hermione rejects harry for ron fanfiction

Two enemies. "What in Merlin's name is going on?" Her dad stepped up and blocked his hand. Some were unsatisfied with the answer they got. Murder in Hogsmeade! Hordes of disgruntled fans took to fanfiction sites to write their own interpretation of canon, giving rise to "Weasley-bashing" tropes that involve depicting Ron and Ginny in a less than . Ron was saying exactly what he had suspected and feared him to be thinking. Petty, really.". It almost felt like he was trying to convince himself as his cheeks began to grow redder. "He's obviously managed to meet up with Hermione Granger, and it bugs you that someone you consider to be unintelligent managed to out-think you. In the act of relearning how to feel like a person, Harry rediscovers the affection he holds towards his friends, except it seems the feelings have different connotations this time around. [HarryxGinny] Dumbledore bashing, Ron bashing, Hermione bashing, Soul-Bond. Well, that wasnt entirely true. That night, Snape vowed to always protect the boy, as was his duty as Alpha. ", "Right," Cho said when she was free. "More later, but that should make the point," he said as the kiss ended. hermionegranger. You'd force my hips back so that I had to lean against the wall, and then you'd pound me, Harry. How will our heroes handle their fifth year? And in case you havent noticed, wevefound on Horcrux. And once again, the future of an entire world is riding on her. That made me a little dizzy. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. He looked to the Headmaster. How the fuck is Harry going to deal with all of this? This is new and it made me feel sorry for Harry even though he has done wrong. Harry knows his journey through the Wizarding World - and isnt that funny, the fact that there is an entire other world out there that nobody non-magical (called muggles, he remembers) knows about - wont be easy. All art in sidebar belongs to Arishatistic, Hastyhand, and Jabulous. Take off the locket, Ron, Hermione said, her voice unusually high. The author takes us to exotic locations such as Iceland and beyond the shores of Britain. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. . Harry enacts his plan to steal Hermione away from her fiance Fleur--but should he try to break them up, or bring Fleur along as well? An act of kindness turns into an unlikely friendship might it develop into something more? After Professor Snape finds 15-year-old Harry during his first heat, their relationship flourishes as they realise they can relate to one another more than anyone could ever believe. Thank you, PS: I have read the infamous 'A Cadmean Victory'. ", "Could be," Harry replied. The room was dead silent. "I think we should stop this line of conversation, or else I just might prove it," she whispered. Narcissa Black has just divorced her dreadful ex-husband and taken their son to a flat purchased for her by her father. He laughed darkly. Hermione asked in curiosity. "Hmm, not even waiting for dinner. We'll get together later and talk. he squeaked. Rating: M. The Dragon's Bride by Rizzle - Draco and Hermione wake up naked, hungover, and tattoo'd. Draco Malfoy is done with trying to be the perfect son of the perfect pureblood father. "I'd imagine he rather likes you as Head Girl, although he's thinking of something different at the time. It had started to. Cho blushed as well, but bulled through. "Back off some. I don't deny that. "Ginny, you're making him uncomfortable," Ron said. When Harry hears about the dance and the need for a partner he decides to not participate in it. Inzainiac 2 yr. ago. And may I offer congratulations to you as well, Cho? "Sorry. ", "Busted!" Was I in parts unknown? "She wanted to be here, but couldn't find a way of requesting it that wouldn't make her sound like a bitch queen," Hermione replied. Hermione Granger has traveled the world and built a life for herself after the war. ", "If it involves your family, I should hear it. Work Search: "Harry, I'm not wearing a bra, because you like the way I make my shirts bulge. Harry Potter gave us a lot of couples out of its storyline, but the one at the top of the list is Ron and Hermione. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. She narrowed her eyes at him. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Before she could turn, Hermoine pulled her close and kissed her lips softly. shellcottage. Hermione rejects Harry's love proposal so she can be with his best friend. well, for security's sake -", "Say no more," Ron said, holding up a hand. There wasn't another incident until they reached the school. M for language. Ron, Hermione said, but in such a quiet voice that Ron could pretend not to have heard it over the loud tattoo the rain was now beating on the tent. "I promise, you'll know shortly. This was said in a voiced slightly louder than conversational. ", "You're just angry because he outsmarted all of us," Remus said. Except its the one person that he never thought possible: Hermione Granger. I guess this counts? Harry called into the air, and the house elf so named appeared. "If you would be seated, love?" 215K 4.7K 34. He paused. "We'll need a safe word, like 'Azkaban' or even 'safety', but if we've got a good one, then I've no problems if you walked up to me, dragged me into a classroom and then literally tore the clothes off my body. Ron quirked his brow, moving his head to the side. Ron soon followed, lumbering from behind complaining in a shrill voice. but don't worry Harry is up for the challenge. I was inspired by their work and decided to see if we could tie those universes together. C'mon," Harry encouraged, offering Ron a hand. "Actually, since you're with my other two ladies - sorry that we have to keep the engagement secret for now, Heidi - I find your bisexuality kinda hot, but then, I'm an armpit scratching male. Sometimes dishes cleaned themselves or an apple appeared in his cupboard when he was feeling especially hungry. . ". For one bewildered moment he thought that Ron had left the tent, then realized that Ron was lying in the shadow of a lower bunk,looking stony. But he has one choice. With that, she led Harry and Hermione away from Professor Snape. "I've got three incredibly sexy women in the room, all naked, and we've just given Cho an orgasm that I'm sure managed to bleed through the silencing spell we cast. A beautiful bodyguard, and two girlfriends? Most of the students I've run across that weren't in Severus's House have told me that they think I was the best teacher for that class you've ever had. *Bonus points if not friends and over 80k*. Life just got filled with a bit more danger, and a lot more magic. If it's nowhere, how can it have a middle? Real friends like people for who they are, not who they might be, or for what they do or can do for them.". Thanks in advance! Check out this author, they have quite a few of the above-requested angst fics I believe DarthMittens. Severus Snape, a sailor with Malfoy Shipping, has everything he could have imagined he wanted. Fleur needs a job after leaving Gringotts, and has an interview with Headmaster Harry Potter of Hogwarts. She smiled and sat. Heidi lowering the boom on him should be entertaining at the very least," Hermione said. I live with Muggles - or did. After the death of Lily and James, Severus Snape took it upon himself to raise Lily's child. This does not please Dumbledore or a certain Weasley Matriarch, but the plans of Lady Magic are not to be trifled with. "Harry, we're already betrothed to you," Cho said with a giggle. Hermione made her way back to the Head's dormitory thinking about how much her life had changed since the end of her fifth . One magical stitch determines the future. Hermione slammed her suitcase down next to the door, not even trying to be quiet about it. She is happy, starting a new job at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and becoming the witch she was always meant to be. "Actually, Luna, you're absolutely correct," she purred. One of the most important moments in the development of Ron and Hermione's relationship occurs in Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1, when the Horcrux the group has been carrying shows . Perhaps between the three of us, we can figure some of these important questions out. Ron snorted as he started up at the underside of the upper bunk. They saw the Unholy Trio walk past the cabins and look into them, but he merely scowled and walked past. They become friends before they start Hogwarts and they used their . She's laying there naked and sweaty and so damned sexy that I wish I wasn't vowing to keep her virgin until we can get married. When Harry is called as the fourth champion he does something that changes the course of the future. Severus is jealous and tired of being denied what he wants. But she couldn't understand why until a dragon claiming to be a Professor at another magic school called the Zodiac Academy busted in on her parents house one day and told her she's not even human. and our Also, he scratched at his chin in thought, Im pretty sure youre dating my best mate.. "Someone might insist on proof. "It's why the average person thinks of the Quibbler as full of silly stories, because the truth scares them.". Many of those attending wondered if Hermione would return for it since it seemed as if no one had heard from her since her departure. Molly waves, before continuing her conversation with Harry about Ron's new mysterious rash. "I know that you're with him. "I am going to do what I can to stop Ravenclaw's treatment of you this year, Luna. He saw her back turned to him, the prominent sweep of her hair and her bulging bookbag. ", Luna focused on the pretty brunette. Harry was generally more considerate of her feelings than Ron, and she knew he would never have knowingly said those things to her for fear of hurting her feelings. ", Her response was what Harry had come to expect from an offended Weasley, and while it didn't get crude, it did involve telling Ron where he could get off. "I assume that you're cataloguing all this? She did mean toreally wanted to, in fact. . The only way to describe it was that he worshipped me when he made me his wife in fact as well as in law. I'm his bodyguard.". Fight for Her By: DarthMittens. What would happen if Harry and Hermione got together? "Thank you, Harry." Hermione smiled,"Would you like to-" "Potter." Viktor Krum sat down in Ron's empty seat, looking rather angry. A chance encounter in the pits of Azkaban gives Severus hope for escape and furnishes him with everything he could need to enact revenge against all who have wronged him. "Exactly! 23 votes, 11 comments. Ron breathed, being about all he could do after rushing to make the train. Read to find out. You ask headmistress and she tells you how much he wants the job. March!" ", "What? I've still got the fresh scars from the belt whipping that Vernon gave me after the Howler went off. "Remus, I have managed to convince the Board of Governors to rehire you as a Defence teacher this year. All of us know of the popular pairing Harry/Hermione that is possibly the most common pairing in this fandom after Dramione or Drarry. Harry's only response was to laugh. "You'll understand my meaning later, but you dig your grave deeper with every word." I'm a little twitchy right now, not the least reason being that you were the cause for my last beating, whether or not you intended it to be the case. Harry never fell, although it was a close thing. Luna tilted her head slightly. For one bewildered moment he thought that Ron had left the tent, then realized that Ron was lying in the shadow of a lower bunk,looking stony. Ron swung his long legs off the bed and sat up. Work Search: thing. "Ah." How will Harry navigate through life as a seventeen-year-old boy with a little too protective and rather strict fath guardian and trying his best to meet his expectations while also dating his once nemesis, Draco Malfoy? "As long as she does it only for fun and enjoyment, and not because she thinks she needs to in order to keep friends. Cho's smile was enough to light up her face at the acceptance. For more information, please see our The castle is draughty, Scottish winters are damp, and being the lone voice of reason in a den of impulsive lions tends to leave her out in the cold more often than she'd like. Being a vampire was one thing, but finding out he is an Omega had Harry struggling to see how he would manage to survive this year. With that, he pulled her closed and kissed her gently. After all, They had been each other's favorites growing up. Warning: Ron Bashing. Harry Potter heroine Hermione Granger and flame-haired friend Ron Weasley's unlikely romance left some fans calling for the female character to be paired up with the protagonist instead. When Ron turns on Hermione, she knows there's only one person who can help her. Did you actually take off for parts unknown? "Harry, after you left the platform last year, Ron and Hermione got into a big fight. . "Ginny, he's right. I have had so many fantasies about this girl that involved her naked and sweaty, and I discover that the reality is even better than my imagination." It begins at Hogwarts and stars a grown-up threesome. You and I: Harmione fanfiction by yeehaw . Pleasetake it off. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. (My story starts off when Ron leaves Harry and Hermione in the deathly hallows and this bit is from the book.). he asked, both amused and puzzled. Her demeanour was happy and proud. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. "I'm frustrated myself, because I really want to make that shower fantasy true, but not until we're married. "I never want them to end when you kiss me," she sighed. Cookie Notice "Quite likely, Luna," Harry replied. This includes prompting it to write fanfic stories. When Fleur learns that Harry can throw off the Imperius curse, she asks him to teach her. Oh, by the way, I need to insert an angry rant here for you not telling me where you were, since I'm a hot-headed idiot.". Somehow," Tonks concluded nastily, "Hermione's running off with Harry does not lend credence to that theory." "You are aware that Aphrodite's Delight mixes well with Amortentia? ", "It's not a good colour for him, I'm sure," Harry said without looking. ", "Good. Also someone who kinda adopted me as a little brother." He must be angry," Harry murmured as he began to follow the Potions professor. Its a little less so though if you have a mate. Al regreso de su verano para iniciar su quinto ao, Hermione se da cuenta que las cosas estn cambiando, que lo que crea no era real y que su confianza se vuelca en otras personas. . "I never meant for -", "I know, but it shows how people simply aren't listening or aren't thinking when it comes to me. For all intents and purposes she technically had meant to have sex with Draco Malfoy. "Nice to know that I'm not the only one looking forward to finally being able to make love to you completely." and our Luna cocked her head with curiosity. "What I don't know I can't tell, no matter whether I meant to or not. . I kinda like the way you are when you're restrained.". This leads to Harry placing her under the curse repeatedly as she tries to break the curse, while he makes her do many naughty things. . Other details: It was a pretty long fic, probably more than 20k, and it might have been a time-travel fic, as that is my main tag search in finding new fics to read. Well, sorry to let you down, said Harry, his voice quite calm even though he felt hollow, inadequate. "At least you're proving that you know what fingers and tongues are for, or else I'd be really frustrated," she replied with a breathy giggle. Harry x Hermione. Ron and Ginny dropped into the cabin across the hallway from the six and got their things in order. Which room and surface gets christened first? Everybody mocks him since he's in the middle of the dance floor and doing nothing. Your Reminders, I will be messaging you in 3 days on 2021-04-05 16:36:34 UTC to remind you of this link. Completed . He swept from the office. "By the way, guys, this is Heidi. I do not believe that Amortentia would be problematic to use for you as well. I tried to go to the goblins and was rather soundly insulted by them, and was stunned by Dumbledore and returned to my relatives. "Hi Harry!" Five years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Hermione and Draco meet unexpectedly and call a truce. Your arrogance knows no bounds. ", "Well, assuming I'm still a student here in a few hours, I'll explain it all soon." Three years after the war Hermione Granger has completed multiple masteries and begun work on magical inventions involving time and mind magic. Hearing that, Harry dances with her and makes . "Fleur and I wanted to pay for dinner." Mudblood. Everything is going great until the goblet of fire goes wrong and Harry and Hermione's peaceful year is gone replaced by the chaos of another year.What will Harry do when he discovers his Godfather is rotting in jail! Neither return, and were among the few to escape Britain when Voldemort took over. Regulus Black is completely uninterested in non-platonic relationships. Plunk, plunk, plunk. I liked the way that it made my nipples rub against my bra. ", Dumbledore gave the Potions master an indulgent smirk. I heard some things I didn't like this summer. Your mother convinced Mrs. Granger that Hermione was not really interested in Harry but in Ron, and that she really wanted to go but was too shy to ask. "Which is what you did," Ginny said with an admonishing tone. Heidi asked with amusement, noting his rampant condition. And why in the world is Ron so mad at Draco all the time? "I shared such an excellent relationship with them prior to the beginning of July. Harry actually loved her! He'd recently made love to Hermione, and the activities that they'd been involved in had a certain part of his anatomy demanding a rematch. "After all, I'm engaged to be married to him soon as well.". Voldemort sees Gloria Potter as a prize to be won - or taken by force. Harry Potter elects to take a bit of pride in himself, and in so doing changes the way he views others, and they view him. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings. ", "Thank you," she said softly. Please consider turning it on! The real question, however, is: Did he even want to? "Did you learn some new magic or something? If you truly understood what it was like at the Dursley home, then you'd understand.". Stuck as a cat and living amongst Voldemort and his Death Eaters is not how Harry planned on spending his 5th year, but he may just learn something from it. She just hadnt expected for sex with him to occur the way it did. But suddenly, he hears Astoria's voice more, and she's telling him to endear himself, again, to Hermione Granger. What he and your mother don't realise is that the method they use to keep people safe just chafes, and people fight to escape.". The Potters - and future Potters - got there quite early, and were seated on the train before anyone else. 121 Stories. Personas que nunca pens que le daran la mano. He turned to continue the way to the Headmaster's office, and caught the smirk on Harry's face. The Darkening of Your Soul by Maeglin_Yedi. But what if things turned out differently? Extreme measures become necessary to escape the nightmares, and, with the help of her friends, she can begin to recover and face the monster who has taken so much from her. Gabrielle gave a tinkly laugh and nodded, leading Ron over to the dance floor. And when Hermione called Ron lazy, he tried to hit her. A collection of flash fics (1000 words or less) written for the HP Kinkuary 2023 prompt series. After the war he had moved in with her and she'd fallen hard for him. It capped what was an extremely odd seven years at Hogwarts. ", "No. Harry derailed it by forcibly removing his arm from her grip. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. CRACK. That last was caused by Cho deciding that she was going to help him deal with the insistent body part. The teachers explain that Hermione doesn't do schoolwork correctly, leading to lower scores. That's actually true for all three of you. My Hero by Cynthia_klein. "As it is, you have cost your houses fifty points each." 62. Ginny looked a little put out at Harry perching Hermione on his lap, but sat down next to him. ", "Save it until Dumbledore isn't paying quite so much attention to me. Finding solace in each other after all this time, Narcissa and Regulus hatch a master plan; They should get married. Can you suck a golf ball through thirty feet of garden hose? Yeah, he would, said Harry, who did not want excuses made for Ron. "Yes. Dont let me spoil your fun. "He does prefer the concept of me being Head Girl in a slightly different manner. Harry tells Hermione that she has to tell him if Ron touches her again to let him know so he can deal with Ron. ", "Well, I don't have a problem with them," Cho said with her own eyes twinkling. Hermione Granger disappeared at the end of her seventh year shocking the entire school. I'm luckier than I deserve. She's a Fae. "I now say a childish thing intended to get you angry, since I think you're attractive and am doing the verbal equivalent of pulling pigtails." Parent commenter can delete this message to hide from others. basically any fic where harry gets rejected by hermione or vise versa, but Rowling the author.!!Enjoy!! "Not angry at Harry for saying it?" ", "Will you worship me in the Quidditch locker rooms when we marry, Harry?" "We've got each other, and we know the truth.". The stain disappeared. Harry said with a snort. Not hard at all. Sort by: Hot. They've made me Head Girl, and I should do something proper with the power. Harry discovers he holds much more power than he knew. If she chooses to do that as performance art, or something, then I see no reason why we can't enjoy the performance that she's giving us." By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. August 18, 1995. "I'd like some time to recover, though. ", "Thanks," Harry replied. "They hurt right now. He didn't say much after that, but his cross-eyed grin told her everything. Upon hearing from Draco about Hermione's work, Narcissa hires Hermione to help investigate a question that has been haunting her since the Battle of Hogwarts " Why did Bellatrix end up the way she did?". ", "Nah, I just ignored almost all incoming owls, especially from Dumbledore. There was no one inside. She blushed furiously as she added, "I want you to plant our first baby in those showers, Harry, doing just that - taking me. Alternating POVs between Hermione and Draco. Also available as: Epub | pdf | mobi | lit | txt, "I am going to injure that child when I see him next," Severus Snape growled. I need to get past that.". Mrs Weasley was furious and dragged him away." "Ron tried to hit Hermione?" he asked, nearly gaping in shock. ", Dobby popped back into the office. Results may vary. ", "Thank you," Luna said with a smile. Good to see you!" He's itchy about the fact that you got away from him. Dont expect me to skip up and down the tent because theres some other damn thing we've got to find. La cara, de ese da que marc el fin de la primera guerra mgica, es la historia que todos conocemos, mientras que cruz es la escrita en estas pginas, aquella que te dir que hizo la oscuridad en cada momento y porque hicieron lo que hicieron.Dirs Pero por qu la violencia? I am not certain as to how, but I suspect that Harry is behind that as well." Leave now," he demanded. ", Luna bit her lower lip. Heidi pouted for a moment, and then pounced Cho's lap, amidst chuckles from the cabin's original occupants. . None aimed at me, at least, and that seemed to be the thing that Dumbledore was most worried about. In fact, it will be downright difficult, what with senile old men manipulating his life and friends who were never really his friends, but his mates (mates! Harry asked. You're lucky that I even want you!" After Ron's vehement outburst, Hermione's eyes filled with tears. As Hermione arrives, she remembers the last two years of her time at the old school in a series of flashbacks triggered by various things and people she sees. In other words, a rape fantasy with a man that won't rape her. Hell, I'm enjoying it too, he finally admitted. What the headmaster didn't take into account was Harry's knack for survival. ", "Let's change the conversation then," Harry said. When Dumbledore catches him, the manipulative bastard decided that changing Harry into animal and sending him all but gift wrapped to Voldemort is the best way to get rid of him. Press J to jump to the feed. Hey guys looking for a fic where hermione is with someone else and realises later on she loves Harry or where she rejects him and realises her mistake. ", He cocked his head. I don't even know what came over me." Luna followed suit by winking at Neville, who nodded, and she bounced into his lap. "I suppose you find the expulsion of your classmates to be funny, Potter? ", Luna showed up at the cabin at about that time. He blinked. Harry Potter and the Last Horcrux by Mike. ", "Was," Hermione corrected. Ive been straight with you from the start, I told you everything Dumbledore told me. Harry can do that better than I can." Truths are revealed, affections exposed, and Hermione, Sirius, and Remus decide how to proceed when they realize the true extent of their feelings for each other. 50.3K 439. by GeorgiaFair. "Ah, I see that we are to miss dinner because of this. "So, admit that something is going on right now, or drop it on the headmaster in his office?" he made me feel like a goddess. But their friendship is complicated by Hermiones distrust, Rons jealousy, Dracos reputation, and speculations about them in the press. The rest of the trip was uneventful, except for the fact that Malfoy didn't bother them on the trip to Hogwarts. Friendship is complicated by Hermiones distrust, Rons jealousy, Dracos reputation, and then pounced 's. 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