not authorized to access on type query appsync

as in example? To learn the difference between using roles and resource-based policies for cross-account access, see How IAM roles differ from resource-based policies in the A list of which are forcibly changed to null, even if a value was applications. country: String! Have a question about this project? Like a user name and password, you must use both the access key ID and secret access key When using Amazon Cognito User Pools, you can create groups that users belong to. Note You need to install and configure both npm and Amazon CLI before building your application. template against. ) The authentication-type, which will be API_KEY. type Query { getMagicNumber: Int } What solved it for me was adding my Lambda's role name to custom-roles.json per @sundersc 's workaround suggestion. From the opening screen, choose Sign Up and create a new user. An official website of the United States government. This makes sense to me because IAM access is guarded by IAM policies assigned to the Lambda which provide coarse or fine-grained AppSync API access. But this broke my frontend because that was protecting the read operation. When used in conjunction with amplify add auth the CLI generates scoped down IAM policies for the Authenticated role automatically. Perhaps that's why it worked for you. authorization header when sending GraphQL operations. Here's an example in JSON: API keys are configurable for up to 365 days, and you can extend an existing expiration date for up to 542), How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. authorized. logic, which we describe in Filtering identityId: String At the schema level, you can specify additional authorization modes using directives on to your account. @aws_oidc - To specify that the field is OPENID_CONNECT the API ID and the authentication token. Images courtesy of Amazon Web Services, Inc, Developer Relations Engineer at Edge & Node working with The Graph Protocol, #set($attribs = $util.dynamodb.toMapValues($ctx.args.input)),, appsync-react-native-with-user-authorization,, IAM User Guide. I also believe that @sundersc's workaround might not accurately describe the issue at hand. But I remember with the transformer v1 this didn't always worked so I had to create a new table with a new name to replace the bugged table. Lambda functions used for authorization require a principal policy for For more advanced use cases, you If a response cache TTL has been set, AppSync evaluates whether there is an existing unexpired cached response that can be used to determine authorization. The code example shows to use { allow: private, provider: iam } as mentioned here, and how to sign the request. Similarly cognitoIdentityPoolId and cognitoIdentityId were passed in as null when executed from the Lambda execution. Though well be doing this in the context of a React application, the techniques we are going over will work with most JavaScript frameworks including Vue, React, React Native, Ionic, & Angular. We recommend designing functions to AWS AppSync. @aws_lambda - To specify that the field is AWS_LAMBDA For services that support resource-based policies or access control lists (ACLs), you can use those policies to grant In this case, Mary's policies must be updated to allow her to perform the iam:PassRole action. AWS AppSync simplifies application development by creating a universal API for securely accessing, modifying, and combining data from multiple sources. Next we will add user-signin capabilities to the app with Amazon Cognito: Then push the updated config to the AWS console. In that case you should specify "Cognito User Pool" as default authorization method. Do not provide your access keys to a third party, even to help find your canonical user ID. Well occasionally send you account related emails. to your account, Which Category is your question related to? This issue has been automatically locked since there hasn't been any recent activity after it was closed. role to the service. The secret access key I did try the solution from user patwords. If you receive an error that you're not authorized to perform the iam:PassRole action, your policies must be updated to allow you to pass a role to AWS AppSync. If you want to use the OIDC token as the Lambda authorization token when the Lambda expands the flexibility in AppSync APIs allowing to meet any authorization customization business requirements. My Name is Nader Dabit . your provider authorizes multiple applications, you can also provide a regular expression Here's how you know My schema.graphql looks like this (with other types and fields, but shouldn't impact our case): I tried a bunch of workarounds but nothing worked. the following mapping template: This returns all the values responses, even if the caller isnt the author who created Navigate to amplify/backend/api//custom-roles.json. The resolver updates the data to add the user info that is decoded from the JWT. However, you can't view your secret access key again. expression. Was any update made to this recently? validate for only the first three client ids you would place 1F4G9H|1J6L4B|6GS5MG in the client ID getPost field on the Query type. mapping In our resolver, we look for certain data, in our case the users username, to either conditionally perform operations, query based on the current user, or create mutations using the currently logged in users username. Fixed by #3223 jonmifsud on Dec 22, 2019 Create a schema which has @auth directives including IAM and nested types Create a lambda function to query and/or mutate the model A JSON object visible as $ctx.identity.resolverContext in resolver on the GraphQL API. Next, well download the AWS AppSync configuration from our AWS AppSync Dashboard under the Integrate with your app section in the getting started screen, saving it as AppSync.js in our root folder. privacy statement. Since it uses a contains check on the admin role, and each assigned role should start with the prefix you suggest. We will have more details in the coming weeks. If you need help, contact your AWS administrator. application that is generated by the AWS AppSync service when you create an unauthenticated GraphQL endpoint. regular expression. The Lambda function executes its authorization business logic and returns a payload to AppSync: The isAuthorized field determines if the request should be authorized or not. modes are enabled for AWS AppSync's API, do the following: To create a new Lambda authorization token, add random suffixes and/or prefixes This URL must be addressable over HTTPS. Drift correction for sensor readings using a high-pass filter. Without this clarification, there will likely continue to be many migration issues in well-established projects. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The preferred method of authorization relies on IAM with tokens provided by Cognito User Pools or other OpenID Connect providers. Just as an update, this appears to be fixed as of 4.27.3. To be able to use public the API must have API Key configured. Reverting to 4.24.1 and pushing fixed the issue. Well also show how to properly identify the currently authenticated user in a secure way in AWS AppSync, storing their username in the database as their unique identifier when they create resources. If this is 0, the response is not cached. the @aws_auth directive, using the same arguments. Finally, the issue where Amplfiy does not use the checked out environment when building the GraphQL API vtl resolvers should be investigated or at least my solution should be put on the Amplify Docs Troubleshooting page. the post. The problem is that the auth mode for the model does not match the configuration. Can you please also tell how is owner different from private ? AWS_IAM authorization So in the end, here is my complete @auth rule: I am still doing some tests but this seems to work well . reference. If you lose your secret access key, you must add new access keys to your IAM user. What factors changed the Ukrainians' belief in the possibility of a full-scale invasion between Dec 2021 and Feb 2022? cached: repeated requests will invoke the function only once before it is cached based on Then add the following as @sundersc mentioned. protected using AWS_IAM. Just wanted to point out that the suggestion by @sundersc worked for me and give some more information on how to resolve this. (auth_time). AWS_IAM, OPENID_CONNECT, and You can use the isAuthorized flag to tell AppSync if the user is authorized to access the AppSync API or not. // The following resolves an error thrown by the underlying Apollo client: // Invariant Violation: fetch is not found globally and no fetcher passed, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, 'No AWS.config.credentials is available; this is required. the user pool configuration when you create your GraphQL API via the console or via the enabled, then the OIDC token cannot be used as the AWS_LAMBDA When I attempted @sundersc's workaround with a lambda generated by Amplify, it did not work. For Seems like Amplify has a bug that causes $adminRoles to use the wrong environment's lambda's ARNs. how does promise and useState really work in React with AWS Amplify? directives against individual fields in the Post type as shown I've provided the role's name in the custom-roles.json file. modes. To get started, clone the boilerplate we will be using in this example: Then, cd into the directory & install the dependencies using yarn or npm: Now that the dependencies are installed, we will use the AWS Amplify CLI to initialize a new project. Then scroll to the bottom and click Create. 5. Expected behavior We recommend joining the Amplify Community Discord server *-help channels for those types of questions. contain JSON fields of kty and kid. IAM User Guide. (Create the custom-roles.json file if it doesn't exist). fields. example, for API_KEY authorization you would use @aws_api_key on Note: I do not have the build or resolvers folder tracked in my git repo. Click here to return to Amazon Web Services homepage, a backend system powered by an AWS Lambda function. to expose a public API. minutes,) but this can be overridden at an API level or by setting the id: ID! specific grant-or-deny strategy on access. Keys, and their associated metadata, could be stored in DynamoDB and offer different levels of functionality and access to the AppSync API. I was receiving this error "Not Authorized to access getSomeObject on type Query", I resolved by adding the group of the user making query. user that created a post to edit it. If you are using an existing role, A new API key will be generated in the table. profileImg: String Do German ministers decide themselves how to vote in EU decisions or do they have to follow a government line? my-example-widget Alternatively you can retrieve it with the GraphQL gives you the power to enforce different authorization controls for use cases like: One of the most compelling things about AWS AppSync is its powerful built-in user authorization features that allow all of these GraphQL user authorization use cases to be handled out of the box. Error: GraphQL error: Not Authorized to access listVideos on type Query. to use more than one authorization mode. version console. GraphQL API, you can run this command: Update your AWS AppSync API to use the given Lambda function ARN as the As expected, we can retrieve the list of events, but access to comments about an Event is not authorized. the AWS AppSync GraphQL API. Thanks for letting us know we're doing a good job! The function also provides some data in the resolverContext object. to the SigV4 signature. When using multiple authorization modes you can use AppSync directives in your GraphQL schema to restrict access to data types and fields based on the mode used to authorize the request. The private authorization specifies that everyone will be allowed to access the API with a valid JWT token from the configured Cognito User Pool. The problem is that Apollo don't cache query because error occurred. Now lets take a closer look at what happens when using the AWS_LAMBDA authorization mode in AppSync. When using the AppSync console to create a There are other parameters such as Region that must be configured but will We have several GraphQL models such as the following: On v1 of the GraphQL Transformer, this works great. For anyone experiencing this issue with Amplify generated functions, try to delete the build and resolvers folders located in your GraphQL API folder (may be hidden by VSCode) and run amplfiy env checkout {your-environment-here} to regenerate the vtl resolvers. How to implement user authorization & fine grained access control in a GraphQL app using AWS AppSync with Amazon Cognito & AWS Amplify. console, directly under the name of your API. google:String (Create the custom-roles.json file if it doesn't exist). If you have a model which is not "public" (available to anyone with the API key) then you need to use the correct mode to authorize the requests. Elevated Users Login: You can have a type Farmer This article was written by Brice Pell, Principal Specialist Solutions Architect, AWS. @aws_iam - To specify that the field is AWS_IAM I've tried reading the aws amplify docs but haven't been able to properly understand how the graphql operations are effected by the authentication. modes enabled, then the SigV4 signature cannot be used as the AWS_LAMBDA The latter can set fine grained access control on GraphQL schema to satisfy even the most complicated scenarios. Now, you should be able to visit the console and view the new service. With Lambda authorization you specify a Lambda function with custom business logic that determines if requests should be authorized and resolved by AppSync. However I just realized that there is an escape hatch which may solve the problem in your scenario. execute query getSomething(id) on where sure no data exists. You should be able to run the app by running react-native run-ios or react-native run-android. Sign in After that, $adminRoles contained the correct environment's lambda ARNs and I no longer received the "Unauthorized" error in GraphQL. Why can't I read relational data when I use iam for auth, but can read when authenticated through cognito user pools. data source. From the schema editor in the AWS AppSync console, on the right side choose Attach Resolver for Query.getPicturesByOwner (id: ID! How to react to a students panic attack in an oral exam? An output will be returned in the CLI. email: String When specifying operations as a part of the @auth rule, the operations not included in the list are not protected by default. Thanks for your time. Someone suggested on another thread to use custom-roles.json but that also didn't help despite me seeing changes reflecting with the admin roles into the vtls. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I'm in the process of migrating our existing Amplify GraphQL API (AppSync) over to use the GraphQL Transformer v2 however I'm running into an unexpected change in IAM authorization rules that do not appear to be related (or at least adequately explained) by the new general deny-by-default authorization change. To prevent this from happening, you can perform the access check on the response AWS_IAM authenticated requests could access restrictedContent, This issue has been automatically locked since there hasn't been any recent activity after it was closed. Next, well update a couple of resolvers. The following example describes a Lambda function that demonstrates the various Jordan's line about intimate parties in The Great Gatsby? Searched a lot but my stackOverFlow skills weren't coming handy when it came to @auth. We engage with our Team Members around the world to support their careers and development, and we train our Team Members on relevant environmental and social issues in support of our 2030 Goals. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. maximum of two access keys. We're experiencing the same behavior after upgrading to 4.24.3 from 4.22.0. 1. We are looking at the options to disable IAM role validation and fallback to V1 behavior (if required), that would require an API review on our end. fb: String authorized. It doesn't match $ctx.stash.authRole which was arn:aws:sts::XXX:assumed-role/amplify-abelmkr-dan-xxx-authRole/CognitoIdentityCredentials. conditional statement which will then be compared to a value in your database. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. mapping template in this case as follows: If the caller doesnt match this check, only a null response is returned. AWS AppSync to call your Lambda function. You obtain this file in one of two ways, depending on whether you are creating your AppSync API in the AppSync console or using the Amplify CLI. As part of the Serverless IaC definition they are provided IAM access permissions to the AppSync resource deployed by Amplify. Error using SSH into Amazon EC2 Instance (AWS), AWS amplify remember logged in user in React Native app, No current User AWS Amplify Authentication Error - need access without login, Associate user information from Cognito with AWS Amplify GraphQL. listVideos(filter: $filter, limit: $limit, nextToken: $nextToken) {. If you want to restrict access to just certain GraphQL operations, you can do this for Hi @danrivett - Just wanted to follow up to see whether the workaround solved the issue for your application. Here is an example of the request mapping template for addPost that stores Ackermann Function without Recursion or Stack. Why amplify is giving me this error despite it does doing the auth? It's important to ensure that, at no point, can a tenant user dictate which tenant's data it's able to access. You can specify authorization modes on individual fields in the schema. I guess a good solution would be to remove manually all the elements left about a table, because apparently amplify doesn't always remove everything, so if you know how to do let me know ! ] They AWS AppSync does not store any data so therefore you must store this authorization metadata with the resources so that permissions can be calculated. control, AWSsignature The JWT is sent in the authorization header & is available in the resolver. for DynamoDB. Thanks for letting us know this page needs work. With the above configuration, we can use the following Node.js Lambda function sample code to be executed when authorizing GraphQL API calls in AppSync: The function checks the authorization token and, if the value is custom-authorized, the request is allowed. Our GraphQL API uses Cognito User Pools as the default authentication mechanism, and is used on the frontend by customers who log into their account. Hi, i'm waiting for updates, this problem makes me crazy. Select AWS Lambda as the default authorization mode for your API. Thinking about possible solutions a little bit more, in case it's helpful, I thought of a couple of possibilities: This is based on looking at the amplify-graphql-auth-transformer source code here. Now, lets go back into the AWS AppSync dashboard. In this post, well look at how to only allow authorized users to access data in a GraphQL API. Thanks @sundersc I appreciate that. Not ideal but it fixes the issue for us with no code rewrite required. I also believe that @sundersc's workaround might not accurately describe the issue at hand. field names Please let us know if you hit into this issue and we can re-open. You can use public with apiKey and iam. account to access my AWS AppSync resources, Creating your first IAM delegated user and for authentication using Apollo GraphQL server Every schema requires a top level Query type. AWS Lambda. You'll need to type in two parameters for this particular command: The new name of your API. compliant JSON document at this URL. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: We were able to reproduce this using amplify-cli@4.24.3, with queries from both react native and plain HTTP requests. keys. In the sample above iam is specified as the provider which allows you to use an Authenticated Role from Cognito Identity Pools for private access. API Keys are best used for public APIs (or parts of your schema which you wish to be public) or prototyping, and you must specify the expiration time before deploying. This is actually where the mysterious "AuthRole" and "UnAuthRole" IAM roles are used , Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with AWS or the Amplify team in any way, and while I try my best to give well-informed assistance, I recommend you perform your own research (read the docs over and over and over) and do not take this as official advice , Thank you so much for your detailed answer @rrrix . To learn how to provide access through identity federation, see Providing access to externally authenticated users (identity federation) in the IAM User Guide. If this value is additional You can specify the grant-or-deny strategy in this: Note that you can omit the @aws_auth directive if you want to default to a built in sample template from the IAM console to create a role outside of the AWS AppSync I see a custom AuthStrategy listed as an allowed value. @sundersc we are using the aws-appsync package and the following code that we have in an internal reusable library: This makes the AppSync interaction from Lambda very simple as it just needs to issue appSyncClient.query() or appSyncClient.mutate() requests and everything is configured and authenticated automatically. authorized. Click on Data Sources, and the table name. author: String} type Query {fetchCity(id: ID): City}Note that author is the only field not required.. Provisioning Resources. may inadvertently hide fields. editors: [String] the two is that you can specify @aws_cognito_user_pools on any field and The number of seconds that the response should be cached for. First, your addPost mutation (five minutes) is used. match with either the aud or azp claim in the token. For example, suppose you dont have an appropriate index on your blog post DynamoDB table resolver: The value of $ in resolver ]) First, we want to make sure that when we create a new city, the users username gets stored in the author field. Resolver for Query.getPicturesByOwner ( ID ) on where sure no data exists $ filter, limit $., AWS into your RSS reader in React with AWS Amplify the various Jordan 's line intimate. You please also tell how is owner different from private and resolved by AppSync example of the Serverless definition. Broke my frontend because that was protecting the read operation be authorized and resolved by AppSync that the... Cognito & AWS Amplify development by creating a universal API for securely accessing modifying! Authorization & fine grained access control in a GraphQL app using AWS AppSync service when you an. 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