StatusB B. I and IV Since Commercial Paper is an exempt security under the Securities Act of 1933, it may be sold without a prospectus. $500,000 When the Securities and Exchange Commission sets the effective date for a new issue in registration, this means that the: 2.Reversing the order of the intersected tables alters the result. Under the "penny stock rule," an established customer that is exempt from the rule is defined as a person who has: General creditor status in the liquidation is given to any customer claims that are: B. above Securities Investor Protection Corporation coverage limits. Fines assessed for convictions involving violations of insider trading laws are paid to the: Under Regulation M, which statement is TRUE regarding stabilizing bids entered by market makers? StatusB B. I and IV StatusC C. the issuer needs to raise substantial funds from its selling shareholders for some business purpose that is detailed in the prospectus 250,000 shares Business entertainment means that the representative and the customer are together at some type of event. StatusA A. I only \text { Player } & \text { Rating } & \text { TD } \% & \text { Inter } \% \\ The greater amount is 1% of outstanding shares, or 250,000 shares. StatusC C. I, II, III A. III Solely from the standpoint of percentage of shares outstanding, a maximum of 1% of the company's shares can be sold at this time I SEC registration In April 2017, they were adjusted to $2,200 and $1,070,000 respectively. c. Compute the value of the test statistic. A small investor with $2,000 of available funds wishes to make a crowdfunding investment. Correct D. None of the above. If the SEC sets the "effective date" for an issue in registration, this means that all proper documents have been filed with the SEC. II. StatusB B. III and IV only StatusA A. I and III Anyone can purchase a Regulation A offering, however the amount that can be purchased of a Tier 2 offering by a non-accredited investor (basically, a person who is not wealthy) is limited to the greater of 10% of that person's annual income or net worth. these securities are issued by banks A The best answer is B. and other investments. Then write Correct B. during the 20 day cooling off period Both the issuer and all purchasers must be state residents B. Resale is permitted to state residents only, for the 180 day period following the offering C. The rule exempts intrastate issues from State registration D. The rule exempts intrastate issues from Federal registration The best answer is D. Government bonds, municipal bonds, and Small Business Investment Company issues are all exempt securities under the 1933 Act. Once the registration statement is filed, a preliminary prospectus can be sent; indications of interest can be accepted; and a "tombstone" announcement can be published. The prospectus is the disclosure document for new issues that are not exempt from registration. Thus, intrastate offerings of securities are exempt from Federal registration, but still are subject to registration within that State under the State's Blue Sky laws. StatusD D. II and IV. I Sale of the issue trading occurs in the secondary marketD. Statements B, C, and D are facts and are true. 500,000 shares StatusC C. 3 StatusD D. $5,000,000, The best answer is A. StatusB B. III and IV only Correct Answer D. II and IV. StatusB B. an offering circular must be provided to all purchasers an exempt transaction under Regulation D that can be sold without a prospectus to an unlimited number of accredited (wealthy) investors, but only to a maximum of thirty-five (35) non-accredited investors. B. Intrastate offerings are exempt from Federal Intrastate Offerings Defined An intrastate offering can only be purchased in the state it is issued. StatusD D. II and IV. If any of the securities are offered or sold to even one out-of-state person, the exemption may be lost. If the officer wishes to sell the shares, the officer must meet all of the following requirements EXCEPT: Correct B. ADRs are the way that most foreign corporate issues trade in the United States. I This rule allows seasoned issuers to file a blanket registration which covers a 3 year period Correct A. I and III StatusD D. 24 months, The best answer is B. This procedure is much faster and cheaper. A corporation files a registration statement with the SEC to issue 300,000 shares out of its authorized stock and to sell 200,000 shares of restricted stock held by officers of the corporation. Solicitation of orders to buy "144" shares is prohibited (to stop you from soliciting potential customers to buy 144 shares, which would tend to push up the stock price). Correct B. American Depositary Receipts StatusD D. II and IV, The best answer is A. Crowdfunding offerings are used by start-up companies to raise "seed" money, with the maximum amount permitted to be raised capped at $1,000,000 per offering. The deficiency must be cured before the SEC will allow the registration to be effective. The investor's spouse owns 5% of that company's stock. This is prohibited under SEC rules The MSRB has no regulatory authority over limited partnerships. September 27th 18,000 shares An abbreviated registration statement is filed with the SEC (Form S1-A) and the issue must go through a 20 day review period, similar to a regular registered offering. Rule 147 requires that resale of securities sold under the intrastate exemption be restricted to intrastate only for 6 months following first sale. Since the shares are being offered at the current market price of the stock, Choice B is false. Does the Form 144 filing requirement apply to this sale? This limit is applied to either giving, or receiving, the gift. Incorrect Answer C. I and III only PlayerRatingTD%Inter%SteveYoung96.85.62.6PeytonManning94.75.72.8KurtWarner93.25.13.4TomBrady92.95.42.4JoeMontana92.35.22.6CarsonPalmer90.15.13.1DaunteCulpepper89.94.93.2\begin{array}{lccc} WebTo purchase an intrastate offering, the purchaser must be a primary resident of that state. III Rule 144A permits issuers to sell tradeable private placement units to qualified institutional buyers A A registration statement must be filed with FINRA prior to sale B A registration statement must be IV $500,000 III Gift of $150 cash IV sales of restricted stock StatusA A. Non-accredited investors buying a Tier 2 Regulation A offering cannot invest an amount that is the greater of 10% of that person's annual income or net worth. Which statement is TRUE about this? 2 H0:12;H1:1>2, the federal regulation aimed at curbing manipulation and fraud in the new issue market. Correct B. III and IV only Small business investment companies are an exempt security under the Securities Act of 1933. StatusC C. II and III StatusC C. after the 20 day cooling off period 2 weeks' trading volume StatusA A. I and II only StatusC C. I, II, III StatusA A. Correct B. II only Correct B. Once the "shelf" filing is made, by giving 2 days' notice to the SEC, the issuer can sell new securities in the market. Regulation D is a private placement exemption, which can be used to raise any dollar amount. In reality, private placements are sold to a relatively small number of institutional investors. D. There is no time limitation on the period that a stabilizing bid can be maintained. II State registration The best answer is B. If the SEC finds that there is not adequate disclosure after the amendment is filed, it can issue subsequent deficiency letters. Correct C. $1,000,000 Nov. 12th IV The use of the preliminary prospectus does not constitute an offer to sell under the Securities Act of 1933 A. I and III The best answer is B. The issue must also be registered in the state(s) where it will be offered. A. municipal broker-dealer always makes a market in the municipality's securities that are being recommended In April 2017, it was adjusted to $2,200. 800,000 shares The SEC encourages the use of the internet and permits private placements under Regulation D to be offered via the web. The only permitted written communications during this period are the red herring preliminary prospectus, and a tombstone announcement (which, in reality, is not published until the effective date). III The issuer must still go through a 20 day cooling off period during which the SEC may require more information to be submitted B. A Qualified Institutional Buyer must be an institutional investor (not an individual) with at least $100 million of discretionary funds available for investment. The best answer is B. Which statement is TRUE regarding Commercial Paper? StatusB B. I and IV A. I and II only occupation. This company is already publicly traded, therefore it is filing its financial information with the SEC, which makes the information available to the public, making Choice D incorrect. Your firm cannot act as a market maker in "144" shares. PlayerSteveYoungPeytonManningKurtWarnerTomBradyJoeMontanaCarsonPalmerDaunteCulpepperRating96.894.793.292.992.390.189.9TD% The best answer is D. The Federal Government has no jurisdiction over intrastate offerings. Correct Answer C. 1,000,000 shares There is no requirement that another 6-month holding period be met. Why do you think JCB chose to enter India via a joint venture, as opposed to some other entry mode? StatusB B. I and IV How can an investor resell non-restricted securities? But the rule disallows this if the trust is formed for the purpose of buying the private placement! It could do this by making purchases of that issue in its discretionary accounts. Click on the OOH 1,960,000 shares / 4 weeks = 490,000 share average The primary distribution of 300,000 shares consists of the newly issued shares where the proceeds will go to the issuer. The maximum permitted sale amount is: In addition, the terms of the offering must be filed with FINRA and must comply with FINRA rules. I Disclosure in the registration documents is not complete Correct Answer C. 3 years September 27th 200,000 shares Correct B. I, II, III Choice "a" is incorrect. To document that the purchasers are, indeed, accredited, an "accredited investor questionnaire" must be completed and signed by the potential purchaser. This is submitted to the offerer through the website, who then can give access to the potential investor. Once the registration is effective, the final prospectus is used to offer and sell the issue. IV Rule 144A permits issuers to sell tradeable private placement units to individual investors StatusA A. Correct Answer A. they are likely to be officers and large shareholders of the company who must sell their shares either under the provisions of Rule 144 or who must sell their shares in a managed offering so that the existing trading market for the stock is not distorted Week Ending Volume The best answer is C. Private placements are typically only offered to "accredited investors." b. Conclude your report C. I and III only If an officer or selling shareholder wishes to sell a large amount of shares (in excess of Rule 144 limits) of that company, it must register the sale with the SEC, use an underwriter to manage the sale of the shares, and sell with a prospectus. This registration statement is good for: The secondary distribution consists of the 200,000 shares being sold by officers (who are "tacking on" their shares to the primary distribution to avoid having to resell the shares under Rule 144 restrictions). 4.The number of columns and data types must be identical for all SELECT statements in the query. The best answer is A. The "idea" is that if a large block of stock were dumped into the open market by a selling shareholder, it could hammer the market price of the shares. (b) Describe its shape (skewed left, symmetric, skewed right). A customer that regularly purchases new common stock issues from her broker-dealer sends an e-mail to her registered representative asking that all prospectuses be forwarded to her electronically at her e-mail address. Intrastate offerings Section 3 (a) (11) of the Securities Act is generally known as the intrastate offering exemption. This exemption seeks to facilitate the financing of \text { Daunte Culpepper } & 89.9 & 4.9 & 3.2 Regulation D An "accredited investor questionnaire" is required when which type of offering is made to investors? 45 days Correct Answer B. the amount of stock held by the selling shareholders was restricted and was too large an amount to sell under the provisions of Rule 144 Which are permitted under FINRA rules? Posted Date :-2022-03 Correct Answer C. the stock must be held for 6 months, fully paid Generally, registered secondary distributions are used by officers of public held companies and larger shareholders, who when selling shares, are subject to the requirements of Rule 144 (public notice of sale and limits on the amount of shares that can be sold each quarter). If an E-Mail is sent to 25 or fewer existing or prospective retail customers, it is defined as correspondence. This client cannot make the investment because the dollar amount to be invested is too small StatusD D. Common Carrier issues. Oct. 16th 1,500,000 shares StatusB B. StatusC C. The registered representative must advise the customer that the firm will charge an extra fee for this service Under the advertising rules of the exchanges, any statements made must be truthful, and not exaggerated. IV Publishing a tombstone announcement StatusA A. 35 I they are sold on a dealer basis The previous weeks' trading volumes are: A seller who has filed Form 144 can sell 1% of the outstanding shares or the weekly average of the last 4 weeks' trading volume whichever is greater. Handbook Web site. StatusD D. arbitration agreement. Restricted stock is best described by which of the following? The use of the "preliminary prospectus" does not constitute an "offer" under the 1933 Act, and the red ink statement on the cover of the preliminary prospectus states this (hence the name "red herring"). StatusA A. I only The focus of the rule is to require that there be current public information regarding a company. Incorrect Answer C. 12 months Non-profit organization with assets in excess of $2,000,000 Think of the SEC as a big filing cabinet - once the proper documents relating to a new issue offering are filed, the issue may be offered and sold to the public. IV Spin off of a subsidiary as a publicly held company StatusD D. 4 years. As long as the firm has appropriate compliance procedures in place, correspondence is subject to "post-use review and approval." Since 144 shares are being sold in the open market, the issuer must comply with SEC issuer reporting rules to maintain the public market in the securities. 500,000 shares Thus, a corporation distributing a stock dividend or splitting its stock would not require a registration statement filing. Correct A. Rule 147 is the intrastate exemption; Rule 144 is an exemption from SEC registration for the resale of private placement stock owned by an investor where the company subsequently went public; and Regulation A is an exemption from registration for the sale of a small dollar amount ($50 million or less). StatusA A. exempt under Regulation A The President of PDQ Corporation donates restricted PDQ shares to the United Way after holding them for 3 years fully paid. Since this customer made the request by e-mail, we know that the customer has internet access and the firm can follow the customer's instructions. I Commercial Paper Learning Center through StatusD D. An unlimited number. Correct C. Regulation A Because the offering only Incorrect Answer B. by using an underwriter, the selling shareholders can offer their shares to the public at a premium to the current market price of the stock and maximize their potential profit on the sale Once the amendment is filed, the 20-day cooling off period starts counting again from the beginning. For the exam, know the base amount and the fact that it is indexed for inflation periodically. The best answer is C. If the SEC sets the "effective date" for an issue in registration, this means that all proper documents have been filed with the SEC. StatusD D. Rule 144A issues cannot be traded in the public markets. Which of the following are non-exempt issues under the Securities Act of 1933? StatusD D. 18,500 shares. ), The selling shareholders are required to offer their shares via a prospectus because: Eurodollar bonds are sold outside the U.S. and thus do not fall under the Act. Which statements are TRUE? A registered representative has written discretionary authorization from a customer. A "red herring" preliminary prospectus may be sent to any prospective purchaser of that new issue once the issue has entered into the "20 day cooling off" period that commences upon filing of the registration statement with the SEC. StatusB B. The best answer is B. Correct A. I and III Resale is restricted to state residents for 6 months following the offering; thereafter, the issue can be sold interstate. III Any purchaser will pay the Public Offering Price B. can recommend a new issue For the exam, know the base amount and the fact that it is indexed for inflation periodically. IV The issuer avoids the 20 day cooling off period and is allowed to issue the securities 2 business days after filing If the Form 144 had been filed the preceding week, the maximum permitted sale is: IV with a less-rigorous registration process with the SEC FINRA limits gifts related to one's activities in the securities industry to a maximum of $100 value per person per year. Correct Answer B. I and IV before the Act was written; and Congress did not want to subject them to "double" regulation. Common carriers, small business investment companies, and benevolent associations are all exempt. StatusC C. 60 days 220,000 shares I. Intrastate offerings are subject to Federal registration. StatusA A. I only Since one state is involved, the issuing company does not have to StatusA A. I and III The best answer is D. Rule 144 allows the sale of 1% of the issuer's outstanding shares or the weekly average of the preceding 4 weeks' trading volume (whichever is greater). 3 years The use of the "preliminary prospectus" does not constitute an "offer" under the 1933 Act, and the red ink statement on the cover of the preliminary prospectus states this (hence the name "red herring"). Once the registration is effective, orders can be accepted if customers receive the final prospectus, at or prior to, confirmation of sale. StatusC C. under the tax laws, gains on shares that are sold using underwriters are subject to long term capital gains treatment, whereas gains on shares that are sold in the secondary market are subject to short term capital gains treatment StatusA A. I and II only Additional commissions or charges above the P.O.P. StatusC C. The research report may only be sent to customers who have bought new issues within the preceding 12 months C)must include information about the offering's call provisions. 1 Twitter 2 Facebook 3RSS 4YouTube Business entertainment is permitted as long as it is not too excessive or too frequent and it must comply with the firm's policies and procedures. Requirement that another 6-month holding period be met holding period be met of columns and data types must be for... Issues under the intrastate offering exemption these securities are offered or sold even. `` post-use review and approval. is false which statements are true regarding intrastate offerings? reality, private placements under regulation D to be is..., which can be maintained to individual investors StatusA a document for new issues that are not exempt registration... Restricted to intrastate only for 6 months following first sale are sold to relatively. Your firm can not Act as a publicly held company StatusD D. 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