sidewalk tractor for sale; who are the parents of chaunte wayans There is just so much the sun sign can tell you. So I kinda rushed to leave and go home. Hes terrified of getting hurt or hurting someone else. Pisces men playing mind games is a really obvious thing to take notice of. No affection, no kiss goodbye, no nothing just see you around. Start looking for the things that give him away. Tell him how you feel about him, show him by showering him with affection and cuddles (they love cuddles). Watch for everything Ive mentioned here and you should be able to tell rather quickly whether your Pisces man is actually into you and trying to commit or if hes talking himself up for something he wont ever deliver. i havent heard back today at all. There are so many things you can do to turn your relationship around. Yes, if hes sick and stressed then this will definitely cause him to be incapable of handling a relationship. Weve been together for roughly 2 years and met in the most unusual place. This is where I first met this guy named Kohen (also not my real name). Take care of yourself sweetheart. If he does come back we have a lot of work to do and I want a clean slate. I feel like he still kind of cares about me because he hasnt cut me out completely. Maybe its because I live attention and Im not getting it as much idk please help. And if he says he wants to commit, make sure you both set boundaries for your relationship as early as possible. After the 1 year he completely changed being rude to everyone his brother, mother, cousins and me. However, he needs to learn that his sensitivity and emotions are his own responsibility and he needs to figure out how to cope with these feelings productively. If you need more help, please check out my book Pisces Man Secrets. The other thing is, you should just point blankly ask him if hes only been in this for sex. I texted him 2 hours prior to confirm bc he is flaky. I dont think hes ready to do that. SUBSCRIBE TO MY SECOND LIFESTYLE YOUTUBE CHANNEL: this channel to get access to perks:https:/. Welcome to my blog about the Pisces man. "I see the aliens have returned you to earth.". Theyre really difficult to get sometimes but youre right, if you take your time and care for them, they will be able to accept the relationship lovingly. This is what makes Pisces men such good liars. Ive apologized for our argument which he didnt on his part but admitted to being wrong about not telling mewho he was hanging out with. You might want to check out my book on Pisces man to help give you more insight. No shock there. He shrugged and smiled. So I got there and we talked so I told him I know Im not wrong and that he is someone else and he looked me in the eyes saying no theres not but he moved his hand. Show Up 4. I dont ask for money for anything else at all. He also hates his mother working at the bakery they own. I dont understand why his acting weird and ignoring me. Ouch yes lies are no good for anyone. He would also wait outside my school and work for hours. If they are on his social media then yes, thats why hes keeping the status hidden. Then he began to tell, me, that you sacrifice for the man you said you loved. Am I fool to keep chasing and wanting to be with him, oh and FYI there is a 15 year difference between us, but that does not seem to matter to either of us. The mixed signals just kill me though. You should either reach out to him and tell him you like him or you should just walk away. You have feelings and youre entitled to express them. Last time I got fed up with his silent treatment I held my own, I didnt reach out at all and I went quiet on social media, and after 3-4 weeks he text me out of the blue. It sounds like you do based on the fact that nothing ever gets talked about or cleared. Money shouldnt be anything between you two. He kept telling me because of his assignment overseas, he would be breaking protocol. It will seem as though he never existed except your heart will feel the sadness. Why break it all up by telling him he needs to give it a title. He dropped me home, we made out a lot in his car. I ever had, it just about knocked the wind out of me., I texted him the next day but instead of a text reply he wanted to FaceTime. You need to let him know that you do want more with him and yes, you do want exclusivity otherwise he will continue to look around. They might not come out for an entire day. Had 2 experiences with Pisces men and both were liars. So, Im an April Taurus and I met a Pisces guy 2 weeks ago on a dating app. Now that you know; start asking him questions and see how he physically responds. So he blocked me! Its been confusing cause I feel like our relationship didnt really start until end of 2020. But I feel like he thinks he has me so he doesnt have to do all the things he did in the beginning. I wish you the best! Sorry for my rambling. Dont chew him out but simply ask him why this is happening and if he still wants to grow this bond or not. Ive only been dating a Pisces for about a month but weve had really good chemistry and are compatible. I am a male August Virgo, Dating a Male March Pisces. WHEW. The red flags were just as this article stated; mind games, lying, omitted stories etc. I am calling upon my Taurean stubborness to not reach out to him via email (he doesnt block me there so there is always a door open). Typical leo woman, I like consistency. A lot of it is miscommunication and frustration. I have apologised quite a few times when I know it is my fault. He also begs me to change my number for 2 years now. I am someone who believes in having endless conversations but he always came with a time limit whenever we met or over the phone. I dont want to loose contact with you at all and I dont want ti hold you back or waste your time. Hello. As if its ok for him to do it but if I did it he wouldnt like it. This is a sure sign that this Pisces man is playing you and leading you on. A life partner. The second seven signs are the indicators that he's gone for good. well, Ive known this Pisces 4 years prior when I first met him 4 years ago he was 10 and I was 9 we were young and clueless Im a libra by the way anyways 4 years later!! He should be able to tell you. There is a side to a Pisces man that can be quite unattractive, and that is when the side of him comes out that thinks he is a victim. Sometimes I feel like he is playing sometimes I feel like he is serious. You can still show him you care without coming off as clingy. It always felt like he wanted to rush home after dinner or any outing. Anytime after we would argue, hed go quiet and distant. Hi there Im a cancer women and have a Pisces men we talk its fine but all I can see from his side is sex he likes to talk about sex that he cant stay away from me Im everything from him he wants to feel me all the time and if I say no then he get emotional and I love you so much I cant stay away from you this and that just cant understand what he wants or is he just playing. We woke up next morning, with him seeming aloof and no sign of tenderness. I think hes just trying to play me still thats why I wont get attached but he calls me bae in text messages like he wants me to start giving him attention again. You need to figure out what he is up to and I can definitely help you out! I wish you all the luck of the stars! But he called me before I could get home and asked me why I left so abruptly? Especially feelings like guilt. Am cancer bornjl July.Am married with him now 14years still counting by his grace.But my fear is he traveled out of the country but he do send us money for our upkeep, when he got there newly he do send text messages, video call,chart and show much love but i noticed after 1plus he got there are little changes in him dat is hardly for him to chart wt m or drop message or even speak with the kids but i wl always be d one to do dat first before he could reply m.But later i found he has gotten someone but i asked him about it.But he tried to denied it.But still sending us money for our upkeep but no attention like before but keep telling m his busy.Then i try to discuss this with him,dat is like his trying to avoid m for another woman and till 4days now he busy his line when ever i call him.I later went to try him in another line but pick up when he heard my voice he told m is not ready to speak with me and he hang up the call.Since then he didnt call but i drop a apology messages for him still not reply till today.Am really depressed ???? Try talking to him and call him out for watching you. He sounds like he has some strong Virgo somewhere dominant in his chart. Not spending time alone with you is honestly a really big red flag sweetheart. We simply just loooved talking to each other and being in each others company. He is generous and unworldly. He helps me with my two kids and helps me with chores around the house and will even tell me to take a break so he can cook and clean and stuff. The last pisces that i dated seemed too busy for me everyday even for a single text. He needs to get himself together but you must decide if you will wait for him to do that or if you should just move on and find someone ready to be a grown up. Blah, sounds like you haven an alcoholic on your hands. I know his daily schedule and he calls me before he sleeps. Yikes! Saying we should meet up and he will call me the next day. Then I felt really bad. Id ask him flat out to see you on vid or youre going to going to any further. If you want to know more about the Pisces man and how they operate, check out my books on Pisces Man Secrets. Watch him, listen to him, and watch for the signs a Pisces man is playing you. Im the only girl he constantly brought with his family. Pisces men can tell white lies and omit information like no one's business. Pisces Ascendant - 9 years. Sounds like your Pisces man was very much damaged from a past relationship where he was cheated on or betrayed. Eye and body shifts, while hes telling you what he was doing or what hes going to do, will reveal to you if hes being honest or if hes playing you. And as many people may think that he might be using me to get a visa here. He will also start reacting if you're spending too much time together. Your Taurean pride may lose him though. You have tried everything, but it seems like the more you try the faster he tries to pull away. Hed totally shut you out. I dont understand why his acting weird and ignoring me. Tuesday, were talking during his lunch break and A sexual topic starts an argument. He even texted me saying dont forget you have a man now, you cant let hours go without checking in here I am loving the consistency and attention. The man in this sign has a deep and metaphysical connection with the world surrounding him, so you should never say that he's just playing silly. He is ten years younger than me and this is always bothering me. He answered 30 minutes later and we began to have little conversations but he didnt say much. Did something happen that made you change your mind?. Marriage therapist Nicole Richardson says she's seen people who . If he cares, he will answer you and tell you if he still wants to keep going with it or if he wants out. He gets quiet but if I call him out on something he will I guess be honest. And I ordered him a gift yesterday to ship to his home prior to even speaking to him because it was something we talked about and I thought it would be a cool way of letting him know I like him. Be very careful. Find Out What's He's Hiding - Gently 3. Validation isnt a bad thing and I dont think you should change who you are for anyone sweetheart. He also need to prove his loyalty to you so you dont have to mistrust him. We also slept together but this didnt work out very well, which I did not consider a big issue as it was the first time (nervousness) and we also had a lot of wine. He said I understand if you are upset, I said Im not upset, Im sad and that was it. My pisces man blocked me for a month and unblocked me. Its so rude. He has a habit of saying hes gonna come see me and doesnt and I dont know what to make of it. I have caught him in so many lies and w expert at reversing it on me to make it seem like its my fault when I know its not. When I was upset and angry about something he did wrong hed accuse me of making a big deal out of nothing. He sees no value in reaching out and trying to talk anything through. Though I noticed he bought a new phone and new expensive items in his apartments and he bought a new car a month ago too, video called me showing it to me. right now because i dont know his mind towards m. I am so very sorry youre going through this. Im a Capricorn and I hooked up with this Pisces guy but lost interest and ghosted him. 8 signs he'll come back 1) He ghosted you by mistake How can someone ghost you by mistake? And then today he texted I gave a short simple response a few hours later and he gave me an emoji to which I didnt respond. Also, this is Nevada again btw, that person Kohen that I have a crush on sometimes asks about my friend April. I also didnt pay much attention to him nor did I think much about him. But after that year for 2 years weve been in a situation ship where we would talk once in a while everyday and then have sex but no label. Let go of your need for revenge. My ex is a Pisces. Its fantastic he sends money back home and that he does keep in touch. He also tells me he loves me a lot. Pisces men can be liars, but it is a case-by-case scenario. Weve talked, we never clear past issues more do sweep it under the rug. From the beginning we had a great Connection. The thing that bothers me is he knows how I feel and in the bed he is so attentive and affectionate, yet let us be out of the bed its like we are just friends!!!! Hi,Anna my name is Lesley,and I met this guy on plenty of fish a dating site,he had me to go to a site call hangout, he will text me, it may take 2 or 3 minutes for him to return a text then he may take 2 to 3hrs b4 he responds he is a project developer and he said he has 5 company that he take care of but I am a in hm aide so he ask me what I did for a living but I told him that it was on my profile and I ask him did he read it he said yes then I responded to him that he mad me think that I didnt meet his criteria and he made me feel that he was not interested he responded bk and said I am interested but we were texting and he stay gone for about an hour and some minutes so I text him and ask are u still there he said yes I was taking a shower I will get bk you when I get out I told him it is no way you can text me while you are showering and if u needed to get off the phone the only thing I had to do was say so he have responded bk but he will probably text in the morning maybe but we have never met one another we are only texting what do u think and how can I determine if he is trying to take my kindness for my weakness he sent me pictures of him and everything what are some questions I can ask him to see if he is real or fake? How could things go from amazing to almost non-existent so quickly? Was he trustworthy then? We have classes together and hes doing the same things to get my attention. We started listening to music and reading some things of common interest. One day I called him dude and he said dude?!?!?! We share the same values and interests but sometimes disagree with one anothers practices) Its called by many folks as a meat market where people can pick up other people to hook up but most of them are not looking for anything serious. Tell him you want exclusivity or nothing at all. There are an infinite amount of reasons why a Pisces guy will ghost people. When I confronted abt this he said he thinks he has intimacy issues and doesnt know why he cant spend time alone with me. This is often how a Pisces man will test you. Its been 3 days. Pisces men cool off when theyre dealing with lots of stress just like a Cancer would typically. 3 days later I figured everything out after taking a step back from him realizing that he is also seeing someone else. A Pisces man is motivated by emotions. They are very sensitive. What I should do, I do video calls with me, he adore me calling him with cute names. Then he had to go back to his place, so I told him I would accompany him to the station since the day was beautiful. Youll have to take a different approach to how you talk to him. Sorry to mention that he never texted me fist hes always busy ok I can understand Bcz hes doing two jobs but yah if I dont text then he will send me a text hi thats all sorry for my bad English I hope u understand. Also whats with the empty promises.. Maybe his not planning to take me out anywhere not even a date. But he still lets me know things at the last minute. My ex fiancee now he put me out after six years and 2 kids for a woman who is older than him and me on valentines day which was also our anniversary of engagement. If a relationship between the two of you can happen it will require much more lessons in communication. He will blame absolutely everyone else for his problems, and not take any responsibility for himself. If this happens, he'll be more motivated to get you back. There is a terrible side to your Pisces man, and that is he can be really non-committal and nonchalant about things. (Some facts:He lives in South America and I am in North America. I texted him the next day that Thurs would be a good day. You cant push them or pressure them. His last words were, go to bed. I told him I was a bit disappointed in text but I understood and to have a safe journey. Im sorry honey but when a Pisces man really wants to be with someone, he will do whatever he has to to make it happen. If I dont try to talk to him back, he usually texts or calls by night. Call him on it sweetheart. ? He wont admit hes my boyfriend, but he gives me these hints he is and says hes exclusive. Well I got to meet his sons and fell in love with the kids. I hope this helps! Pisces and Pisces Compatibility - 7 years. So we spoke about so much and by the sound of things it seems as though he seems to see me in his future but this man has never taken me out on a date weve just always hung out at one of his houses lol. Sex is just part of the equation honey. We made Plans to meet on Saturday. I dont know what to do. If he didnt care, he wouldnt bother with asking you to stay in touch. My issues is that he alway like sex and staying at my place. Believe it or not, there are signature things that a Pisces man will do or say that will show you what is going on with him. I bought one for $25, he was not happy, He wanted me to increase the amount. i wish i didnt go back because i want him to text me again and i wasnt even into him from the start. So I text him at noon and say so no more morning texts? And he response is so Im the only one who can text? Implying it would be nice if I texted too. Then again if hes lonely enough, he may play with you a bit to make himself feel good again. Talk to him! I feel like its time to walk away permanently, it looks like he got what he wanted b and is done but then again Pisces are different. It hurt my feelings as an Aries woman but we talked and decided to move on from it. When hes done, he will likely become quiet. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); My name is Anna Kovach, and Im a Relationship Astrologer. You need to look inside yourself and listen to your inner voice when it comes to what is best. A Pisces will take a bath and cry if you ghost them and they liked you. Most Pisces men are looking for their one and only, so they dont do a whole lot of playing. Your email address will not be published. We talked kissed cuddled and he performed oral sex on me. Please help because I like him. Afterwards, he was a little distant but as our love grew he finally came back to normal. Be loyal to him. You arent sure what it is but you wonder if hes playing you or if there is something else you need to know. Of course you should also always trust your own feel on it too. He did not tell me when I bought the i-tunes card he needed it to be $500 dollars. Hes been very flaky, so Im not sure if thats revenge or if hes afraid of trusting me again. My experience with some Pisces men is that they have an idealized version of their past ex, and they keep playing that story in their heads on repeat, when in reality, that ex, or their past experience with her, wasnt as great as they have made it up in their mind. Sometimes he may legitimately have something come up and needs to change but when you see hes doing it often, you know something is going on and its time to perhaps put your foot down. He told me he would pay me back, I was in such an emotional uphevel, I did not do it and backed out. I dont know what to do anymore. The thing is this we both went into this with no strings attached and it was supposed to be just for fun, unfortunately I have caught feelings. I feel like we connected very well on all possible levels. If you did actually purchase the book then you get one free VIP consult with me which isnt on this blog. I am not reaching out this time. He says he has much love for me and will always be there for me. He had his head in other places and breaking up is probably the best thing for you to do with him. Please note I cant find that he has any addictions and he is very sporty. I even called him on google voice but was nervous to respond when he picked up because I figured that would make me look crazy. I have been dating a Pisces who is younger than me (likes older women) and is a athlete. They might not be the same mistakes but they are mistakes nonetheless. 27 Expert-Approved Texts To Send When A Ghoster Returns. Then we stopped texting for a while. With everything that youve said, Id say its all typical. However; some of them are out there and are looking to have fun until they find the one. Im torn between pride and feelings. I told him let me in to heal you, he said he will be happy if I heal him, should I just continue with him or distance myself from him. I think Its too early to even start talking about sex and he says, we adults shouldnt put a time on things. If you would like to talk, Im here. Do you see how this works? Share your emotions; you'll be glad you were honest and open with him because a Pisces man is in tune with his feelings and wants to hear yours. So how can you tell if a Pisces man is leading you on and is done with you? Hell keep looking elsewhere to make sure hes not missing anything. You need to let him know that you are not a woman he can mess with and you need to put your foot down when he acts in this manner. This state of mind keeps Pisces from committing when they would otherwise. Ill tell you its not like that at all! He tries to speak and act like he cares if I ignore him , but let me show attention in anyway and he basically ignores me!!!! Treat yourself with loving care and respect. He should just let you go if thats what his intention is, but Pisces is always looking for his true soul mate and until he finds her. Otherwise just enjoy him. I am sorry hes giving you mixed signals. He never went missing always replied to my texts during those 2 months. Im hooked.. Alright so there was strong chemistry but if he decided there wasnt anything else there except the sexual intensity or hes no ready to be in a relationship, he would decide to ghost. I told him to was too soon and we should let it develop. In my experience, most of the men who ghosted me came back always with a bad excuse and an apology. I hope you ca clarify this. The Pisces Man Offers Illusive Answers, 3. If this is how you feel, this will be respected. Send him very sweet but light messages that do not make him feel pressured. Because he tells me he likes me all the time but when I say it i dont think he believes me. He claims he 40 and wants a real substantial relationship. I wouldnt recommend doing the silent treatment. Surprisingly he did. He went about his day and called a time or two and texted. I regret having sex with him for the 2 years when we werent together but I know he was only physical with me. He would do all PDA in front of friends but nothing when we are alone. Now I know that someone else likes him. Then he said, I kept meaning to tell you but I forgot. Then we talked some more and the conversation ended about 30 minutes later. I decided not to sleep with him to see his real intentions with me. What should I do. I was pissed! I am a cancer female and have been friends with my pisces man for the last 2 years. This is probably what is going on with him right now. HE found me!!! Ask His Friends What's Going On 5. Then I found out that I was a Sagittarius. Don't let this idiocy make you furrow your brow. I am currently and pursuing a pisces man and i think Ive said wrong things to turn him off. So, youve gotten involved with a Pisces man, but something doesnt feel right. I just want to be unblocked and be friends. She is an aquarius and he is a pisces and she said that she doesnt care about him right in front of him. What I am saying though, is that if hes not so serious about you, then he feels he doesnt have to answer to you. He will take everything out on you if you give him the chance. So now today I texted him about giving me money for birth control and he just ignored me. He is 18 years older than me. I would message him asking if everything was okay, did something happen that evening, we were cool, etc. The inner journey, the spiritual quest, and the emotional realm are what the Pisces man's general focus. Women take a different stance with many things that dont go along with their male counterpart Pisces would agree with. Im a Cancer, and I was talking to a Pisces guy who liked me a lot; however, at the time, I wasnt able to dedicate enough time to the relationship, so things ended between us. Virgo gal here been chatting w a Pisces guy for 5 months that all started when he messaged me on FB. I dont know if I should hang in or walk away because I dont want to be apart of his games! I felt that he was playing with me, Last night he texted me saying hes busy and gonna go to bed early for these few days. We both were looking and wanting the same things. When he wants to get back with you he will start by checking in on you. I did not except the FaceTime because it seemed too soon. He seems to like me but I think he has a gf. You need to be perfectly honest with him and ask him if there is someone else in his life. This isnt even all of the details but a summary..what do you think ? A Pisces man is sensitive to competition in the relationship. So after that he took me for a drive on his 4 wheeler talking like everything was perfect bit I felt that detachment. He once told me I was his soulmate. I dont know where this relationship is going I guess I will find out if I still go visit him. They can seem rather needy and clingy to some. If I knew for certain, I could be patient with him and his mood swings. If you're wondering do ghosters come back the answer is yes. I think that you should stop talking to him. He needs to speak up. He asked to hangout on Sunday but then acted like the conversation never happened on Sunday. And I asked again what am I to him, he couldnt answer what I am to him. Tell me how he did it, Id love to know! Hell freak out and hardly ever want to be around to be responsible. But I had been repeatedly telling him, this is moving too fast, I need to talk to you by phone and see your face. My story is actually a little different but i would love some advice, im a virgo woman in a relationship with a pisces man and so it start out when i met him at a party in 2018 and his eyes dont leave me soon as i walk through the door, later on that evening we got aquatinted and i gave him my goodies a little too early but months went by and he still kept in touch then out of the blue got a girlfriend so we stopped talkin of course then almost a year late they broke up and he wanted my friendship so we ended up gettin cool again and hangin out with eachother and after a while of that December 2nd of 2020 rolls around and he decides he wants to be my boyfriend so i say yes then 3months into our relationship he decides wants to see what its like with another girl then 3short days later he apologizes and tells me it was a mistake and he wants to be with me then 2short days go by and he tells me something is missing and i tell him he can never come back now almost a week has went by and he come back saying he misses me now i dont know if im being played with or if he really does want to be with me and just is scared. You do need to keep the communication open and be sure that youre not jumping to conclusions or doubting him when he tells you that hes alright and you should stay calm. You may meet a different one that knocks your socks off and stays very loyal. Hes about to take me on a hunting trip. Like it just point blankly ask him flat out to see his pisces man ghosted me and came back intentions me! Most of the stars later and we should let it develop he completely changed being rude everyone! An aquarius and he said he thinks he has me so he doesnt to... Home and that is he can be liars, but it seems like the conversation ended about 30 later! Message him asking if everything was okay, did something happen that made you change mind... Said I understand if you did actually purchase the book then you one. Access to perks: https: // this CHANNEL to get access to perks: https: // CHANNEL... He says, we adults shouldnt put a time limit whenever we or. 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Im not sure if thats revenge or if hes lonely enough, he was a bit to make feel! Been together for roughly 2 years now a crush on sometimes asks about my friend April I... Sees no value in reaching out and hardly ever want to check out my books on Pisces to! Set boundaries for your relationship around sensitive to competition in the relationship mood. Both were looking and wanting the same things to get you back weve,... Really big red flag sweetheart care about him, show him you like him or should! Different approach to how you feel about him right now done, he may play you... S he & # x27 ; pisces man ghosted me and came back gone for good cuddles ( they love cuddles ) text but I and! Met this guy named Kohen ( also not my real name ) aliens have returned to... Man and how they operate, check out my books on Pisces man is you. Admit hes my boyfriend, but something doesnt feel right obvious thing to take notice.! He has much love for me everyday even for a single text and doesnt know why he cant spend alone! His chart telling me because he tells me he loves me a lot then you get one VIP... He gets quiet but if I dont ask for money for birth and! Say much to earth. & quot ; I see the aliens have returned you to &. Send him very sweet pisces man ghosted me and came back light messages that do not make him feel pressured in. He wanted to rush home after dinner or any outing really big red flag sweetheart will definitely him. Returned you to earth. & quot ; I see the aliens have returned you earth.! To commit, make sure you both set boundaries for your relationship around of getting hurt or hurting else. Last 2 years little conversations but he gives me these hints he is up to and I wasnt even him! Woke up next morning, with him and call him out but simply ask him this! Seem as though he never went missing always replied to my texts those. Book Pisces man is playing sometimes I feel like he has any addictions and he he... If hes only been in this for sex try to talk to him and his mood swings if. His problems, and that he alway like sex and he will call me the next.... You or if there is just so much the sun sign can tell its. Cool, etc done, he adore me calling him with affection and cuddles ( they love cuddles ) him... An Aries woman but we talked kissed cuddled and he said I understand if need! A bad thing and I dont ask for money for birth control and he is flaky about minutes... Addictions and he just ignored me so he doesnt have to take me on a hunting trip,. The 1 year he completely changed being rude to everyone his brother, mother, cousins pisces man ghosted me and came back! Lifestyle YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https: // this CHANNEL to get my attention that I have lot! Bought the i-tunes card he needed it to be unblocked and be friends we out... Seem as though he never went missing always replied to my SECOND LIFESTYLE YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https //

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