Emma begins marching off to fight Hades, believing he will kill again, but David persuades her to slow down because they haven't got a plan yet, and she hasn't dealt with her grief over Hook. 85 pages Completed May 23, 2017 . ("Sympathy for the De Vil"), After learning the truth about Cruella, Emma blames Mr. Gold for manipulating her into killing her. Emma, David, Mary Margaret, Ruby and Leroy go into a separate room to debate about the pros and cons of helping someone from outside of town. He started walking out and looked back at me, but I pointed at the door. , The only person who knew is gone and, after trying to open up to someone she thought would care, Emmas reminded of the reason its a secret in the first place. so far nobody had. With Mr. Gold's demise approaching, the Apprentice removes the darkness from his heart and stores it in the Sorcerer's hat, but it breaks free and attacks him. ("Save Henry"), Following the return to Storybrooke, Mr. Gold seals the box in his pawnshop to keep Pan at bay. At this, Hook lets down his guard, waiting to hear what she has to say next, but then, Emma draws him into a kiss. However to her surprise he was gone. Taking down one particular dreamcatcher, which belongs to Violet Morgan, she clutches it to her chest and cries. Emma declares her love for him and then parts from him after a kiss. We sat in silence; I had no idea what to think other than her father's going to kill her. ("Changelings"), With the sword, Emma, Regina, and Hook head to the vault, in the hopes of learning more about the weapon, but they run into the Queen at Robin's grave. As for the ingredients of Zelena's spell, as Belle explains, are for a time spell to alter the past; namely to kill Eva and keep Cora from abandoning her first-born child. Tension fills the air when Emma blames Regina for the current dilemma, to which Henry intervenes. However, despite that Hook taught Neal how to navigate using the stars, he also coached him that all map makers never reveal their secrets. Before she can, Ingrid pulls out a stone and takes away her memories of their exchange. Emma resigns herself to this, but when Hook shows up, she tries to persuade him that the darkness is only helping him get his revenge so it can use him to get what it wants. But the womens troubled relationship and tie through Henry means Emma has stayed around. Enraged, Regina blasts fire at her, but ends up burning away the ribbons. Several of Emma's leather jackets and wool coats were custom made by the costume department. Zelena denies the accusations, and Regina later learns the Evil Queen is actually the culprit. She notes Graham isn't in today and it must be because he spent the night with Regina. seems to change and speed up there relationship. At the diner, she apprehended by Regina about her history of never staying in one place for very long. At the counter, Greg walks in to pick up his food order, which he later asks to have it to go. With a breath of relief, she and her parents return to the apartment. ("Lily"), Ending up in another group home in Richfield, Minnesota, Emma moves in, keeping her old camera as well as the footage of her time with Lily. So she leaves Storybrooke. Emma doesn't believe anyone is willing to go through with such a risky plan, but Archie persuades her it's the right thing to do and manages to rally everyone else in agreement. Emma Swan leaves her parents loft at 9:30pm, and doesn't return home. Once Upon a Time Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Armed with the pages of Hades' story, Emma attempts to bring down the shield on the town hall, until Zelena stops her. This plan is further halted when Belle discovers it's possible to make a counter spell with the necklace. Emma does not want responsibility for others, which she claims the role of sheriff gives her. In a final goodbye, Hook asks her not to close herself off from her loved ones because of losing him, and Emma asks him not to keep from moving on because of her. I screamed with pain, but I didn't want anyone in here with me. That night, as Emma and the others are present, Arthur makes David a knight of the Round Table and bestows upon him the Siege Perilous seat. At the mention of August, Emma voices her nagging concern about who is the person he had been trying to warn them about. - A SwanQueen ficlet. She dbuts in the second episode of the first season of Once Upon a Time and is portrayed by guest star Kristin Bauer van Straten. Before she can finish, an incoming storm forces her, Snow and Hook to seek cover. Then, Pongo begins to act unusually in front of the door. Taking a page from her mother, Emma considers that Mary Margaret is giving up too easily and believes there has to be another way. I remember not long after I was pregnant with my first I babysat for my friend's son. Out of guilt, Marco finally comes clean about the wardrobe's power to protect two people instead of one, and he selfishly made a deal with the Blue Fairy to allow his son to go through. She hides dark coils of her magic inside the box containing the flame, which traps Zelena against a tree after the box is opened. I then thought about who to call, I decided to call David, Emma was probably not going to be happy with that decision, but she was in labor and in pain so who knows. During Emma's trip with Merlin, she admits committing an act of darkness by hurting Henry. She dbuts in the first episode of the first season of Once Upon a Time and is portrayed by starring cast member Jennifer Morrison, guest star Abby Ross, and co-star Mckenna Grace. Emma's response causes a frustrated outburst from Regina, though she quickly apologizes. All I could think of was how much I want to kill Hook, and how much I wanted to be in the room with Emma. To Emma's amusement, he presses for a different kind of thanks. Emma asks how she is handling the adjustment to town and Neal's secret about being from the Enchanted Forest, to which Tamara responds in a positive light. Hook offers her some rum and asks how she got the map to work, which Emma briefs that she just followed Pan's instructions. After Emma returns Merida's heart, Mr. Gold successfully pulls out Excalibur and tosses it at Emma's feet. Emma tries to ask the young Pinocchio if he can remember what August was trying to tell her before, but he cannot recall. While getting a car to bring Mr. Gold to the ship, Emma asks Neal why he is helping his dad. Arthur shows them a tree in the courtyard which the Merlin is trapped in, and he then asks which of them is the savior. "Hook I'm serious." Emma deadpanned, "and so am I darling" he winked at her again. Going by Regina's suggestion that the Dragon's fire breath can break the mirror and allow them to escape, Emma prepares to bait the Dragon since she's fated to die anyway. He lets her know that Henry is still alive and wants to give her a map to find him. Noticing a wall opening, Emma explores inside and startles a woman, Elsa, who created the blockade. To fulfill this, she must take the ember by facing the first Dark One. By chance, Mary Margaret offers Emma a spare room in her apartment. Upon finding Auntie Em, Emma makes quick work of explaining what happened to Dorothy and giving her a bottle to blow a kiss in. Searching the apartment, Mary Margaret's "magical" touch yields the book. So funny story, Stiles winces, Remember when I joked you couldnt get me pregnant?. Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time) (35) Belle (Once Upon a Time) (31) Captain Hook | Killian Jones (26) Red Riding Hood | Ruby (21) Baelfire | Neal Cassidy (18) Include Relationships Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold/Emma Swan (134) Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold (16) Prince Charming | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard (16) As the crowd applauds, a disappointed Henry realizes they are mistaking real magic for a street act. Emma insists she didn't have a choice, though Regina recalls Emma has said many times there is always a choice. Emma later learns of a complication in her parents' failed attempt at using Regina's antidote to uncurse themselves and that both of them will be asleep forever if the curse isn't broken soon. Before she reaches the door, Elsa stops her. I just lost it. Can someone help her embrace them? When Hook hints that she desires to leave town, Emma finds her intentions questioned by Regina. Emma escapes, while Cleo later dies. At the school grounds, his teacher, Mary Margaret, reveals that Henry thinks she is Snow White, which shocks Emma. Emma refuses since there's always going to be a price of magic. Mary Margaret wonders if Emma's job as bonds bails person is good for finding people. While she feels betrayed, Neal believes that he was leading her home. As they travel, she expresses admiration for what Regina is doing for Marian. Emma follows them to the hospital and discovers John Doe has disappeared from his room. During a diner celebration welcoming David and Mary Margaret's son, Emma and Hook overhear Henry reading the fairytale story of how Prince Charming and Snow White met. Henry convinces Emma that she was wrong for not believing in Regina, and he defends his decision to destroy magic because he doesn't want to lose either of his moms to magic like with his father. Continuing to be stand-offish with her parents, Emma then introduces Maleficent to Lily. SwanQueen. ("The Snow Queen"), In the woods, Henry approaches Emma, but she unintentionally sends him flying back and sustaining a cut. Again, she eludes the issue by leaving the diner. Emma asks her to leave, but Lily refuses to go without retrieving her crescent moon necklace, which is in an abandoned house she was staying at. Ruby can only recall one person Dorothy ever loved, her Auntie Em, who died long ago. Together, the women get Excalibur from Mr. Gold, with Emma intending to absorb all the darkness and having Regina kill her to extinguish the Dark Ones. SuperCorp family chaos! The world will still be here to welcome you when you wake up, my love." She opened her eyes halfway to look at him once more before letting them close completely, falling into her first slumber. I smiled as the nurse let me see him before she took him away to be cleaned. Having no control over how and when his writing happens, Henry becomes upset at their reactions and storms upstairs. Emma rips out Merida's heart, after magically pulling her close, and begins crushing it, when Hook, Henry, Robin, Regina and her parents arrive to stop her, convincing her to return the heart and that they'll find another way to track down Merlin. This only angers the monster, who knocks Emma away and blows everyone off their feet. After Arthur and Zelena retreat, Emma heals a cut on Hook's neck that he got from the sword. Skeptical, the two sheriffs let Will take them to the store, Any Given Sundae, where Emma notices there is no freezer, which is used to keep the goods frozen. Recalling what she had said last night, Henry apologizes for failing her, but Emma assures him that she meant everyone except him. The women argue over the issue until Emma's anger is tapped into, and she unintentionally lights a fire on the wood. Eduardo Castro Talks Designing the Costumes of Once Upon a Time. "David!" When they are caught by a customer, Emma feigns labor pains. After not finding Hook at the pawnshop, she rushes outside when Henry calls for her help as he is cornered by Nimue. She affirms allegiance to Regina, but the latter clarifies Emma has never had her back. To Hook, Emma persuades him into telling her the truth about Ursula in his own time. By making the news public, they hope to draw out the crook. Regina, after realizing the ingredients for the spell came from the vault, relates her suspicions to Emma and Snow about Zelena overriding the vault's blood magic seal. In return, Emma is given free time with Henry, which they spend by grabbing some ice cream. Changes can be good or bad. However, Neal questions if Henry is his son, which Emma hesitantly confirms. But that was something she could handle, nothing about it would change. At home, Henry urges Emma to accept, since Walsh has proven himself to be serious, and won't leave her like his biological father did. ("A Wondrous Place"), As Emma grows increasingly angry over Gideon banishing Hook to another realm, she grabs his neck in a vice grip while demanding he undoes what he did. Maleficent, also known as Mal, is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time and Once Upon a Time in Wonderland. Emma receives even more troubling news in a text from Granny, which states their family in Storybrooke have been pulled into a portal. She investigates and raises her sword in alarm when spooked by a young boy, who presents himself as Peter Pan. Graham cuts his ties with her and Regina blames Emma for it, even going so far as to hit her. Merlin believes it's unlikely, but he has hopes that such a person who is strong enough will appear in the future. I hung up the phone and ran all the way there. "Hello Emma, Mary Margret, what brings you here?". She ties Hook to a tree so the ogres can eat him. They decide to let Aurora go back to sleep and stand guard over her. I took a deep breath and I heard a tiny baby cry. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Not in the mood, she shuts him down for attempting to bond with her. Emma is unsure of Mr. Gold's intentions, but Hook convinces her that the crocodile has turned over a new leaf. Taking matters into her own hands, she picks up Henry for a drive in her car, but is actually leaving town with him. David returns his son into Mary Margaret's loving arms where Emma watches happily outside the door. She talks about his imagination mixing reality and fantasy, which is "crazy". Before leaving Skull Rock to stop Pan, Emma presses her parents to retrieve more healing water from Dead Man's Peak for the journey home, before Mr. Gold can make an elixir in Storybrooke for David. Emma tasks herself with finding a portal to take the Arendelle natives home, but has no leads until Hook, seemingly with Mr. Gold's help, discovered a realm door in a mansion. Emma and August both take sips from the well. Pinocchio shows her the tool he'll be using, his father's magic chisel, while Emma tells him about her destiny as the Savior to die in the future. ("A Bitter Draught"), While Emma and Hook are at the diner, Henry arrives to show them his compiled list of Untold Stories residents. David swims out to grab Emma, while Hook, Regina, and Mary Margaret work together to pull both of them up. Emma makes up a fake heroic story of his father dying as a firefighter while saving lives to spare him knowledge of the truth. ("An Untold Story"), While Emma is making out with Hook at her house, the both of them notice the table shaking, prompting them to go outside, where they see a dirigible passing by. Aqui no haver maldio mas existe magia. Now they're not just staying together for them, but fo We arrived at the hospital in 20 minutes Emma looked like she was terrified. ("The Final Battle Part 2"), Sometime after final battle has been won, Emma and Regina walk Henry to the school bus stop, with each of them saying goodbye to him before they both watch him head off. And I told him. After the darkness escapes elsewhere into town, the Apprentice tells her about the origins of the Dark One, who was created by the Sorcerer Merlin as a means to trap the darkness. Regina's been sick and Emma has a theory. At the mansion, Emma makes Henry stand on guard duty, much to his displeasure. After thanking Regina, they eventually return to pawnshop where Mary Margaret awakens David with true love's kiss. Due to his insistence, she allows him to plan their outing. To this, Emma points out that she had no knowledge of his father being Rumplestiltskin and fiance. At the apartment, Emma is warmed up. Safe and sound above ground, Emma goes to reunite with Henry, but Regina pushes her away from him. However, as soon as Auntie Em uncaps the bottle, her body disintegrates into a puddle, because of interference from Hades, who wants to ensure Dorothy stays asleep forever. On the way down, Emma thanks Milah for her help and reveals that Neal has moved on to a better place. Emma meets up with her family in the loft, where "Archie" follows her in and persuades her to tell them the truth. Emma, not having much to do, offers to use magic, but Regina declines, believing it'd be bad for her to use dark magic and they should figure out another way to save Merlin. Later that night, Emma and Hook enter the pawnshop, which has since been trashed by Mr. Gold and find the sword from Emma's vision. Without either noticing, Sidney, who is spying on Emma for Regina, snaps a photo of them from outside the store. After a search, they do not find him, as Mr. Gold got to him first. Post-Neverland and AU from there. He nodded and started driving the speed limit. Though Neal is against her tagging along, she takes back the stolen watches as he goes to look for someone to buy them so they can use the money for travel. After disarming Emma and grabbing the pages from her, Zelena demands to know if Regina is in on the plan to hurt Hades too. Emma then runs off and never returns. On the road, Emma swerves the car after seeing a wolf in the road. Before they put the plan into action, Tinker Bell wants to know their escape route off the island, which no one has a clear answer. She suggests they use the poppy dust to put the giant to sleep. It was just another cruel move on Regina's part. Later, before Emma can put the sheriff badge on, Regina fires her and plans to put Sidney as the new sheriff. Inside the home, following a video game session, Emma sees a star imprint on Lily's wrist. Emma, David and Mary Margaret rush to check on Regina where they learn Zelena attempted to take her heart, but failed since it's hidden elsewhere. Afterwards, Emma shares a kiss with Hook; asking for his patience while she sorts out things with Regina. Gaining a spell translation from Belle, Regina performs a ceremony to release the nuns, but she unintentionally unleashes the Chernabog as well. Lucky for me he arrived right as I was about to push. Wanting a little alone time on Christmas Eve, Emma and Regina send Henry over to his grandparents house for the night. Lesbian Character. 'Once Upon a Time' Fashion Spotlight: 4 Secrets You Need to Know About Emma Swan's Magical Wardrobe! When he tries to persuade her that she is having an identity crisis, Emma leaves the session. Kara goes to bed with Mon-El, and wakes up with Lena Luthor. In a stark contrast, while she has the love of her parents and even Hook and Neal, Regina has only ever had Henry. From some sleuthing, Emma determines that Hook came to New York on his ship. Phoebe Jones had spent the last fourteen years of her life in the foster system, moving from home to home. Henry names their new partnership "Operation Praying Mantis". After Hades removes David, Regina, Emma, Robin and Henry's names, Emma fails to split her heart with Hook because he has been dead for too long. Mary Margaret is sorry for doubting Emma's decision to allow Devin's heart to be ripped out as she knows how easy it is to give into darkness. ("Skin Deep"), Outside the diner, Emma bumps into the stranger, who gives his name as August W. Booth, and he finally takes her out for a drink. The pair devise a plan to counter Ingrid's love with Regina's hatred in order to remove the ribbons. After realizing only Neal can read the map encryption, an upset Emma flees outside as her parents follow to console her over losing the man she loved. She has suspicions that Mr. Gold may have kidnapped and held Kathryn hostage, but he plays off her claims. Emma brings her mother home, where Regina puts some of the flower dust in a vial for Snow to use. A rustle from the jungle causes the entire group to assemble for battle, but it turns out to be only Regina and Mr. Gold. They are accosted by Pan as he steals back the scroll and freezes them in place. Convinced those words are lies, Ingrid throws Emma and Elsa backwards and chokes Anna, who desperately talks her out of it. Emma prevents her mother from going after the beast, and later, in the vault, she finally reveals what happened at the end of the dream. ("Our Decay"), While Emma is on lookout duty for Hades with Hook on the library's roof, she falls asleep, having a dream about burning her, Regina and Snow's names from the headstones. The moment the smoke cleared and she saw that she was in the waiting room, she didn't bother with trying to check in at the nurse's station. I then shouted, he looked back, "Slow down, you are driving way too fast." David asks Emma to tell Henry that his grandpa loves him and bids her farewell in a warm embrace. Realizing they have made a grave mistake, the horrified couple watches a portal open while the egg hatches into a baby. Aboard the Jolly Roger, Mr. Gold conjures the magic globe to unveil Henry's current location in Neverland. Assuming they are from Graham, she tosses them into the garbage bin, however, Mary Margaret admits the flowers are for her from Dr. Whale. I said with a little stutter. ("The Doctor"), After much "discussion", Emma overrules all the other women and climbs up the beanstalk with Hook. Emma tries to convince Henry that the reason David got lost a few nights back by the Toll Bridge is due to amnesia. To this, Regina sympathizes with how Mary Margaret must be feeling as a woman spurned and placed into a "dark place". This angers Mary Margaret, who quickly regrets her mistake as a hurt Emma flees and drives off. When Emma receives her dose of medication from Nurse Ratched, Henry pushes it away and shows her the Author symbols that tell how the final battle can be won, but Emma remains unconvinced. Emma wants to take Henry home, but Graham interrupts to show them John Doe's bloody hospital bracelet. She eventually snaps out of it and tasers Hyde. As she is walking home, she meets up with Mary Margaret, and begins a conversation with her about David. Due to his persistence about the matter, she helps convince Mary Margaret to read to a comatose patient, John Doe, who Henry stubbornly believes is Prince Charming. When Regina questions her about the memory wipe, Emma admits she removed those memories for a reason, causing Regina to vow that she will retrieve them no matter what. After camping for the night, Rumplestiltskin tells an insomniac Emma that Merida will become the wisp's permanent owner after using it, and it can never be used by another again, as long as the owner's heart still beats. 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