You put on the suit and cape feeling as the excitement began to course through you. James Olsen was gone, back to Metropolis, Winn was still in the future, Sam Arias had been fired from L-Corp, Lucy Lane was currently being transferred out of . Before you are able to decide though the people below you spot you and you know its only a matter of time before Supergirl aka Kara shows up. You didnt have the greatest control over the powers though. canon is staying the same) - one that Reign is redeemed! It was a week after your disappearance that the police had called saying they found your car. Youre not even sure of what you were looking for. Supergirl x Reader Fanfiction. He was then able to follow the man by jumping through the cameras that littered the city. Her ankle must be really hurting if Alex is crying. Kara had saved you from that all those years ago. Supergirl was on her way along with J'onn, Lena, and Alex. This isnt you! Wondering if theres anyone out there that truly cares about you. Your need for revenge grew with every passing day and it had now consumed you. Will they be able to help her get back to her normal self? Lillian could barely hide her excitement. I stood by your side when everyone told me you were just going to end up like your brother! Her mind was traveling a million miles a second trying to figure out how to save this. Fluff ensues. "Alright.". (Y/N)! I'll do my best to write them. I wont attack unless absolutely necessary. You say. You and Lena had entered a relationship together again though. If you just please surrender and let us take you to the DEO I can get Lena and everything can be explained. Kawaki fled Konoha, and it has been decided that Sasuke Uchiha will once again embark on a years long mission, taking Boruto along with him to protect the only Karma wielder Konoha has left.Once again, Sarada has to say goodbye to her father, do her best not to blame her teammate for this predicament, and keep racing forward to her goal of Hokage in a village still somewhat resentful of the Uchiha.Can she do it? You were the best thing to ever happen to her. Please let me explain. That was basically how your whole week went. Im not thinking this story will be super long, but well see.". She seemed very pleased with your response. Kara and Alex have a confession to make to Eliza. (Y/N), those looks arent for you theyre for the Luthor. You frowned slightly before looking at them. Kara Danvers is in the first year of her Masters when she meets Lena Luthor. You used your super speed to put on your suit and made your way to where Lillian was waiting for you outside of the building. I can take a look at all the files of previous subjects and see if I might be able to determine where your team went wrong. you told Lillian. You gave a small embarrassed smile as a chuckle escaped your lips. I had started it right after I published the last chapter but I had to stop writing for a majority of the week. Its killing me to not to be able to love you freely! For everything I have put you through these months that I have been gone. you whispered out. And I assume your stomach still hurts?". She wasnt the only one suffering from the loose of you. Not everything had been fixed but hopefully this was the start of a new better beginning. The dresser draws that had held your clothes were all pulled open and empty. You got a response back almost immediately telling you she would be there. She had no care for her own life anymore causing Supergirl to have to constantly rush to her rescue. Lena isn't feeling well. Also, Kara is a trans woman. Will things go as planned or will life continue to throw both women curve-balls? Well, that wasn't exactly true. You got lost in thought trying to figure out what to do with this whole situation. I catch my breath for a few minutes before immediately going back to Alex. We also have Winn trying to find anything that could possibly help. The suit was black and white with the symbol of CADMUS on the chest. "Its you. You couldnt just join an organization like CADMUS without there being severe consequences. In fact try not to attack at all. The year is 2006, and Kara Danvers is a student at Leesburg High. AN: I hope you guys enjoyed that chapter! He had traveled into the future Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to any of these characters, I have simply changed them a bit in order to fit the plot of the story. You. Alexander and his sister Kara were inseparable and as happy as they could be. Close to Canon, but a bit grittier than the show would allow. Work Search: Oh, no! You both traded blows crashing through buildings. Will Naruto turn into an unexpected mentor? You had no desire to be with someone who obviously didnt think that you were enough. She couldnt fix this with words and you wouldnt allow her to get close to you. She made it. Lena decided not to worry herself, Alex would call if there was a problem. Now we follow the story to find out how Kara juggles her life, love and job in her crazy world. So I--. Maybe you should give her a chance to explain herself. Not So Super Chapter 1: Sparring, a supergirl fanfic | FanFiction Sparring Alex doesn't realize Kara's sick and pushes her while they're training. I only ever talk to Lena. You shrugged as if to prove your point. You tried not to overthink because you knew, or at least you thought you knew, that Lena wouldnt do that to you. supergirl fanfiction kara broken leg. You quickly shook it off. You ended up losing your earpiece at some where in the fight between the 3 of you. Kara. you called out to her before she left. All the broken promises! Supercorp, in different situations, some good, some bad. I'll be there soon, and please look after yourself.". She opened her mouth to say something but nothing would come out. The drive there gave you some extra time to try and think about how you wanted to approach this. There was nothing sweet about what happened between you two that night. I won't allow you. Speaking of that, how are you? I wrap an arm around her to help her stand up, but also to help me stay upright. How will the Luthor handle it when the Super turns the tables on her once again? Drawn into the wild torrent of mystery and bizarre events that surround each other, this meeting will change the course of their lives, and of human history. Lillian had always liked you anyways, said you had the makings of a true Luthor. She knew this wasnt you but she didnt know what Lillian had do or said to make you like this. The Soup Scene from S3 but it's actually Kara this time and not J'onn pretending to be Kara, Alex Danvers has created a group chat revolving around Kara's uselessness and she is loving every second, J'onn J'onzz is not paid enough for this. You shook your head and picked your bag up. Several months ago, large amounts of Red Kryptonite were discovered on Earth. Shortly after that J'onn, Lena, and Alex came busting in through the door. You had no idea how to find Lillian right then but you knew you needed to because you may have just found the break through she needed. Alex and Kara race against time to save their friend. And thought maybe itd be something youd noticeably react to -- once you found out. This is just as much my fault. This is the sequel to "The Beginning of the Age of Heroes." You didnt know why. A/N- So I Finished this a little earlier than I though so instead of uploading it tomorrow Im uploading it now. Lena thinks that something dies inside her, that day. She may paint me in a bad way but she was always a manipulative and conniving child. Lillian began to say. Youd be able to take enough and you could just have someone else come and grab the rest of your stuff for you. Based on "Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow" comics. You could by the look in her eyes that she knew what you were about to say. Legend has it that on the night of the red moon, hell itself will release Cerberus to help this being to rediscover his love and the sky will illuminate the path that should have been traveled centuries ago. Not the same way Kara had but Lena could understand that pain better than you would ever be able to. Especially those of you who have requests that I havent done yet. Perhaps she was out on Supergirl duty. Meanwhile Lena becomes her own worst enemy. Kara would forget to call because she got caught up in conversation with Lena. Its ok. Lena, as Mistress had informed her, doesnt wear a collar like she does, instead gifted with a ring around her finger that sparkles beneath the light. Not Lena. You laughed and turned around to face her. Your (E/C) eyes meet Lenas from across the room and you can see the frown pulling at her lips from where you sit. Who the hell are you and why do you have (Y/N)s phone. Lena growled out. She had waltzed into your life and slowly helped you pick up every piece. As you pulled up to LCorp you just knew that your heart was about to be broken. We have begun to try and figure out how one might fuse alien DNA, specifically Kryptonian DNA, with human DNA. An epic two shot exploring two different scenarios in which Barry and Kara were to wage war against each other. Then the tides started to turn against you. So? She looks ahead at the intersection. The more time that passed the more you began to believe she had stolen everything from you. As we're walking I look over and notice a pained expression on her pale face. Youre not dying Kara, youre sick.. I know you can't lose them. Supergirl is trying to use Lenas magic to capture Lex but she has barely any experience or training. Ruby didnt want to but she followed her moms orders anyways. Lena Learns that family can be more than just blood ties. "I just wanted my plan to work this year. Kara Danvers es un Alfa que lleg a los 14 aos de edad a la tierra, a sus 16 se emparej con un Omega llamado Kenny Li quien muri meses despus junto a la cra de Kara. I only talk to Lena and yea shes like one the bigger bosses or whatever she is. You hadnt even hesitated before just stating that her last name didnt matter and walking away. Its just more of a when I have time kind of thing. At least you used to be the person she'd come running to. A self-indulgent angsty-ish post reveal fic. I know more about this than anyone else here. You could hear sniffles from Enid as she picked up the stack of books and headed in your direction. I actually just came from there. They are a little tied up.". Oh Supergirl CADMUS didnt do anything to me I didnt want them to. Please help me! Lena heard you yell before crying out in pain. You quickly looked away from her and looked at your hands as you began to fidget. She sets down her purse and walks into her bedroom, but what she sees in there concerns her more than she'd like to admit. Youll be ok. You rasped out before having a coughing fit. I quickly get up and run over to the trash can. In the sleepy town of Riverrush, Lena, seeking a reprieve from the noise and bustle of the city, meets a stranger. How could she have messed up this bad she watched as you walked out of the room. As soon as you could figure out what had caused the past subjects to fail then you could fix it and once it was fixed you could have your revenge. If it wasnt for Supergirl you would be married to Lena, you would still have all your friends, you could have been starting your own family with Lena and so much more. Im just going to head home. She quickly untied you before wrapping you in her arms protectively. Once I'm standing I start feeling really dizzy and I put almost all my weight onto Alex to avoid falling. Luckily Kara soon finds out about Lena and takes her home to look after her. Completed. I can make it, I have to make it. Jess looked up at you and smiled as you walked up. You need to leave right now Lena. The CancerCollegeDialysisAU nobody wanted, I need to help Kara. Youre not helping her when you do this. Maggie said. Lena starts taking an interest in the puzzle that is Kara. NO! but there will be one for each day. You knew you should probably run because this is how people get kidnapped but right then you didnt particularly care. I dont want to ever talk to either one of you or see you again. You quickly turned around and ran from the both of them knowing they would be unable to follow because neither one had bothered getting dressed after you caught them. You had even tried to talk to Kara about it. She put her hand on your arm to stop you and looked at you in complete disbelief. With you here now and all the knowledge that I am sure you have about certain under the radar projects at LCorp you could be a valuable asset to this team. After meeting each other in college and becomes close friends, the two have to split ways and move on with their lives. I manage to walk over to the couch and sit down next to her. Everybodys heart was breaking as they watched the dark path Lena started to go down. Shortly afterwards you heard your door opening and closing and then you finally gave into your urge to cry. If I had only paid more attention to how you were feeling this could have all been avoided. I slowly nod my head as Alex helps me stand up. That isnt an excuse though. Natalie nods. What ever will Supergirl do with a runny nose and a sore throat? She checked your bedroom last and the sight that greeted her shattered whatever pieces remained of her heart. She got up and took a step towards you as you took another step back. They all belong to the CW. It is focused on the sisters and them finding things that they thought were lost. She needed to find you as soon as possible. The few people that had been around began to yell. You saw her eyes begin to light up and you felt the fear take over your whole body. "Well, how do I know if you're even telling the truth?" Do you think she hesitated ever once out of all the times she cancelled plans with you to go and play house with Kara Danvers. Kara looked up at you with a smile that quickly dropped when she saw the murderous look in your eyes directed at Lena. Uh oh. Back on Earth, as her powers don't seem to come back right away, she realizes some things have to change in her life. What do you want? Lena heard the man chuckle after she asked him. She became obsessed with finding (Y/N). Yet the way she worded that made the sickening feeling in your stomach grow. Lena had needed her help. She took out a case, But we can fix you. The new serum was blue. It looks worse than when I found her on the couch. Lena shook her head before standing up and shoving Alex away from her. Today was your first day at Lexcorp and even though you were really only a glorified intern you didnt mind. Shining as always. You didnt know if you had it in you to betray Lena like this, no matter how much she hurt you. Kara In-Ze, better known as Supergirl and also as Kara Kent, is the last daughter of Argo, sister planet to Krypton. You couldnt beg for her to stop or for her to leave. Was she even the only one or did you have multiple girls? Maggie decides to go for the Danvers who holds her heart since college; Kara Danvers. She asks once she calms down a bit. You already are hurting me Lena! No matter who or what his true identity was, little sister Kara was always supporting him. Kara was standing there looking hurt and confused. Hey Lena. bruises were covering every inch of your skin, you had lost count of all the broken bones you had, blood was flowing out of your body from multiple different places, and you knew that there was more damage than you could ever imagine. How did she know what had happened between you and Lena already? That was the wrong thing for her to say, as Cat soon finds out when she is tossed off the building. I quickly hang up and walk into my room to wake Alex up. She walked towards you and grinned maniacally. You opened your mouth to scream but nothing could come out. PLEASE! Alex falls in love with Kara. Baby I have been so worried about you. She saw the symbol on your suit and her eyes widened. "Kara why didn't you tell me sooner?!" Sams eyes widened and she pulled Lena closer to her. It only took 4 words to shatter Lena's entire world and a lot more to build it back up again. Youre not the Kara she left this letter for.. Join CADMUS and you can have your revenge on Supergirl for stealing Lena away from you. Your eyes grew wide as you stared at her. You would sit with her and talk but soon she began to cancel those too. There were no words that would be able to get you to forgive her. Alexs jaw dropped and she tried to say something before Lena glared at her. Just please dont leave me please. You could hear her beg and even though every single minuscule movement hurt you forced yourself to turn your head to face her and reach out your hand to her. Did you honestly not know this whole time that she is Lena Luthor Lex Luthors younger sister? Your eyes widened in surprise. Soon she would have the perfect Kryptonian killing machine in the palm of her hand. She had called everyone and none of them knew where you were at. The woman at the desk recognized Lena and let her up to Kara's apartment. You wish you could hurt Lena the way she had hurt you. Her eyebrows furrowed when she averted her gaze to your bleeding arm, taking off her beloved snood as she gently wrapped it around the clothed wound. First dark SuperCorp AU written for this prompt. She had just started taking on more projects herself and was even partnering with Supergirl occasionally now. You were going to get your revenge and this was just the first step. Rutting Werewolf Lena comes face to face with Red Kryptonite Kara in her heat. ), Crisis on Infinite Earths Crossover Event (CW DC TV Universe), it takes 20 chapters for them to get together, this is what I like to call a Reign redeemed fic, Lena Luthor Finds Out Kara Danvers is Supergirl, podfic chapter length varies wildly - sorry, Loving Someone As You Are: Supercorp, Dansen and Their Family & Friends, Endgame Samantha "Sam" Arias/Alex Danvers, References to Dracula - Bram Stoker (Novel 1897), Slow burn unless my adhd gets too impatient, idk if kara is neurodivergent or just an alien. I do not own any of these characters. Kara quickly looked between the two of you and began to pack up her stuff before leaving as quickly as she could. I need to take you to the DEO ok? She asked you and you just nodded letting her fly you there. Well I guess you might as well since this will probably be the last time you hear their voice. The man said before laughing cruelly. From kids, to power rangers, from powers to no powers, from happy to sad. Lena became obsessed with finding you and developed some bad habits. (Y/N) is strong. All you could think as she placed her hand on your shoulder was dont say it. There are so many people out there that would love to get their hands on you to use you against her. You knew you shouldnt have done that but after your relationship being kept a secret for a year you were just done. The window rolled down and you were surprised to see who it was. (Y/N)! How might that make the moment when Lena finally reveals her deception different? Against my own family. "She hurt her ankle in the fight with the rouge alien, and she honestly doesn't look great." (Y/N)! Lena screamed as she came running towards you. hi, i'm Kalex. She asks concern written all over her face. Kara is the head of general surgery and she has a strict no-dating coworkers, that is until a certain pediatric surgeon comes into her life. I have eyes and ears everywhere and I have always kept a close eye on you and Lena. You were unsure on how you were able to keep your temper under enough control that you werent screaming and throwing things at the both of them. The Death of Supergirl. You had barely managed to get to and grab Alex before Kara landed in front of you. I say breathlessly after I finish vomiting. / Ch. Everything was going according to her plan. Kara, her dad was the main suspect in your entire familys murder.. Work Search: You didnt want to be a secret. The popcorn machine (I think) incident . Kara had already left to change into Supergirl. I do not own any of the characters used, they all belong #alexdanvers It makes me want to join a mission trip or something. You told them with a small fond smile on your face. Everything was finally coming together. Through that time you had slowly built all your relationships back up. Lena slowly cut back on her drinking but she was still obsessed with finding you. A world seemingly just like yours, until you discover a new kind of superhero protecting the earth. Kara and Lena have patched things up but things are still a little awkward between them. Many tears were shed that night by everyone. 58 - Continuation of my follow-up to episode 4x10 She quickly looked you over and with every new injury she saw her anger and sadness grew. Do you know how your disappearance drove Lena crazy? Im so sorry for everything. You went to the bedroom you once shared with her. Dont forget why you signed up for this project in the first place. Lena had lost her entire world too. You didnt want her anywhere near you. You smirked as you looked over it. After that day Lena would always stop by to visit you. (Y/N)! she yelled your name running through the penthouse checking every room. You didnt want anything to do with her anymore. She bit her lip hard to try and keep in the sobs that wanted to break out. You arent sure where you should go though. You didnt want to listen to her but you couldnt help but think she was right. She almost wanted to stop it from happening because she was certain after this that you would no longer talk to her and she had enjoyed talking with you and becoming friends. As long as I am breathing I will never surrender Supergirl! You yelled back at her before using your heat vision. The Superfriends have been vigilant with accident-prone powerless Kara, they now have to deal with the different ways Kara gets sick. You walked over to the window and stared at her. Kara had seen her work for 48 hours straight on the bathroom floor with a hundred and three-degree fever. I love you too (Y/N) and I promise you I will find you. That was the last thing she was able to say before the call was ended. Sorry Sam. Will Clark help her again? Both were equally as inviting for things she had little choice in. aghh i hope you like it, Warnings- Violence, kidnapping, mentions of blood/torture- let me know if you would like me to add any other warnings. Somehow they've got Kara and Kryptonite too. Lena smiled happy that you and her friends got along so well. You knew your resolve would break the moment your eyes meet hers again. You never made her feel like she had to choose between you and her work because you knew how important clearing her last name was to her. Last night proved that you werent though. Everything you had been feeling you poured into the kiss. You sighed as you heard her walking closer to you. You didnt mean what Lena? I promise you. I love her and you took her away from me. As we're about to approach the door frame she stops. She entered the room about 30 minutes later with a smile on her face. That was an extremely difficult task because since that night Lena had been coming around more often. No one could find even a trace of you. She tried calling you multiple times but you never picked up. Alex looked over at Lena as the tears began to fall down Lenas face. Sweet slice of life story that gets progressively more wild as it continues. What happens when her friends start to notice her odd behavior? Supergirl took everything from you. You heard Lillian say over the earpiece. If I was someone else, you wouldve butchered me in an instant, you chuckled, tucking her hair behind her ear. She just didnt know when to stop. You could feel her pouring all of her emotions into the kiss. Lena stopped rocking back and forth and stared straight ahead. Do you need something? Supergirl is under the influence of black kryptonite and holding many hostages. It's a Sanvers no powers alternate universe, featuring Toddler!Kara. So, when Lena decided to move to National City you put in a transfer request with your job and ended up following her. You just laughed at her. I see you have super strength. A harrowing incident forces Kara to rediscover herself and buried emotions come to the surface. After you had finished explaining everything he thanked you and left the room. "Sorry but (Y/N) is unavailable at the moment. The police they..they said thatthey said that it um it didnt look like there was any um any foul play but they coulcouldnt rule it out. Lena managed to get out as she tried to contain the sobs that had started again. Exactly what the title says life's going great kara and lena have a little girl everyones happy// supercorp, sanvers, winn and aila (they don't have a ship name Do you like Star Wars and Supergirl? They had been going at it for a little over an hour, and she had a thin layer of sweat to prove it. and is a central character in her own right and quickly becomes a part of the Superfriends. Maybe she could get through to you, she had to try at least. I know when Im not wanted. She leaves behind a heartbroken Lena who finds out she is pregnant. She knew all of your weaknesses ad she had used them against you. Every time I talk to Lena you guys give me nasty looks. The people looked at you shocked. "I would of but I was scared that you were going to pass out. You kissed the top of her head and relaxed as much as you could. "Kara," Alex yelled as she watched her sister fall to the ground after she used her heat vision to destroy a robot that was threatening National City. Lead the way oh gracious Lena. You said in a joking manner. If this didnt work though she had one more trick up her sleeve that she knew would tip you over the edge. I actually dont know what she does huh. You had learned that she had been adopted, she was insanely smart, she loved to travel and been to almost all of Europe, she usually ate very healthy but every once in a while she would spoil herself with a good juicy burger, she had the biggest heart out of everyone you knew, she didnt get along with her adoptive family too much, she used to compete in fencing and was extremely talented, and so much more. One or did you honestly not know this whole situation of life story gets! I 'll be there soon, and Kara race against time to save their friend and us! Jumping through the door frame she stops matter how much she hurt you life and slowly helped you pick every! Had held your clothes were all pulled open and empty the best thing to ever talk Lena! Your lips different scenarios in which Barry and Kara race against time to try think... Through to you sleeve that she knew all of her head before standing up walk... Hands on you and smiled as you heard her walking closer to you the of. 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