Ive asked multiple times to please send books home so I could help him with reading to give him the confidence he once had back, up Ive been denied every time with the excuse that he first needed to demonstrate his reading at schoolI even know their strategy that was confirmed by the teacher and still only a very few books sent home. If they arent reading, it isnt even a question that they remain in kindergarten. Every week! I literally did not care at all as a kid. Family Education is part of the Sandbox Learning family of educational reference sites for parents, teachers, and students. He has been diagnosed with ASD, is developmentally delayed and has ADHD. Few of them will be deeply affected by (or even remember later on) repeating kindergarten. Can he paste? He was immature socially and emotionally but was sight reading at 4. May 30, 2013 #1 . Increasing pressure to do well on standardized tests in elementary school has pushed the first-grade curriculum down to kindergarten. I am afraid we will have a huge bubble of high school drop outs when those children reach the age of sixteen. But we just feel hes not ready to move to 1st grade, and thats just gona give him more to struggle with. I was just going to write the same, today they expect your kid to be fully reading in Kindergarten. They need specific intervention. This document details the education code in Texas and your rights as a parent: EDUCATION CODE There should be 20% of the kids identified. During first year, was one of the youngest in the class. Kids who are much younger than grade-level peers and who have a history of struggling academically can benefit from repeating a grade. Spelling tests in kindergarten? Is this a public or private school? One consideration in having your child repeat kindergarten is social and emotional development. I think she meant years old not month old., my son is 6 year old the teacher told me he has to repeat kindergarten because he dont want to do his classwork and he does not follow directions what should i do plz help me. My best friend, by the way, is an Occupational Therapist so she is used to working with these school aged kids a lot. Whether it's kindergarten for a second time or playing catch-up over the summer to prepare for first grade, a positive, low-pressure attitude is essential. In some areas your child does well, and you hope that by the end of the year, his maturity level and social skills will catch up with the other kids. I emailed his teacher and she responded that he would be advanced to the 1st grade. What can cause kids to seem immature. Sammy, for instance, could discuss ancient Troy but couldn't draw a stick figure. But for kids like Sam, schools and parents may make a more difficult call: to repeat kindergarten. Family.com. Get that out of your head immediately. Things we knew he concretely understood never translated in class. Long story short, even with academic support over the summer our son bombed in first grade, and ! He may even be ahead of his new classmates. My research states that you do not retain if there is a learning disability (dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia sp?). For some children, a bridge class between kindergarten and first grade offers time to grow. Who wants to hear their child is average? We were also told that having him repeat kindergarten would be devastating for him. She also maintains a private practice in the evaluation and teaching of children with learning disabilities and attention deficit disorders. Change.org. I have secondary education background and we spent a semester on Special Ed and never ONCE was dyslexia mentioned. My son did not turn the required age of 5 here in TN until May 2014. Posted on 1/25/23 at 9:54 pm to WhoDatKrewe. At first he loved reading our books and felt very important that he could read, but since January that has become a fight to get him to read. I was continuously told what an eager happy angel we had, however he never progressed to the standard. But these days, kindergarten can seem less like a nurturing bridge to formal learning and more like academic boot camp. The research suggests I am placing n obstacle in his way by doing this. The data showed that 9 percent of first- and second-graders in 1997 had their entry into kindergarten delayed, up from 5 percent in 1995. Rates of development are simply too varied to hang on chronology. Parents. Before we speak of first grade readiness, we need to look at kindergarten readiness. 7y. Helped build confidence. School!. I've done a lot of research and it's the general consensus that grade repetition isn't the way to go. I totally feel you. I have enrolled him in a new school for a fresh start. However, because kids often make sudden leaps in development later in the year, it can be hard to predict their performance in first grade. My husband was 19 and I was nearly 19 when we started college. Pre-first is more about social and emotional immaturity than it is about academics, educators say. I bought ABC Mouse and downloaded many helpful learning programs. And those possible downsides are significant, too. Thread starter katie111; Start date May 30, 2013; K. katie111 DIS Veteran. . The teacher cant get him past level B, but Ive helped him with level C and D books before. My grandchild is told by his teacher that he should repeat Kindergarten. When a teacher or other education expert recommends repeating kindergarten, it's seldom (if ever) about a single skill your child is behind on. Red, yellow, green, blue with red being the worst. But all are given time to find their feet in school, and time to succeed. Weve read to him every day for long periods of time since he was 2 months old. Copyright 2014-2023 Understood For All Inc. developmental milestones at different ages, Annoying other kids by talking too much or barging in on their games, Overreacting to what seem like minor things and taking a long time to calm down, Clinging and not wanting to be apart from you, Having to be told the same rule over and over again, like Its not OK to climb on that furniture, Struggling with bathroom issues, like bedwettingor being afraid to poop, Being overly sensitive to things like loud noises or the way clothes feel, Using baby talk or speaking in ways that are hard to understand, Having trouble with things like putting on a coat or gripping a pencil. Question: Even though he had an early August birthday, we started our son in kindergarten at a private Christian school. Youd think given all the evaluations and so forth, that the school would back you. I am not sending him to first grade. the decision of repeating kindergarten, and children's academic performance in higher grades. This is not about how smart or good or "normal" your child is. The recommendation to repeat the year is not a comment on your child's intelligence; it's a comment on your child's maturity. If the teacher is concerned about the child's maturity or behavior, parents can ask for specific examples of behavior that cause concern. Last Wednesday his teacher and principal told us that they wanted him to be held back, SHOCK was how we felt! I do know a few who "red shirted" due to perceived immaturity who regretted it once the kids hit jr high & high school., jodifla WDW lover since 1972. Instead, I found myself teetering on a tiny chair while the teacher warned me that Sammy might have to repeat the year. Make an effort to understand why the teacher is suggesting retention. Those books he flies through them because he satisfied the teacher. You can find out the exact first grade requirements in your state by writing to your local Department of Education. After multiple evaluations and what not the school has basically been recommending to promote. Is he good at sharing? Me and his dad are leaning towards repeating. So, if a child's birthday falls into dates . Rather, it's about an overall picture of a child who may be too "young" -- physically, cognitively, socially or some combination thereof -- to thrive in first grade. I wish he were only going 1/2 a day but that wasnt an option where we live. I am being sent home a retention letter Tuesday. "When is it a good idea to repeat kindergarten?" We reluctantly decided to hold him back but I stayed up half the night researching and sent an email to the principal this morning about our struggle. Please note: This "Expert Advice" area of FamilyEducation.com should be used for general information purposes only. He struggles with staying still. Now school is over and although his teacher told me throughout the semester that he will most likely be repeating kindergarten, the school promoted him to fist grade. We also dont want him to hurt his self esteem. In my case, I benefited from grade retention, but after doing some research, I honestly believe it does more harm than good for most people. We feel like there is no support whatsoever from them in trying to retain. Q. . Sleep: Many kids consistently sleep less than six hours a night. They are reading sentences and books. End of February 2018 i am in my sons class room speakin with his teacher bout his academics and as she informs me he has reading problems along with speech problems and now all of a sudden needs little more assistance so i explained that i want him to be in a reading/speech class to help keep him on track(my oldest son goes for speech and ready every week) and if she can send home words and reading material he needs more help with to go over each day at home, waiting and calling and writing comments in his planner on where the work is he needs little more improvement with is at doesnt show up home until the last month of school where then same day i get work of his i get a call from his teacher.she goes on about how hes doin wonderful and all of a sudden she says due to his speech difficulty which effects his reading and reading issues she wants to hold him back in same grade! Im so conflicted. After that, we both went to a public high school and graduated at 19 years old in June 2006. Constantly. The study of 784 Texas school children followed from first grade until graduating or dropping out of school led by Dr. Jan N. Hughes, Professor Emeritus in educational psychology, found that even though grade retention in the elementary grades does not harm students in terms of their academic achievement or educational motivation at the transition to high school, it increases the odds that they will drop out of school before obtaining a high school diploma by 2.67 times. According to 1st grade standards. Holding back in failure of an entire school year that soon cannot be explained well or documented. What kind of long-term effects, if any, can result from repeating or not repeating a grade? Im not a parent or teacher, just happened to stumble across this page while doing personal research and I would like to share my story. Pros. Can he work with others as a group? Praying my daughter will make the right decision. Learning differences: Is the child having trouble with reading, writing, or math? Teachers often have good instincts, but not every teacher is great. According to his teacher they wont hold them back until 3d grade! Share what you observe with others, like parents, caregivers, teachers, or health care providers. (June 7, 2012) http://www.change.org/petitions/help-children-succeed-make-kindergarten-mandatory-in-all-50-states, Mlyniec, Vicky. . In the United States, this also refers to creating laws that set cutoff dates slightly before New Year's in order to "redshirt" children born in the later part of the calendar year (often September to December) for the . I'm glad he isn't going to high school next year. Like many parents, I hadn't realized that success in kindergarten depends on many factors, not just intellectual ability. First graders typically start the year knowing how to count at least to 10 (and usually beyond), reciting the entire alphabet and knowing the sounds of most of the letters, reading and writing simple words, and using "creative spelling" to put their own thoughts on paper. You feel confused. I had 2 children held back and come to find out BOTH have dyslexia. Age range. If you think she will be ready in every way: not just in reading, but emotionally and socially, go for it! Holding a kid back in kindergarten or 1st grade has nothing to with sports. We both went on to finish college. Your child may not mind this as much as you think. . I was told in January by the teacher she was going to hold him back (thats why my helping him with the sight wordshe went from set 2 to set 10 in 6 weeks). But are concerned he will act out if he is bored. So I told her teacher today that we will work hard with her and that if she isnt eligible to pass that I will be pulling her out of the school system because something isnt right when 3/5 of my children are at risk of failing right now. He gets out of school in 3 weeks and we are just hearing about this issue. Some children would benefit from repeating kindergarten. What's more, kindergartners can range in age from 4 to 6 because about 5 percent of kids repeat the year and another 7 percent wait a year before starting, according to the latest figures from the National Center for Educational Statistics. The average minutes a day your child gets direct attention from her teacher is 7 minutes. It was almost like getting held back twice. I believe with a one on one tutor for the summer it will help him perform better in the first grade. The pros of repeating the prep year of school. To reading. This makes it difficult to get a sample group of very young students with diagnosed learning disabilities we can study. He has tested gifted and talented, is reading at the 95% and the teacher and special ed coor wants to push him ahead to 1st, there are no blocks/legos in first. Why is it still being suggested then? Rief also recommends requesting a student-support-team meeting. Once I got to middle school I started to notice that all the other kids looked really little. Other signs your child may benefit from another go-around include: If you're considering having your child repeat the year, he or she is most likely behind in more than one of these areas -- and there's little question that a student is better off starting first grade in step with the rest of the class. Trouble with focus: Does the child seem like a space cadet? What could be wrong with taking more time to grow up? There is not anything you can do about that in time to help your current five year old. Does he wait his turn? Hi first time mom with a kindergarten 6 year I fear this will really hurt him! Your grandson sounds like mine : very smart, maybe just a bit slower in maturity, but just waiting to really take off a bit later but not lagging because of IQ or skill performance probability in a very short while. So i dont believe in repeating kindergarten. Repeating a grade at this age can sometimes be beneficial. Studies have shown that by the time they enter middle school, kids who repeated kindergarten are more likely to get into trouble, dislike school, and feel bad about themselves. http://family.go.com/parenting/article-sk-773400-should-your-child-repeat-kindergarten--t/, Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security, 5 Things to Know on the First Day of Kindergarten, Family.com: Learning Disabilities in Your School Age Child. Faced with this revelation, it can seem someone is questioning your child's mental acuity. There are lots of reasons kids might seem immature for their grade. There might be an illness or divorce in the family. Immature behavior can look different in different kids. One thing to consider is how your child will feel when all his friends go to first grade and he does not. Her work has been published in The Washington Post, The Huffington Post, The Learning Site, The eLearning Site, and Internet4Classrooms. Andrew, thank you for taking the time to tell us about your experience, as well as sharing this important study. I've also read children with ADHD are normally immature for their age. So now what should you do? Oh my goodness, yes! Anyone have their child repeat kindergarten & regret it? Here is what a teacher does in most classrooms. And didnt want to be at school. Will your child benefit from being held back? Read my reply above. The research is very clear that even if children are not ready academically or emotionally they do not benefit from retention. After a month and realizing school was done for the academic year, I grew concerned with our sons placement next year. Also, learn about developmental milestones at different ages. Published August 17, 2017. I might as well homeschool. My best friend has a child who is 6 months old, a girl, and said to be 100% ready for 1st grade by her teacher. He will just be turning six when school starts and he will have support (TSS worker) and I feel confident that he will excel this year. Here are some of the skills that children are expected to demonstrate by the end of kindergarten, according to educator Rief: When you visit this site, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. We attended class parties and could quickly realize the difference in maturity, knowledge and socializing shortcomings. Assuming that a child who is deemed ready to enter Kindergarten at age four is somehow a super-child - perfect in behavior, attendance, performance, attitude, aptitude, diligence, handwriting, and . I could use advice information and anything that could help us!! 4. That is all I want. However, in years past, before standardized testing became so prominent, in the years when teaching to the test was an anathema, children learned to read in first grade. He isn't ready for that. Is he flexible? You're right that normally repeating the grade is not helpful. She explained that he was frustrated by and uninterested in just about everything the class did a red flag that something was amiss. I have read all the comments you made about holding a kindergarten back. In most areas, children must turn 5 by September 1st, in order to start kindergarten. Not a teacher, but have researched standards. I taught gifted children in my career as a teacher who were held back in kindergarten by demanding and close minded teachers and parents. But when a child often acts immaturely compared to other kids the same age, you may wonder whats going on. I have a little girl in my class who only just made the age cut off for kindergarten. Varda Meyers Epstein serves as editor in chief of Kars4Kids Parenting. As the kindergarten year draws to a close, many parents are left worried their child isn't fully prepared to take on 1st grade. He has an attention issue. Would retaining him be beneficial? He will catch on that he was held back as he watches his friends move on. Your child only turned 5 in August. There is a whole checklist of things your child should be able to do before going to kindergarten. A native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Varda is the mother of 12 children and is also a grandmother of 12. Kindergarten students spend a great deal of time on their pre-reading and reading skills. What's more, kindergartners can range in age from 4 to 6 because about 5 percent of kids repeat the year and . Sometimes, a repeat with interventions is still the better option. Exactly! June 1, "immature" boys suddenly become those with birthdays after March 1. First Trimester To-Do List: Take Care of Yourself. There is something schools could do, though you are more likely to find a willingness to do it in a private or parochial school. Sandbox Learning is part of Sandbox & Co., a digital learning company. Q: Even though he had an early-August birthday, we started our son in kindergarten this past fall at a private Christian school. Before that time, the tests measured the achievement of individual students, and good teachers used the data to plan lessons to reinforce weaker areas. When my son Sammy started kindergarten, I looked forward to our first parent-teacher conference, imagining all the wonderful things the teacher would say about his interest in history and his precocious verbal skills. What many parents have trouble with is whether their student will be better off repeating the year. Emotional. They expect them to know all upper & lower case letters and sounds by November or they are considered behind. I dont think my daughter will handle being held back well. First, identify the reasons. I sort of understand. In any event, why not have him evaluated? You turn to your computer and good old Google, and end up more confused than ever. She will undoubtedly feel she did something wrong since she cant be with her friends and do what they are doing. And in fact, thats what im going to do. We are questioning ourselved non stop, and havent made a decision yet. I know it would hurt, but could it also help? Was he uninterested or just bored? Even the screening laws are failing these kids. She doesn't know her letters, their sounds, or her numbers. The major problem Im having is not only did the teacher tell me, my son would be in many encore programs but that they would be advancing the curriculum quickly to catch up. The skills learned in kindergarten laid a vital foundation for later learning. "Should Your Child Repeat Kindergarten?" He also needed time to mature socially and to learn ways to connect with his peers. Moms know their children better than anyone. In June 1993, my kindergarten teacher recommended both of us to repeat Kindergarten, and our parents agreed to do that. Yes, some children learned to read on their own, but it was not a requirement. In cases like these, retention might be a reasonable solutionafter all, your child probably didn't get sufficient content instruction the . In one study, researchers associated this poor academic performance with repeating kindergarten. But the truth is that today children begin learning to read before they enter the first grade. He has been staying after school to work on blending. Our little guy is very social and very much aware of his surroundings even figuring out adult things out. For more parenting tips and tricks, find us on Pinterest: Are you a writer, expert, or influencer? I did not know HALF of what my grandson at 5 now knows when I was his age, but I went on to get 3 college degrees and was asked to work with the state educational committees for years on curriculum. First should we allow him to repeat kindergarten ? Repeating a grade at this age can indeed be beneficial. How could a child flunk out of kindergarten? It was mostly a year for "play-based learning," and the idea of a child being "held back" to repeat the grade might have seemed a little silly. On the positive side, keeping your child in kindergarten for another year certainly reduces the likelihood he or she will begin first grade in a rough spot that could lead to long-term academic and social insecurity. And if the issue is counting and numbers, or poor early reading skills, perhaps giving a child more time to learn numbers and letters; to hear stories read; and play with making rhymes, is indicated. Entering kindergarten children have already learned to appreciate the feel and look of books, and the sound of language. Kindergarten has been a struggle for him, in reference to compliance with directions, social interactions with peers (picking up on social ques), acting out towards other kids perceived to have slighted him, impulse control and executive function. Thanks largely to focus and attention challenges from ADHD, he had not grasped many of the concepts taught in kindergarten. I would ask for an outside opinion from someone who knows your son and the school. My son, whose birthday is in September, has ADHD and started Adderall before school ended. I am also currently looking into private tutor for my Have you thought about holding your child back from first grade? This is not about how smart your child is. What there is suggests that schools with retention policies have a lot of resources and manpower to deal with kids who need a bit more help getting ready for school. Second, holding your child back can have a negative connotation. Here's what my takeaways were: - Being the youngest in the class is universally hard. All these things combined he has had a pretty tough Kindergarten. Thats awful she didnt speak up sooner! Students are required to not only know ALL letters and sounds but all sight words by mid year. Thirty years ago, I was pleased to hear my daughters middle school math teacher talk about hands on learning in math. Grade retention has a negative impact on all areas of a child's achievement (reading, math, and language) and socio-emotional adjustment (peer relationships, self-esteem, problem behaviors and attendance). I suggest you have him evaluated by a speech therapist and see what the speech therapist thinks. Connecticut, one of the last states to allow 4-year-olds to enter kindergarten, is considering changing its rules so that children would have to be 5 by Oct. 1, not Jan. 1, prompting a fight over . In the 1980s and early 1990s, there was a great deal of progress made in converting teachers and schools into providers of developmentally appropriate curriculum, and allowing children to grow at their own paces. At the end of the year, most of the children go to first grade. received feedback from a child's provider or pre-school teacher that your child may be too socially and academically immature to begin kindergarten, carefully consider that advice as well. If starting school is postponed for boys with birthdays after, say, June 1, "immature" boys suddenly become those with birthdays after March 1. Kristin J. Carothers, PhD is a clinical child psychologist devoted to the destigmatization of mental health problems. Ugh. Holding back in those first 3 years is very detrimental for most who are not lower IQ, have a disability, or cannot adjust. His teacher has to repeat everything to him. She has fine motor and minor speech issues and is receiving OT help. Im a grandmother raising my grandson with my husband after raising four sons and kindergarten was never like it is now! Learn about reasons for immature behavior and how to help. Not sure what to do, you speak to a few experts, do your research, and decide to chance it and send your child on to kindergarten. If you decide to have your child repeat the year, it's better to switch teachers or even schools. He is constantly talking about being in the first grade next. They feel repeating would be a good option so his social/behavior/impulse control and executive functioning to catch up. You can find out more and change our default settings with Cookies Settings. I dont agree with keeping him behind, we do homework and practice every night. I would like to know what specific research you have found that states that retaining is not beneficial. I kept saying I feel like it was dyslexia and they gave all the excuses why it was not.well they were wrong and my children paid a very high price in self esteem, a year behind their friends, and still not being serviced. They went on to read and read and read, but at 5 and 6, could not write a single sentence or read those books I was reading to them that were the simple childhood stories. We are in the process of looking at outside therapy and other assistance for him. 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