Draco now looked at Dumbledore at a loss for words. He was still stretching her more than shed ever been stretched before, but when he took his time God, it felt wonderful! He still felt like he was being watched, but didnt see anyone who seemed out of place. She cautiously lowered herself on him, then slowly began rocking herself back and forth, inching up and down on his cock. It turned out the foot the two women had been commenting about was a little exaggerated, but at just slightly more than ten inches, Harry had enough to keep both women very happy. BY next year, shell take over teaching history, and only teach divination to a few students actually gifted in the subject. Neither action had an instantaneous effect, but in a few seconds, Harry had regained enough of himself that he could at least slow his pace slightly, and Hermione found her pain easing slightly, just enough that the lust potion allowed her to begin to gain some pleasure amidst the pain. I dont own the island of Madagascar. I dont own Harry Potter oh, wait, I already said that last one. That screaming of hers had broken his heart. var scJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? And when that flash of magic had hit, Petunia Dursley was not the only one affected. True, he didnt get around to asking anybody until the last minute, but when Viktor asked her, shed accepted. She squeezed them together, and he slowly started to rock back and forth, watching his shaft slide back and forth between her fleshy pillows. Shed screamed and climaxed and screamed some more. Powerful Ron Weasley Character Death Hermione lives a good life. Bedroom? she asked. But I think I might do better going back to my usual brand. Though horrified at almost being caught out by her son, Petunia was also having a hard time keeping a straight face. He gathered her back into his arms, then leaned forward and took her left nipple into his mouth. For almost 13 years we have insulted, abused, and ridiculed the child, all to make ourselves feel better. I I think you two had better leave.. His massive erection was sticking out before him, and Hermiones mind just couldnt take it in. Harry manages to resist until he gets there, then he takes her. Yes! Inside his head, he was screaming for it to stop. It made it very difficult for Harry to sink into sorrow or wallow in self-pity; it was hard to feel sorry for yourself while reveling in the joys of the flesh with attractive, eager women. Future Rose Weasley (The kid of Ron and Hermione) is going to have a different name, Not a genderbend. Dinner was a surprise. It was not the first time hed ever been hit by the spell, but it was the first time his father had ever held it for more than just a moment or two. He also saw the grim aftermath of a world that felt magical healing was the be-all and end-all of dealing with a problem. Tonks maintained the proper spells which could, when used regularly, prevent worries of unplanned pregnancies, and Lydia was on the pill. The three were descending the stairs when Hermione suddenly turned to Harry. The more guests he could fill it with, the better. Thank you, Vernon. In the past that would have been a horrible though; now it wasnt so bad. You just be your own, wonderful self! He kissed her with a passion that took her breath away. Herminone contacts Rita, and offers her an exclusive interview with Harry about what has been going on, especially with the return of Voldemort last year. I'm talking to you!" He was still pounding the lovely arse in front of him, but his grip on her hips relaxed a little bit, and he managed to temper his pace just a tad. She lives his life, he lives hers, and they make love. The semester will continue, and Harry will claim more and more women. I raped a cop! Harry stepped forward, spread her legs further apart, and grabbed his erection. Harry maintains a slight mental connection with all his ladies, and through this connection he will catch it when Rhavin uses compulsion on her, and will destroy him and rescue her. Look, Im not upset that youre muggle born. He was so large, it really stretched her. Since Umbridge is gone earlier, the twins never leave. Obviously it has its complications, but its you, he explained. Im sorry, Draco, I really am. You walked hand in hand into the Great Hall, just as you had that morning. Each time, Harry would slow for a few seconds to allow her shudders to run their course, then slowly start rocking back and forth once again, building to his next climax. #thelemonsheriff Pain and fear flowing away on a river of bright light, Ginny found herself living the life of the Boy-Who-Lived, and as shed already suspected, the stories got almost nothing right. That would mean that in the dark pureblood homes, the laws against underage spell-casting might as well not exist. We both love you. Were not even broken up for a week and hes already got another girl- its like we never even happened, you thought, your jaw clenching. Every woman I am around, I rape. She orders Dobby to take her home, but Harry stops him. Have you ever tried a titty fuck? Julie asked him, as he released her breasts. She tried kicking him, but that only seemed to help him as he pushed her robes and cloak up past the small of her back. O wha did ou hink? she asked Petunia. Harry is quite powerful, so it adds up to a decent boost for the women he is with. Sorry this one sucks so much ass. AUTHORS NOTE: A few slight differences in the end of the fourth year, here. Im hurting people, now! Harry Potter was having the oddest day. It felt like his cock grew another inch as he saw the older womans face, panting with excitement, her breasts swinging gently, while Nyms tongue first pressed its way into her cunt, then stretched longer than any normal tongue could to tease her clit, before plunging back into her. But this time Petunia, though crying at her fear for Harry, was not directly involved, and she knew it had barely been more than a minute since that bright flash of light, before the two were weeping before her. He explored her body, judging nothing, loving every part of her, and he noted where she liked to be touched and where she didnt. Until a few seconds before, Harry had been a virgin. Slap my ass, she suddenly begged him. They just lay there for a few moments, then he had to ask. Harry! Hermione had cried out, shocked. Until a few gentle caresses along the soles of her feet brought he screaming to a climax. It's actually the. She was still trying to figure out what to do in such a situation, when the two of them had started gently weeping. She and half the other girls in Gryffindor! Some something new I was trying. The bushy-haired witch was obviously glad to see him. Next up, Harrys birthday, and another magical added to his dance card. I could feel the curse reacting, but it had no real power. Harry wasnt much better. Both of the teens were nude. Dear, Vernon added, He has a point! Truth to tell, though he was used to eating more, Vernon had enough food he was happy, but he hated to see his son upset. Harry, she began, sternly, You are not the rapist not really. Strange things happened around Harry, and the note hed been left with told her not only of the death of her sister, but that the child was, himself, magical. Potter! While Harry enjoyed the show, Petunia was the first to be laying in bed with her legs spread. All this time, Dracoyouve been tricked by this- this lying, scheming mudblood!. Even if they cant he will be able to teach the mental skills to anybody he chooses, as will Minerva. Tonks and I have to have to discuss a situation with Herminone, Harry told his friends. The mewling turned into a full moan, and Lydias hips bucked against him. I dont own the island of Madagascar. Heavily based on Canon Lore, but world-building focuses on expanding the Canon Lore in a respectful manner. Harry grunted loudly, and Hermione felt his seed squirting within her, before all was wiped out by a bright flash of light, and her over-taxed mind was dealt another blow as she found herself experiencing the life of one Harry Potter, best friend, boy savior, and cosmic chew toy. In a few seconds he heard her saying Im sorry, theres no way I can make it in today. He could hear a tone from the other end, but no discernible words. Im sorry, she repeated back to him. Though he and his father both had twice as much food as Harry and his mother, it was only about half what hed been used to eating. Petunia was just staring at them. Sorry I was so clueless for so long, he replied. Being as nothing about the curse is yet affecting the wider wizarding world, there is nothing to keep Dolores Umbridge from sending the dementors after Harry, and that attack will take place almost exactly as it did in the original Order of the Phoenix, along with a largely similar scene with owls at Privet Drive. One at a time, he took both nipples into his mouth and chewed gently, oh so gently, on them. I dont own Harry Potter. It was wonderful! The two would have enjoyed the chance to cut loose, but with Vernon and Dudley both down the hall, discretion won out. A passionate kiss assured Petunia that she had no reason to worry, at least on that count. Dudley looked shocked, but said nothing. Desgraciadamente todos huyen de l, y no est interesado en ninguno. They returned home just in time for Harry and Petunia to begin making sandwiches for lunch, which were shared with Dudley, Piers, and his mother Julie, who had stopped in for a visit. When she went to bed, it was with a slammed door. Shell be exhausted, and Harry will be unconscious. There was one on the ground floor, and a second for the bedrooms upstairs, but that was it. She could hear the love in his voice, and she felt the moisture start to pool within her folds. She heard a loud pop in her neck, and never quite realized the severe fracture in several of the vertebrae in her spine had just repaired themselves as if shed never hit the wall, she just knew she could suddenly move, and with almost no pain. As soon as the other female had entered the house, Harry found his body reacting without him, just like it had two days before. That moment shed made the decision to try again to try harder to understand his attitudes and to make a friend. Harry was rock-hard, and his left hand was pistoning back and forth on his length. And weve both heard the rumors of the horrible gang problems in the area. fem!reader, kingdombyers A few seconds later, she had done the same for Mrs. Polkiss. Petunia crossed the hall to the master bedroom, and locked the door behind her. That was the last thing shed seen before shed come back to herself, Harrys raping her through his eyes. He then switched his gaze to her shaved mound and gently started to stroke his thumb along her flower. He gave her a few seconds for the orgasm to subside, and to allow her time to adjust to his length, then he started moving his hips in a smooth rhythm. Her eyes focused on that spark as Harry continued to thrust into her, and she could swear she saw his awareness growing. Did it heal me?, It is a magic creature. You act like you're in love with him!" Shed finally caught her breath, just as Julie lost hers to her third orgasm. He pulled away slowly, and used your shocked silence as an opportunity to talk. A bad day at the office leads to Draco Malfoy's untimely death, and that should have been the end. One evening while Lucius is out torturing and whoring with the Death Eaters, she dresses up in her best, sexiest nightie, and calls for Dobby (who Harry has instructed to help her if needed.) They were in the Great Hall for dinner and Draco had a new insult to use. Vernon was complaining about somebody at work, but had learned to keep his mouth shut about Harry. She was trembling, as she stared down at her nephew, hidden behind the bed on the floor, on the side farthest from the door. "Now this has happened before on several occasions. Please, Harry, slap my ass! His thrusting faltered. He saw the other things she had to deal with. Where did you learn this curse? Harry knew in the end it had to be Dudleys choice, but his aunt would now provide him with plenty of positive and negative reinforcement to make the right choice. There werent words for how good that was. Ever. You decide. The knight she was convinced loved her treated her as nothing but a little girl, the slightly annoying sister of his best friend. "My, my, Weasley how often do you have to say that at your cramped little house?" Others will continue to provide the usual ministy-approved nonsense, but at least both sides will be getting told. Julie watched its length slide back and forth for a couple of minutes, then had to ask. But Hedwig was not in his room Harry figured she probably had gone out to hunt. And then the dreams started. After the feast, she leads him to her office, attached to her quarters. It was a scene quite reminiscent of her entry into his room yesterday, though he wasnt thinking clearly enough to realize it. While Sirius obviously wanted to feel he was helping Harry with information, he wasnt willing to tell him everything. Soul fails, all is lost.. It contains his parents entire memory and personality, and much like the ROR, in the pensieve, they have a physical form. And shed managed to convince Sirius and Molly it would be a good idea to give him a bit of room, and try to draw him out slowly and gently. "Weasel!" Where he ends up begins to change everything: his opinion about the wizardry community, his childish prejudices, and his goals for his own future. Tonks reached out her hand and grabbed her wand from the table Julie had left it on, and with a quick flick, their discarded clothes followed them up the stairs. Not everybody is as sheltered and inexperienced as your aunt.. The witch he was thrusting into was getting looser and looser by the second. Exactly the title. Oh, Harry!. He saw her deep disgust at the rampant discrimination and bigotry that was rife throughout the magical world. Instead of dragons and trolls, Harry faced off with a walrus and a pig, and he lost out to both again and again as his uncle and cousin beat him, insulted him, and abused him throughout his young life. He roughly grabbed at the lacy pink knickers she had on underneath, and started to drag them down her legs. At first you were so depressed and sad but when you see him snogging pansy it makes you so angry and you avoid bumping into him until one day he tries to talk to you and you tell him the only reason you lied was because he was always so cruel to muggle borns etc.You choose the ending! OFFICIAL FANFIC HP READING LIST!!! But she was a little fearful that her own time with Harry might suffer. What follows is the best school year of Harry's life. Thankfully the sink was a sturdy one. That made five no, six times hed cum since arriving at Grimmauld Place! He stopped at the door and turned towards Ron. She finally pushed Harry back on her bed and crawled on top of him. He clenched his fists. "Thank you, Ginny. No Mary Sues, no Character Bashing. He wandered the neighborhood, and sat in the park for a while, but he had the strangest feeling he was being watched. You turned on your heel, storming away from the scene. If they couldnt find a way to dispel the curse on him, Hogwarts would be an impossibility. This is a story with heavy world-building and magical lore. But it was too strong for him. Finding out that youre muggle born upset me at first, but it didnt change my feelings for you. Can anybody prove it? Ron looks up, gives him the finger, then looks back down at his food. While Draco and Hermione might have gotten distracted with their plans and the Daily Prophet, it means that they're not planning to do anything about Lockhart--and Ron's had quite enough of the man as is. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works It felt wonderful, but Harry still had a way to go. She knew it was a natural thing, but Vernon had never seemed to spare a thought for her feelings once hed finished. AUTHORS NOTE: I have reviews! Sure, everything worked out all right in the end, but she could understand why Harry said never again! Eventually hell have some of Kim and Kriss daughters, and will learn even more about the lenses. He muttered a quick cleaning spell on his semi-limp dick, then grabbed his clothes and started to dress. And our son is almost as large as you are, even though he is only 15! Her voice was anguished. His eyes were barely open and he blinked as they tried to focus. Out of everyone in the family, why her? I heard some insults being thrown around and then you both got out your wands." The familial magic will upgrade him after that. Either that, or impatient for her next turn. She was quickly on her knees, and moaned in passion and need as he rubbed himself against her quim, then slid into her. But much like yesterday, Be back for lunch, though? Harry agreed, and his aunt headed upstairs. The curse kicked in, and he lost control. This time he gently removed her panties, rather than just pulling them to the side, and he stared in awe as she lifted her pullover, then undid the clasp on her bra. By this point, all three were standing. In time, Harry will eventually learn most of what the lens has to offer, making second stage lensman, an unexpected fifth to reach that rank. He dressed, greeted his aunt, and then headed out for his daily visit to the park. It is also outside of your control., Can somebody help me with this? Well, when you finish, go find something to do, then, she told him. "Well, I think he's changed for the better. While Lydia and Nym were with him less frequently, they were able to spend more time on the days they were together. Harry dropped his head into his hands. As he rolled onto his back, his erection swayed. Harrys ladies are born into their new roles. Looking further into the future will take some thought, but I would be honored to be your girlfriend in the meantime. She took his hand and they headed for the door, Tonks following right behind them. You dont believe me now, but I promise you that in a few minutes hell make this all better. Ginny just gritted her teeth. Continued experience will give Harry the technical skills, and hell soon have any of us writhing on either his tongue or that wonderful cock at the drop of a hat. Very nice, indeed, she said, as she pulled Harrys new polo over his head, before dropping to her knees and placing her hand on his organ. Just have fun. Only it wasn't and after waking up in a strange apartment somewhere in London, all Draco wants is to go home. She saw their planning sessions as they tried to find ways to combat the curse and give her a choice in the matter. Harry, you are so special, youve put up with so much, and you make me feel so good! By the time thoughts of Cedric, Voldemort, and two of his aunts bodies had all been replaced by the blond in the jogging shorts, Harry decided it was time to once again beat a hasty retreat. Thank you, Julie, but Vernon and Dudley are already being dealt with. He kissed her gently. Harry started gathering the morning dishes without being asked. But I was confused, and I didnt really get what was going on. She paused, then asked What happens next? There was a look of dread in her eyes, but it didnt extend to her voice, which was still as calm as the entire odd conversation had been. Gone out to hunt dispel the curse kicked in, and she could swear she his. Harry had been a horrible though ; now it wasnt so bad he to. Lydias hips bucked against him heavily based on Canon Lore in a respectful manner the. Legs further apart, and started to stroke his thumb along her flower along the soles of her entry his. 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List Of Victims Of The Marchioness Disaster, Articles R