Or come to bed and not even touch Tony, no matter how hard Tonys body strained for any contact. NCIS is a hugely popular show that consistently dominates the ratings for CBS. Thanks Alex. It made sense when he thought about it. 490 Stories. Tony stormed into the house, throwing down his laptop bag and kicking it halfheartedly. A rack for his DVDs or something. And when theyd sent Tony the personnel file and picture, Tonyd been shocked and stunned. It was a different matter though, when late into a Tuesday morning, two grim-faced SEAL's in dress blues got off the elevator, heading towards the corner of the bullpen that housed NCIS' finest. Why cant you let me in? He doesnt talk much about youhe never has about anyone important to him. Tony risked a glance over to Alex, noticing the other mans head was tilted off to the side. It wont be too different, Gibbs ventured, wiping at the blood. by Jennifer Kohlstrom. You should read these chapters independently since they arent part of a completed story. They seemed to know how to work him. When the teenage daughter of a Naval Commander is murdered, NCIS sends Tony and Ziva undercover where they run into the Jump Street gang who are working on another case. He was leading his team in a different way, with shoulder pats instead of Gibbs tough love. agents. "I'm sick and tired of you locking me out, Jethro." Tony's Fics. As good as he was, he wouldnt be able to hide the pain that was hovering just under the surface. Tony didnt know the details of why Gibbs hadnt mentioned Alex, and it may have come down to Gibbs just being Gibbs. Maybe the specter of agent afloat was in too close memory. Gibbs had locked him out! Tony moved out? McGee asked, trying to modulate his voice. My upbringing and my family life wasnt what Jethro dealt with at all. Alex sighed and shifted in place and Tony had the sense that Gibbs brother was preparing to say something significant. No species is all good or all evil. He didn't know, wasn't even sure it mattered. ncis. Bruised kidneys. It wasnt as if Gibbs said a word to him about how the team was adjusting. Need coffee. He wasnt going to sit here and answer these questions. Not over our teams. He closed his eyes and ran a hand through his hair, and Gibbs realized Tony was shaking, little tremors he couldnt quite cover up. Can be kid Tony, or adult Tony, or just act like father and son. Were done.. And it wasnt as if theyd necessarily tell him what was happening. Bring whoever you want, someone youre not gonna mind knowing about us. Not Henry. a trans British guy meets tony stark and hell finds a new location at shield high. Ill bring Alex. Gibbs blinked a few times before nodding once. He was used to dealing with the physical much more than he was this kind of pain and anguish. No one wants a kid with ADHD AND autism, especially not one with scars covering nearly their whole body.His new foster parents wont last long taking care of him. It was the samebut it was different now. i was talking to nat about how i haven't written marvel in a while and so, this happened. Dont! Tony said, backing off. And with a new team, he had a huge learning curve anyway. The running needs to stop some day.. And as always, hed retreated to the basement, only this time hed firmly locked Tony out. Gibbs had called Tony, a quick five-minute conversation that he didnt need to bring anything. If he couldnt have DiNozzo. His shoulders slumped, the fight clearly gone right out of him. Alex was taking over the Cold Cases division soon, and the team was trying to cull some of the cases as a subtle training for Alex. Gibbs made his way down the stairs slowly, gripping the banister and trying to hide his grunts of pain. Alex would study and recognize every signalhis brother knew him too well. When was the last time hed held Tony? Too many years and too many war wounds lay between them. Founder: lilpretender - Stories: 79 - Followers: 1 - id: 97821. Tony, Gibbs whispered, his anguish settling over Tonys shoulders like a heavy stifling cloak. He was a good agent, but it was different dealing with him. Who it turned out had been following Alexs career after Alex had done him a favor some years ago. He could do this. She has already run a great risk by befriending Tony Stark (she was unable to resist her son's excitement at his first-ever friendship after all), and she can only bite her tongue and wait for it all to come crashing down, for her new family to turn on her and for her son's life to be thrown upside-down again. There was no way he was going to leave Tony. So Tony asks Garcia if she will do a little digging, but bringing Garcia in means bringing in other members of the BAU. Tony's always been a little different, but he tries so hard to be normal, to live up to his father's reputation as a bad boy billionaire genius, spent so many years trying to hide the parts of him he viewed as weaknesses, and then Steve and Bucky ruined everything by making him fall for them. Found one of them. Everything was changing and none of them were ready for this. Gibbs had a new probie as well. And when Gibbs returns to work without acknowledging what has happened, Tony needs all the help he can get. left kudos on this work! When they werent working side by side, something huge and unique would be lost. Fine is a Four Letter Word by secretchild reviews. I hope this article has helped you find some great NCIS fanfiction! Things are never that simple. There was no way Jethro would accept comfort right now; to be comforted when he was hurting was a sign of weakness, he'd said. It made Ziva's blood run cold. Keep reading to find out more about some of these popular stories. It clattered onto the table where it rolled in a small circle as Tony stood. The case? So for example, the first Harry Potter novel clocked in at around 75,000 words. Alex had held his own against the crazed, armed druggies, and had bruised kidneys and a concussion he was nursing. But you and me. Theyd have coffee and drive over to Alexandria in two cars. Coffee? Tony asked. We talk as much as your brother allows.. Jennys former admin assistant had been laid off when Jenny had died and Vance had brought in his own executive admin, and Cynthia had taken the opportunity to get through the police academy and FLETC. And Tony had been drinking a lot those days. He watched as Gibbs first hesitated at the door, glancing to the bed, a small grimace appearing on his features. "And you?" He and Tony had been together for over a year now, and it was gooddamned good. Tony - his agent Tony - had always been on the go. "Why not?" tony stark has been called many things: a merchant of death, the da vinci of our time, (which is dumb, he isn't a painter) and a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Excuse me? The man asked. Your email address will not be published. by LitGal 140,147 words, With John back at the helm, Atlantis is developing into a thriving city-state. He supposed his team was okay. Gibbs didn't like the idea of being handled by anyoneespecially not his younger brother. He was starting to think of Alex as the man Gibbs could have been if life hadnt kicked him so much. It wasn't anything Tony understood or agreed with, but he respected it nonetheless. Gibbs couldnt hide his wince, but he looked away, swallowing hard. Tony and Bruce, in their sleep-deprived state, built a bomb. This is a Tony Dinozzo/NCIS fanfic about a girl who is kidnapped at age 12 and is missing for years before the team finds her, chained up and barely alive, in the home of a seemingly likeable marine. Tony was alone. When McGee had come into his own, Alex would be moved across the bullpen and Gibbs would get another new agent, probably one of Vances chosen from San Diego. Now that shed closed a few high-profile cases, SecNav had his eye on her and had moved her closer to DC. Hatori'd been trained in board rooms and in front of Power Point presentations. Ziva David. Especially since he wasnt gonna tell Tony any more than he had to. Still worry, Tony said, feeling his shoulders droop. Or the team. Gibbs heard McGee exclaim happily into his phone, and his head snapped up, his eyes focusing. The SGC and later Atlantis gave Samas a chance to save his people and make a few changes for the better in this universe. Now Tony finally had a reason to resign due to a small child who depended on him to protect her, even if leaving the team didn't automatically end the betrayals. They were getting close to solving a couple of them, and with every solved cold case, Gibbs found himself thinking of Pacci, who had run the department. Tony couldnt deny that he felt as if hed been replaced. His trust in his team is shattered when his expected rescue never appears. He wanted to help DiNozzo out, but he couldnt. Where are you parked?, Not, thought we could ride over together, so I took the Metro here. If you know what I mean., Gibbs gaze narrowed on his father as the implication of his words filtered through and he felt his cheeks heat. Gibbs didnt suffer fools and always encouraged their way off the team as soon as possible. By the way, Dad is coming down this weekend and staying with you. A cold, triumphant grin lit Alexs features and he turned away, striding back toward the NCIS building. Great. Tony was wide awake at oh six hundred, arms pillowed under his head, waiting. "What're you having, Boss. The writer is planning on 51 chapters, but when they will be available isnt clear. Tony, you're an expert in undercover work. Fine, Ill be Special Agent Alex. When he pulled up, Gibbs wasnt surprised to see Tonys lights on. Hed lost some weight, almost too much for Gibbs liking. A change he wasnt sure heor the teamhad been ready for. Hell, hed tried, though he couldnt let Tony know that. But it is still a very original take on two very different shows. He didnt know how to communicate with DiNozzo on this new level. And Gibbs had two broken ribs. Nobody knew about him and Tony. Hed probably drunk a little too much to be driving, but he reasoned that the streets would be empty and the drive to DiNozzos place was only a few miles. Casefile. They were equals now in a very unequal way. He didnt want to tell Tony; didnt want to deal with that fallout, the worried looks, the panic. Tony woke up and said "I'm going to cause problems on purpose. Please check back soon. Alex had texted that Jackson was on the way down, which had been planned beforehand. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in . Probably too many things. Reminds me of you as a teen. This is a Tony Dinozzo/NCIS fanfic about a girl who is kidnapped at age 12 and is missing for years before the team finds her, chained up and barely alive, in the home of a seemingly likeable marine. Sent McGee home with him last night.". Hot New # 1. Unable to meet his brothers eyes, aware that his brother was a junior agent under his watchsomething Gibbs had never expectedhe only shook his head and walked away. Episode: s03e24 Hiatus Part II. Shannon was still a topic he couldnt broach with anyone, the pain still cut too deep. But Tony's a creature of impulse, and his impulses never pass Q/A. Going back as far as Mexico, Kates death, McGee joining the team, even Blackadder. After all, if Garcia thinks a friend is in trouble, shell always turn to her Derek, trusting him to do the right thing. Hes never seen her even remotely close to being in this much pain, even after broken ribs. This story really is about friendship but also team building. he made a move to throw the covers off and leave the bed. Hows things? Tony asked as Alex clasped his hand in a strong grip. There had been a time Gibbs had considered telling the team, or at least Abby and Ducky. He liked working with Gibbs; team; saw it as a rejection even though it wasnt, strictly speaking. He walked into the kitchen, grabbing the dustpan and broom and eased Tonys fists open, placing the cleaning implementsI into Tonys hands. There was a part of Jethro that was so locked down, so inaccessible that there was just no point in trying. Gibbs squeezed Tony's hand nonetheless, carefully, afraid to break him. It hurt in a way Gibbs had never expected to hurt again. The skin around Alexs eyes tightened fractionally before his brothers gaze slid away and the other man fixed on a point over Gibbs shoulder. The Feebs were no place for her, and Jemma had joined NCIS three years ago, one of Jennys last hires. OR: Tony and Sara, daughter of Bucky and Steve, bond and new relationships are formed. Title: Three Ways Tony Didn't Die and One Way He Did Fandom: Navy: NCIS Characters: Special Agents Anthony DiNozzo, Jethro Gibbs, Tim McGee, Caitlyn Todd Prompt: Death Word Count: 1613 Rating: M Summary: Self explanatory from the title Author's Notes: Thanks to my wonderful betas, pictureplaces and custard_girl Three ways Tony didn't die, and one way he did Blood spilled The story is 17 chapters long and has over 57,000 hits already. He was a good shot and methodical, but even when he pressed, Tony couldnt get more details from Abby and McGee, and the personnel file hadnt revealed anything important either. Gibbs winced as the glass shatteredthe third tonightand looked away. And Gibbs knew damn well everything was on the line right now. Tony swallowed hard and tried to remain casual, even though his gut was screaming something was very wrong. This is the story of her life, her love, and her recovery. When Todd and Michael and the other Wraith characters start making their appearances, the ability of the Igigi queen to communicate on their level changes everything. It was what Gibbs had said earlier and didn't explain a damned thing! They didnt throw out the past like this, because it always devolved into scoring pointsusually Tony scoring them on Gibbs. They had never been close growing up, the age difference and Gibbs years in the Marines, the Alex time at Annapolis and his time in the Navy, keeping them apart. His brother plopped a Chinese menu on his desk, glaring at him. Jackson, okay. Yes, it was short term and Alex was technically TDY here before taking over Cold Cases, but it was still a terrible idea. It wasnt working, Gibbs finally replied just as the doors opened. I flinched, closing my eyes so I couldn't see the smug look on his face. There were so many nights where he or Gibbs were catching long cases, working crazy hoursand in his case, traveling to San Diego for three days in pursuit of someone selling counterfeit Navy uniforms. Gibbs would never have expected it, but McGee and Alex had formed a good-cop/bad-cop bond fairly quickly. ", thus bringing his group chat idea to fruition. Time moves on for Donald Mallard and he looks back upon the life he has lead. After everything that has happened, he couldnt say he really missed her, but it was a loss. He clapped Gibbs on the shoulder. Also, can be Tony as an abused child, or adult. But Tony wouldnt flirt with her; that just didnt feel right. "I'm aware.". the needle tears a hole Alex stumbled slightly and Gibbs had to fight the urge to steady his younger brother. Both of ya. Authors Note: This starts during the NCIS episode Dead Air. You, Gibbs admitted, and instead of the thundering and commanding tone hed intended, a quiet whisper came out instead. Tony stepped into the dimly-lit bar, immediately heading for the booth in the back cornerthe booth where he and Marcus Skilton always . Though Gibbs knew DiNozzo had the bed that was far too small for fucking. Only here, Tom Morrow actually does his job as he is supposed to. Thats it, Tony confirmed. He was hurt. We got some things to work out., Gibbs saw a second of naked longing in Tonys gaze before the other man shut down, a wall clicking into place between them. Part 4 of 4 - Fanfiction for the Manwha, Under the Oak Tree. NCIS stands for Naval Criminal Investigative Service and tells the story of the work and lives of these investigators. Want to move on to the coffee mugs? Gibbs asked, trying to make a joke. And they were making or breaking. Not tonight. Tony stared out at some point over Gibbs head, and Gibbs didnt dare break the silence. How could he have missed any of it? No matter how angry Tony was making him. He wrestled for the count of one hundred, trying to tamp down his rising anger and fury, but that Italian temper got the better of him. When Tony wasnt around, Gibbs gut wasnt at its strongest. Theyd saved her when planning to avenge her death and that closed the book on Tonys involvement with her. Site Maintenance. Tony shrugged, feeling his shoulders tensing. Gibbs was complicated, conflicted, his methods werent always the best, but his results couldnt be denied. He couldnt meet Tonys eyes right now, didnt even want to. The Last Straw and sequel An Autopsy Gremlin Blues by Writerkos. Shed gone to college at NYU and after getting a degree in Criminology, shed decided to go to the FBI. No. Tony stepped back and Gibbs jammed his foot in the space between the door and frame. Oh" McGee glanced over at Gibbs and he frowned, or Gibbs assumed his did. You can get paid to write for us! It was quiet enough that he could let his mind drift and it didn't matter so much that he was drinking every night, barely eating, never sleeping. So be sure to take a look and find your own favorite among them. Why? Gibbs asked, struggling to sound neutral around the fist squeezing his heart. Left by an abusive father at a hospital after a beating so bad, it left his arm shattered, his ribs broken, his head concussed, and his heartwhatever had been left of ittorn to shreds. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". fanfiction. This story is part 1 in the Director Morrow series. Sort by: Hot. She hadnt been cleared for field-agent duty, hadnt wanted to be on desk duty as an agent or an analyst. Derek Morgan. Dressed like that, Tony wasnt watching a game or playing cards. Tony had to squelch his urge to knock on the dooror call Gibbs on his cell phone, which at least had been taken down there into wood central. What about when he bumps into one grumpy old NCIS marine? He figured Jackson had mentioned his brother to Tony and was glad Tony never questioned him about it, even though a small part of him always wondered why not. Warnings: No beta. It's a friendship story. CELLS WORKSHEET Labelling diagrams 2 Label the parts of. Suddenly, the kindly gentleman the team knew has disappeared, replaced by a man with a different accent and attitude, a man who is friends with U.N.C.L.E. The author follows the season perfectly and ensures the timelines still fit the original series. Teamfic. His eyes were wide and as brilliant a blue as Tony had ever seen. Harry and Kelly: Fortius Quo Fidel. Warning, mature content may follow in the stories themselves, and mayyyy feature some character pairings that will raise a few eyebrows. At least Tony had tried. And in chapter 11, we see Tony trying to figure out how and if a relationship with a teammate will work out. They werent yet, but they would be in time. The third member of his team was the most surprising of all. Gibbs hadnt come up to bed last night. Even though it was the hardest thing Tony had ever done, he stood slowly and walked into the bathroom. They join forces and confront the people they care about with the issues at hand. Penelope Garcia. Smut. Gibbs glanced over, freezing for a moment. It is one chapter long, but it is a very long chapter with over 49,000 words. English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 154 - Followers: 107 - Since: 01-13-08 - Founder: KarenCaramello. Practically no other crime show can touch it, and it has legions of fans worldwide. Will all these alpha personalities survive the blizzard wreaking havoc outside, as well as the storm brewing amongst themselves? Gibbs turned to look at Tony, letting his eyes drag up and down his lovers body. The guy had just shown up, stowing his gear at Tonys desk as if hed belonged there, looking strongly like Gibbs, only a decade younger. Its a self insert fic, and I have put no effort into hiding that. No. He cursed as it started to rain, and he was thankful that Ducky had already taken the body. With a glance at his watch, Gibbs realized that he'd been drifting for almost an hour, the food cooling, his coffee done. Tonys Little Black Book: Turn of the Women, 10 Popular Castle Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2022, 10 of the Most Popular Chicago PD Fanfics to Check Out in 2022, The Best Criminal Minds Fanfiction to Read in 2022, 20 of the Most Popular Harry Potter Fanfiction Stories (2023 Edition), 10 Amazing Kim Possible Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2023, The 10 Best Fanfics Based on The 100 to Read in 2023, The 10 Best UnOrdinary Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2023. The other probie was a guy named Cal Hatori, someone whod been in McGees FLETC class. And the second time, when hed been afloat, Brent Langer had been murdered by Michelle Lee. ziva ncis gibbs tony tiva mcgee dinozzo abby ducky zivadavid tonydinozzo palmer david tali jethro jenny mcabby ncisfanfiction leroyjethrogibbs leroy. McGee and Abbs said he was a good investigator, a great asset to the team, but Tony couldnt bring himself to trust that. "Banged up," Gibbs admitted with a resigned shrug. He wasnt even surprised when Alex ducked into the elevator with him. I am a 38-year-old book lover living in Rotterdam the Netherlands with my husband and daughter. Hell respond just as easy to that as he will the I love yous. He got up from the kitchen table and rested his hands on Gibbs shoulders. Alex gave him a small salute, nodding. First it was Zivawho Tony hadnt even spoken with since Somalia. Most of the chapters are rewritten versions of episodes from NCIS. Gibbs winced as the glass shatteredthe third tonightand looked away. Title: Saying No Author: Jilly James Fandom: NCIS Characters: Tony DiNozzo, OC Genre: Gen Prompt: Revenge Word Count: 1,000 Summary: After being interrogated by Mossad and being told to take one for the team, Tony decides he's had enough. But for now Vance had done what he needed to in order to keep Gibbs in line, with SecNavs cheerful approval. He know? Alex asked, his voice low, soothing, sympathetic. NCIS | Realistic Tony Dinozzo Fanfic Fan Fic Hear Silent Cries. Now they can't figure out how to disarm it. And yetyet when Tony had left the team everything had changed and neither of them had been prepared. It was too painful, too raw right now. Theyd had been estranged for a long time. But the way a shudder wracked through Gibbs, the way his lips thinned, and the way he suddenly looked lost were almost enough to bring Tony to his knees. He couldnt do it. Gibbs shrugged, looking away, one shoulder hitching up. Gibbs knew McGee thought of him as more of an equal every day and Gibbs was proud of the agent Tim had become, He was far from the geeky and tentative young man Gibbs had met years ago. Even the bottle of top-end liquor Gibbs had offered him hadnt swayed him. Because apparently, they are part of a secret investigation in Antarctica. Every night since, he'd stumbled upstairs drunk and snuggled under the covers on Tony's side. Gibbs didnt know the details, only that he couldnt expect any help from the Secretary of the Navy, who was a huge fan of Alexs and wanted Gibbs brother to succeed. An NCIS/Danny Phantom Fanfiction. Learn how your comment data is processed. Can an old dog like Jethro learn new tricks and be happy? The fact that they were half brothers had probably worked in his favor as well. "You moved out? He crashed between Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace. A faint smile emerged and Gibbs had the idea Tony was trying to squelch it. You done breaking my glasses? Gibbs is willing to do anything to keep DiNozzo alive, but this extraterrestrial crap might just push him beyond his limits.Mulder and Scully have serious concerns on who they have sheltered in their home, and Napoleon and Illya are still reeling from making another large jump through time.Is Skinner the only one holding all the pieces? Alcoholic Tony Stark. As expected, McGee picked up, telling Gibbs that Alex had eaten some soup and was on the couch dozing, doped up on pain meds and juice to flush the bruised organs. Carlton. Tony asked. After the situation in Somalia and Tonys part in it, he was being promoted, made team leader and being based out of the Pentagon. You want that boy, you show him. Alex was close enough to keep Gibbs in line and forceful enough to make it so that he couldnt run roughshod over McGee. And that wasnt him, but what he and Tony had wasnt his typical relationship. One Week by LivyTheVampireSlayer. This was not working out. Chapter 1. She was only your probie for a month.. There will be romance, adventure, family new and old, cases, drama. Basically the same as Jealousy just with different characters. A/N AU This is a cute Ncis fic! And even though Tony doesnt want to be a part of NCIS anymore, he is still sucked right back in. by. Check out the community at AO3: here and LJ here. The guy everyone says you should have kicked off your team years ago. Having a family member on his team was a bad idea. Oh and Tony's back story is a little . And yet you moved him in, Jeth. But Dad had never said anything, and Gibbs had been able to ignore his searching looks and the questions about bond between him and Tony. Design by Alley Digital, Hi everyone. As if it was that easy. Though Alex didnt complain, Gibbs knew his back was still bothering him. He was used to waiting Tony out and sensed that Tony needed time to focus and streamline his thoughts. His hand came up to rub the back of his head and then lingered on his neck. With Tony dressed like that. Or if he even had the strength to try. It always had, it always would. Tony had tried to press McGee and Abbyand even Ducky and Palmerabout Gibbs team, but outside of the love fest for Alexander Remington Mini Me Gibbs, the team had nothing for him. You hungry? Alex asked. Gibbs was aware of a stillness in the air as everyone around them stopped what they were doing. Abby/Tony friendship,Tony/Gibbs father/son. Tony clenched and released his hands on the steering wheel, squinting against the bright sun. Check out the community at AO3: here and LJ here. You good with that? Gibbs asked, stroking Tonys hair, fisting his shirt and tugging him closer. Work without acknowledging what has happened, he stood slowly and walked into the bathroom wasnt around Gibbs... As it started to rain, and her recovery Tony & # x27 ; m aware. quot... Hadnt wanted to be a part of a secret investigation in Antarctica husband and daughter woke up and said I... 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Raise a few changes for the Manwha, under the surface a secret investigation Antarctica! Wheel, squinting against the crazed, armed druggies, and it has legions of fans worldwide this. Take a look and find your own favorite among them Director Morrow series bringing in other members of the and. ; saw it as a rejection even though it wasnt as if hed been afloat Brent. Shed closed a few high-profile cases, SecNav had his eye on her and moved!, squinting against the crazed, armed druggies, and I have put no effort hiding. Out more about some of these investigators doors opened, Tonyd been shocked and stunned him too well changes the... One chapter long, but it is still sucked right back in his desk, glaring him... Alex didnt complain, Gibbs finally replied just as the glass shatteredthe third tonightand looked away tali Jethro jenny ncisfanfiction... To go to the side her closer to DC and so, this happened had done what and... 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