Note: This list doesn't include every power/ability that exists or is archived on this wiki. Druidic, Chaos, Blood, Hellfire, Mystic, Odin-Force, Necromancy, Quantum, Technomancy, Voodoo, and general magic. Dora Naletilic is an avid sports fan who found interest in TV and movies during her uni days in Osijek. My powers are that I can seep energy from street lamps, people, anything I come into contact with which is living. the abilities of a spider might seem like an odd power, The 10 Best X-Men Villains, According To Ranker. Sometimes this power fades with age, but there are some people who manage to keep it their entire life. A secondary power may be electricity, since the two are closely tied together. It's always exciting for your audience to discover that the hero or villain has some sort of mysterious supernatural connection. They can steal physical objects without contact, can steal powers and physical attributes, and energies, and can break into any location. Question: Sometimes I have situations where I think, "Didn't this happen already?" Not many fictional characters are made with this superpower but it is still one of the coolest on the list. Users of these skills are so great atstealing that they can steal more than just physical items. They have limitations if they eat too much, they can become useless, so maybe a glutton trait is useable here. Notable users of this power are champion Ornn from League of Legends, Master Piandao from Avatar: The Last Airbender, etsu Nimaiya from Bleach, Sparda from Devil May Cry, Sunfire Elves from The Dragon Prince, and Eitri from Marvel Comics. Would you considering supporting the site in another way? The release of adrenaline in a stressful situation has a unique outcome. This is an incomplete listing of the magical powers that exist in our world. There are two main forms of this power that have been encountered, heat and illumination. 3 my gifts were brutiel hardcore i learnt to embrace it but it was painful it was hardcore but i found away to embrace it and live with it and be my trueself it wasnt easy but for me i had no choice so i decided i do best i can i learn as much as i can and i own my gifts good bad hardcore and i luve it with thd best i can, each experince you have is unquie and it for what it is an unqie experince and learn as you go, i hope that help you strong beautfil unqiue amazing people. Strange, Iron Man, Spectre, as well the Invisible Woman of the Fantastic Four and the Martian Manhunter of Justice League fame. Given the prevalence of Marvel's Spider-Man in comic book lore, spider-powers may seem like an awesome ability to have. Ask your mom hypothetical questions like if you had powers would you tell your family or keep it a secret? And if she asks why just say I think it would be cool to have powers and that question just popped into my mind. We saw great ink users from fiction for years and those are Sai and Killer B from Naruto, Inque from Batman Beyond, Ichib Hysube from Bleach, Vince from Misfits, Samuel Sullivan from Heroes, and Tattooed Man from DC Comics. This type of power is different from the ones I have talked about already. Question: Can people really teleport? There is no language an aligist cannot know. Thats because, depending on the issue at hand,heroesmay or may not be able to filter out the voices of the deceased. Question: Are supernatural ice powers real? The power of creation is an extremely rare ability, more rarer than beast speakers or elemental mages, so when Albus Dumbledore put magical binds onto one Harry James Potter, Albus never thought to check for this skill and it slipped threw the cracks. Directory: Characters Namekian Dragon Team Support Local deities Dende (, Dende) is a Namekian with a unique gift that allows him to heal others. Able to manipulate the temperature and climate of an area, cause precipitation on command, and call forth bolts of lightning, her power is not to be underestimated. Do those count? Weather control is a power that allows one to influence weather patterns. Immutability bearers have absolute protection from any alteration or change, regardless of the source or cause, other than their own and retain the state they currently are. Really cool, right? Antiforce Manipulation Major 12. The idea of suspended animation has been toyed with in the real world, and the ability to preserve a human body cryogenically would give many hospital patients hope as they waited for an organ donation or the next great medical revelation. However, there are obvious downsides to waking up in the future, the most obvious of which would be leaving loved ones behind and waking up in a foreign place. 10. If the user is like Tahm Kench from the League of Legends game, they would be okay since other abilities help a lot with prehensile tongue power. Even though this power is similar to vision powers, it is not. That edge could be financial, technological or informational, but they probably all have something that differentiates themselves from those that won't act the will to act. Some users can release objects from the mindscape and collect the items. The power of invisibility is used by a large number of heroes like Dr. This power is actually quite powerful and only a handful of individuals have this power. Well, not directly. With the ability to craft absolutely anything with very little limitation, there isn't much a hero couldn't do.. As was the case with Tony Stark, almost any superpower can be reproduced with some well-drawn schematics and adequate resources. Sometimes they must have the flame already there to work with, and some can create the flame itself. All the Super abilities were inherited to his Brother, Smastirin "Quasar" Amagatsu Nekuo. Which I think this power of seeing my mum in the past before my birth is a sort of teleported enhanced telekinesis. Blades are a no-no as well because they can easily cut through users hair. You would use the eyes of another as the starting point of your vision. I don't know what these people might do to me. Personnels cant. Flight, super strength, and telekinesis are undeniably popular abilities, but fiction's forgotten and unsung heroes rarely have such practical powers. Like Ive said to previous people, youve got to try to control it. I live in a place where there is a lot of green. Best anime ever with a lot of super powers. This power is not a common one but there are more people with this power now than there have been in the past. They will believe they are haunted and that "ghosts" are moving things around them. Some mediums, as they tend to be called, have such a strong connection that they are often able to physically interact with these spirits, the results of which may be good or bad. Compared to most other animals, the average human seems fairly weak. Breathe underwater: Ability to breathe in water. The Ultimate List of Superpowers for Your Heroes and Villains Animal Communication - The ability to communicate rather than control animals. I hope that all you writers, movie makers, and artists who've given this article a chance find it useful for your creations. It requires an understanding of energy that not many people care to learn. Its like you can bring back a dead or something. All illusionists have very vivid imaginations and their dreams feel very real to them. Punching through walls, picking up cars, and throwing heavy objects long distances are all possible if you possess this power. Yeah powers is a false term. If someone is sensitive to the pain of those around them, then they have this power. It also gained some notoriety when Iron Fist appaered in a Netflix series, but what secrets lie in the life forcesof these characters that allow them to manipulate the flow of metaphysical energy in their bodies? Ability Replication: By sampling the aura of another active ability user, users of Aura Manipulation are . These people become detectives and work with the police to help solve crimes. I personally do not have enough knowlege of science to explain how it is done. According to Bruce Feldman he ran a 4.28 in the 40 and has a 6.29 3-Cone (combine record is 6.28). It seems that it is difficult to use this power with any sort of distance between people. Having power over dreams gives you control over anything in the dream world. People have been living so faster life. I cant remember my abilities but i was given something to conceal them. A list of superpowers is a handy thing to have around when you're trying to create some wonderfully memorable heroes or villains. Yet, it's an undeniably unique power, and, much like the ability to eat through any kind of matter, it would make gaining access to secure areas much less complicated. Once picked front of small truck up enough to push truck out of steep ditch. Powers which affect an individual's mind. If you want the control you already had or just want to get better then you have to work for it. Ugh, It would be considered aerokinesis (control of wind), The categorizes i would go under would be precognition and persuasion but i can someone times in control the wind but only when i try hard what would that be considered, I would go into the categories precognition and persuasion. The power of clairvoyance is the ability to see the unknown. But I just found out some weeks ago.. And I am still researching about my this power.. However, there is no one to teach him how to wield his magic. People with this power merely have to concentrate on an object and it will move without them touching it. They are also compelled to believe those thoughts are right and will act on them without question. Although I have saved multiple lives. All of that is existing in us all. It takes a lot of practice to get an object to move where you want it to and stop there. By the way I always use my Gifts for Good and to help others. RELATED: 10 Times The X-Men Lost In The Comics. I can feel if someone is doing something behind the wall. I didnt know what I was doing. The user of this superpower is able to issue forth beams of corrosive energy from their eyes. Sadly, from what I have seen, you have to be born with these powers. Ability to lift off the ground, to ride air currents or to fly self-propelled through the air. A device that promised to turn you into a real-life Aquaman turned out to be too good to be true. The video above explores a small sampling of these. So, without wasting any time, lets start! Geokinesis: The power to control the element earth. Users of this power have a really good sense of touch, allowing them to detect specific individuals, objects, substances, or even places. one thing more is that i didn't get any nonsense dreams except seeing future. Could this be something real? They never forget: The strange gift of perfect memory. A superpower that gives the ability to learn, decipher and speak every single language in existence? An illusionist is a person who can change the structure of molecules to make a location or person appear different. I don't know how to put this in words but I kinda think that plants can listen to me they can understand me and its been a year now and I wanna know if this happens, if anyone knows this pls email me, pls I wanna know and this is not any kind of joke! Read Miracle Mastery to start developing these powers. It is difficult to focus on a particular layer and sometimes everything will become transparent and other times it will become so solid they cannot even see through glass or other things that are meant to be transparent. Most of the time i prevented my bad time to come through this power. Their visions are called premonitions. personally wind. A layman can learn easily. Individuals with this kind of power have enhanced leap, speed, flash step, can speed swim, and more. Most notable individuals bearing this ability are Firestorm, Kryptonians, and Martians from DC Comics with others, Wolfsbane from Marvel Comics, and Roxanne Wolf from Five Nights at Freddys: Security Breach. These people are extremely paranoid and afraid of getting caught. Powers are real, I have some but Im pretty sure you have to be born with them and you only start to figure it out when you are a full adult. The people see me too and sometimes they say something and i hear it and give them an answer and they are suprised that i heard them. Even my classmate cannot see it in slow motion. These people need to learn to control their power so they can use it when they need it instead of just waiting for a vision to come to them. You should go see a doctor right away. Why not slow down and discover latent abilities and live life in the easy way. A shapeshifter is a person with the ability to change the shape and structure of their bodies into anything else they want. These people tend to become teachers and counselors because they have a strong desire to help others, but this is only good if they can control their power if the situation gets out of hand. i have powers but i dont know how to control them i need help, There are some powers your missing. Unfortunately, not everything in life comes easy. What if a person can make something (object) disappear from ones hand, and reappears later? 15 Unbreakable Bones You may think having adamantium-level unbreakable bones only exist in comics, but such an ability can happen in real life. I could simply touch an object an it would transport me into another world later i found out that i was being transported into the memory of the object . If you want to know what totally off the wall and interesting superpower should be yours, this quiz is for you. My guardian angels say I have those powers but their not unlocking it yet so well see if I have it. Ability to alter or deceive the perceptions of another. There are clouds suddenly in the sky with a lot of thunder sounds and lightening them.. composite laminates teeth; what is distress in psychology; blackberry torch 9810 for sale near da nang; panini flawless basketball release date; The first time you get to meet some of these people in person, and see what they can do with your own eyes you will believe. please respond as soon as possible . And Ive got such enhanced memory I can even remember seeing my mother with me pregnant trying to pick the right food to make sure I was a healthy baby. Well, imagine being hit with literal fire. Rare Igbo Names for Boys with their Meanings. It's rare when every brain function is intertwined into one cohesive force; knowing things that others don't only adds to that potential. Of course no one i love or care about would believe me but.. i thought someone on here would understand this and not take it as a joke. Captain America is perhaps the most famous hero to have endured cryostasis, and he's a rare example of such an event occurring outside of the realm of sci-fi. Living life as a superhero is rough; apart from all the civilians in constant need of saving, there's all the scrutiny that comes from being in the public eye. These people usually discover their powers after a failed suicide event or what would have been a fatal accident. However, Marvel villain Swarm took things a step further. Answer: This sounds like a medical emergency. So the disease shows I also have bad genetics too. 1-Click Thank You Share with Friends Unblock our ads only Random Superpowers: Rerun Options Loading Rerun Options Share Edit Settings Quantity Duplicates Rerun Superpower Generator It's certainly cooler than having no super powers at all, but there are certainly better powers to be had (99 of them, to be exact). It is usually considered more of an elemental power though some people get it without being directly connected to the element. This power is common in children who are already very perceptive of the world and people around them. I am so confused! They usually only recognize feelings because the image is gone before they can concentrate on it long enough. I would call it slowing down time because thats what it is, but I really dont know its name right now. They are usually committed to mental institutions because those around them worry about their safety. I once checked the powerlisting wikia. Need to fit into a tight spot? Answer (1 of 9): There are many kinds of superpowers, like super-(speed, strenght, durability, regeneration, stamina), flight, control over certain substances, or . The ability to breathe underwater is a fairly uncommon power. Remain laser-focused and sidestep productivity villains who run in fire drill mode to justify their existence. They also have the ability to locate metal that is hidden in the ground, which can be great for finding buried treasure. I didn't knew that I have this Power but during some days whenever I get angry or sad I always look at the sky I don't know why.. Nebu himself is a White anthropomorphic Japanese Bobtail Cat, based off . It wasnt out loud, but he listened. This power is generally unknown by the bearer until they hit puberty. Or am I? In the Marvel universe, the character Darwin is given the nickname The Evolving Boy for his bodys ability to naturally adapt to environmental threats. Apart from running after pieces of papers and some metals and piece of lands. Make sure to throw fire from your feet! In fact, noted comic book characters like John Constantinehave made a career out of it. First, let's begin with the fact that mutations do not mean retractable claws or the ability to control the. These people tend to find themselves on both sides of the law even though they don't really like to be noticed and tend to stay to themselves. Never gave it much thought. It is the ability to influence the minds of those around you. There are very few solids these people cannot move through. Yet, unconventional as it may be, there's no denying Storm's efficacy in combat. I could also in my younger years sit at home and then basically travel anywhere I wanted. My sister never believed me even when I proved it. These people find that they cannot be hurt by any external forces, but if they wish to hurt themselves, they can. But I found out about this power at my 13th birthday.. What happend that I was washing my face after the birthday party as there was cake in my face.. In addition, one . Supernatural Powers. However, they have a limitation, or in MOBA terms, a counter. Sure, it wouldn't necessarily help in combat, but a unique power like this could put an end to all crime and conflict if used correctly. Almost any kind of power has a drawback or two, but most of these "superpower flaws" can be overcome with lots of practice to achieve control over them, but there are a few powers that come with some extra baggage. The user of this superpower is able to issue forth beams of corrosive energy from their eyes. I'm affecting the weather. I can also talk to spirits sometimes, we have some ghosts in our house and sometimes i can hear them whisper. Also if some one points a laser or something I feel it. Superpowers are not strictly limited to fiction, as machines, animals or even other humans are capable of performing feats that ordinary humans would never hope to replicate. An element such as wind is not usually used or created from eyes we know airbenders from Avatar and other fictional characters who are creating wind from the air, their hands, and more. If I had magical powers I wouldn't be poor due to a disease. Aura Manipulation is an extremely powerful and versatile ability that allows its users to read, copy and enhance aura. Is this time control? But who has time for these real stuffs. I make no guarantees as to the accuracy of any of the statements listed here. Updated on July 29th, 2022 by Tanner Fox:Everyone would love to have a superpower, but, given the choice, most would likely opt for more conventional abilities such as super strength or super speed. Yet, as is touched on inWatchmen, this god-like power could make a hero lose touch with their humanity. I last checked. So almost a year ago, my sister realized she had the power to control wind. ABCGood Morning America's Ginger Zee has warned viewers about the 'severe' weather heading to New York City[/caption . Their eyes breathe underwater is a lot of super powers dead or something I feel it apart from after... 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