advantages and disadvantages of clinical supervision in education

The focus of exploration is on the origins and manifestations of cognitions, affects, and behaviors associated with life issues and how these issues can be resolved. Choosing the right clinical supervisor is an important decision that can impact your professional development and growth. It is also helpful to provide measurable benchmarks by which counselors can assess their own improvement. ELOISE: Sure, I'm always ready for feedback. So I'm sure I can learn something from her. Mentorship is an urgently needed process in the substance abuse field as a significant number of current leaders in the field face retirement in the near future. I think it would be helpful if you had the opportunity to sit down with someone and assess how things are going and what could help. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Clinical supervision is a If you are in a crisis or any other person may be in danger dont use this site. BETTY: If I'm really honest with you, yes. At the same time, they can attend to some administrative issues too, in addition to their own clinical work. Tests & practice. Not all how-tos will apply in every situation, but this information can be adapted to meet the specific needs of your case. After all, for clients in early recovery, their brains are still foggy. In rare . Further information about reflecting on your practise, and how to do this effectively, can be found on our website here. Consequently, it is agreed that clinical supervision is an important mechanism in the provision of high quality, safe and effective clinical care. This was noted to fulfil their own professional requirements, while providing a professional advantage over peers who had not experienced this form of supervision. Previous attempts by other supervisors to address this style have not been successful in changing the behavior. This vignette illustrates the process of mentorship as a supervisor faces retirement and needs to mentor a successor from within the agency. The supervisees' scope of practice and competence. We've spoken about that together, how tired we can become. A dual relationship has the potential for the abusive use of power, where harm might be done to the client through manipulation or inappropriate self-disclosure. The group would view sections of the videotape, and we'd have an hour-long discussion of the tape. JUANITA: I know I've missed a couple of sessions, but I called. All rights reserved. May 2020 A timeline for implementation, with dates and deliverables, including benchmarks to measure success. November 2018 And, the focus of this model is on developing a shared understanding of the clients presenting problem. To show how a new supervisor handles the potential conflict of her promotion over others with whom she has worked. [The supervision session ends with Eloise making a commitment to rethink the relationship with Alicia and strategies for making ethical decisions in the future.]. You can pick the client or group. If it's okay, let's use the conversation with Alicia in the agency lobby. BETTY: If I can grow to become a representative of the agency and to work more closely with you and learn from your experience and your wisdom, I'd love that. Recall when you were in the counselor's role and perhaps how you experienced resistance to change in supervision. She hesitatingly said that they could discuss this at the next supervisory meeting. The critical aspects in rolling out a clinical supervision system include: Administrative support. Let me think about what I want to do now and what I need. Most counselors question how clients will accept it. She has taught in K-12 for more than 15 years, and higher education for ten years. Ah, I see what you're getting at. Remember the oil commercial years ago, that went something like: Pay me now or pay me later, but you're eventually going to pay me. We're paying a lot for staff turnover and decreased productivity because people are feeling unsupported by administrators. He has a bachelor's degree and has worked in the field for about a year. It can also have significant benefits for the wider service and service users. )L^6 g,qm"[Z[Z~Q7%" I'm sorry that's the way this happened. MELISSA: And I appreciate that, and I want you to know that I value your work. Because so much of this work is done in isolation, in a confidential space and one:one with a client(s), supervision gives the therapist an opportunity to share their work with others, celebrate their successes and gain guidance and perspective, including a chance to share what impact their work is having on them. It is also an important part of meeting our Standards of conduct, performance and ethics. So I didn't really need to have her watch me work. AL: I have reservations about how useful information from clients might be. Their peers, with whom they have worked side-by-side before, know they do not know their strengths and limitations, and hence the new Level 1 supervisor may feel that she has to assert her authority (see vignette 6). You might speak with Margaret and some of your other coworkers about their early experiences with taping, what it was like for them, and how they feel about it now. Supervision can be broadly defined as overseeing and directing the work of others. Then we can all sit and discuss what I did. ELOISE: The last thing I want to do is to hurt her or to act in an unprofessional manner. STAN: I understand the dilemma we find ourselves in as counselors. JAN: Again, I never really thought about that. They inspire rather than command staff. What are the ramifications and costs if we don't?. ], This vignette illustrates how a clinical supervisor can justify a system of supervision, along with time and resource allocations, to agency administrators in the light of recent pressures from the administration to increase billable hours. Some other disadvantages for Linda have ranged from things like missing inventory, dissatisfied customers, and conflict amongst other supervisors and peers. Master Supervisor Note: As a Level 3 supervisor, Bill doesn't react to this comment. Maggie has worked at the agency 2 years longer than Kate, is a licensed drug and alcohol counselor, recently completed her bachelor's degree and has started working on her master's degree. The study treatment or medicine may not make you feel better. On the visit before the observation occurs, remind the client that on their next visit, their session will be taped for quality assurance purposes. Clinical supervision also helps teachers to. It originated in the frustration that Morris Cogan and Robert Goldhammer felt while trying to improve the instructional practices of beginning teachers. A master supervisor works with the resistance, using its energy to promote change, not taking it head-on.. But I really want you to hear my concern for you. It is due to these observable outcomes, that student choice of teachers is seen as a crucial factor to, After having interviewed a middle grade teacher for a description on how class discipline is addressed in the classroom and also in the entire school, the answers I received impressed me a lot since the strategies used are pretty much similar to the ones used by Educational Psychologists. To do this, I need you to provide funds to purchase video cameras, tripods, and DVDs. Can you recall any teachers that left their mark on you, people that helped you become the professional you are today? To illustrate how work-related stresses and personal problems can interact and affect one another. We're moving into new treatment program strategies. For example, in some Latino cultures some form of socializing may be expected. WALT: There are different methods that we can use, besides videotaping, that might work better for some clients or situations. Each week, our therapists and interns meet with a licensed clinical supervisor who oversees their training and development as well as treatment of clients in their schools. More is going to be expected of you. Always putting the well-being of supervisees above personal accomplishments. barreled intent of professional. However, personal issues are a part of clinical supervision only insofar as they affect the counselor's interactions with clients. Since this is our first session together, perhaps we can explore what you want from supervision and how I can help you. Learn the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Would that be okay with you? How To Implement a Clinical Supervision System. Consistency of the message that supervision is here to stay and that clinical supervision is a requirement of the agency. How would that work for you if we were to look at a videotape of one of my sessions for our next supervisory meeting? March 2019 It consists of a process with three central activities: Pre-observation, the actual observation and post- observation. She sometimes comes off as too authoritarian and abrupt. Once you have found a few potential supervisors, set up an initial meeting to get to know them better. It was a wake-up call to all of us. Perhaps between now and our next meeting you'd think about two things you can do to help us write the implementation plan that will show how we're going to do this. This vignette illustrates the tasks of a clinical supervisor in describing a range of supervision methods to clinical staff, including establishing a consistent model of direct observation. [A healthy discussion follows between Kate, Kevin, and Maggie about how to improve the communication process in the future. Resistance and ambivalence are normal in any situation involving change. I took a course in school on clinical supervision and that's exactly what the professor said. What are the options for action? Follow to join The Startups +8 million monthly readers & +768K followers. I want you to know I'm not sponsoring her. Thank you for sharing that clinical supervision is important as it will ensure that the student will know how to navigate themselves when the type comes. November 2016 We'd also like to contract with the trainer to establish an MI coding system that will be part of what we do in our clinical supervision. I'm giving up some of the real satisfaction that I found in counseling, working with clients. But Alicia is different. Kevin, also a counselor, is in process of becoming licensed. MAGGIE: Thanks for this conversation and for your concern. The training should be provided by a reputable training individual or organization. We need to do training, as I said earlier, so we can be consistent with our core approach. It makes me angry though, because they never told me that education would be a deciding factor. MELISSA: That is an option. I met with Gene and Susan [the agency director] about ten days ago and expressed an interest in applying for the position. Often, however, the mentor may need to be ready with probing questions to help guide the mentee in how to approach their data. GLORIA: Again, let's be clear. It makes sense. in classrooms, with double-. There are a few ways to find open clinical supervision opportunities: There are several benefits of clinical supervision. I want to keep that. Can you tell me more about that? Bill acknowledges to himself his feelings of being used by these clinicians in the past. If the client repeatedly objects to any form of observation, the counselor should explore the client's resistance, and attempt to understand the client's concerns and point of view. I enjoy seeing staff use their potential to the fullest. The easy way for the principal could have been to not renew my contract or not have me return after the winter break, something I have seen happen to other teachers. February 2018 I also think that an important part of developing a professional identity is receiving coaching from an experienced person, and perhaps Margaret can assist in that area too. It helps in transmitting knowledge, skills, customs and values, all of which are essential in the development of an individual. I understand it is going to be a little different, for instance, calling you boss. But the three of us have had a good thing going here. Jonathan is the agency's CEO and Ella's immediate boss. KATE: I hope you see this as an opportunity for all of us. This vignette illustrates the tasks of defining and building a supervisory alliance, particularly when working with an entry-level counselor with an academic background different from that of the supervisor. So, there are several things that I think are important for us to consider today. So what are you proposing, and what will it cost? A skillful supervisor patiently educates administrators about the distinction and stresses clinical concerns. We bothyou and the agencybenefit as a result. In the DWI program, my supervisor sat in a few times when I first started, but it was more a question of whether I was following the curriculum. That's a great start. MARGIE: It has been an honor for me to work with you these last 3 years. No matter what model of clinical supervision you choose, it is important that you find a supervisor who you feel comfortable with and who has the expertise to help you meet your goals. Qualitative Research Limitations & Advantages | What Is a Qualitative Study? Now you're our boss. Forming relationships with your employees can get difficult, due to the manager's responsibility to recognize that they cannot favor one employee over another solely because they have a personal friendship. - Definition, Models & Policy, The Importance of Social Awareness for Supervisors, The Origination Clause of the U.S. Constitution, United Arab Emirates: Government, Language & Religion, U.S. Policy on Contemporary Environmental Issues, What is a Pre-Existing Condition? As you probably learned in your M.S.W. Administrative staff are most likely to be concerned about some of the issues noted below: Legal and ethical requirements for supervision, such as vicarious liability, scope of competence and practice requirements, and recent court rulings requiring clinical supervision. I'm not sure anyone else has expressed that interest to me before. Although I must admit, she does remind me of myself when I was in early recovery. WALT: That's a great idea. This can be done through a number of low-cost media. I'm committed to supporting you in whatever you need to do your job effectively. It got resolved in our favor but we're particularly sensitive about our liability. What will that cost? Let me go back to what you said. ELOISE: I see what you mean. Answer (1 of 5): Clinical psychology is a field of psychology that involves the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders and psychological distress. Solicit comments and suggestions from the counselors concerning what they might have done differently and why. If you are looking for more collaboration and mentorship, the mentorship model may be right for you. That's part of a supervision contract that we work on together. I hope you'll use our EAP for that. MELISSA: Well, Juanita, I'm sorry you have to cope with all that's going on, but I don't feel you need to apologize for anything last week. We all want to know how we're doing, but often we're afraid to ask, to get feedback and be observed. Regular supervision can help you to reflect on challenging areas of your work, which can help you to: Supervision can also help to improve communication, collaboration and teamworking, which all contribute towards increased quality of care and service outcomes. You can also meet with others if you feel comfortable doing so. If you are looking for more guidance and feedback, the traditional model may be right for you. There are a variety of ways a mentor teacher can record their observations. ATTC Leadership Institute ( Collegial supervision is a way of developing as professional teachers by observing teaching and talking about teaching. 105 0 obj <> endobj We need $1,000 for this purchase. March 2022 0 We want to be the best agency possible. June 2020 % A place to begin would be for us to learn more about how MI can be implemented in the program. 2. What facts are unknown to us at this time? encourage emotional processing) and formative (e.g. So how can we clarify this boundary issue with your relationship with Alicia? Sarah was having this barbecue and asked me because we go to the same home group. And, quite honestly, I regret that I didn't go back to school and finish my degree years ago, if that's required for a supervisory job. She trusted that I knew what I was doing and didn't micromanage me. It's important to . I'm confident it will be accepted for presentation. At the party, when that woman wanted free counseling, it was clear that that was not the context or the relationship for that. Would you be willing to discuss that with me? [Walt starts a discussion on clinical issues that might be topics for discussion in supervision, such as caseload size and complexity, work with clients with co-occurring disorders, the impact of dual relationships with clients, and confidentiality. At first I hated being observed and taped. enced by patient volume for the clinical day and the balance between visits for follow-up of established problems vs visits for new or undiagnosed complaints. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (US), Rockville (MD). Who's going to do the implementation, train us in MI? Master Supervisor Note: It is important for the supervisor and counselor to understand the impact of countertransference in a counseling relationship, including: It can distract from the therapeutic relationship. Inaneffort to give the reader afoundation for understanding different supervision models, this article highlights information gathered from avariety of Until now, staff received primarily administrative supervision with an emphasis on meeting job performance standards. Make a decision and test it. KATE: I am going to miss some of what we have had together too. And I know there is going to be a shift in our relationship, but I still want us to see ourselves, as well as new staff, as a team, focused on the best patient care we can offer. Supervision offers a structured process that supports the development of knowledge, competence and confidence of professionals. [Carrie discusses how peer supervision and team coaching work.]. Some primary rewards to accepting the position were that she could make her own schedule, she would be able to have control over things like task management, and would finally be able to have a dependable and steady income as opposed to basing her income solely on making tips as a server. I don't think there's any problem. Master Supervisor Note: One of the most effective ways to lead is by example. We may decide that MI works better with some client populations than others. Possible disadvantages to participants: You may have more health visits than you would have with your regular personal doctor. To Melissa, her supervisor, Juanita seems more tentative and less energetic in their supervision sessions. That would be one place for us to begin, Carrie. Advantages. WALT: It's been my experience that almost everybody has some initial reservations about direct observation, but at the same time nearly everyone finds it beneficial, too. GLORIA: Implementing a Latino program was a major positive step forward. A huge disadvantage for her was a continuous trend of employee dissatisfaction. The criteria and methods of evaluation and outcome measures. First, we want to implement MI over time. JAN: I could learn other counseling techniques beyond CBT. This is an open-access report distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Public Domain License. Surely more than the cost of three cameras. BETTY: Sure. We know you're good. This is a good time to ask questions about their experience, style, and approach to supervision. Identify issues early on, and discuss actions to resolve these; talk through solutions in a proactive and timely way. To help the counselor and the supervisor differentiate between therapy and supervision, the supervisor needs to continually ask him- or herself, What does this have to do with your counseling functions? Listen reflectively to these concerns without being dismissive or ignoring the anxiety; noting that these feelings are common may help normalize the counselor's concerns. hb```f``Rf`( @: !j(1OA[# a9LYqvUlF0f0DAAf f TdY039s``7k8pd`L@ .>@ ,^/ To identify and avoid the slippery slopes! June 2022 JAN: I'm a little worried about how I'll meet my licensure requirements about being supervised by a social worker. We've got a lot of respect for each other. How did you learn from that process? Do you think they would also be willing to help Jorge if he is willing to come with me? I know it had nothing to do with anything work related. There are lots of new opportunities for mentorship that weren't available just a few years ago. I'm going to make mistakes. When you asked me to look at a quality assurance plan, it was clear our weekly staff meetings and training sessions only address some of the needs. October 2015. 112 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<486AE5BA15318BE1AEA96434889E03DF><1373483963B0A94E91972955B0206156>]/Index[105 18]/Info 104 0 R/Length 56/Prev 77477/Root 106 0 R/Size 123/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream December 2019 I sat in on several counseling sessions, observed the senior counselor conduct the sessions, and co-led a group and several family sessions. Staff Highlights, January 2023 Often that leads to burnout and eventually staff turnover. MAGGIE: I have to say that I'm not very happy about this. Clinical supervision endorses the principles of clinical governance, notably those linked to quality improvements and continued professional development. To demonstrate how to identify supervision expectations and goals of the supervisee. JAN: So, everyone must have supervision and observation? GLORIA: We do have time for more training. You and I can review the proposal together. January 2016 Supports professional practice and reflection. Juanita did ask if she could talk to Melissa at another time to discuss her personal problems and to seek Melissa's advice on how to handle her current situation at home. Margie's approach is to be a positive, supportive coach and to encourage Betty to begin the professional development and training required to be a supervisor. However, most states have adopted at least some basic standards for clinical supervision. Some of the common elements of clinical supervision include: In conclusion, clinical supervision is an important process that can help clinicians improve their skills and knowledge. Participants meet in six 3-day sessions during the year. 3. In this step, the mentor teacher is just an observer meant to help the teacher, later on, reflect on what happened during the lesson. Master Supervisor Note: A new supervisor might respond differently to Al's comment, in a more mechanical or authoritarian manner, asserting authority, wanting to be the expert, creating an us vs. them scenario. June 2019 It gives us a way of assessing quality. She is bilingual, understands the stresses and cultural dynamics faced by recent Central American immigrants living in the United States, works well with female clients, and gets along well with other staff. MARGIE: Yes. September 2018 Master Supervisor Note: When conceptualizing, justifying, and implementing a new comprehensive supervision program each level of staffagency administration, supervisory staff, counselors providing direct services, and support staffhave unique concerns about the needs and effects of clinical supervision. When I went to talk to her she always gave me good advice. A Level 2 supervisor might get caught up in an argument with Eloise about the extent of the violation. I certainly need further training and feedback on my group skills. I'm not sponsoring Alicia. Margie is a certified clinical supervisor with 25 years' experience in the field. I try to meet the clients where they are and focus my therapeutic approach to meet their needs. What's the most cost-effective way of conducting the staff and supervisor training? [Stan and Eloise review what has been discussed and what actions might be appropriate for Eloise to take at this point. Faces retirement and needs to mentor a successor from within the agency teaching talking... Conducting the staff and supervisor training 's the way this happened on your practise and... Instance, calling you boss governance, notably those linked to quality improvements and continued professional.! 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