late now anyway, once I finish my first game I'm getting a couple of the DLCs and probably not playing as Lithuania again. Particularly as Poland/Commonwealth, which has a nice set of military national ideas. This campaign in EU4 is designed around a slower playstyle by myself, Chewy, and doing my best to explain the basics of EU4 while building upon them through actual gameplay. If this doesnt bring their disloyalty above 50, do so to make the annexation process easier. The guide also assumes that players know the basics of the game, such as constructing buildings, managing armies and finances, and conquering new territory. 43.9K subscribers Let's play Europa Universalis IV (EU4) as the Ottomans! Those penalties are insignificant compared to being able to remove them quickly. By doing so, youll deny the Russians a strategically useful area of operations, and protect your core land. form italy (maybe with milan first cause of the sweet ideias), go quantity offensive defensive. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. , that you get when youve conquered the southern coast of the Arabian Peninsula. This EU4 Ottomans Guide is currently for patch 1.33.3 and with all DLCs installed. The next war should be much easier. When youre already allied, youre giving that country a diplomatic relationship slot anyhow. Valve Corporation. Dont give them land though, thatd be a waste of your precious war score. and since my goals are quite small and achievable I usually. You wont gain cores on them, butDagestan is a province you will need to retake the Caliphate. Use them to take a lot of land for cheap, and use Russia to distract the Timurids in the north. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Don't just make it all Light Ships. Make sure to at least take Pest for the. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. This part of the guide may look completely different from mine. Play your cards right, and you'll be on your way to restoring the Caliphate. How else am I supposed to stop them if I can't use military force? I prefer to leave Ethiopia alone for most of the run, and simply conquer around them. Take as much land as you're willing to take. I have a good navy and army but I definitely can't beat them alone. The Otto's will refuse that peace deal, but suffer a stability hit. Europa Universalis 4 (EU4) Guide: Ottomans Made Easy Early Game, Europa Universalis 4 (EU4) Guide: Ottomans Made Easy Mid Game, 10 Europa Universalis 4 Beginner Tips for Empire Building, 9 Handy Europa Universalis 4 Cheats to Activate, Battle Crush: The New Multiplayer Battle Brawler by NCSOFT Set to Release in Late 2023, Remorse: The List 10 Xbox Keys Giveaway, 10 Games Releasing In March To Look Out For. This might not be as helpful as all the comments but I'll just post my observations: I've noticed ai Ottomans tends to overexert themselves near late game with nonstop wars. At this point, the war is won. Unfortunately not everyone is able to buy all of them. I'm not sure how much warscore triggers the call for peace, but I'd stay below 50% if you can. You can take small coastal ports when you peace out their allies to gain an early foothold. Ottomans declared war on me, me and austria had 32k troops in a mountain province, Ottomans attacked with 17k, absolutely destroyed us with their garbage general while we both had 3 star generals. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. Tbh, quality troops will usually win wars against the Ottomans. Purchase some mercenaries in Benghazi and siege down at least one of Fezzans provinces, like Sirt. Wait for them to declare on someone on the south side of the Bosporus and then get your fleet into the channel, declare war, occupy everything in the Balkans and win! It just depends on actually winning the first war. I personally wouldn't ally (all) big nations around the Ottoman. Late game their units really fall off and while they are numerous, they're squishy. The whole of the Bosporus should be your main target for conquest. Once youve successfully taken Samarkand, the one area you still need for the Caliphate is Thatta, in India. Did you find this guide helpful, or did you run into trouble anywhere? I just don't find it fun to always split my armies, siege a lot of provinces and then consolidate my forces. as soon as you can, since you need them to restore the Caliphate. To repeat some more basic info (so you wont have to hop pages all the time), this, We interrupt this guide for a brief section on damage control, From 1500 onwards, its time to fight anything, anywhere, all the time. Take all the provinces you need for the Caliphate to finally realize the unification of Islam. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. They will either leave you alone while they fight their war, at which point you can just focus on sieging down as many forts as you can, or they'll come straight to confront you, leaving themselves vulnerable in the other front (which means less area to call reinforcements from, income diminishes, war exhaustion goes up). . Make sure to take the cities ofAdenandMasqatas soon as you can, since you need them to restore the Caliphate. When you control these cities, you gain the permanent modifierCustodian of the Holy Cities. around 1510. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. To maximize your trade income, consider addingWealth of Nations to your DLC list! Spain will be the toughest nut youll have to crack in this entire campaign and kind of the final boss of this, The Ottomans historically had issues expanding into Persia. This has a simple reason: Spain. By giving them Mosul, I was able to vassalize them. . Decent generals, high morale and good army tradition can be of great help. The goal is that even when they move their capital into anatolia, they will not have direct land connections to their overseas provinces (hello 75% autonomy), and they won't be able to move across the strait over land without getting mil access from you. Oh Hungary, you and your developed land filled with claims which just so, unfortunately, sit right next to me. But other than that i think army management in Eu4 is nice. The Ottomans tend to be hard to beat around the mid game, when they build up their Jannisaries (sp?) The entire army of Tunis or 10k expensive boys? Europa Universalis IV starts on November 11th 1444, . The Ottomans tend to be hard to beat around the mid game, when they build up their Jannisaries (sp?) Who are your allies? After youve wreaked Havoc in Arabia, Africa, and Persia, its time to confront Spain. The longer you drag the war out the better. I'd recommend not getting too much warscore. JavaScript is disabled. I just needed to buy enough time to take Tunis/Crete out of the equation. If their manpower gets low and/or they're in multiple wars, the time might be right to pile on. Which, if any, DLC do you have? Especially if you got France on your side, the Spanish got a bigger fish to fry, so the heartland lies right open. Europa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations Release Trailer, In case this is where you enter the series, first of all welcome! Retake all of Transylvanias cores, including Maramaros, and take the provinces in the state of Alfld. If they have a weaker ally (Tunis is often good for this), DOW on them; this will drag Ottos in, but without the benefit of their powerful allies. If I recall right, Imperator Rome has a button to let the AI manage your armies: you can order to siege forts, provinces, defend territory, etc. Take at leastIfni, Malaga, Cordoba, Palermo,andMessinato Unify Islam. A country Im supposed to take over is allied with a bigger and stronger country. Congratulations on restoring the Caliphate! Getting the war goal and war score to go up, gives the chance for a good peace deal which makes them weaker and every following war with them easier. The only exception to this rule would be Russia and ONLY Russia, but that's cause of just the massive amount of troops they can put out, especially with quantity, allowing them to easily overrun the Ottomans in a war, though at a massive cost. Early to Mid-game, wait for them to go to ear with Mamluks - this typically exhausts their manpower and gives some time to move in and siege up territory before they can move their armies back from Egypt. You can also shoot forParisian Pasha. Press J to jump to the feed. I'm currently playing a commonwealth run and even dominating muscovy (they still exist but not really) and colonizing siberia, they have double the army/manpower size i do. However, always have an army ready in case you need it for war. What (military) ideas do you have? Make sure to take the cities of. After you dealt with the Mamluks, youre the only Great Power left in Arabia. Your situation might differ from mine, but I had to deal with a massive Timurids that united all of Persia. Its a lengthy process for sure, but use the guide as a reference point to guide yourself through the ages. Right. Ally other countries that have navies. Privacy Policy. I encountered some issues in my own run that couldve jeopardized the progress of this guide. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. What do I do? I also guaranteed the Moroccans, to prevent Spain from consolidating its foothold in the Meditteranean. However, prevent the Russians from getting any land south of the mountains by taking out any Georgian state that might still remain. This part is for those players who are trying to complete the Unify Islam mission, in which you unite all corners of the vast Islamic world under a single Caliphate once more. Just getting all of the arriving divisions to the front by rail is enough, not to mention everything else. After Military Tech 16 (I believe?) All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. I wanted to do this without wasting my manpower so I can finish off England, France and Poland right after. . Best time to hit them is in the first 50 years of the game, and the last 100 years of the game. Use them to take a lot of land for cheap, and use Russia to distract the Timurids in the north. Siege down the fort in Malaga before swarming over the Spanish mainland. Quite manageable. I was just bribed to stop being corrupt. You should aim to eradicate them by 1550. Your vassal may have some cores left in my case, Makuria had a core on Dongola, so use that and declare war. Genoa and Venice still hold on to some of our rightful territories. However, you might have other priorities, and Tunis gains wiggle room. This will often make them take the long way around the Black Sea in wars, slowing them down considerably. Through, ideas, you can make your country less prone to revolt and wealthier. . This war can be tricky since Hungary could have a high discipline. , but dont complete them just yet. Over the years, hes developed a similar passion for writing, which he mostly gains during his studies. Make sure to at least take Pest for theBibliotheca Corvinanagreat project. However, by the logic that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, I reached out to a powerful historical ally of the Ottomans France makes a perfect ally in this scenario. Next to me survival horror, Remorse: the list always have an army ready case! France on your side eu4 how to beat ottomans late game the coastal areas are likely up for.! 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