63. The substrate, physiological mechanism, and function of dreaming have been explained by many scientists from the neurological, psychiatric, psychological, and philosophical perspective. Recordings of the electrical activity of the brain, which we will refer to as electro-oscillograms, reveal specific patterns that express the phases of sleep in several central regions of the brain, including the phase during which most oniric activity takes place, the desynchronized or paradoxical sleep. University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1963. After transection of the brain stem at the pontomesencephalic transition, rostrally to locus coeruleus, desynchronized sleep still occurs below the transection (10,90-93). Considering dreams as hallucinations, Hernndez-Pen (1966) theorized that they are possible because the system responsible for wakefulness is inactivated during sleep, releasing memory tracings which are brought to consciousness. De Sanctis S. I Sogni e il Sonno. The vegetative components, that are phasic increases of heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, pupillary diameter, and most probably metabolic adjustments as well, are expressed more consistently during a dream, as they are during attentive wakefulness. Roldan E, Weiss TT. 39. During wakefulness such periods in rats are concomitant with short but complete immobilization, which is well known to occur when a high degree of attention is being directed to some external object. Aserinsky E, Kleitman N. Regularly occurring periods of eye motility and concomitant phenomena during sleep. In more recent years several approaches confirmed these findings (89). In cats, Baust (1971) recorded tachycardia starting 1 or 2 seconds before eye movements appear (38). In cats, during movements related to dreams such hyperpolarization is reinforced by presynaptic inhibition of afferents to motoneurons. Usually r is very high between area 17 (visual cortex) and the hippocampus. A theory that has many Role of pontine tegmentum for locomotor control in mesencephalic cat. (ed. Experientia 1964;20:1-3. 56. Functional neuroanatomy of human rapid-eye-movement sleep and dreaming. There are two kinds of vegetative components: 1. Exploring the neural correlates of dream phenomenology and altered states of consciousness during sleep. In rats penile erection in desynchronized sleep has also been detected and was found to cease after spinal transection; following mesencephalic transections that spare desynchronized sleep, penile erection was deeply reduced (11). We spend a lot of time sleeping. 2019 Oct 22;10:1127. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.01127. Such important discoveries were buried by the impact of psychoanalysis, which was created soon after Calkins' work was published. Correspondence between sites of NGFI-A inductions in sites of morphological plasticity following exposure to environmental complexity. Roffwarg et al. Sleep research: pictures from the early years. Soja PJ, Lopez-Rodriguez F, Morales FR, Chase MH. Afferent transmission in the somesthetic pathways is inhibited during desynchronized sleep (45-47) and may be the main reason of the powerful inhibition of stretch reflexes in desynchronized sleep. Absence of ponto-geniculo-occipital (PGO) spikes in rats. Some peculiarities of the dreams of patients with vestibular diseases. Hobson JA, Pace-Schott EF, Stickgold R. Dreaming and the brain: toward a cognitive neuroscience of conscious states. There is experimental evidence that eye movements are generated near the nucleus of the abducent nerve but Pompeiano (1967) does not agree with this view (10,41). Such electrophysiological studies demonstrate that the abovementioned sites in the central nervous system are involved in the oniric movements but they do not prove that such structures generate them. Electroencephal Clin Neurophysiol 1966;21:562-77. It seems that not only humans but also dogs, cows, sheep and goats and the entire family of four-legged viviparous animals do dream. cognitive development. Miyauchi S, Takino R, Fukuda H, Torii S. Electrophysiological evidence for dreaming. Neurosc Biobehav Rev 1992;16:372-97. Cien Cult 1995;47:221-34. Weed & Halam listed in 1896 (4,7) the proportion of several kinds of dreams as related to their sensory content. Dreams in which walking occurs are very common (4,5) and coincide with limb movements, however faulty. When the rat moves the head, for example (which may indicate a vestibular dream), heart rate goes up and may be as high as 330 bpm, similar to that occurring during attentive behavior. They found that during the desynchronized phase there occur eye movements, the reason why such phase has been given the name of REM-sleep (14). 70. Analysis of the electro-oscillograms yields extremely relevant information that can be correlated with movements and changes in heart rate, blood pressure and respiration. 74. 85. Psychosomat Med 1975;37:147-59. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal In rats only the frontal cortex presents desynchronization whereas in all the remaining cortex, and in many subcortical sites, the electro-oscillograms oscillate as theta waves. Bourgin P, Escourrou P, Gaultier C, Adrien J. (1987) suggested the occurrence of two kinds of eye movements during dreams, one associated to the very dream content, another of reflex nature, that may be involved in those occurring in children and in blind people but such a hypothesis is unlikely to be valid (35). However, we all know that many dreams are not emotional at all. C R S Soc Biol (Paris) 1964;158:99-103. Dement WC. When a dream has a verbal content the tongue, lips and other facial muscles do contract and if the dream is deambulatory several lower limb muscles do contract, expressing the behavior triggered by the imagined walking. The lag between tachycardia and eye movements may be related to all the neural processes that are involved in the phases preceding adn succeeding the oniric behavior, including the very identification of the dream content. Such high values of r may mean that theta waves arrive in such areas almost synchronously, coming from some other sites in the central nervous system. 118. 21. 62. Some authors have not been able to find changes in heart rate and respiration during desynchronized sleep (61) but there are striking demonstrations that blood pressure is reduced (figure 6), attaining values as low as 60 mmHg of systolic pressure; heart rate is also reduced and ventilation decreases (38,62). Despite such facts, some physiologists do not agree that heart rate and blood pressure decrease during desynchronized sleep. ), Ermdung, Schlaf un Traum, Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Sttutgart 1971:123-172. Motoneuron inhibition is mild in the early post-birth days and increases according to a saturation curve (60). Brain Res 1967;5:221-35. WebPhysiological function Theory regular brain stimulation from REM sleep may help develop and preserve neural pathways. The Neuropsychology of Sleep and Dreaming. (eds. Revonsuo A. A powerful defensive behavior, the withdrawal "reflex" (or retraction behavior, as we prefer to call it), is also completely inhibited during this phase of sleep. These authors argue that despite the marked suppression of desynchronized sleep provoked by tricyclic antidepressants neither selective serotonine reuptake inhibitors and mono-amino-oxydase nor learning and memory are disrupted. Such patterns mimic oniric eye movements, which may occur in functional coincidence or not with the visual scenes that are dreamed of. Lucrce. Such hypothesis is grounded on the following steps. Accordingly, the H reflex, an equivalent to the Achillean reflex that is provoked not by stretching the gastrocnemius tendon but by applying electrical pulses to its afferents in the sciatic nerve, is highly depressed during this phase of sleep (48). Those that are common to all behaviors (increase in heart rate, blood pressure, blood flow to the nervous system and muscles, ventilation, pupil diameter and palmar and plantar electrical conductance) and are intended to increase the supply of blood, oxygen, glucose etc. 13. Ergebn. According to Mancia (1995), the brain "produces dreams" as "a symbolic process of elaborating, interpreting and reorganizing in narrative sequences all the material accumulated in the memory during waking hours". WebEssentially, during sleep the mind integrates new information acquired during the previous day into memory and processes it by making necessary connections. These findings point to a decreased activation of executive and association cortex during desynchronized sleep, what is suggestive that the processes involved in building up wakeful thought and dreaming may be distinct. 36. In: Baust, W. Instead, they thought that dreams were not provoked by spirits, ghosts or gods, which took over the mind to express themselves through dreaming. A regular oscillation modulates the amplitude of the potentials. Unfortunately, despite the opinion of great scientists of the past, most researchers that deal with sleep and dreaming, probably moved by philosophical, religious prejudice and a faulty reasoning, do not accept the idea that non-human animals do dream. Sakai K, Sastre JP, Salvert D, Touret M, Toyama M, Jouvet M. Tegmentoreticular projections with special reference to the muscular distonia during paradoxical sleep in the cat. Human cerebral potentials associated with rapid eye movements during REM sleep. This author reported that dream production in human subjects from 3 to 5 years of age was minimal and that the content of the dream reports generally consisted of "static imagery" in the absence of narrative context. Whereas Freud was convinced that dream forgetting was an active function of repression, Hobson, Pace-Schott & Stickgold (2000) attribute the failure to recall a dream to a state-dependent amnesia caused by aminergic demodulation of the sleeping brain (120). Braz J Med Biol Res 1992;5:745-50. The physiological-functioning theory suggests that dreaming works the same way. It has, however, been utilized with a great success in sleep studies. ", "As to the oviparous creatures, it is obvious that they sleep but it is impossible to state that they dream. To what degree, and in what way, implications can be drawn from these findings for the psychology of dreaming is controversial. Narcolepsy. eCollection 2019. during desynchronized sleep prevents sustained brain inactivity, which might occur during sleep. Maquet P, Peters JM, Aerts J, Delfiore G, Degueldre C, Luxen A, et al. Dreams during REM sleep tend to be longer, more vivid, more story-like, and more bizarre than those during NREM sleep. Foulkes (1982) considered that dreams are so easily forgotten because the brain in desynchronized sleep is in a "reflective state". NeuroReport 1995;6:532-6. During the past two decades several authors also did quantify the kinds of dreams. Changes in hippocampal gene expression associated with the induction of long-term potentiation. From a very weak inhibition in early infancy, it goes up rapidly up to 15 years of age, evolving asymptotically from this period on. The very essence of dreams is, certainly, memorized information. J Ment Nerv Dis 1966;141:623-50. Candia et al. 81. Accordingly, they are known as PGO (pontine, occipital cortex and lateral geniculate nucleus) potentials. Physiol Behav 1972;8:363-71. 9. WebDream theories developed by Freud suggest that dreams are psychological, revealing hidden urges, for example. In the sixties, Evarts (1964) had also recorded from monkeys high frequency bursts of impulses in the pyramidal tract axons, which may be related to activation of muscles intervening in oniric behaviors expressed as movements (82). Neurosci Res 1993;17:127-140. Consciousness in waking and dreaming: the roles of neuronal oscillation and neuromodulation in determining similarities and differences. 57. In fact, it does frequently occur when movements are expressed as high frequency potentials. Dreaming 1996;6:121-30. 87. 76. 44. They also argue that even "expensive and cumbersome evoked potential and computer averaging approaches have not helped us to analyze and compare desynchronized sleep physiology with that of waking in an effective way". Jouvet (12,119), one of the most important researchers on sleep, suggests that dreaming is "a guardian and programmer of the hereditary part of our personality" and as such it plays a role in our general behavior. 127. Such periods were overlooked in the classic studies of Loomis and co-workets (13), in which they identified the phases of synchronized (another term coined by Adrian but now to label slow waves, i.e., potentials with a low frequency and a high voltage) sleep. Learn Mem 1999;6:500-8. Inasmuch as rats do not tell us their dreams, we inferred the kinds of dreams by considering the patterns of movements the animals performed. No wonder that most dreams in humans have a visual component, explaining the reason why eye movements occur in any kind of dream, alone or as part of non-visual dreams. 55. When any part of the brain programs a behavior it sends the program to the cerebellum. A comparison of presleep and REM sleep thematic content. Arch Ital Biol 1965;103:25-44. Accessibility Much experimental work is needed before a convincing function can be ascribed to the fascinating physiological phenomenon that is dreaming. Perspective of Motor Behavior and its Neural Basis. The data reported in table 1 reflect a close distribution of the dream content as related to their sensory content. The discovery of the close association between rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and dreaming and development of sleep laboratory techniques ushered in a new era in the study of dreams. With developments in understanding of the neurophysiology of REM sleep, new theories of dreaming were proposed. 114. WebThe leading theory of dreaming in the early decades of this research was the psychoanalytic, which views dreams as highly meaningful reflections of unconscious mental functioning. News Physiol Sci 1998;13:91-7. Finally, in 1953 Aserinsky & Kleitman started the present phase of the study of sleep in humans. 97. Eye movements, muscle atonia, PGO potentials and arterial hypotension are still present after the transection. Winson J. They may be involved only in intermediate steps of the processes that cause such movements. 102. Science 1987;238:797-9. 123. It is not known why and how the potent inhibition of motoneurons is bypassed by the descending impulses that cause such movements but this is, possibly, a key phenomenon for the understanding of the mechanisms and the function of dreams. Both frequency and voltage of theta waves in rats generally increase during oniric activity, as depicted in figure 7, and in figure 8 a clearcut episode of visual oniric activity is expressed as a potent increase in theta waves frequency and voltage, concomitantly with a burst of eye movements. One is that dreams are generated by the activation of neural activity in the brainstem and its signal transmission to the cortex. Brain Mechanism and Perceptual Awareness. Silent functional magnetic resonance imaging demonstrates focal activation in rapid eye movement sleep. 98. Although such movements are not always obviously compatible with the dream content (27), as should be expected (see below), as a rule they can be related to the dreams. 49. Attempts by the unconscious to resolve a conflict of some sort, whether something recent or something from the recesses of the past. In addition, blood flow velocity in the middle cerebral artery decreases during synchronized sleep whereas in desynchronized sleep it is similar to that occurring in waking (133). 35. Fortunately, this author did not suggest that dreaming, with all its movements, is intended to produce heat from the fake muscular contractions that occur as an expression of dreams. 25. This is an additional fact to point to the activation of other mechanisms capable of producing wakefulness and desynchronized sleep, including dreaming. McCarley RW, Nelson JP, Hobson JA. Karger, Basel, 1997:65-76. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Neurology 1999;53:2193-5. For the first time, direct and systematic investigation could be made of such topics as the occurrence, qualities, recollection, and childhood development of dreaming. Electrical stimulation of the nucleus reticularis pontis oralis evokes bilateral muscle atonia in decerebrate cats (52). Darwin C. The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals. Phenomenal dream content, however, is not as disorganized as such views imply. Thus, any study of dreaming also lends itself to psychological scrutiny and clinical application. Such movements occur while motoneurons are being inhibited through hyperpolarization of their membrane (41,75). Vogel GW, Foulkes D, Trosman H. Ego functions and dreaming during sleep onset. Geniculate spike activity in primate sleep and wakefulness. 133. In rats we have recorded ear movements in paradoxical sleep, which we attribute to the occurrence of auditory dreams (see Figure 9). Heiss W-D, Pawlik G, Herholz K, Wagner R, Weinhard K. Regional cerebral glucose metabolism in man during wakefulness, sleep, and dreaming. Movements of the eyes when the lids are closed. WebDreams are still taken by a majority of the human kind as premonitory, ascribing them the function of telling us that something important will happen. In an extensive review on this subject, Solms (2000) describes a complete cessation of dreaming in patients with posterior cortical or deep bilateral frontal lesions (96). In nocturnal macrosmatic animals, olfaction is the predominant sensory channel and their vibrissae are usually very long, to detect the presence of objects at relatively large distances. 68. (1997) found during desynchronized sleep a consistent activation of the pons, midbrain, anterior hypothalamus, caudate and medial prefrontal, caudal orbital, anterior cingulate, parahippocampal and inferior temporal cortices (126). Arch Ital Biol 1963;101:648-68. 1996 Sep 12;383(6596):163-6. doi: 10.1038/383163a0. It is interesting to consider that while muscles all over the body are paralyzed during sleep, respiration is little affected, except that some muscles in the upper respiratory airways are inhibited during sleep (44). 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