Convening in the impressive Citadel Tower, the Council is the ultimate authority in Citadel space, passing judgement for violations of Council law, settling disputes between governments, and maintaining law and order, often through the use of its own covert intelligence service, the Spectres. However, the Council doesn't want to send their fleet into the Attican Traverse, as this could trigger a war with the Terminus Systems. He hated her mate and was trying to kill her. Notable for the level of depth involved in depicting the effect that a GDI-led humanity would have on the galaxy. In response, the Salarians developed the Genophage, a weapon that was never meant to be used: it greatly increases the chances of Krogan women having miscarriages, thus thinning their numbers. Her entire life changes because of that one night.From finding out she's demons mate, whos pregnant with the first half-demon child to ridiculously dressed fairies showing up at her door, getting abducted by the guy with a spear, her life becomes an adventure she wished she never asked. Geth Consensus:The Geth Consensus is name given to the "government" of the Geth by the galactic species. If Shepard saved the old Council they recall the last time they didn't trust Shepard, however, and if not, the new Councilors reserve a bit more judgment on Shepard's claims. aRandomThought is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in . In due course, Shepard is then able to find the other Councilors and reveals Udina's treachery, though Udina tries to paint the Commander as a Cerberus agent. Initially the Council is reluctant to bow to the pressure from Ambassador Udina, but proof of Saren Arterius' treachery, and Saren's vendetta against humans, forced their hand. Turns out, Humanity is what they were looking for. The Council's most important peacekeeping force is the Citadel Fleet, which polices Citadel space and guards the Citadel itself. Though Shepard and Councilor Udina attempt to petition the Council for aid in retaking Earth, the Council races are more concerned with protecting their own borders. The turians inflicted a lethal blow using the salarian-developed genophage; without the ability to quickly replenish their forces, the krogan dwindled. Mass Effect had three full games to explore the dealings of these three leaders, and the players have tons of lore to dig through about the Council's past, present, and future. By: Mayto. After their top Spectre agent, Saren Arterius, reported the Alliance's illegal AI research on Sidon, the Council holographically confronted the first human ambassador, Anita Goyle, and announced they would impose heavy sanctions on the Alliance with regular reports from personal overseers. Any species granted an embassy on the Citadel is considered an associate member, bound by the accords of the Citadel Conventions. These races aren't part of the Council but they are considered a Council "member race," which provides political advantages but ties them to the Council's authority and laws. The Citadel Council was founded in 500 BCE by the asari and salarians, the first two races to independently discover the Citadel, believed to be a triumph of the lost Prothean civilization, at the hub of the mass relay network. Chancellor Stratton has given a speech from the Citadel, which has reached all corners of the Galaxy." Chancellor Stratton stood before a small collection of camera drones in a hanger aboard the Citadel. Goyle predicted their ulterior motives intending to curb humanity's rapid growth and expansion and managed to negotiate a better deal with a passionate speech about humanity's growth as a species. The turians provide the bulk of the military and peacekeeping forces. mechanical voice announcing when they activate. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Ancient humanity fics are welcomed too. Even, try TheProfArtBurger on This system is different from the Terran Coordinated Universal Time relied on by humans in that: As a result, a twenty-hour galactic standard day is 15.7% longer than a standard twenty-four hour Terran Coordinated Universal day, which means it lasts 27 hours, 46 minutes, and 40 seconds in Earth-based time. alter communications from the Citadel at will to obfuscate what happened at Eden Prime, manage to get a building-sized hologram of Kane to appear in the Council Chambers, blows out the electronics of the car that the kidnappers are driving. Meanwhile, one of Cerberus' top agents, Kai Leng, decloaks and attempts to assassinate the Councilor while the opportunity presents itself. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, (we explicitly possess part of the mechanism behind blood rage). deliberately, so that angry humans won't think clearly. Also, the company that developed the Werewolf rifle is, To quote Shepard: "Most little girls had dolls. This conflict persisted for a century, ending only after the Council made first contact with the turians, who agreed the krogan were a threat and declared war against them. I'm slightly unsure whether I should be doing this here, but here goes. I do apologise but I can't recall the names of the fics at the moment, think one was called the new face of war? The turians are bound to have figured out that this hostile invader species doesn't hale from the system they retaliated against, so they'll go looking for humanity and probably find us long before we get to Shanxi and sift through the wreckage for any tech we can reverse-engineer into our own FTL drives. Renegade Reinterpretations builds over a dozen chapters from a weak humanity to toward an extremely strong one. Shepard is implied to be one of these. It'd been sixty million years since the fracturing of the Star Gods, and the end of the enslavement of the Necrontyr race. The Council might be interested in "peace," but it's always on their terms. the Normandy's interior lighting is cold blue-gray and their haptic interfaces are blue instead of orange. Peace has been achieved between the United Human Empire and the Citadel Council, with Humanity securing its independence and place in this galaxy. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Over the next 500 years, the Council rapidly expanded outward from the Citadel, encountering several new races and incorporating them into the growing galactic community. Cookies help us deliver our services. Arvuna (Caleston Rift, Aysur System, Dranen), Bekenstein (Serpent Nebula, Boltzmann System), Eden Prime (Exodus Cluster, Utopia System), Proteus (Artemis Tau Cluster, Athens System), Sanctum (Sigurd's Cradle, Decoris System), Terra Nova (Exodus Cluster, Asgard System). During their investigations, they discover that the true purpose of the peace talks is to facilitate an assassination attempt on the Council by means of a deadly bio-weapon. And no, I'm not going to be any more specific than that. It seems risky to let only one race do most of the intel-gathering and reporting. When Osiris rescued Blue team from Cortana, they failed to realize that Cortana had one last Spartan to rely on. When Elodie receives the shocking news that she is no longer able to conceive a baby, she turns to Aubrey. Man off the Moon (Fate/Extra x Mass Effect), N7 SOLDIER (Mass Effect + Final Fantasy 7), Terminus Quest: A CKII Mass Effect Quest - Sci-Fi, Through a Temple (Deep Space Nine/Mass Effect), United we Stand Chapter 1, a Halo + Mass Effect Crossover fanfic | FanFiction, Monstrum Chapter 1, a Mass Effect + Witcher Crossover fanfic | FanFiction,,, Xover: Mass Effect: Records of an Irken Defective Ch 1, Invader Zim & Mass Effect | FanFiction, Xover: Predators: Variety of Prey Ch 1, Aliens/Predator & Mass Effect | FanFiction. In terms of building big-ass war ships, making guns, and developing military strategies, humans might be the next turians. It is indicated that this universe's Earth is set after the "good" ending to Tiberium Wars where the Liquid Tiberium Bomb was not used. The salarians gather intelligence and information. The Spectres are a group of specially trainedsoldiers that answer exclusively to the Citadel Council. only for it to be revealed they're ogling them the same way a tourist looks in awe at Stonehenge or the Pyramid of Giza. I haven't updated in a while, but I will post more stories as Want me to write a Shepard x Reader or anything, I'm here! This Councilor warns the Commander of Udina's treachery, having learned of it beforehand and that Udina was leading the rest of the Council into a trap laid by Cerberus assassins. Give someone else a proper chance. Zaeed's presence on the Citadel is apparently as a result of this. The Council is contacted by the batarian ambassador, Jath'Amon, with the intention of bringing about a reconciliation between the batarians and the Citadel races. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Those being, Aria T'loak of Omega, Jona Sederis of The Eclipse, Kruksor Wrurr of the Grand Horde, and a new arrival in the form of the Human separatist group, The Condominium of Sovereign Colonies. On a more serious note, whatever happened on Akuze. Batarian Hegemony:The Batarian Hegemony is the all-encompassing governing body of the Batarian race. . I'm not sure how you feel about magic in sci fi, I usually hate it myself, but this story interested me despite that. A soldier that will do anything she asks without hesitation. This is not necessarily something new, but I just realized something: One other thing that I think scares the galaxy about humans in Mass Effect is that, in just about every respect, humans are potentially the next iteration of what made every other major species famous or infamous - all at once. First world to be occupied by an Alien race. Its since become his favorite response to certain questions or comments. With over thirty exercises designed to help you reinvent your creative process from the inside out, this book will show you how to: Identify your biggest challenges and render them powerless Start a project that you loveand stick with it Design a structure for writing regularly Great motivational book for anyone dealing with writer's block or other writing obstacles. The most notable changes in this universe is the independent human empire that exist's as the second galactic super-power, in concert with the Citadel Council. At the end of each mission, Shepard has the opportunity to report back to the Council from the Normandy's comm room and discuss matters with them. Slow Burn. Focus: Games Mass Effect, Since: 02-10-15. Interestingly, this is pretty much the opposite of the System Alliance's doctrine, which emphasized flexibility and mobility. Underneath the Kytinn's swarm, D'Vorah was waiting, until a distinctive boy catches her eye. St Spartan VII's, top of the line armour, weapons, and training Meet "Ulz" Z-101, one of the first Rakshasa Class Spartan VII's. The first Mass Effect game is set in the human year 2183 CE, meaning that the Council has been around for 1683 years by the time Shepard hits the scene. In terms of being diplomats (and, perhaps, sex symbols, if humans' memetic propensity to hook up with everybody is to be believed! Experimental human colony which has rejected the credit system in favor of a barter-based economy. Liara T'Soni x OC New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews. The Council is evacuated to the Ascension in the event of an emergency. I really should make a thread on why that fanfic is trash one of these days Symmetry? One diplomatic failure occurred with the yahg, a pre-spaceflight race discovered by Council surveyors in 2125 CE. I questioned, my lips trembling in fear. It's not spelled with an "I", what I was saying was what the latin roots say if you spell it like that. Mass Effect Story Ideas 19: Geth Intentionally think up Fanfic. The Council Demilitarization Enforcement Mission (CDEM) was created in accordance with the armistice that ended the Krogan Rebellions. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #masseffectfan, #masscommunicationspecialist, #confectionmasque . This is a map of the galaxy just before the beginning of The Skyllian War's. . The STG is composed of small units of salarian operatives who monitor developing situations or undertake covert missions. The Global Defense Initiative, having formed a unified global hegemony on Earth, discovers Prothean ruins on Mars, which jumpstarts their already-advanced technology and allows them to escape the ecological hellhole that Earth has become thanks to Tiberium. When the Citadel fails to respond, the Council is evacuated to the Destiny Ascension, which then comes under heavy fire. But digging too far reveals a few things that don't add up. I froze in my seat as those words echoed in my ears. there's two there where humans are op, it's a bit of a halo crossover but I really got into it. Meanwhile, Jacob Taylor, a former marine of the Systems Alliance, is investigating batarian activity with the help of informant Miranda Lawson. Depending on Shepard's past deeds, the salarian Councilor lives due to the sacrifice of one of Shepard's acquaintances or dies due to the lack of them. Hot, humid, and wracked by constant storms. You are using an out of date browser. However, the specie can't thrive alone, they need a host to properly propagate and conquer. Probably halfway between canon humanity and a genuinely OP one. But just when Shepard returns to the Citadel, the Council suffers a betrayal from within. A myriad of appealing audio stories and radio dramas for you to listen. Gabrielle "Belle" Huston is a writer and long-time gamer based in Ottawa, Canada. JavaScript is disabled. Mass effect humanity conquers council fanfiction Supremacy of the Cybermen was a miniseries published by Titan Comics in 2016. I know what he meant. From Susannah Marren, author of A Palm Beach Wife , comes her next book set in the exclusive, glamorous world of Palm Beach. You are using an out of date browser. However, they also unleashed the Genophage. After the Rebellions, the Turians were added to the Citadel Council, and the "Citadel Conventions" (akin to Earth's Geneva Convention) were written which, hypocritically, outlaw biological warfare. Working two jobs and living in a dump for an apartment does that to you. Not one instance of the word "Kane" anywhere in this chapter. So please keep it to real world tech and then have humanity only discover Element Zero quite recently before meeting the council or if during the meeting itself. Its time to lay all the cards on the tableor risk losing everything. Who would save Eva from him? After the whole incident on the Ark A crossover story featuring the Halo and Mass Effect universes. I'm talking like Forerunner level tech or anything similar. Basically, the prothean ruins on Mars didn't have eezo technology, but it only had a warning about the reapers and plans/blueprints for a time dilation bubble. Now tell me why. Edit: I believe this story is still being worked on, so expect more over time. Which is, In the background, the turians were caught a bit off-guard when they tried to assault Shanxi and ran headlong into orbital ion cannons for the first time. A Council delegation was dispatched to the yahg homeworld Parnack, expecting to quickly establish diplomatic relations. I have stories that are related to Anthro's, TMNT, Werewolves, and more! Convening in the impressive Citadel Tower, the Council is the ultimate authority in Citadel space, passing judgement for violations of Council law, settling disputes between governments, and maintaining law and order, often through the use of its own covert intelligence service, the Spectres. Using the salarian-developed genophage ; without the ability mass effect humanity conquers council fanfiction quickly replenish their,... Looking for that developed the Werewolf rifle is, to quote Shepard: `` little. Diplomatic failure occurred with the armistice that ended the krogan dwindled mate and was trying to her... Trainedsoldiers that answer exclusively to the Ascension in the event of an emergency 2125 CE the Citadel Fleet, polices... 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