The president recognized that this event was a crime committed "in France, by France," and emphasized that the deportations in which French police participated were offences committed against French values, principles, and ideals. The roundup was delayed until after Bastille Day on 14 July at the request of the French. _WidgetManager._RegisterWidget('_BlogView', new _WidgetInfo('Blog1', 'page_body', document.getElementById('Blog1'), { "I talked to him about murder, he answered me with gardening. You can add all sorts of herbs and spices to create a rich n. I also add parsley and garlic powder to my gravy which i. Among them are Ann Hughes and Miriam Dassin, embroiderers at the famed Mayfair fashion house of Norman Hartnell. And ann's canadian granddaughter, heather,. On July 16-17, 1942, French police in Paris rounded up 13,152 stateless Jews men, women and children and consigned them to purgatory. !function(){"use strict";if(navigator.userAgent.match(/IEMobile\/10\.0/)){var e=document.createElement("style");e.appendChild(document.createTextNode("@-ms-viewport{width:auto!important}")),document.head.appendChild(e)}}(); In December 1941, forty prisoners from Drancy were murdered in retaliation for a French attack on German police officers. In order to avoid a public outcry on Bastille Day, a French national holiday, the roundup was moved from July 1315 to July 1617. According to records of the Prfecture de Police, 13,152 Jews were arrested,[1] including more than 4,000 children.[2]. Meanwhile, non-Jewish residents went about their daily lives in wartime Paris. ($("header").removeClass("nav-down").addClass("nav-up"),$(".nav-up").css("top","-"+l)):a+$(window).height()<$(document).height()&&($("header").removeClass("nav-up").addClass("nav-down"),$(".nav-up, .nav-down").css("top","0px")),lastScrollTop=a)}$(window).scroll(function(a){didScroll=!0}),setInterval(function(){didScroll&&(hasScrolled(),didScroll=!1)},250),$(".site-content").css("margin-top",$(".mediumnavigation").innerHeight()+"px"); Ces ides fausses ont longtemps pass sous silence la parole, rare, des enfants du Vel' d'Hiv'. },"html"); At the end of July, the remaining adults were separated from their children and deported to Auschwitz. [4] As well as track cycling, the new building was used for ice hockey, wrestling, boxing, roller-skating, circuses, spectacles and demonstrations. There was only one water faucet. It failed to keep its word and delivered those under its protection to their executioners.. Among them are ann hughes and miriam dassin, embroiderers at the famed. He stood for election that year as a candidate for the Marne. With Annette Krajcer, Rachel Jedinak, Esther Senot, Arlette Testyler. It was built by Henri Desgrange, editor of L'Auto, who later organised the Tour de France, as a velodrome (cycle track) when his original track in the nearby Salle des Machines was listed for demolition in 1909 to improve the view of the Eiffel Tower. //l;l++){var c=h[l],f=r[c],m=parseFloat(f);a[c]=isNaN(m)?0:m}var p=a.paddingLeft+a.paddingRight,g=a.paddingTop+a.paddingBottom,y=a.marginLeft+a.marginRight,v=a.marginTop+a.marginBottom,_=a.borderLeftWidth+a.borderRightWidth,z=a.borderTopWidth+a.borderBottomWidth,E=d&&s,b=t(r.width);b!==!1&&(a.width=b+(E?0:p+_));var x=t(r.height);return x!==!1&&(a.height=x+(E?0:g+z)),a.innerWidth=a.width-(p+_),a.innerHeight=a.height-(g+z),a.outerWidth=a.width+y,a.outerHeight=a.height+v,a}}var s,a="undefined"==typeof console?e:function(t){console.error(t)},h=["paddingLeft","paddingRight","paddingTop","paddingBottom","marginLeft","marginRight","marginTop","marginBottom","borderLeftWidth","borderRightWidth","borderTopWidth","borderBottomWidth"],u=h.length,d=!1;return r}),function(t,e){"use strict";"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define("desandro-matches-selector/matches-selector",e):"object"==typeof module&&module.exports?module.exports=e():t.matchesSelector=e()}(window,function(){"use strict";var t=function(){var t=window.Element.prototype;if(t.matches)return"matches";if(t.matchesSelector)return"matchesSelector";for(var e=["webkit","moz","ms","o"],i=0;i