So we have found great alternatives at a fraction of the price. Anyone who is currently a high school student can register for and attend an NYLF program. Their final presentation was a scripted, mock murder trial in which they convicted two defendants (actually got a confession) on ridiculously ambiguous evidence. I have a 4th grader and jaunt signed up . 125 dollars feels more like a discount than a real scholarship. I would be participating in this program as a junior in high school. The Truth Behind "Exclusive" Summer Leadership Programs. To find other programs you can start by Googling summer programs for high school students. I was just wondering about how a college would look at me being involved in a program such as this and how they would perceive my application on whether they like it or not? I think we will stick with that. Im not sure if these are being read or not, but i believe the most tempting part of NYLF is the fact of the leadership aspect. It is a nice program right for some people, but not for everyone. I loved my experience there. Weve done a lot of summer day camps through our local museums / community arts programs. kids that have an interest in any of the fields that are presented. Ive had many students over the years attend the summer programs and I think they can be great enrichment experiences for students, but I would encourage you to shop around. Ive worked in public schools and never saw any incentive to promote this program. Yeah, that's pretty close to what I had figured. This will be our first year. not to me, anyway First, National Youth Leadership Forum (NYLF) programs are legitimate. I received a letter from the NYFL for business and am very interested in attending. I would like some other less costly options for my son! National Youth Leadership Forum programs are one way to do this. I would love to go into Engineering and participate in an Engineering Program at my school and do advertising for it so was I possibly nominated for that reason? Hes only 9 years old and in the fourth grade. AS A SINGLE MOM ,I DID EVERYTHING I COULD ,WITHOUT ANY FINANCIAL HELP ,TO SECURE THEIR COLLEGE EDUCATION For high school students, the 18-day programs range from $5,495-$5,795, the nine-day programs run from $2,995-$3,295, and the six-day programs are $2,595. So, yes, the letters are more marketing than exclusive honor. I would encourage you to call and ask very specific questions about the residential policies to make sure your concerns are addressed. Sometimes it depends on outside factors such as the personality of the people leading the program or the opinions of peers. If you were my child, I think wed look for some other programs before making a decision. (And do it within your budget!) Why dont you look for some weekend workshops closer to home? Ill be bound to make up the rest. Can you please let us know what your son thought of this? SHE WAS NOMINATED BY HER 4TH GRADE TEACHER AND THEN DISCOVERED SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE IN HER SCHOOL TO HAVE THAT OPPORTUNITY. Its all about money. If you have particular universities in mind add the school name to your search. Competitive advantage? It was a great experience both educationally and personally. We were told 24 hours to notify them, Iam so glad I saw all these comments, I think I d rather gas up my car and spend the $$$ on visiting museums & historical sights over the summer instead. My sons letter indicated he was nominated by his teacher, but she did not do so. I, too, find the $2000 cost high, especially for a 4th grader. A program similar to NYLF is the National Student Leadership Conference (NSLC). All in all it was one of the greatest weeks of my life. It is best to do your homework to make sure the student will get the credit and education out of any program you invest. I am not interested in gaining prestige, just experience and a fun week filled with learning. My 3rd grader got this in the mail today. We want you (our children) to have it easier than we did! After selecting your students, submit all their information using this online form. I know that my son has been interested in the security and intelligence field for pretty much his whole life, and I know that he now has the mental maturity to ask pertinent questions, and to network not only with his peers, but with the adults at the seminar. I thought the kids would be introduced to the topics you mention at a much higher level, given they were at a university with enormous resources available. But, I think my father would be a little hesitant, so I was wondering if you could suggest some other medical summer programs that might be last about a month or longer and would be at UCLA or Ivy Leagues? He is interested on CSI and all about Sherlock Holmes adventures. That is local for us and Would love it. We were also thrilled that she had gotten acknowledged for Engineering and Technology. I got chosen for the program as well and had to do some research. Ive had students who have really benefited from the experiences. Is National Youth Leadership Forum legit? I was so excited and proud of her but the cost seems outrageous. Unfortunately, the pandemic made this mission very difficult. Is that any different from a letter saying Ive been nominated? I applied this year and they havent released the decisions I think. You can start listening at 22:20 to hear me and my co-host, Gretchen Wegner, discuss the NYLF programs and the benefits and drawbacks. I hadnt heard from anyone in the engineering / technology program before; Ive heard mixed reviews about the law and medical programs. Megan. Thanks. BUT, there are many other programs out there with similar activities and different costs. Should I consider it? I dont really care about looking good on college resumes because I try to do a bunch of stuff outside of school for that. Opportunities will be there when you are a little older. So, any thoughts or answers? I am a junior and i received the same thing for advanced medicine. You can listen on iTunes ( to episode 27 I have a third grader. You can tell your mother it is NOT a scam, but it isnt as prestigious and exclusive as they make it sound either. Megan. However, if it doesn't present a financial burden to your family and there's a program that truly . After a quick break, Ferguson introduced a new guest Natalia Zampini, a personal banker at Wells Fargo to take all the juniors in the room through the financial aid process of college. Look around and see what other medical or science programs are offered this summer. She is already attending a local STEM camp and she has a full scholarship paid by her school. Megan. When the people called me it was much more of a sales pitch than anything else. Not offered now. I am a freshman and I received a letter in the mail yesterday and Im wondering if you think the medicine program is something that someone of my age is ready for. I applied this year, but I havent really found much information about the program. They do ask for personal info on the application about income and stuff tho. I think we will pass. Hi! Says in the future. I dont want my mom to fork out so much money to take me to a program I might not even like. Just further proof that they purchase mailing lists and send these exclusive offers to anyone on a college-bound track. If you're considering NYLF because you think it's prestigious, you'd be dead wrong. It depends on each student and his or her own experience. I am in ninth grade and got an A+ in my business class. Dont do it, it is too expensive. Especially for the money. Call NYLF and ask about the program you are considering. We want all schools to aspire to, achieve, and remain committed to a biblically-based philosophy of education, standards that are measurable, and flourishing-related criteria. He is 8yrs old. You are the best judge of what is appropriate for your daughter. Did you guys hear from them about that? My finances are not exactly capable to cover the $2000 tuition but several family members donated enough to make our first payment. you can also receive scholarships for community efforts and grades! If these are legit programs, why the subterfuge? I agree that these programs cater to more affluent families. I keep getting information about the program, at least every year. The program is fun and impactful, but students especially love the people they meettrainers, GEAR UP staff, and other students. The Young Leaders Summit (YLS), presented by the Youth Leadership Consortium (YLC), is a free, five-day, overnight, college . Each of the six programs lasts a week or more. The Stolen Heir A new Elfhame experience, Animation studios should follow in Arcanes footsteps. Being 11 years old were a little skeptical of it. I was wondering if I should try to attend or if it's even worth my time. Megan. Its $2,500 and he couldnt really answer some good questions such as.. what will they be doing during down time? Fergusons advice about grades and AP classes in this context is to do the best that you can do in the environment that you are in. Additionally, colleges want to see that an applicant is involved in their school, involved in their community and taking leadership roles. When he is older the on campus programs offered by different universities (or Duke TIP) might be something for you to consider. Megan. Would this program benefit me in the future? While attending the program, you will only need money for snacks, souvenirs, and other incidentals.. Jessica, Is this program actually legitimate? If he could attend and focus on what he is truly interested in then hed get much more out of it (in my opinion). Will he really benefit by going to this program? Its extremely expensive and I have received a couple similar nominations for similar programs. My parents seemed really thrilled about it, but my concern is how expensive it is. The wall on the left of the massive gym boasted painted blue and white and sports displays, the majority of them being because of basketball. Ive worked as a high school and independent counselor for years, so Im telling you what Ive observed from years of working with students and talking with college admissions officers. On their website they say the program includes everything except transportation to and from the place. Some people regarded it as a scam but others claimed that it was a genuine program. They didnt realize there are hundreds of other programs, many less expensive, that they could have considered. Another thing to consider with college application is to find the right school for you; the way to determine this is through extensive research and finding out a colleges majors, financial aid, location, graduation rate, campus life, public vs. private school and religious vs. non-religious school environments. Bad costumer service! I got nominated to go to nylf and my mom thought that it would be an amazing experience for me to go. All the juniors were taught basic elements of financial aid. Cookie Notice I agree. Thats what Im going to try do. The packet mt daughter got says it does not include flight and there will be someone at a certsin airport to pick students up from 1-4. Besides the fact that there were so many activities the friends I made was what truly made the experience, as all the kids I met there came from diverse backgrounds and were all very talented. From how it looks, my mother was and possibly is still concerned that this is a scam. Suddenly being included now that I have talked to the staff feels like an insult and this program looks like one that caters exclusively to those with extra money to burn. Today, Youth Leadership Consortium (YLC) Staff is prepping for the first Young Leaders Summit (YLS)! If your execting fun and games then this isnt the program for you. My son is 12 and in the seventh grade. Which in my mind makes it a scam. They base nominations on what exactly? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. This program was definitely NOT worth the price and in fact we found the materials describing the forum bordering on false advertising. All the price includes is housing, onsite meals, instruction, supervisory personnel, program materials, all forum materials, and private motor coach transportation during the forum according to my invitation. The days are long for them but she never complained because she loved it so much! I have the same concerns about the money and travel (unfortunately we dont live close enough, its about a 6-7 hour drive) which I am willing to do but just want to make sure its worth the money and time. Yet they still dont listen to me. Thank you everyone who has shared. As I described above, it is my strong opinion that this company preys upon, and manipulates, the relationship between classroom teachers and parents. Special thanks to The University of Chicago #UChicago for serving as our host campus. This company does a tremendous job of keeping all this negative information in the dark corners of the internet! Id encourage you to save some money and find something less expensive. All activities were hands on: We built a robot, programed a helicopter and flew it with a computer, worked with 3-D modeling and 3-D printers. I have taught high school for over 10 years and during that time have nominated several students, some have attended the event. Kids dont need to do things to look good. But I do think summer experiences can be valuable in developing skills, building confidence, and exploring topics not covered in school. Yes, these programs are costly. And, get this, their instructions for teaching you how to code.. hogwash. You would think that if it was a legit program for helping students they would offer scholarships to at least some students nominated for this. She submitted the application online and waited for three weeks for their response. Best of luck to your and your stepdaughter as you worth through these options. In the end, it was my sons interest in the program that convinced us. Id really prefer to find something at a local college that is more geared towards his interests, not just a set curriculum that the kids follow. I just dont want families to feel like it is the only option. Megan. Going to college is really important to me because I want to attend medical school [in the future]. Im assuming its for the flight information. We just received the same packet and on one of the forms I says flight not included. I have had students attend these programs in the past and enjoy them. I got a letter saying I have been invited to one of their programs. My 11 year old got his letter this week. Do think its worth $2000 for me to go to this program in the summer of 2016? It is probably a more accurate description. She is a wonderful student who can do wonderful things, but this proved without a doubt in my head the nominations are pure bunk. I am curious though, do you know anything about the NSLC one? . Hello for online purposes my name is Jeff, Im a junior at my high school and for months Ive been searching and researching different ways to prepare myself for college. Look into opportunities through community groups or area religious groups. AND MAKE SURE YOU NETWORK!! If they need recommendations and so forth, there is no way I can do it. They can be expensive. Im just so unsure about the whole thing. To enrich their lives with what is important to them. I still talk to them. Just so you understand the nomination processteachers, counselors, and deans are sent nomination forms. @Seventeencarat If there is no info to be found online, that should mark a HUGE RED FLAG. Yes, but there are so many worthwhile programs out there many that cost much less. Id love to hear about your childs experience with the program. Hi! The program is real. Did you take the SAT? or listen here: But I can say that I agree that they can feed of of the parent & childs desire to attend the program thinking that it will enrich them. Youth Leadership Consortium; Career Connection Days; College Camp. We went to Pier 39 in San Francisco. I am a middle school student and got nominated to go to this program. I agree; that does sound strange. Thank you!! It seems to be a scam to me. We visited the Berkeley main campus. Pre-College Issues Summer Programs reagbeag December 15, 2018, 4:07am #1 I received an email today saying that I have been "identified as a competitive applicant" for the Young Leaders Summit (YSL), which is presented by the Youth Leadership Consortium. I showed it to my father: he personally knew two of the three keynote speakers listed. Our goal at Envision by WorldStrides is to help students grow as people by developing independence, leadership, problem-solving skills, worldliness, and maturity. I think its great that youre reviewing this programs, so thank you for writing this review. I dont think its about feeling special at all. Jenny, Do they do a background check on the people who will be taking care of them while they are at the residence halls? It says it accepts 200 low-income students and will be held at UChicago without any fees, even transpo… I recently received an email from the Youth Leadership Consortium inviting me to apply for the Young Leader's Summit. Id love to hear from anyone who has sent their elementary age child. the applications are due sometime in april, and you just have to outline your financial situation. Megan. Enroll Now Nominate As an Educator As an Alumnus Scholarships Contact Information 1919 Gallows Rd Ste 700 Vienna, VA 22182-4007 Get Directions Visit Website Email this Business (703) 214-0973 Want a quote from this business? You probably knew that from my article and the responses to comments here. Young Leaders' Consortium | 178 followers on LinkedIn. Im glad your program was good. You are completely right. Columbia University in New York City. Congratulations! Ive been reading a lot about the programs offered. No single activity will impact admissions; colleges are looking at the big picture. Really hesitant about the whole thing. from NYLF for a summer camp program within the statelikely because we signed him up for the PSAT based on another program. This is why I have a difficult time advising families on the NYLF programs some students have an amazing experience while others find it a waste of time. I see mixed comments about this camp for the fact that it is very expensive. Students will have the opportunity to meet new people from all over the country and stay connected with them before and after the event. Whatever you decide to do, I wish you the best of luck! Youth Leadership Consortium provides LA students an abundance of tips for college admission Anna Arutunian A College Prep Saturday participant plays an HSF trivia game, in which he had to spin the wheel and answer questions based on the categories. It absolutely ticks me off because those 2000 dollars couldve been used for something else my poor family couldve liked lmao but seriously I am so sorry that we have not made it as simple as it should be to get you to the right person. You and your son can wait a few years and still have plenty of opportunities. Thank you! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Speaking as a parent myself, I believe that your folks simply want to ensure you have the best opportunities they can secure for you- even if that means they have to make financial sacrifices to do it. Last summer my daughter had finished 8th grade and was getting ready to enter high school.,,,,,, Unexpected College Rejection & What You Can Do About It, Junior Year:What You Need to Know for the ACT / SAT, Personal Experience with 7th Grade Duke TIP, What Calculators Are Allowed on the ACT: Common Mistakes to Avoid. My son is 12 and when he was 9 he could have enjoyed working with other kids 9-13, but I wouldnt have put him with a program of high school students. Envision provided a great experience for my child. There are scholarships available to almost everyone, so applying to as many as possible wouldnt do harm. As a teacher who nominates students every year I can say we do not get any compensation or kickback from the program. My daughter also received a letter that she was nominated to participate in the NYLF Explore STEM She was very excited that someone at her school (I think) nominated her for the program. But Ive never heard of the National Youth Leadership programs providing incentives to schools / educators for nominating students or promoting programs. Shannon. I was quite proud of myself, but was confused as to how these people found out about me and my personal information. Mark, Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I also have a son who is a high school sophomore who is very interested in attending this forum. I googled summer programs for high school students interested in nursing and found a long list of options. If one can participate in a two-week college program for the same price, he or she will also gain an appreciation for dorm and college life. Megan. Edit: It isnt necessarily a scam because you actually do what the program offers, it just doesnt seem worth the cost. Good Morning, a student of mine (10th grader) brought me his letter of acceptance to the National Youth Leadership Forum: Engineering, questioning if it would be worth it. What if hes not interested in the medical or CSI portions? Im pretty sure Im a bit late to the party, but anyway, this program is legitimate, and not a scam. it's legitimately a program, but it's also a profit making enterprise, extremely expensive and not worth your while. I dont have much background and I feel this would be a good experience for me. But then I did some research online and figured out its really just a glorified marketing campaign. Heres what helped influence our decision. Also the workload and getting used to [will be difficult], she said when asked about potential obstacles that she could face while going to college. Megan. Then a couple of days later one of my students pulled out a packet and showed it to me. DO WHAT YOU CAN NOW TO GIVE THEM THE EDGE THEY NEED FOR A REWARDING FUTURE. What do you think? I have signed my son up to go to one this Summer. Megan. So that leaves $300. Let us know if in the end it was worth it. Check with any program to find out who will be working, their background, and how much unsupervised freedom the kids will have. The NYLF programs are not bad, but they are financially out of reach for many. Thanks! Do you think that NYLF is a good program for him at his young age? It depends. I wish to know if as a introductory to engineering would this be worth it? It was the best week of my life. More so feeding on people who want the best for their child. The curriculum looks interesting for a highschooler. We received one for my 9th grade daughter. Im an applicant for YLS this summer and I had a few questions I was wondering you could help me out with your experience? Try searching for summer programs for students at some of the state universities in your area. However, we live far enough away that he would have to do the residential program. Thats why its so expensive. Nicole, But there are other options for you as well. Thanks for the notice! They just confirmed my wait-listed spots, but they havent told me anything about the flight info. Megan. All students must be registered in order to participate. There will be plenty of opportunities down the road. Does she or he enjoy listening to presentations or reading or would that be seen as boring? Youth Leadership Programs | National Student Leadership Conference Reach your leadership potential, explore your career options & live life on a college campus with our exclusive youth leadership programs. My 9 year old received the packet for the Chicago based one also. The students that have attended all had positive things to say regarding the events. There are fewer programs that are free or almost free, but some do exist. Both workshops were mainly presented by Curtis Ferguson II, Associate Director from USC Admissions. We stayed on a campus at Berkeley. Still, the BBB rating doesnt seem to reflect the user comments on the site ( What does the national student leadership conference entail? My neighbors kid did this to add it as an EC. Im already doing many medical related volunteer work and im not so sure if its completely worth it now. Even if he was academically ready there are a lot of social differences. I think I will wait for now until he is older. I cant sign up for something that starts out on the wrong foot like this. Id love to hear your feedback now that your daughter has attended. Maybe you participated in something else that indicated you might be interested in their pre-law program. However, I feel as if the marketing materials overstate the prestige. The students were promised hands on experience with the technologynot so. 2018 Young Leader's Summit by the Youth Leadership Consortium: Is it a scam. Try to find the program that offers the best balance of activities for your child. Explore program offerings. . There are a few peculiar things about it, so I am curious if anyone here knows if it's legit or not. I keep reading about the marketing scam and the cost. Hi Megan! As much as she want to go and I think it would be a great experience for her. I ONLY WISH THERE WAS A PROGRAM LIKE THIS THEN THAT WOULD HAVE MADE THEIR COLLEGE ACCEPTANCE EAISIER. Moses, I would like to be able to do it but Im not sure if its worth it for a freshman to learn all this at once and Im also worried about the cost. We live in a dying community where the gap between the haves and the have-nots is HUGE. I AM ALSO A MOM OF THREE GROWN KIDS WHO ARE WELL EDUCATED AND NOW HAVE WODERFUL JOBS AND FINANCIAL SECURITY Your day consist of seminars, and panelist all day. I know it might seem too good to be true but its 100000% legitimate and everything is free, even the flight if your family cant afford to purchase it. I have been reading on the programs to see other peoples views on it and if it s really worth breaking the bank. Generally it means you scored well, but isnt as big an honor as they make it seem. Cecilia, I actually said I wanted to do something in the Arts. I signed my son up but it looks like I should have done more research on it. Envision EMI understands this perfectly, and relies on parents genuine delight in being nominated to entice parents to spend far more money than they should on the program. I guess you dont want to spend your summer with a bunch of 17 year olds. I stayed with her in a hotel in Fort Lauderdale just minutes from the campus. The NYLF programs are fun and enriching. However, hearing a cool story from Gramps is not necessarily the best thing to base future plans on, as far as Im concerned. Perhaps this isnt really an appropriate question, but I must ask: Are there special incentives for local high schools for promoting this to students? She of course is undecided where yet, she loves space and chemistry. One of the pages urged us to call within 48 hours to confirm receipt of the invite so we would not lose our spot should we decide to enroll. As part of the form, you are required to submit the following completed documents: Student Pledge students must agree to follow rules, expectations, and requirements for participation in YLS, GEAR UP Director Student Approval 1/per student, GEAR UP Director Chaperone Approval signed by GEAR UP director - 1/per grant, Online forms must be submitted by Monday, May 8, 2023. I still might go, just to figure out if medicine is a field I really want to go into. I met many new friends who I plan on keeping contact with for many years to come. Further, the programs are run by a for-profit company, called Envision EMI. If needed, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) can contribute to a certain familys EF C, as long as said family reapplies every year. Im in 4th grade and I just got a letter from the NYLF . I know that the organizations obtained my name from college board, and my teachers. Just dont think it is as selective as the marketing material makes it sound. Right now he is 11. It was a lot of marketingI was really excited as a high schooler when I was nominated but it really wasnt worth it. Youth Leadership Summit. Hundreds of students at each high school are nominated to participate; it is not an exclusive opportunity. Feeding on people who want the best balance of activities for your daughter NYLF. 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