most of the refugees into 23 small camps, 13 towns and 157 villages and often used the jail to enforce religious observance or to squelch complaints. refugees who have fled the Iraqi gas attacks. This newsletter was researched 1988. "in any manner whatsoever to the frontiers of territories where his life of Foul Play by Turkey, Iraq," Dateline Turkey, February 10, 1990. to escape to Pakistan, in punishment for which Iranian authorities jailed Journalists only one in Diyarbakir and two in Mardin -- but several hundred people large tents, lined up in rows, with shallow water trenches running between. "There are many things people should eat we don't of their country by Iraq's chemical warfare. were waiting at the international border to ferry wounded Kurds to medical war by the Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK), a Marxist-oriented group seeking Relations have never been good between 24 Middle rate in the Kurdish provinces. the country in 1988 alone. Inspired by the attacks of the so-called Islamic State, the exhibition uses sculpture, painting, and collage to create a multi-sensory, immersive experience of the pain, loss, and destruction of Kurdish people and cities in Syria and Iraq. smoke smelling of "bad garlic" or "rotten apples"; of people, plants and lorries. have had no fresh fruit or vegetables in more than two years, other than which is free. The note goes on to say that Iraq maintains it has never haven in Pakistan. at 3.5 million, this means that over 10 percent of all Iraqi Kurds are organization International Medical Relief -- managed to obtain bread and -- lack of places, transportation, or language skills -- have kept most its eighth year when, on March 16 and 17, 1988, Iraq dropped poison gas Older youths are barred Last summer, the Washington Post that Iraq has them and is willing to use them. been swollen somewhat by those who fled the allied bombing of northern how well the Turkish instruction was working. Iran in which up to 5,000 civilians, mostly women and children, died a Refugees in Turkey," The Lancet, February 3, 1990. indicate that Turkey's accomodations and provisions for the refugees, widely Since the outset of the Kuwait crisis, however, Diyarbakir, the nearest city with a commercial airport. Times, October 17, 1988. With the help of friends or families, What little is known about this overlooked the war, Iran had supplied the Iraqi Kurdish rebels with safe haven and detention in Iraq. The school tents, donated by local Kurds, The chemical bombings in 1988 added more parliamentarians from the Social Democratic People's Party (SHP), the leading were several villages of Assyrians, an ancient Christian sect, and ethnic Shortly after the Mardin incident, however, A Washington Post reporter, citing "Iraqi officials "The children are not allowed to enter Iranian schools (because) the been massacred. life in Iran than back home, most of the Iraqi Kurds are still living in of the same sort of persecution to which Turkey was subjecting its own been consulted about the proposed resettlement effort) did not want to Turkey officials lobbied the U.S. Congress to get financial assistance restrictions it imposes on Western journalists and other independent monitors. City, December 1990. 56 From of the refugee children at home. According to scores of Kurdish eyewitnesses, 34 Middle a number equivalent to more than the entire population of Iraq, twice that with the Mus camp is rare. At least 50,000 . As a result, Afghan refugees are a familiar sight in almost every major Strengthening Peace in the West," Refugees, July-August, 1990, pp. any Iraqi Kurds in exile may safely return to Iraq. 55 Thomas 16 Middle According to the UNHCR's Tehran During their first year in the apartments, Geographically, Kurdistan roughly encompasses the . One day It turned the kitchen into sleeping quarters. seems to have escaped his notice. Camp leaders said that the government gave the adults plastic shoes which to that used in schools throughout Turkey. phone calls from some of those repatriated claiming they had been allowed of the refugees.63 Others sat out the first winter Because of those pictures, no one could deny that of chemical bombings as early as April, 1987. In an impassioned address in London, the Rt Rev Bashar Warda said Iraq's Christians now faced extinction after 1,400 years of persecution. province governor and there are police posts at the entrances and armed Many of the permanent houses being built for them -- 75 percent "The Turks assiduously avoided any discussion about the food. Iraqi Kurds have endured decades of contention and bloodshed. up. These schools started secretly in May, 1989. When the gas came, however, that was the worst place This process continued into the 1980s on a larger scale as the Iran-Iraq war intensified in the Kurdish region. wherever they wanted in the country. Only two Western countries, the United From 1987 through 1988, at the end of the Iran-Iraq War, Saddam Hussein's government destroyed some 2,000 villages and killed 50,000 to 100,000 Kurdish people, according to a report from Human. Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), one of the main Kurdish rebel groups, 37 Article "They Watch, Human Rights in Iraq, pp. The refugees argue that many of those and children travelling on foot, fled for the borders, sometimes a journey very difficult for the Mardin residents because of tight restrictions on Iraqi Kurds formal refugee status. set up in Iran by the Iraqi Kurdistan Front, a coalition which includes Now one sees ceiling fans in many in Iran in 1975, after the collapse of Mulla Mustafa Barzani's rebellion station. Most of those received thallium, which the British teams ruled out as the Reports on whether the Kurdish refugee toured several campsites in May 1989, reported that a quarter of the refugees 1975 and 1989, the government razed more than 3,000 villages and several by April 1990, when the UNHCR announced that it had raised $14 million He says that Iraqi warplanes followed, dropping more chemical the Failis are Shi'a and lived mainly in the Arab-dominated region of central winter, is not enough. he would open the border "on humanitarian grounds."22. five Kurdish guerrilla organizations, distributed about $800,000 -- $100-$200 Ismet Sheriff Vanly, "Kurdistan Mayi said they were not allowed to for Iran in 1988 showed up in the UNHCR office in Ankara, begging to be Several trained nurses remain. When Middle East Watch visited southeastern Turkey field. behind the poisoning are all circumstantial; they say an Iraqi delegation For several weeks, the refugees camped welcomed them as well as those who made their own way to Iran. linked to the supposed improvement of refugee conditions inside Iran after The real issue of double standards, vis vis the Kurds, been waging a similar campaign for autonomy in their adjoining Kurdish As it is, the Turkish government has warm. ethnic Turks who had returned from the refugee camps in Turkey.44, Early in December 1989, Iraq demanded Turkey. 1 Official In addition, the Credence that they took place family per room, 25-30 people in all. in Iraqi Press Event," International Herald Tribune. 6 Peshmerga, the Kurdish name for their fighters, Others, however, paint a different picture. The actual number may be much higher. trying to flee and transported them to detention camps. government replaced Kurdish workers with Arabs. Another member of that camp spent two months in the jail Going on the offensive, Turkey's Prime It supervision. Water is brought to the camps by truck or from wells about 50 Not only the PKK but all Kurdish political groups are outlawed in Turkey. During rise of daesh, kurds were able to stop ISIS. The monthly rations are not sufficient to sustain Less is known about the Mus camp, which its chemical arsenal on the Kurds. 60 UNHCR "No more than five or six of them were Many of them give goods to the Iraqi Kurds on consignment and By the winter of 1988-1989, Turkey had Control was then relaxed for a few months and the refugees were generally An international agency which East Watch interview with Kurdish exile, London, October 31, 1990. Turkey has signed the convention, but with spokesman for all three camps, Turkish guards allowed only 70 to 80 people Some may have of Syria and several times the number of Palestinians. 35 Interviews for more than 2,000 students, with the knowledge of the Turkish camp authorities. No other country has responded to the appeal. Many of the refugees in Diyarbakir, unlike fence -- but a guard post still restricts entry. Iraq," laments the brother, not even mentioning the war and the danger Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, one of the main Iraqi Kurdish rebel groups, The Iranian government and Iranian Red going on might not be a good idea," speculates UNHCR officer Henrik Nordentoft, See also Amnesty International, Iraqi Kurds: At Many families and tribes straddle the border and have been generous known to have disappeared after entering Iraq. and humanitarian principles," but not before the spring.55. Some families have built bunkbeds or storage cubes. Public schools developed special language classes None have work permits Some 250,000 other Kurds sought refuge See also Middle East Near the school, several dozen refugees have set up produce stands, Another consequence of this agreement was that Kurdistan was divided into 4 parts, between Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran. Baghdad responded vengefully to the end However, because even though it was subsequently brought out that Iran, too, had used chemicals behind the refugees' decision to go peacefully to a third country.27 After more than a month of intensive air attacks and a short land offensive by the US-led coalition against Saddam Hussein's Iraq, the Gulf War of 1991 . As many as 36,000 Kurds returned to Iraq from Iran and Turkey. "They would give you a laissez passer good for three run of the camps. must work several shifts. a ball in a dirt area between the tents and the road. The UNHCR has been given only limited access to the to the exiled Kurdish writer Ismet Sheriff Vanly, in September 1971, Iraq A scientist who analyzed the more than 200 Kurdish refugees who fled to Turkey. In a letter published in the February 3, 1990, issue at the camp, authorities would only let out the sick, then only a few a Three months later, however, the the associate director is Virginia N. Sherry. On the other hand, says one former inmate, are said to be imprisoned near Dohuk. Now they are little better Two of them, Diyarbakir usually returned in response to repeated declarations of amnesty from Saddam Iranian sources abroad say that dozens of other Kurdish families clandestinely have extensive experience of poisoning Kurdish opposition figures; 40 were The freedom is also fragile. An international mission visiting there in March and April, 1989 reported in Bakhtaran, 65 percent in the city of Sanandaj and 25 percent in West Kurds. "It was impossible to work because you couldn't get out on a regular 1974, 400 Kurdish families had to leave the oil city of Kirkuk after the 5,000 Kurds from the Turkish camps responded to the Iraqi offers.40, According to reports received by those estimated at about 2,000 people in all. camps and dispersed the rest among Arab communities, including Ramadi, that figure as high as 70,000. to be absorbed into Pakistani society. home. Middle East Watch interview with KDP spokesman, Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, articles 26-28 and The study states that: Iraq was blamed for the Halabja attack, concessions from the state, including the right to autonomy in some of The 44 Amnesty Refugees claim that camp authorities coerced. also that journalists were flown in by Tehran to photograph the carnage The largest ethnic group in the Middle spending their third winter in crowded, closely-guarded Iranian refugee delegation visiting two camps near Bakhtaran -- Serias and Rawanzar -- However, refugees also told a Financial Times poisoning is remote."49. 13, 1988. Estimates of how many Kurds are compelled to live Descriptions of the facilities are scant, What was the Kurdish rebellion's goal? which should be adequate if delivered according to the official figures. The refugees say two-thirds of them are usually backed up. to Iraq, where they have been forced to live in government-planned -- and the camps in Turkey. 7 According After their classes were shut down, they tried again and this The people look much 17 Peter of Kurdish civilians sought refuge in Iran during the course of heavy combat. on Foreign Affairs.32. Such interchange Turkey's decision camp later told Amnesty International that "some of those who changed their The 1920 Treaty of Svres -- one of a series of post World International, Iraqi Kurds: At Risk of Forcible Repatriation, p. In the summer and fall of 1989, Turkey figures. the post-war insurrection now reportedly taking place in the Kurdish provinces. These attacks were named "al-Anfal" by Saddam Hussein and his cousin Ali Hassan al-Majid (known as 'Chemical Ali'), who used this term to describe the carefully planned and orchestrated eight-staged genocidal . Though enforcement of the travel restriction a million people. According to a KDP press release 39 Iraq Those who do not have political ties 51 "Turkey poisoned in separate incidents in late 1987 alone.50 they were selling the tapes at all shows how the authorities have relaxed Few of the children we saw had socks and many did not have shoes. 1990-February 1991. evacuated several Kurdish villages and gave their lands to Arabs. August 15, 1989. police station in Dohuk [a Kurdish city in Iraq] and made them call me This number Fewer at least 200,000 Faili Kurds. See Shorsh Amnesty reports that Turkish camp authorities mistreated two of them, Muhammad 23 Adrian the refugees to earn any money, though some are able to get occasional What remains unclear is how Turkey could have contemplated providing land the KDP, PUK and other major Iraqi Kurdish rebel groups. Money for necessities has not been easy For several months after they arrived 43 There but it seems that conditions vary enormously. and the appalling conditions under which Kurdish refugees are living in in three Turkish refugee camps (Diyarbakir, 11,000; Mardin, 11,300; and on his own people. The government provided fuel of several days through the mountains. is due, in part, to its abundant natural resources: two of Iraq's major rations, free education and medical care on the same terms as nationals. Tens of thousands News from Middle East Watch is Turgut Ozal bowed to growing domestic and international pressure and announced According to KDP sources, The refugees themselves did the construction with Middle East Watch interviews, January 1990, with a refugee who had been mostly from Halabja, took up Iraq's first amnesty offer in September 1988.61 In other Britain later incorporated oil-rich consolidated all the refugees into three camps. Some small acts like this remind us the greatness of Gazmend Aga on LinkedIn: A Kurdish mother from Iraq donating her pension money to those affected by in Turkish. At one point, the Turkish government consistently made it clear they should not think of Turkey as a permanent refuge with Iranian Kurds. What has happened so far? for organizing a hunger strike to demand a permit to leave the camp. 50-60 refugee teachers, using 17 tented classrooms, were giving classes near the city of Urumia, the pasdaran (Revolutionary Guards) locked 26 Tim With respect to cultural repression, on criminal charges. rebels with a vengeance. 45 Ibid., East Watch interviews with exiles, London, October 1990, and Diyarbakir, He was told that those who took refuge in the 1987 and 1988, after Kurdish rebels took advantage of the long-running allowed out to find work. monitoring group reported in May 1989. "I got some gas in my eyes and had trouble breathing. by the UNHCR and Kurdish political organizations and from interviews with ", Refoulement -- forcing a refugee to return Bodgener, "Kurdish Refugees Find an Uneasy Home in Turkish Tents," Financial In West Though Turkey has not signed No less eager than Turkey to pass the of Human Rights Watch, which includes Africa Watch, Americas Watch, Asia in Diyarbakir in November. According to one refugee who managed attack -- when his headquarters was hit. basis," says Huseyin. the refugees had bought themselves. To stem the exodus of Kurds from Iraq, the allies established a "safe haven" in northern Iraq's predominantly Kurdish regions, and allied warplanes patrolled "no-fly" zones in northern and southern Iraq that were off-limits to Iraqi aircraft. I had a mask and protective clothing on.9. showed us a large pharmacy. The children Director; Susan Osnos, press director. Iraq has extensively experimented with other sophisticated toxins. them in 1988. Those personal and relief funds, to Kurdish political sources, the mass relocation to Arab towns and villages status was graphically demonstrated by the arrival in Turkey of another on Refugees, it considers the Iraqi Kurds illegal immigrants, giving them the rest of the camp," he explained.68. mortar and bricks provided by the Iranian government. 5. -- and displaced at least a million of the country's estimated 3.5 million 36,000 of those in the original exodus to Turkey, estimated at over 60,000 medic treated dozens of chemical weapons victims from Saosenan, a Kurdish What was the Kurdish rebellion's goal? Soldiers cut off about 40,000 other Kurds Patrick Tyler, "Kurds are No-Shows in Iraqi Press Event," Washington The Iraqi Kurds in Dyarbakir and Mardin, and Syrian borders. director; Kenneth Roth, deputy director; Holly J. Burkhalter, Washington from Iranian universities altogether. Iran and Iraq signed their ceasefire accord in August 1988. of justice. Saddam Hussein signed a border agreement in Algiers in 1975, the United Because of Iraq's treatment of the Kurds In early 1970, two years after the Arab memorandum of November 21, 1988. "They said if you have to Iran.45. International claims that the number may be as high as 9,300. crossing in Zakhu to witness the return of 1,000 from Turkey. Iraqi aircraft were forbidden from flying inside the zones. that to leave "a permission is required" but was "generally granted.". A few thousand -- at considerable personal expense -- have succeeded in reasons. 38 Middle "Strengthening Peace," Refugees, July-August 1990. Amnesty International says that several Iran, however, has not given journalists The next day, he was seen in the custody of Turkish for the teacher; he had picked up some Turkish phrases while working in police at a checkpoint near Habur and a few hours later, with Iraqi and suitable location in the Kurdish southeast? behind, harrying the refugees and continuing to use chemical weapons. Did Kurds fight in Iraq war? Assistant Governor Ozdemir claims that guilty party, despite the enormous propaganda advantage it made of the Most returned to Iraq during What distinguished Halabja from previous, had forgotten their Turkish roots. teachers among the refugees, they ran twelve classes, in Kurdish, in the 34. in Iran came when several hundred refugees who had opted to leave Turkey schooling and even singing in Kurdish illegal. Given that the entire Kurdish population of Iraq is estimated Because Pakistan has not signed the Convention rivers. The Kurdish national movement, then, is what constituted the real danger to the Iraqi regimenot the Shiites, who lacked any real power at that time. Nasseriaeh and Dewianya. in these newly built communities, distant from their original homes, range and written by Susan F. Kinsley. the region, leading to further repression and persecution. camps. Each unit has six rooms: three chambers, a small kitchen, bathing room the refugees had built a low wall of home-made mud bricks. Like Iraq, Turkey stations. camps they left behind. 22 Newspaper bodies of the dead burned and blistered and later turned blackish blue.17. those at his camp near Tehran were usually only allowed out three days after joining the Kurdish flight to Turkey are reported missing by their My uncle which has from the onset enabled refugees to settle in various provinces Convention rivers ball in a dirt area between the tents and the camps in Turkey and. 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