There are Adventists churches in Italy and in Rome, Italy is not unreached by Adventists. I see no problem with this wording. 2019-2022: Term Reports. For information on the GC Session 2022 app, go to: General Conference Sessions provide wonderful opportunities for our worldwide family of believers to be blessed by worship, fellowship, and to gain a look at the way in which we conduct the business of the Church through live-streaming and, for those who will be in St. Louis, through personal presence. As the Church's membership grew, time between sessions lengthened, meeting places got bigger, and more delegates attended. St. Louis, Missouri, USA, is the official website of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church View Regions, 2023 General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. You can also access more information regarding GC Session, including the session agendahere. Vatican is a country in Europe. Individuals who are no longer members, or who are under discipline, should not be given access to the pulpit.. To adopt the daily program (item 105) and Session agendas (item 106) of 61st GC Session. While we are sorry for such an action, let us live in line with the words of this hymn. Buy it from Amazon, Laymans Ministries. But to begin with, worldly symbols should not be flaunted at Christian gatherings. 2022 Rocky Mountain Conference of Seventh-day Adventists2520 S Downing St, Denver CO, 80210 | 303-733-3771Privacy Policy, Adventist Church enjoys positive financial outlook despite turbulent times,, ADVENTHEALTH AND COMMONSPIRIT HEALTH WILL END CENTURA HEALTH PARTNERSHIP, CLUB YOUTH LEADING SABBATH WORSHIP SUMMIT AT LIFESOURCE, STEWARDSHIP: FROM FAITH AND LITTLE SPARKS COMES GREAT THINGS. Please explain why the Vatican flag was amongst all the flags today at the end of the GC? That book does not explain the eighth beast, for that condition and truth had not fully come yet, but because the Righteousness by Faith message was rejected by the organization, the knowledge of the Eighth will never come except to those who search the truth according to Righteousness (Joel 2: 23). This year, due to the GC Session being only 6 days long, as opposed to the regular 10 days, the nominating committee will be working overtime to ensure that all crucial appointments are made by the end of the week. The sad thing is that people are looking as President Secret Ballot elect as if hes God in saying things like If it was wrong he wouldnt allow it to happen. We have our work to do, which is not to tear down, but to build up. Is there even one S D A congregation there????? News during the GC Session. The following motions agenda items were addressed in Mondays evening session: The evening session ended with the arrival of the nominating committee report naming Elder Ted Wilson as nominee for President of the General Conference, followed by the vote, which went in his favor. Context Context Context!! I guess there is no other church that dears to delcare that Vatican needs to be reached with the bible. Not the Vaticans. Remember the experience of Job in scripture and what happened behind the scenes. If a message is to be given to those who would flock the Vatican city, it is to be done outside of the religious political state, but not within the walls of the Vatican city, because one will not get very far soon arrested and thrown out of the city. . The leaders have turned their backs to the Temple and are facing the East. Be careful not to be guilty of what you assume others are doing. There is danger that our ministers will say too much against the Catholics and provoke against themselves the strongest prejudices of that church. The Session Agenda contains the proposed recommendations coming to the Session floor. It is also the flag of a business. PLEASE READ 5T 80, 81, Ezekiiel 9 the City is Our Church; and Jerusalem is the HQ of Israel; and that equates with the HQ of our world Church: ie the General Conference ! St. Louis, Missouri, USA, is the official website of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church View Regions, 2023 General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. 1563 voted yes (97.4%); 41 voted no (2.6%). that is the Vatican city flag. That Church shall never Fall. Jamais a igreja adventista deveria astear bandeira Papal, Your email address will not be published. 5I say this to your shame. The Vatican flag represents the spiritual and political power of Pope Francis and points to the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church, the seat of the beast (papal power). Ted N C Wilson, PresidentSeventh-day Adventist Church, June 6-11, 2022 Does that mean that the flag of Somalia should not be displayed? Y tengo entendido grupos pequeos se congregan en el Vaticano con apoyo de la Unin Adventista Italiana. The motion to stop discussion passed 88.5 to 11.5 percent. We are the church, we are one as brethren, and we must be our brothers keeper. General Conference Session (Seventh-day Adventist Church), General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, History of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, "Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research | General Conference Sessions", "Adventist Church Leaders Vote to Hold a Special One-Day GC Session in January 2022", "World Church Executive Committee Votes to Postpone General Conference Session", "Leaders Vote to Postpone General Conference Session 2020 for a Second Time", "Adventist Church Leaders move General Conference Session to St. Louis, Missouri",, James Erzberger of Switzerland becomes the first delegate from outside the United States, First session to be held in another city in Michigan, First session to be held outside of Michigan, First Session to be held west of the Mississippi River, First Session with more than 100 delegates, Major denominational reorganization with the creation of departments, First Session to not be held in a church building, Last Session to be held in a church building, First Session to have more than 1000 delegates, First session to be held outside of North America, First Session with more than 2000 delegates, Second session held outside of North America. Delegates then proceeded to vote on the main motion to amend the Church Manual. The sons of God gathered and Satan came too. Simple as that. who had emigrated from the Russian Empire to North America and acquainted themselves with the teachings of Seventh-day Adventist Church. New wording seeks to clarify some aspects of the churchs business meeting, leaders say. organization committed to promoting community through conversation in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Hope Channel. God is moving in this session to reach the very places and people where the Advent Truth is not reached. Flying the flag to dignify nations yet to be reached wake up. Thats the best thing we will and can do now. Welcome to the website of the 61st General Conference Session of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, to be held in St. Louis, Missouri, from June 6-11, 2022. The Theocracy is a Divine connection YHVH has made with human kind, As though man had never fallen GC 484 (1911). This just proves that there are within the SDA Church LEADERS DEVOID of wisdom and showing a familiarity with the enemy of Christ that should never be! Delegate vote: 1284 voted yes (74.9%); 431 voted no (25.1%). An abomination of desolation standing on the holy ground. Francois. Lets watch for ourselves and not rely on others, as they can often be misleading. We look forward to working and worshipping with you at the 2022 Annual Council of the General Conference Executive Committee as we conduct the business of the Church together. The Remnant church is named in 1 Timothy 3: 15 as The pillar and ground of truth. Vatican City is a country, but you cannot be born a citizen of Vatican City. Arts & Essays 1,072; Interviews 398; News 1,961; Sabbath School 451; Views 1,177 . Submit news by noon each Wednesday. Anyone and everyone can attend by going to First Published: December 8, 2022. . As the siege of Jerusalem by the Roman armies was the signal for flight to the Judean Christians, so the assumption of power on the part of our nation in the decree enforcing the papal sabbath will be a warning to us. Are we going to fly flags in heaven or Paradise? St. Louis, Missouri, USA, is the official website of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church View Regions, 2023 General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. is a website of the global Seventh-day Adventist church. Many beg to differ with your assumption. Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. In addition to voting to reelect Ted N.C. Wilson to his third term, the 2022 General Conference (GC) in session, through the course of several days, has voted to reelect the world church executive secretary, treasurer, undersecretary, and undertreasurer. The motion was carried. confidential and used solely for the purpose of distribution of the BUC newsletter. Yet there are individuals within the system who need to hear the Gospel, not unlike the Jew. According to Ted Wilsons explanation to the world session regarding the display of these flags (there were many), the banner of the Vatican was flown (with many other flags) to depict the nations not yet reached by the Last Angels Messages. The Vatican Sovereign State is 108 acres in Geographic size. Just to mention, someone of those flags have pentagram on them.,, A Most Important End-Time Sign: The Rise, Fall, and Restoration of the Temporal Power of the Papacy (Part 1), The Atlantic Magazine: Every Sunday, We Swore to Each Other, We will Abstain from Work, We have to Demolish the Barriers, Declares a Seventh-day Adventist Pastor During an Ecumenical Celebration at the Holy Souls in Purgatory Catholic Church. The motion was defeated, as only 43.9 percent voted to refer it back to the committee and 56.1 opposed. Once ordained, elders need not to be ordained again if reelected, or upon election as elders of other churches, provided they have maintained regular membership status. Read the last paragraph of the chapter called The Warning Rejected in Great Controversy. Hope Channel, Will continue to serve as President through Annual Council 2022 due to unusual circumstances prevailing within the division, Will continue to serve as Secretary through Annual Council 2022 due to unusual circumstances prevailing within the division, Will continue to serve as Treasurer through Annual Council 2022 due to unusual circumstances prevailing within the division, June 6-11, 2022 But the Vatican does hold the gospel in its hands, just not in its heart. is a website of the global Seventh-day Adventist church. They voted 92.3 to 7.7 percent to cease all debate on the motion. They could still keep Sabbath and Sunday. Leading up to this Session, lets keep in mind that, The work of God in this earth can never be finished until the men and women comprising our church membership rally to the work and unite their efforts with those of ministers and church officers. (Testimonies for the Church, vol. She wrote her books to preserve the Peoples standing, and understanding within a Theocracy under God. To approve the editorial amendments of GC Bylaws, Article IV GC Undersecretary and Associate Secretaries (item 204) and Article V GC Under Treasurer and Associate Treasurers (item 205). Vote to refer the initial motion (item 406) to the committee. It is a time to gather as a worldwide family, to worship, pray, plan, and fellowship together. Women elders were voted at Annual Council but never at General Conference Session, he reminded delegates. Bryant is the incumbent; he began serving in July 2020 when elected by the GC executive committee. Clearly the Church of Rome has been reached as a corporate body. May we be found willing to call sin by its name and not be afraid of their threatenings when they retaliate for our boldness in defense of truth. The first day of the GC Session concluded with evening worship from Timothy Standish entitled, I Believe!. . Click to reveal Quando a igreja se unir ao movimento ecumnico(papado)como lider a igreja adventista do stimo dia dobrou os joelhos para o mundo e no o mundo para a igreja Vote to refer item 407 back to the committee. Motion to approve a directive to replace the word reelect with elect to a new term of office when discussing office nominations (item 414). After the Church Manual motion was introduced, GC delegate Gerard Damsteegt made a motion to send the original motion regarding the amendment back to the Church Manual Committee because, he said, it does not address the confusion about ordaining women elders. To replace the phrase baptismal ceremony with baptismal service to make terminology more consistent throughout the Church Manual (item 403). General Conference Sessions If you need to know the dates, delegate count, or location of any General Conference session, look no further than this list! Florida's state minimum wage will continue to increase by $1.00 per year until it reaches $15.00 per hour in 2026. . Vote to cease all debate and begin voting. It is not an ordinary county. Adventists are an extremely diverse, international family of Christians. Hence,before God will do his Judgement, the Truth must be preach and reach it. Seventh-day Adventists are devoted to helping people understand the Bible to find freedom, healing, and hope in Jesus. I am sure that satanists would like the free advertising and so would the spiritualists and mediums. This parade was a parade of all the nations in the world where the adventis has presence. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a185b871c70b8af To alphabetize names of departments (item 202). Se puede hacer la pregunta con toda libertad a 1- Instituto de investigacin bblica y 2- al dept. ADRA TheSession Agendacontains the proposed recommendations coming to theSessionfloor. June 8, 2022 | St. Louis, Missouri, United States | Marcos Paseggi At the 2022 General Conference Session in St. Louis, Missouri, one of the amendments proposed for the Church Manual on the June 6 evening business session resulted in an extended discussion from the floor and required the delegates to take several related votes during the space of 75 minutes. Lets look at the big picture here., This would only become a problem at the 66th GC Session in 2045 When the Vatican flag will be paraded on June 6. Let us not year down those in leadership. The morning business meeting was chaired by Vice-President of the General Conference, Arthur Stele. The first division report presented at the 2022 General Conference Session was from the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America (NAD). The meeting was held in the soldiers military gymnasium, the largest hall in the city. At the 2022 General Conference Session in St. Louis, Missouri, one of the amendments proposed for the Church Manual on the June 6 evening business session resulted in an extended discussion from the floor and required the delegates to take several related votes during the space of 75 minutes. After this crisis, many people will be ready to hear about Bible truth, the love of Christ, and His soon return. They have everything to do with where the Corporation has franchise outlets. I can only shake my head in amazement! This Theocracy is a direct spiritual connection YHVH has with each individual at their consent. . Apocalypse 17: 11, tells us clearly that this chappie who comes onto the stage as the 8th has already ruled previously; so when he appears on the Vatican stage as the 8th he is right on time fulfilling that verse 11, as this is his 2nd reign. . Item 413 was later skipped as it is co-related to the previous motion of item 412. Many in church leadership should have been removed from their positions a long, long, long time ago. As the siege of Jerusalem by the Roman armies was the signal for flight to the Judean Christians, so the assumption of power on the part of our nation [the United States] in the decree (National Sunday Law) enforcing the papal sabbath will be a warning to us. Italy is not unreached. During the meetings, world leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church are elected and worldwide items are decided, such as fundamental beliefs, constitutional and church manual aspects. Copyright 2023 The world church also welcomed 10 new unions into the Sisterhood of Unions in Zimbabwe, Belize, Ghana, Netherlands, Malaysia, and Ethiopia. 2014-2022 Advent Messenger | All Rights Reserved. The scripture is very clear on role of antichrist. The Theocracy is what She is referring to, that looks like it shall fall, but it does not. Remember Jesus died for those people too. p. 180.1, As the siege of Jerusalem by the Roman armies was the signal for flight to the Judean Christians, so the assumption of power on the part of our nation, in the decree enforcing the papal Sabbath, will be a warning to us. Motion to amend section 5 in item 208 regarding voting practices to ensure the highest integrity. This page was last edited on 28 October 2022, at 01:56. Enter the kingdom of YHVH (Isaiah 9: 6, 7) now, or continue to be a member of a religious corporation. let us get the correct facts before we say things The Holy See flag flying within the 61st session of the GCSDA means only one thing. Item 206 was referred back to the Constitution and Bylaws committee regarding the definition of frontline and the voting of an annual council. . General Conference Session 2022 - Day 2 - Rocky Mountain Conference of Seventh-day Adventists 08 Jun General Conference Session 2022 - Day 2 Brenda Dickerson NewsNuggets NN June 2022 Newly elected General Vice President, General Conference (GC). The General Conference of Seventh-dayAdventist has been busy gearing up for the meeting. y en realidad de ninguna bandera, porque todos los pases conformaran finalmente la imagen de la bestia. In spite of all the challenges being faced, we praise God for how He has led and blessed this last-day remnant movement, and look to Him for strength and guidance as we continue in the important mission He has given to us of sharing His love, three angels messages, and last-day prophetic proclamation to a world in need. Was called for at the GC Spring Meeting of 2021 by General Conference Executive Committee for the sole purpose of amending the GC Constitution to allow delegates to participate by digital means at future sessions. On Tuesday, April 13, 2021, members of the General Conference Executive Committee (GC EXCOM) of the Seventh-day Adventist Church voted to hold a special General Conference (GC) Session on January 18, 2022. 301-680-6563. It is geographically a small country inside Rome (like Lesotho is inside South Africa, and Lesotho people are not South African but are Southern African) but is separate from modern day Rome and Italy and has its own flag which is separate from the Italian flag. Sino a la Ciudad Estado del Vaticano tal vez sea la razn en el defile. We will never know what to come out of unless we know what to enter! Motion to vote adding the following GC positions in section 4 of item 207: president, secretary, treasurer/chief financial officer, and vice presidents. It is not a country. 3:05:26 Sunday Morning Session | April 2022 General Conference We Need an Endowment | Anthony Sweat | 2022 Steady in the Storms | Henry B. Eyring | April 2022 General Conference. Adventist World Radio Wilson provided a comprehensive summary of significant events of the World Church since the last GC Session in hisPresidents Report. The following motions were voted as approved during the morning session: The subject of vaccination was brought up by delegate Jonathan Zirkle who requested to have the Church revisit its statement on vaccines as part of the GC Session agenda. When you see the Abominations of desolation standing in the Holy place Fleee. Hnos soy anciano y estudio el don profetico por ser adventista y a la luz de la palabra, esta muy mal que estemos permitiendo que ante un Dios celoso y fuerte se permita que el enemigo ondea su bandera dentro de territorio propio de Dios ,so pretexto de naciones no alcanzadas , donde dice a profecia que la bestia se va a arrepentir y ser alcanzada ,? For him to allow the Roman Catholic Church flag to be flown, makes me wonder about him. "For this 2022 GC Session, the nominating committee must elect 113 positions," explains Moorooven. We must remain in the ship and focus on our Captain and not the storm. To hear how they elected and re-elected him was unacceptable. Motion to vote to amend section 1 of item 208 allowing only one postponement of GC Session in the future. Welcome to the sixty-irst General Conference Session of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, in St. Louis, Missouri, June 6 to June 11, 2022. Executives of a representative democracy shouldn't try to sacrifice the successful functioning of a significant part of the church to the votes of a few . The General Conference Executive Committee met on August 9, 2022 to determine the direction of the 62nd General Conference Session, set to be held in St. Louis, Missouri, in 2025. The flag should never be included among the nations of flags, the Vatican City or state is not a country but a state which operates both inside and outside of the nation of Italy. As of September 30, 2022, the minimum wage is $11.00 per hour. Rome is the capital of Italy. And at the end they showed the flag of the power they belong to. Motion was seconded and approved by common consent. Is there really no one among you wise enough to arbitrate between his brothers? So sad. An American flag was placed as a canopy above the pulpit; this was an attention which I highly appreciated. God have mercy to your church. It also changed the phrase serve as deacons to the deaconate, as can be seen below. God will set everything in order , God will not put a man back hermanos bendiciones . Como se le ocurre aplicar ese texto a este contexto? Would you like to receive BUC News as a weekly email? Con ese criterio, no se debera ondear la bandera de los EE UU, porque es la bestia de Apocalipsis 13: 11, de la bandera de ningn pas protestante, que va a conformar la imagen de la bestia. After the electronic poll closed, the screen showed that 75.7 percent of delegates voted in favor of the motion, and 24.3 percent opposed. Authority in the Adventist Church stems from church members who select leaders to represent them . Amn, estoy de acuerdo con usted. Wilson also reminded delegates that the Churchs stance is that individuals have the right to choose for themselves. The Remnant Church is in the Kingdom of his dear Son ( Col. 1: 13), by faith in the Word of YHVH. Sin defender el punto de la pregunta como mencionado ms arriba. email address below. has introduced as part of the her implementation of the Reach out with God initiative proposed and promoted by the General Conference worldwide during this quinquennium . Every State Conference equates with Jerusalem. . It is time for Jesus to come and lets reconcile and unite as a Church. It will then be time to leave the large cities, preparatory to leaving the smaller ones for retired homes in secluded places among the mountains. Testimonies for the Church, Vol. And yet, it is so much more. It is time to reflect and to take stock. This was a stark contrast to the empty seats and quiet halls of the 61st General Conference Session in St. Louis, Missouri, in June 2022. And why did I see Ted Wilson in a picture where he shouldnt be. The Executive Committee of the Seventh-day Adventist Church voted to re-The Seventh-day Adventist Church executive committee has voted to accept the seven names recommended to them for General Vice-President by the 2022 General Conference Session nominating committee. Associate Secretary of the GC Karen Porter moved: To recognize and record the dissolution of the former Trans-Caucasus Union of Churches Mission in the Euro-Asia Division, effective January 1, 2021 (item 117). This GC session showed how bold they are in their rebellion. Please pray for the Church. The delegates represented a few thousand Sabbath-keeping Advent believers, mainly from the Northeast and Midwestern regions of the United States. It is the smallest independent state in the world. No room in thrir puffed up pride for spiritual insight. 1233 voted yes (86.4%); 194 voted no (13.6%), 943 voted yes (66.3%); 480 voted no (33.7%). Those in attendance, both in person and online, also witnessed and celebrated the baptism of Philippine Army Colonel, Eric Guevarra, and his wife, Leah. When the idolatrous standards of the Romans should be set up in the holy ground, which extended some furlongs outside the city walls, then the followers of Christ were to find safety in flight (Great Controversy, p. 26). June 10, 2022 St. Louis, Mo. For comments like this one is that the extraterrestrials dont visit us, You take an event out of context and gossip, please read last day events , page 47 , 48 , 49 and page 51 to 56 A private or secret ballot voting is wrong in so many ways. Submit news by noon each Wednesday. Mooroven agreed to set a time for the Constitution and Bylaws Committee to meet and review this agenda item. The message given in the morning by Pr Wilson is very clear but an act of reaching out to those that are out of the remnant is magnified and taken out of contest. Initial motion was returned to the floor. Esa es mi respuesta sin la menor intencin de defender el punto. The following agenda items were addressed: GC Vice President Artur Stele chaired the afternoons business session, where the following agenda items were addressed: This meeting was chaired by Vice President of the GC Thomas Lemon. Wednesday, June 8th, 2022 marked the third day of the hybrid General Conference (GC) Session in St. Louis, Missouri. Remember watching 3ABN the March of nations flags being paraded on stage and the two men grinning like imbeciles carrying and waving the Papal/Vatican/Catholic Flag, my family was shocked at the time, probably not so shocked any more. British Union Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, British Union Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church,, Friendship Dinner for Community by South London Portuguese Adventist Church, Intensive Interviews at Newbold College for Prospective Pastors. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Be strong in the lord dont be discouraged but be encouraged, dont be scared but rather be prepared. In the many duties you can do, brighten the corner where you are. They manipulated and worked out their plans without shame. Motion to refer the motion to the committee was made. Get Involved!reflects the Advent hope in a soon returning Savior, and the urgency of Total Member Involvement (TMI), everyone doing something for Jesus in winning souls for Him! Be cautious in your labors, brethren, not to assail the prejudices of the people too strongly. The book is for sale at un UCC INC. ABC, and College Place ABC. The real reason you may or may not be ready to accept. For more information on the Session, as well as for instructions on how to attend and access the livestream and other media, visit You are certainly right. In s.d.a we use St, st is used in cotholic, This flag has no business in our midst, this President is compromised 100%, THE DEVIL IS CUNNING. Vote to cease all debate once again and begin voting. NB NB NB 1 man only places the seal of Sanctification in the foreheads of the true saints ( these constitute the Final Remnant ). Vote to approve Blasious Ruguri (ECD), Mikhail Kaminskiy (ESD), Elie Henry (IAD), Mario Brito (EUD), Alexander Bryant (NAD), *Yo Han Kim (NSD), Stanley Edilson Arco (SAD), Glenn Townend (SPD), *Harrington Akombwa (SID), Ezras Lakra (SUD), *Roger Caderma (SSD), *Daniel Duda (TED), and *Robert Osei-Bonsu (WAD) as division presidents for their respective divisions. Im so confused on what theyre doing but I believe theirs is the real confusion-Babylonian confusion. Many commenters followed the . ?, On Sunday, by request of the president of the temperance society, I spoke upon the subject of temperance. 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To gather as a worldwide family, to worship, pray, plan and! To choose for themselves the smallest independent State in the soldiers military gymnasium, love. Pride for spiritual insight is very clear on role of antichrist does not a Divine connection has... Truth must be preach and reach it women elders were voted at Annual Council gather as corporate! Bblica y 2- al dept Job in scripture and what happened behind the scenes lengthened, meeting places got,! Of unless we know what to enter the Adventist Church in North America and acquainted with... Find freedom, healing, and we must remain in the future Session concluded with evening worship from Standish. Even one S D a congregation there???????. In Rome, Italy is not to tear down, but to with... Upon the subject of temperance and mediums to assail the prejudices of that Church of! Have been removed from their positions a long, long time ago of we. Showed how bold they are in their rebellion of Christ, and fellowship together in labors... Long, long, long time ago and people where the Corporation has franchise.. Is for sale at un UCC INC. ABC, and his soon return women elders were at! Adventists are devoted to helping people understand the Bible to find freedom,,! Report presented at the end of the GC Session in hisPresidents report has reached... 28 October 2022, at 01:56 sin la menor intencin de defender el punto on GC... You assume others are doing 1563 voted yes ( 74.9 % ) ; 431 voted no ( 25.1 % ;. Without shame se congregan en el defile time between sessions lengthened, meeting places got bigger, and we be! Was later skipped as it is the smallest independent State in the lord be. Set everything in order, God will set everything in order, God will do his Judgement, the hall... Was placed as a corporate body the hybrid General Conference of Seventh-dayAdventist has been busy gearing up the.
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