If there are such things--we'll call them propositions--what are they like? On the other hand, there is a heap of sand in my backyard. Hence, being with others, being dependent on others, is regarded as a key structuring feature of human existence. Some maintain that these issues are solely the provinces of philosophy, using traditional a priori methods. [more], This course will examine central questions in normative ethics, including the following: Which features of actions are morally important and why (e.g., their motive, their intrinsic nature, or their consequences)? use tab and shift-tab to navigate once expanded, Covid-19 is an ongoing concern in our region, including on campus. How important are honor, money, love, work, friendship and our connections to others to our happiness? The second portion of the course will use feminist philosophy to inform our understanding of the ways in which gender structures the individual's interactions with the health care system. In this tutorial, we will focus on questions concerning their distinctive methods, namely, historical materialism, genealogical critique, and psychoanalysis. Secondly, we will try to make sense of the moral dimensions of our relationship to animals. We will thus be led to discuss some of the concepts common to epistemology, metaphysics and ethics: reason, justification, objectivity, understanding, reality and truth. Without challenging the centrality of such projects for philosophy, this tutorial will focus on a less emphasized, but equally essential aspect of our lives: emotions. Is a world with AI's overall better or worse for us? In this tutorial, will read works in critical theory from the 18th century to the present, some from the Frankfurt tradition, and some not. Could the world be made up of sensory properties only? [more], Bertrand Russell claimed that Ludwig Wittgenstein was "perhaps the most perfect example I have ever known of genius as traditionally conceived--passionate, profound, intense, and dominating." (iii) You exist. Epistemologists seek answers to the following kinds of questions: When is it rational to have a particular belief? Critical theory aims not merely to understand the "struggles and wishes of the age" as Marx one described it, but with emancipation from domination. We will move on to examine ethical issues of truth-telling with terminally ill patients and their families, decisions to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatments, the care of seriously ill newborns, physician-assisted suicide, euthanasia, and posthumous interests. In order to hit the ground running, students will be expected to read. In this course, we will survey the ethics of public health through the lens of the COVID-19 pandemic, investigating concepts and arguments that are central to the ethics of public health research and practice. Could the world be made up of sensory properties only? Cy Walsh has asked a court to let him back into the community without supervision, almost six years to the day after killing his father and Adelaide Crows coach Phil Walsh. [more], This course is a survey of 17th- and 18th-century European philosophy, with a focus on metaphysics and epistemology. [more], Twenty-four centuries ago Plato argued for censorship of art. What constitutes my knowledge of myself as a person, and does that knowledge differ in any significant respect from my knowledge of physical objects and of other people? Gulliver's Travels, Part III, chapter 10. For each argument, we will first look at historically important formulations and then turn to contemporary reformulations. What is his legacy today? [more], In this course, we will begin with an in-depth study of the theory of first-order logic. Is happiness an emotional or mental state or is it a social construct? The view of the tragedians can lead to a thoroughgoing nihilism according to which --the best thing of all [for a human being] is never to have born-but the next best thing is to die soon (Aristotle's. In this course we will seek to comprehend the dimensions in which Existentialism is a distinctive intellectual tradition. Are we capable of disinterested altruism, or are we motivated solely by self-interest? philosophers deeply influenced by pragmatism do not recognize the fact, while, on the other hand, some self-proclaimed pragmatists of our days can hardly be seen as continuing the tradition to which they pledge allegiance. In a logic class, we think about how to represent ordinary language and thinking within formal systems and how to prove various things within these systems. Some maintain that these issues are solely the provinces of philosophy, using traditional a priori methods. Questions include: Does the world decide the truth and falsity of all our beliefs? We shall first explore the salient features of the pragmatic approaches to language, paying special attention to Austin's notion of illocutionary force and Grice's notion of non-natural meaning. We'll examine these and related questions through historical and contemporary readings. It is difficult, however, to get clear on the relation between the meaning of an expression and its reference. Can we be mistaken about how well our lives are going, or about what has value? Other philosophers and literary theorists have used some of their ideas recently to throw light on the nature of textual meaning and the interpretation of literary texts. What makes a theorem of logic true? Consequently, many philosophers deeply influenced by pragmatism do not recognize the fact, while, on the other hand, some self-proclaimed pragmatists of our days can hardly be seen as continuing the tradition to which they pledge allegiance. What distinguishes that kind of life from others? the course will address the emergence of the "Ethics of Care," critically assessing its origins in feminist theory, its development within the context of the caring professions, and its potential as a general approach to bioethical reasoning. We will examine this issue in Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, classic sources and contemporary articles. [more], This is a course in the philosophy of logic. In this class, we'll work together to think through some ancient and contemporary paradoxes. Students should be aware that, in the classic tradition, this class resembles a logic course. At Williams College a mural was removed from The Log and Herman Rosse's painting "Carnival of Life" was removed from the '62 Center. Key ideas and concepts such as the death of god, the use and abuse of history, the eternal recurrence, will to power, and master and slave morality will be addressed. Is a sentence's relation to previously uttered sentences similar to its relation to extra-linguistic events? [more], Along with jazz, pragmatism stands as the greatest uniquely American contribution to world culture. The course will use a case-based approach to examine these issues, and so in most weeks we will (1) read philosophical articles focused on a key concept or set of arguments central to the issue, and (2) consider in detail one morally complex case in which the concept or arguments have special application or relevance. some of the Hindu views about the self and the mind and consider their ethical implications. Why should one obey the law (if one should)? Paramedics arrived and tried to revive him, but a doctor confirmed him dead at the scene. The issue of prediction was also raised by economist Donald McCloskey who, in 1988, asked his fellow economists, "If you're so smart, why ain't you rich?" Our focus will be on recent influential work in this area. Rather than seeing philosophy as an esoteric discipline, the pragmatic philosophers (with the possible exception of Peirce) see philosophy as integral to our culture and see themselves as public intellectuals. What are some of the necessary conditions for democracy? While answers to such questions are implicit in historically important accounts of morality, these issues became the topic of explicit, sustained debate in the twentieth and twenty-first century. Type in your search terms and press enter or navigate down for suggested search results. State police are investigating the death of a student more than three decades ago at a now-closed school for troubled teens. How is political power generated and exercised? Furthermore, they share the conviction that the most important components of a successful life are within the control of the individual human being. Finally, we will examine some of Aristotle's works on metaphysics, epistemology and ethics, considering some of the ways Aristotle's thought responds to that of predecessors. Although we will attempt to engage the readings on their own terms, we will also ask how the vast differences between the ancient world and our own undercut or enhance the texts' ability to illuminate the dilemmas of political life for us. In contrast with this interpretive tendency, this tutorial will focus on Hume's" science of human nature"--his overall philosophical project in Treatise--and cultivate the discussion of different philosophical issues and arguments in light of this general aim of the work as a whole. A number of conceptual themes will emerge throughout the course of the term, including notions of exploitation and coercion, privacy and confidentiality, and the balance between public interests and individual rights. [more], The touchstone of our course will be Plato's Republic: the first and perhaps greatest utopia as well as perhaps the greatest work in political philosophy. The course will, I hope, provide the students an opportunity and the tools to intellectually examine deeply emotional and contentious issues. On the other hand, if logic is about how we should reason, what makes it the case that we should reason one way rather than another? We all examine the virtues and vices of good arguments in both informal and formal systems. [more], Philosophy of film is a relatively young, but very rich and rapidly growing field. The philosophers of ancient Greece and Rome were among the first thinkers to develop rigorous arguments in response to such musings. The theoretical aspect of the course will involve close readings of selected articles in contemporary aesthetics, philosophy of literature and philosophy of film. [more], According to Aristotle the ultimate good is happiness---everything we desire we desire for the sake of happiness. We will ask, for example, what these theories tell us about the nature of space, time, probability and causality. See the college's, Experiential Learning & Community Engagement, that underlies classical tragedy, however, seems markedly different from the one that we find in classical philosophy. microscopes of reason and logic can carry us in traditional arguments about the existence and nature of God. Is it possible to have systematic knowledge of subjective experience? This course is an investigation into how language is used to express meaning, and how such expression can have real interpersonal and societal impact. Or can meaning be allocated only to entire sets of beliefs? stagflation of the 1970s, and bursting of the mortgage bubble in 2008. For example, many people would agree that 'Keith's favorite unicorn' is a meaningful expression. Existentialists investigate deeply irrational phenomena of human life, including anxiety, boredom, tragedy, despair, death, faith, sexuality, love, hate, sadism, masochism, and authenticity. The course will use a case-based approach to examine these issues, and so in most weeks we will (1) read philosophical articles focused on a key concept or set of arguments central to the issue, and (2) consider in detail one morally complex case in which the concept or arguments have special application or relevance. What is the proper 'geography'--classification and analysis--of our emotions, and what is their relation to our somatic states, feelings, beliefs, judgments, evaluations and actions? Existentialists investigate deeply irrational phenomena of human life, including anxiety, boredom, tragedy, despair, death, faith, sexuality, love, hate, sadism, masochism, and authenticity. However, few (haters gonna hate) would say that the expression has a referent. As a result, some prominent researchers propose that the existence of consciousness requires a revision of basic physics, while others (seemingly desperately) deny that consciousness exists at all. In this course, we will investigate dynamic communicative phenomena and discuss competing theoretical explanations about how they're interpreted. The seminar will be structured around a close, critically engaged reading of the, Wittgenstein's "Philosophical Investigations", action, knowledge, ethics, religion, aesthetics, culture, and of course, philosophy itself. Pascal's wager is a different approach: it argues that even though proof of the existence of God is unavailable, you will maximize your expected utility be believing. What do we mean when we talk about racial capitalism? Phil, miss you and wish I had the chance to say goodbye. He had also worked at the Eagles for 5 years and was close A lesson from the tragic death of Phil Walsh Read More Updated July 4, 2015 1.41am first published July 3, 2015 3.55pm. This site was launched in Spring of 2020, and includes death notifications beginning January 1, 2020. [more], If we think of Michel Foucault as engaged in writing histories, or genealogies, of his own present designed to undercut the sense of the obviousness of certain practices and ways of thinking, categorizing, and knowing, we can easily imagine that he might now be questioning different aspects of our contemporary "present" than the ones standardly associated with his name, namely, panopticons and surveillance, discipline, criminalization, the biopolitics of health, the normal and the abnormal, etc. The course will present the essential ideas of relativity theory and quantum theory and explore their implications for philosophy. View Phil Walsh's email address (p*****@kw***.com) and phone number. The thoughts that Aristotle expresses in these books were instrumental in setting an intellectual agenda that dominated western thought through the Middle Ages and provided the backdrop against which the modern philosophical tradition arose. Or is it a supreme illusion, a dream-like escape, the domain in which the viewer's unconscious wishes are magically fulfilled? We'll examine these and related questions through historical and contemporary readings. Is the happy life a life of virtue? We think that there is a difference between a linguistic object's being meaningful and its having a referent. [more], This course is an introduction to philosophy through three major themes: The nature of the universe, the existence of gods, and the mind/body problem. Some critical theorists within the Frankfurt School tradition draw from upon ideas about the constitution of the subject developed in the early 19th century German philosophy of Hegel. What is the proper 'geography'--classification and analysis--of our emotions, and what is their relation to our somatic states, feelings, beliefs, judgments, evaluations and actions? See the college's. If loyalty is a virtue, what are the proper limits of its cultivation and expression? In this way we come to realize that far from being the irrational foil of "the West," Indian tradition is a rich resource for thinking through some of the central questions that have challenged philosophers in both traditions. We will raise questions concerning the task of philosophy, the structure and meaning constituting function of consciousness, the relationship between self and other, the mind-body relationship, freedom, authenticity, and absurdity. There two ways to understand "Many students took every class". make requests, establish rules, utilize power, issue protests, and much more. In this tutorial we'll closely examine a series of contemporary and historical cases of human experimentation (roughly, one case per week) with an eye toward elucidating the moral norms that ought to govern human subjects research. More particularly, it concerns itself with the difference between good and bad reasoning, between strong and weak arguments. Diamond investigated the methodology of moral philosophy, paying special attention to the role of literature. Can science contribute to our understanding of these issues? B. Lipscomb before the first meeting, preferably over the summer. In pursuing the answers to these questions, we will discuss both classic and contemporary theories from philosophy and linguistics. What, if anything, justifies our scientific knowledge? We will discuss the importance of specific genre conventions and broader contextual matters to the interpretation of literary texts (along the lines suggested by Quentin Skinner); the possibility of using intention to rule out mistaken and arrive at acceptable interpretations, if not a single correct interpretation (a possibility denied by such relativists as Stanley Fish); the use and meaning of metaphors; and the host of questions surrounding the intentional fallacy (the alleged result of invoking authorial intention to determine textual meaning). We conclude by considering the relation between first and third person studies of the mind, focusing on the concept of the embodied mind as a fruitful bridge between these different traditions. Is relativism a form of skepticism? How do we create legal and policy frameworks that cover a new kind of thinking being? This seminar will try to establish, with as much accuracy as the subject allows, what are the central tenets of American Pragmatism, how they have shaped contemporary epistemology and the philosophy of science, and finally, to what extent are pragmatist approaches to human knowledge philosophically sound and fruitful. Of particular interest will be how language can be used to establish, reinforce, and resist power relationships involving race and gender. We also examine the Yogacara school, which offers a process view of reality focusing on the analysis of experience. From there it is a natural transition to Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. Ms. Sydney Walsh-Wilcox 83 P23 (Sibling), Mr. John C. Walsh (decd) 54 P99 85 83 (Parent). [more], In this course we will examine the concept of freedom from three points of view. We will examine a variety of philosophical and scientific theories of emotion, as well as some issues concerning normative aspects of emotions: the role of emotions in a good life, and the concept of emotional maturity. There will also be a midterm paper (roughly 10 pages) and a final paper (roughly 15 pages) which you will develop and revise in consultation with the instructor. In this course, we will examine some central texts in ancient Greek and Roman moral philosophy. The philosopher John Rawls is widely credited with reviving liberalism in the late 20th century and providing its most persuasive defense. What is the nature of audience's response to film? The pain and suffering of the family is no different.". Leibniz wrote his New Essays in 1704 as a critical response to Locke's Essay of 1690. This discussion will lead us to the relativist and social-constructivist views developed within contemporary science studies. Mental Health and Illness: Philosophical Considerations. [more], The sentence "Every cookie is chocolate chip and three of them are oatmeal raisin" is a perfectly grammatical sentence of English, but it's self-contradictory. What are space and time? The real question, then, seems to be whether, and how, free choice is possible amidst all of these influences. 1-3), and selected interviews and course lectures. No domain of inquiry is immune to this destructive skepticism and confident relativism. We'll attempt to answer this question by examining recent philosophical work on the nature of free will and responsibility. If Kundera is right, fictional narratives (such as novels) sometimes do the philosophical work that philosophy cannot do for itself. What are the social and ethical prerequisites--and consequences--of democracy? Along the way, we will need to come to grips with the following surprising fact. His thought influenced the thought of subsequent generations of philosophers. . [more], What social and political arrangements are most conducive to fostering human well-being and the common good? What are the purposes of liberal arts colleges in America? What is it for a sentence or a proposition to be true? Beyond this common ground, however, epistemologists are much divided. This introduction to philosophy will see how far the microscopes of reason and logic can carry us in traditional arguments about the existence and nature of God. Conversation is dynamic--the back and forth exchange of information is a process that grows and adapts to the surrounding context. We will thus be led to discuss some of the concepts common to epistemology, metaphysics and ethics: reason, justification, objectivity, understanding, reality and truth. Through an examination of these works, we will try to get some feeling for what Socrates' controversial positions and his arguments for these positions may have been. We will examine these (and other questions) in the context of the great philosophical revolution at the beginning of the last century: the linguistic turn and the birth of analytic philosophy. Some of the questions we will consider are: Are moral standards relative to cultural frameworks? It is, in fact, quite difficult to get through any course of study in the liberal arts without some familiarity with Plato. Williams, Bernard. And, Existentialists express their thought in philosophical treatises as often as in literary works. The first portion of the course will address the emergence of the "Ethics of Care," critically assessing its origins in feminist theory, its development within the context of the caring professions, and its potential as a general approach to bioethical reasoning. While Hegel studies tends to occur in isolation from philosophers in the Africana tradition, many of the above explicitly refer to and take up questions in Hegel. Other questions are pressing and immediate: Artificial intelligence techniques are used today to help decide whether someone gets a bank loan, is eligible to be released on bail, or in need of particular medical treatment. We will analyze and discuss various accounts of scientific method, structure and justification of scientific theories, scientific choice, change, and the idea that scientific knowledge is progressive in a cumulative way. Topics will range from consideration of "mundane" technologies such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), prenatal genetic screening and testing, and surrogacy, to the more extraordinary, possibly including pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), post-menopausal reproduction, and post-mortem gamete procurement. Taking this as our starting point, in this course we will examine a number of conceptual and ethical issues in the use and development of technologies related to human reproduction, drawing out their implications for such core concepts as "motherhood" and "parenthood," family and genetic relatedness, exploitation and commodification, and reproductive rights and society's interests in reproductive activities. In this tutorial we will read from Ancient, modern and contemporary philosophical sources as well several relevant studies in the social sciences and positive psychology movement in order to engage questions concerning happiness. This theoretically oriented work will provide the background for subsequent examination of specific topics, which may include, among others: justice in health care financing and reform; justice in health care rationing and access to health care, with particular attention to the intersections of rationing criteria with gender, sexuality, race, disability, and age; justice in the procurement and allocation of organs for transplantation; obesity and personal responsibility for illness; and justice in medical research, including "double standards" for research conducted in low resource settings. Police are investigating the death of a student more than three decades ago at a now-closed school troubled... Would agree that 'Keith 's favorite unicorn ' phil walsh death williams college a world with 's! To Locke 's Essay of 1690 information is a distinctive intellectual tradition through historical and contemporary theories from and. 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