all of the following statements are true except government

Thus, the certificate was priced as a 12 year maturity. Treasury Receipts and Treasury STRIPS are zero-coupon obligations that do not pay current interest. II and IIID. Find the xxx and yyy coordinates of all inflection points. Treasury Bills, Bonds, and Notes Date Rate Bid Ask YieldJan 21 3 5/8 98-27 98-31 3.67Feb 21 3 1/2 94-14 95 3.68Feb 25 3 7/8 95-01 95-06 4.07Feb 27 4 3/4 119 -07 119-13 3.98A customer who sells 5M of the Jan 21 3 5/8% bonds will receive (excluding commissions): A. Financial statements are prepared and presented at least annually and are directed toward both the common and specific information needs of a wide range of users. LO 1.3 Which of the following is not true? e. the voters became less important in the nomination process. Instead of being backed by mortgages guaranteed by Fannie, Freddie or Ginnie, they are backed by "private label" mortgages - meaning mortgages that do not qualify for sale to these agencies (either because the dollar amount of the mortgage is above their purchase limit or they do not meet Fannie, Freddie or Ginnie's underwriting standards). Budgeting is an executive responsibility.</p> They were deemed more important than a national government. The fact that repayment is expected earlier than the life of the mortgages is based on the mortgage pool's: A. standard deviation of returnsB. All of the following are true statements about operations-based exercises except: Weegy: All of the following are true statements about operations-based exercises except: They use in-depth discussion as a means to problem solve. c. U.S. Government Agency Securities have an implicit backing by the U.S. GovernmentC. A c. How much is a steak that is 3 pounds at $3.85 per pound. 1 business day in clearing house fundsC. A Treasury STRIP. B It appears that I keep losing connection when I run the script. Sallie Mae is an agency that is "privatized." The party activity of governing involves _______ and _______, Controlling government; enacting the party's policy agenda, Since party activists tend to be more extreme in their ideologies, they pull party policy agendas, According to the textbook, the relationship between citizens and parties today is best reflected by, citizens' growing dissatisfaction with parties because moderates find themselves poorly represented and frustrated at the emergence of hyperpartianism. II and IIID. C Both Ginnie Mae and Fannie Mae pass-through certificates are issued in $25,000 denominations; are backed by VA and FHA insured mortgages; and pay monthly. Select the two correct answers. $25,000D. Targeted amortization classC. Agency bonds have little marketability risk; the trading market for U.S. Government and Agency Bonds is the most active in the world. c. some powers are bestowed upon the central government, and others are granted to the regional governments. Treasury Bills and STRIPS are zero coupon original issue discount obligations that do not have a stated interest rate. b. Provides property coverage to both residential and farm dwellings Treasury bondB. Budgeting is a bookkeeping taskd. Its stock was listed for trading on the NYSE, but Fannie went "bust" in 2008 after purchasing too many "sub prime" mortgages and was placed into government conservatorship. Financial filed a suit to recover the amount. The reason why the TIPS sells at a lower coupon rate is that, every year, the principal amount is adjusted upwards by that year's inflation rate. B. Regarding Ginnie Mae Pass Through Certificates:I The certificates pay holders on a monthly basisII The certificates pay holders on a semi-annual basisIII Each payment consists of interest onlyIV Each payment consists of a combination of interest and principal A. I and IIIB. C B) they are considered safer than corporate debt securities. If each of the schools has 505050 fifth-grade students, how many different groups of 121212 students can he select? c. Party machines came under attack from reformers in the early 1900s. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are investment companies similar to closed end funds. Added 2 hours 56 minutes ago|3/2/2023 12:18:02 AM. Policies generally cover first-party claims--Umbrella policies, like liability policies, cover third party claims. There are no new T-Receipt issues coming to market. Treasury BillsB. A. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah C. Mt c s d liu c thit k ng s cung cp cho bn quyn truy nhp vo thng tin chnh xc, mi nht. Umbrella policies provide coverage on which basis? the securities are sold at a discountC. \text{Capital stock } & \cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots & 250,000\\ Throughout American history the balance of parties has usually resulted in different parties controlling the executive and legislative branches of the federal government. I and IVD. If interest rates fall, then the average maturity will shorten, due to a higher prepayment rate than expected. The interest portion of a fixed rate mortgage makes larger payments in the early years, and smaller payments in the later years. Which of the following are TRUE statements regarding government agencies and their obligations?I Ginnie Mae is a publicly traded companyII Ginnie Mae is a U.S. Government AgencyIII Ginnie Mae stock is traded on the New York Stock ExchangeIV Ginnie Mae bonds are traded Over the Counter A. I and IIIB. I, II, III, IV. b. If market interest rates drop substantially, homeowners will refinance their mortgages and pay off their old loans earlier than expected. A. Only interest paying obligations are subject to reinvestment risk - the risk that as interest payments are received, the monies can only be reinvested at lower rates if interest rates have dropped. Instructions All of the following are true statements about U.S. Government Agency securities EXCEPT: A. U.S. Government Agency Securities are quoted in 1/32ndsB. Which statement is false ? A U.S. Government debt is sold via competitive bidding at a weekly auction conducted by the Federal Reserve. GNMA Pass-Through certificatesD. D Personal Lines Flood Program Treasury STRIPC. 2 business days in federal fundsD. Price volatility of a CMO issue would most closely parallel that of an equivalent maturity: A. d. candidates took control of the general election process from the party organization. Trades of U.S. Government bonds settle through the Federal Reserve System in Fed Funds. This is the discount earned over the life of the instrument. In effect, the maturity will shorten and the investor will be returned principal faster, which will have to be reinvested at lower current rates - another example of reinvestment risk.The rate of homeowner defaults has no effect on the principal repayments to be received because the Agency guarantees principal repayment - making Choice B incorrect.Maturities will only extend if market interest rates rise and homeowners stay in their houses (they don't move because new mortgages are more expensive), and principal is repaid more slowly than expected. The Conceptual Framework is concerned with all-purpose financial statements. III and IV onlyC. Treasury ReceiptB. a. These are funds payable at a registered clearing house in three business days. If the maturity shortens, then for a given fall in interest rates, the price will rise slower. Which of the following shows how the U.S. government has intervened to protect the rights of citizens? Whose platform is it, and what do you know about that party's basic political positions? quarterlyC. f(x)=1+x+x2/5. They have a much higher minimum to discourage small investors (who tend to be less sophisticated) from buying them - because they have difficulty in quantifying risks of shortening or lengthening maturities, due to interest rates falling or rising, respectively. A government securities dealer quotes a 3 month Treasury Bill at 5.00 Bid - 4.90 Ask. It acts like a long-term zero coupon bond. An annual upward adjustment due to inflation is not taxable in that year; an annual downward adjustment due to deflation is not tax deductible in that year. mike vernon royal household; are there snakes in gran canaria; shooting in laurel, md yesterday. c. They provide a voice for the opposition to official government policy. U.S. Government Agency Securities trade flat, D. U.S. Government Agency Securities' accrued interest is computed on a 30 day month / 360 day year basis. Financials account to buy a cashiers check payable to Lubna II and IIID. d. $4,913.50B. Adley Abdulwahab (Wahab) opened an This investment is not subject to reinvestment risk since no interest payments are made. e. The changes from one era to another are marked by a shift in party dominance called a realignment. The closest approximation of a security that offers the pure interest rate is a U.S. Government obligation. A categorical grants Which is the exception? A sociologist wants to pick 333 fifth-grade students from each of four schools. any business dealing requiring an operating license. All of the following statements regarding policy loans are true except: A. the policy owner may never borrow more than the policy cash value. Exercise documentation is written with specific audiences and exercise types in mind. CMO tranch holders are subject to prepayment risk - the risk that the expected life of the tranch becomes much shorter due to a decline in interest rates causing homeowners to refinance and prepay their existing mortgages earlier than expected. All of the following statements are true regarding Government National Mortgage Association pass-through certificates EXCEPT: A. GNMA securities are guaranteed by the U.S. GovernmentB. 1.) The national government is responsible for declaring war. If a customer wishes to sell prior to maturity, the broker will buy back the Receipt at its current market value (which will vary, depending on interest rate movements). c. federalism leads to decentralization. All of the following statements about the Articles of Confederation are true EXCEPT: A. Added 3 hours 36 minutes ago|3/1/2023 11:37:49 PM. C C Of the following choices, party discipline applies only to the a. party-in-the electorate. What coverage is not included on the Yacht policy? There is no deductible (retention) unless the umbrella is dropping down to cover a loss that the primary policy did not cover. II and IIID. a. The Regular Program allows coverage on a single family dwelling up to $250,000 due to flooding A. CMBsB. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. Conversely, when interest rates fall (prepayment risk) the principal is being paid back at an earlier than expected date, so less interest is being received and the price falls (if interest rates fall drastically, the holder might get less interest back than what was originally invested). The "difference" between the two is the current market expectation for the inflation rate (1.25% in this example). This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Updated 3 hours 44 minutes ago|3/1/2023 11:29:26 PM. Of the choices listed, Treasury Bonds have the longest maturity. Therefore, very little marketability risk exists. The remaining statements are all true - CMOs have a serial structure since they are divided into 15 - 30 maturities known as tranches; CMOs are rated AAA; and CMOs are more accessible to individual investors since they have $1,000 minimum denominations as compared to $25,000 for pass-through certificates. A customer who wishes to buy will pay the "Ask" of 5.90. B A 5 year 3 1/2% Treasury Note is quoted at 101-4 - 101-8. The PAC tranche is a "Planned Amortization Class." Because CMO issues are divided into tranches, each specific tranche has a more certain repayment date, as compared to owning a mortgage backed pass-through certificate. Weve got your back. (This is not a leap year.) User: Alcohol in excess of ___ proof Weegy: Buck is losing his civilized characteristics. If prepayments increase, they are made to the Companion class first. Thus, there is no purchasing power risk with these securities. The Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLB) issues short term and long term bonds. Which investment gives the greatest protection against purchasing power risk? The interest rate placed on a TIPS (Treasury Inflation Protection Security) is less than the rate on an equivalent maturity Treasury Bond. C Companion tranche. Which statement is TRUE about IO tranches? C. The national government relies on taxes collected by state governments. In 1918, the Supreme Court ruled that an earlier national law banning child labor was unconstitutional, because judicial elections are always non-partisan. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. The two main advantages of incumbents in elections are that they have name recognition and. continued as the legitimate constitutional umpire. Mortgage backed pass through certificates are sold in minimum denominations of $25,000 (instead of the typical $1,000 for other bonds and $100 for Treasury issues). Select the appropriate items from the above list. D d. U.S. party organizations do not control the nomination process. e. they put pressure on members of the party in Congress to vote on the basis of the party's ideology. A Which statements are TRUE regarding Treasury Bills?I T-Bills are issued in fully registered formII T-Bills are issued in book entry formIII Physical certificates are issuedIV No physical certificates are issued A. I and IIIB. Personal leadership style often influences how manager exercises legitimate power. gang members). All are true of federal grants EXCEPT 15 year standard lifeD. Real Estate Investment TrustsB. Bank issuers make non-conforming mortgages that cannot be sold to Fannie, Freddie or Ginnie and rather than hold them as investments, they can pool them into mortgage backed securities which are then placed into trust and sold as private label CMOs. Acompanhe-nos: bonsall oaks development Facebook. Surrounding this tranche are 1 or 2 Companion tranches. $187.50C. Treasury bills:I are issued in minimum $100 denominationsII are issued in minimum $10,000 denominationsIII mature at parIV mature at par plus accrued interest A. I and IIIB. If Treasury bill yields are dropping at auction, then interest rates are falling and debt prices must be rising. The spread is $5.00 per $1,000. The interest on these securities is subject to both Federal, State and Local income tax; hence CMOs are taxed in the same manner. II, III, IVD. Periodic payments; Immediate annuity C. Periodic payments; Deferred annuity D. Lump sum payment; Immediate annuity An investor can buy a variable annuity contract with a lump sum payment. The "modification" of Ginnie Mae modified pass through certificates is: A. the pooling of mortgages of similar maturities to back the securityB. (The government can always tax its citizens to pay the debt or can print the money to do it). international standards, One major set of ______ provides aid to state welfare programs. Applying the rules a. providing the bulk of the money candidates use to run for office. Newer CMOs divide the tranches into PAC tranches and Companion tranches. Provides basic property coverage to those who have been rejected in the standard market. They are sold in $100 minimums at a discount to par value, just like Treasury Bills. The best answer is D. CMOs have a lower level of market risk (risk of price volatility due to movements in market interest rates) than do mortgage backed pass-through certificates. b. I and IVC. For each of the following rejection regions, sketch the sampling distribution of t and indicate the location of the rejection region on your sketch: t<2.060ort>2.060,wheredf=25t < - 2.060 \text { or } t > 2.060 , \text { where df } = 25 The bond pays interest on Jan 1st. A customer buys 5M of the notes. A. the interest coupons are sold off separately from the principal portion of the obligation, The best answer is D. Treasury Receipts are zero coupon Treasury obligations created by broker/dealers who buy Treasury Bonds or Treasury Notes and strip them of their coupons, keeping the corpus of the bond only. C. Non-government organizations identify with a specific government. Furthermore, as interest rates drop, the value of the fixed income stream received from those mortgages increases (since these older mortgages are providing a higher than market rate of return), so the market value of the security will increase. Parties help to overcome the problem of ____ created by the constitution, All of the following statements concerning party identification in the electorate are true EXCEPT, most people who are registered members of a party work actively for their party organization, The party _____ are the members of a political party who consistently vote for that party's candidates. An annual upward adjustment due to inflation is taxable in that year; an annual downward adjustment due to deflation is not tax deductible in that year.B. All of the following statements concerning a federal system of government are true EXCEPT a. they always have a bicameral legislature. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. 26 weeksD. sole. Governments. b. d. B. the policy cash value serves as collateral for the loan. II and IIID. it gave too much discretion to states. Treasury BondD. "5M" means that 5-$1,000 bonds are being purchased (M is Latin for $1,000). It usually has a deductible of $10,000 or higher Updated 3 hours 44 minutes ago|3/1/2023 11:29:26 PM. If market interest rates fall, the homeowners will repay their mortgages faster because they will refinance and use the proceeds to pay off their old high rate mortgages that collateralize this mortgage-backed security. When interest rates fall, mortgage backed pass through certificates rise in price - at a slower rate than for a regular bond. d. Once the Federal government started "stripping" bonds itself (in 1986) and selling them to investors, this market evaporated. less than the rate on an equivalent maturity Treasury BondC. Purchasing power risk is the risk that inflation will cause interest rates to increase; and therefore, bond prices will fall. There is minimal market riskB. Which statements are TRUE regarding Treasury debt instruments?I T-Notes are sold by competitive bidding at auction conducted by the Federal ReserveII T-Notes are sold by negotiated offeringIII T-Notes are issued in book entry form with no physical certificates issuedIV T-Notes are issued in bearer form A. I and IIIB. B.Archaebacteria are prokaryotes that resemble true bacteriA. This is a tranche that only receives the principal payments from an underlying mortgage, and it is created with a corresponding IO (Interest Only) tranch that only receives the interest payments from that mortgage. Augustine believed that god was all knowing and all powerful. ? II and IIID. A model of federalism in which the states and the national government work together to solve problems is called They are used to create tranches with different risk/return characteristics - so a CDO will have higher risk tranches holding lower quality collateral and lower risk tranches holding higher quality collateral. II and IV. Mortgage backed pass-through certificates are "paid off" in a shorter time frame than the full life of the underlying mortgages. $.25 per $1,000C. In which state would one arguably have the best access to legislators? interest income is accreted and taxed annuallyC. Added 3 hours 44 minutes ago|3/1/2023 11:29:26 PM, Updated 3 hours 12 minutes ago|3/2/2023 12:01:36 AM. a. South Carolina All of the following statements are true of party eras EXCEPT This increase in value is the interest income earned on the obligation. they are "packaged" by broker-dealersC. All of the following is true about a confederal system EXCEPT, All of the following statements concerning a federal system of government are true EXCEPT. the bonds are zero coupon obligations. 1.All of the following statements about life in West Africa around the 1600s are true EXCEPT: Most West Africans lived in large urban societies Although there were large trading centers along the riversthe Senegal, Gambia, Niger, Volta, and Congomost West Africans lived in small villages and identified primarily with their extended family . CMBs are Cash Management Bills. Because it was sitting in my barn / shop for over 12 years!! Short-term Treasury Bills have almost no purchasing power risk as well, so they are considered to be a "risk-free" security. d. 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