e-mail: mfranks@dpscs.state.md.us William O. Filbert, Jr., Warden (410) 209-4016 SECURITY & OPERATIONS HEALTH SERVICES William O. Filbert, Jr., Warden (410) 209-4016 Henry H. Alexander, Administrator (301) 631-3060 ASSISTANT WARDEN FOOD SERVICES PRETRIAL RELEASE SERVICES Vernon Crowell, Dietary Manager (410) 540-6306 (Q00C0202, formerly color: black; e-mail: fstuckey@dpscs.state.md.us SOUTHERN MARYLAND PRE-RELEASE UNIT (Hughesville) Wayne Webb, Acting Chief of Security (240) 420-1403 FY2007 appropriation: $3,598,678; authorized positions: 47 margin-bottom: 1px; SOCIAL WORK SERVICES RECORDS MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICES e-mail: kmccamant@dpscs.state.md.us Kevin McCamant, Director (410) 799-3318 } ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SECTION Maryland Constitutional Offices & Agencies Lt. Monique Tynes, Coordinator (410) 878-4175 James Drewery, Assistant Warden & Contract Administrator (410) 209-4384 border-top: solid #18253A medium; Keith L. Lyons, Assistant Warden (240) 420-3105 color: black; Daniel Bickford, Regional Manager (410) 540-6381 color: black; line-height:100%; FINANCE DEPARTMENT Mary Lou Plutschak, Administrator (410) 822-5050 BALTIMORE CITY OFFICE (REGION 2) EDUCATION Marie B. Hisley, Administrative Officer (410) 986-5914 e-mail: bshearin@dpscs.state.md.us, INVESTIGATIONS line-height:1.0; Stephanie Barthlow, Administrator (410) 540-2710 RESEARCH DEPARTMENT (Q00B0602, formerly Dian Brooks, Deputy Director (410) 585-3519 e-mail: dstrawsburg@dpscs.state.md.us SECURITY OFFICE OF PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SERVICES 4317 e-mail: bcosgrove@dpscs.state.md.us text-align:center; Capt. 4118 4349 DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES Billy B. Mackins, Deputy Director (410) 986-5917 color: black; e-mail: kmccamant@dpscs.state.md.us opacity: .9; (410) 799-3400, ext. Kathleen Blucher, Director (410) 585-3421 15 FY2007 appropriation: $479,109; authorized positions: 6 Ronald Wilson, Administrator (410) 333-4101, ext. Fazal Khattak, Chaplain (410) 845-4000, ext. ASSISTANT WARDEN Howard Ray, Jr., Acting Commissioner of Pretrial Detention & Services 4121 MEDICAL SUPERVISION INMATE GRIEVANCES background-color: #FCF0BE; Ernest Eley, Jr., Coordinator (410) 585-3529 e-mail: dmccoy@dpscs.state.md.us div.thetopbar{ e-mail: jhergenroeder@dpscs.state.md.us MAINTENANCE Rev. Appointed by Governor upon recommendation of the Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services: July 6, 2007 PERSONNEL left: 0px; Wood, Director (410) 209-4202 (Q00B0603, formerly Gloria Arnold, Supervisor (240) 420-3260 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT OFFICE MAINTENANCE Andy Stritch, Coordinator (410) 230-1502 (Q00B0202, formerly Vacancy, Administrator (410) 585-3560 Fr. e-mail: llee2@dpscs.state.md.us William Taylor, Regional Supervisor (301) 729-7170 Anna Neiman, Director (443) 263-3713 e-mail: jmizell@dpscs.state.md.us font-size: .9em; e-mail: tjstovall@dpscs.state.md.us e-mail: tdharvin@dpscs.state.md.us Gwendolyn Oliver, Manager (410) 209-4128 Maryland at a Glance (Q00B00, formerly 35.02.00) INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES SECTION e-mail: wblackiston@dpscs.state.md.us Maryland Manual On-Line HEALTH SERVICES CLINICAL SERVICES Margaret R. Kalinowski, 2007; John R. Simpson, Esq., 2007; Arthur A. Marshall, Jr., Esq., 2008; Wayne S. Price, Sr., 2008. Capt. (Q00B0901, formerly HEALTH SERVICES Priscilla Griffith, Coordinator (443) 263-3713 } Anna Neiman, Director (443) 263-3713 (appointed by Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services with Governor's approval) RELIGIOUS SERVICES Karl Kemp, Regional Health Services Administrator (301) 733-7713 Gregory R. Smith, Supervisor (240) 420-1195 (Q00A0108) Martha Kumer, Administrator (301) 780-6840 left: 0px; FY2007 appropriations: $84,894,288; authorized positions: 1,209.5 WOMEN'S DETENTION CENTER FISCAL SERVICES J. Michael Stouffer, Acting Deputy Commissioner of Correction (410) 585-3343 Karen E. Merzendorf, Personnel Officer (410) 799-7308 COMMUNITY TREATMENT RE-ENTRY FACILITY CENTRAL BOOKING & INTAKE CENTER Maryland at a Glance } e-mail: rsowers@dpscs.state.md.us RECORDS e-mail: jholwager@dpscs.state.md.us Kevin D. Knight, Ph.D., Chief Psychologist (410) 799-5550, ext. FY2007 appropriation: $5,118,346; authorized positions: 97 VOLUNTEER SERVICES e-mail: rrosenblatt@dpscs.state.md.us Charles Wallington, Regional Manager (410) 540-5471 color: black; e-mail: pbriggs@dpscs.state.md.us font-size: .9em; John Wolfe, Acting Assistant Warden (410) 540-6701 Letty Carr, Chaplain (410) 799-5550, ext. CONTRACT COMPLIANCE AUDITS e-mail: rrosenblatt@dpscs.state.md.us /*padding-top: 0.5%;*/ Maryland Constitutional Offices & Agencies Richard Scott, Chaplain (410) 845-4000, ext. margin-bottom: 0px; Richard N. Rolle, Assistant Warden (410) 545-8107 FY2007 appropriation: $8,902,743; authorized positions: 119 Joseph A. Ezeh, Fiscal Administrator (410) 585-3385 ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES SECURITY Kevin Conroy, Dietary Manager (410) 230-1441 David N. Bezanson, Assistant Secretary for Property Services (410) 339-5068 bottom: 0px; CENTRAL BOOKING & INTAKE CENTER font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; 234 CONTRACT COMPLIANCE AUDITS 4396 Charles Law, Chaplain (410) 799-6100, ext. (Q00B0606, formerly William O. Filbert, Jr., Warden (410) 209-4016 W. Morgan Jones, Administrator (410) 234-0221 } Appointed by Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services: Tina Geraghty, Supervisor (301) 729-7012 FOOD SERVICES SUPPORT SERVICES SECTION BALTIMORE CITY DETENTION CENTER e-mail: droberts@dpscs.state.md.us (Q00B0612, formerly (410) 585-3323 STAFF TRAINING [ Archives' Home Page || Maxine Eldridge, Administrative Officer (410) 585-3201, POST-RELEASE & RECORDS UNITS ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING SUPPORT Blondcette P. Britt, Facility Administrator (410) 209-4177 Michael W. Thomas, Director (410) 540-5468 4317 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT MAINTENANCE John P. Morgan, Acting Assistant Warden (240) 420-1305 Otis Merritt, Security Chief (410) 545-8105 EASTERN CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION (Westover) Copyright July 06, 2007 Maryland State Archives. e-mail: llee2@dpscs.state.md.us Towers, Administrator (301) 274-4701 FY2007 appropriation: $1,844,347; authorized positions: 20 Appointed by Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services with Governor's approval: Gary J. Durr, 2006; Homer W. Hoover, 2006; Jeffrey C. McLaughlin, 2006; Robert L. Lewis, 2007; Lawrence S. Gyger, 2008; Jacqueline Harper, 2008; W. Stephen Young, 2008. line-height:100%; PROGRAMS & SERVICES Elizabeth J. Bartholomew, Public Information Officer (410) 585-3568 Harry B. Murphy, Ph.D., Assistant Warden (301) 729-7005 } BALTIMORE PRE-RELEASE UNIT FOR WOMEN PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT SERVICES e-mail: mcstewart@dpscs.state.md.us Eleanor McMullen, Executive Assistant to Director (410) 585-3526 e-mail: sfisher@dpscs.state.md.us position: static; CITIZENS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS - BALTIMORE REGION EASTERN SHORE, ANNE ARUNDEL & HARFORD COUNTIES OFFICE (REGION 1) SCHOOL & SPECIAL INMATE PROJECTS e-mail: wfilbert@dpscs.state.md.us Tracey J. Stovall, Executive Associate (410) 339-5077 e-mail: rnrolle@dpscs.state.md.us Jacqueline Johnson, Director (410) 209-4035 4082 Marie B. Hisley, Administrative Officer (410) 986-5914 (Q00B0402, formerly Wendell M. (Pete) France, Assistant Commissioner (410) 540-6590 Appointed by Chief Judge, Court of Appeals: one vacancy FY2007 appropriation: $3,598,678; authorized positions: 47 Charvette Henson-Beckett, Assistant Warden (410) 540-6371 Alice L.Wirth, Principal (410) 799-7279 Appointed by House Speaker: Joseph J. Minnick ASSISTANT WARDEN Telecia Jones, Coordinator (410) 230-1458 Karen E. Merzendorf, Personnel Officer (410) 799-7308 PSYCHIATRY SERVICES e-mail: kbartee@dpscs.state.md.us FY2007 appropriation: $13,148,172; authorized positions: 138 Vacancy, Director (410) 585-3310 Nathaniel Coley, Director (410) 209-4238/9 MINIMUM SECURITY COMPOUND (EASTERN CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION ANNEX) (Q00P00, formerly 35.15.00) Louis Karko, Manager (410) 986-5940 SOCIAL WORK Nathaniel Coley, Director (410) 209-4238/9 BUDGET & FISCAL SERVICES Maryland Universities & Colleges (Q00B0611, formerly BALTIMORE CITY CORRECTIONAL CENTER Patrick L. Bradley, Executive Director (410) 875-3400 }div.footermd{ (Q00A0106, formerly /*padding-top: 0.5%;*/ PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICE FIELD SERVICES Mary Lou Plutschak, Administrator (410) 822-5050 margin-bottom: 1px; margin-top: 1px; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; color: black; e-mail: lwelle@dpscs.state.md.us Gaskill has had bylines in The Baltimore Sun, The Washington Post and The Chicago Tribune, among other publications. Pamela Norbeck, Supervisor (410) 799-5550, ext. Darryl Webster, Acting Administrator (410) 845-4580 CASE MANAGEMENT 5224 FISCAL SERVICES e-mail: mfranks@dpscs.state.md.us Ronald Wilson, Administrator (410) 333-4101, ext. Denise McGowens, Personnel Officer (410) 799-5550, ext. Linda Odom, Coordinator (410) 799-3400, ext. Lt. Joyce Kucharski, Coordinator (410) 837-2135, ext. e-mail: mfranks@dpscs.state.md.us color: black; PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE COMMITMENT & CLASSIFICATION 6130 CENTRAL HOME DETENTION UNIT /*padding-top: 0.5%;*/ e-mail: vskuhr@dpscs.state.md.us Melanie Brock, Deputy Compact Administrator (443) 263-3582 David A. Kevin Conroy, Dietary Manager (410) 230-1441 MARYLAND CORRECTIONAL TRAINING CENTER (Hagerstown) Fazal Khattak, Chaplain (410) 845-4000, ext. e-mail: tcrowder@dpscs.state.md.us POLICE TRAINING COMMISSION e-mail: jmorgan@dpscs.state.md.us Phyllis M. Seibles, Personnel Officer (410) 540-6747 e-mail: po'flaherty@dpscs.state.md.us POLICY DEVELOPMENT } OFFICE OF CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION & FACILITIES MAINTENANCE Sandy A. Roberts, Esq., Chair (chosen by Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services), 2008 Dwight Johnson, Administrator (410) 799-1363, ext. e-mail: bcosgrove@dpscs.state.md.us Maryland ManualOn-Line,2007 /*letter-spacing: 1px;*/ div.thetopbar{ e-mail: acanders@dpscs.state.md.us Howard I. Glashoff, Executive Director (410) 339-5035 Karl Kemp, Regional Health Services Administrator (301) 733-7713 HERMAN L. TOULSON CORRECTIONAL BOOT CAMP (Jessup) (Q00P00, formerly 35.15.00) Lee Poling, Plant Manager (410) 799-3400, ext. e-mail: tdharvin@dpscs.state.md.us MAIL SERVICES e-mail: bkeller@msde.state.md.us Steven E. Berry, Deputy Director (410) 585-3755 e-mail: rweisengoff@dpscs.state.md.us Benjamin H. Wilson, Director (410) 209-4373/4 S. Nuckels, Coordinator (301) 733-0485 ADMINISTRATION Leonard T. Vaughan, Manager (240) 420-1310 WESTERN CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION (Allegany County) e-mail: sbarthlow@dpscs.state.md.us SECURITY & OPERATIONS 5218 Scott S. Oakley, Esq., Secretary (chosen by Governor) (410) 585-3840; 1-877-379-8636 (toll free) COMMITMENT UNIT C. Jeff Beeson, Manager (410) 540-5406 INTERSTATE COMPACT UNIT 104 Maryland ManualOn-Line,2007 SECURITY font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif !important; PERSONNEL PERSONNEL Tell Us What You Think About the Maryland State Archives Website! OFFICE OF PROGRAM SERVICES e-mail: ebartholomew@dpscs.state.md.us Wendell M. (Pete) France, Assistant Commissioner (410) 540-6590 4117 (Q00P0001, formerly Nancy L. Rouse, Warden (240) 420-1300 FY2007 appropriation: $5,931,040; authorized positions: 73 MARYLAND CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION - JESSUP 234 e-mail: rjgraham2@dpscs.state.md.us Ricky L. Gardner, Director (410) 799-3400, ext. FOOD SERVICES HEALTH SERVICES ROXBURY CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION (Hagerstown) Letty Carr, Chaplain (410) 799-5550, ext. Appointed by House Speaker: Joseph J. Minnick Alice L.Wirth, Principal (410) 799-7279 background-color: #FCF0BE; Wood, Director (410) 209-4202 e-mail: eshaffer@dpscs.state.md.us Patrick G. McGee, Executive Deputy Director (410) 585-3566 e-mail: mkumer@dpscs.state.md.us FY2007 appropriation: $58,738,736; authorized positions: 618 QUEEN ANNE'S COUNTY (410) 209-4290 e-mail: dwolinski@dpscs.state.md.us FISCAL SERVICES EDUCATION 4414 Charles Wallington, Regional Manager (410) 540-5471 SOCIAL SERVICES Robert Koppel, Acting Warden (410) 540-6700 Chris Rascona, Regional Administrator (410) 845-4000, ext. Reference & Research || Search the Archives || General AssemblyJudiciary Maryland.Gov SECURITY Billy B. Mackins, Deputy Director (410) 986-5917 e-mail: dtowers@dpscs.state.md.us David Barthlow, Chief Hearing Officer (410) 585-3466 Sharon Baucom, M.D., Medical Director (410) 585-3377 font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; Grover Bradley, Chief (410) 799-6132 MARYLAND CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION FOR WOMEN - JESSUP Maryland ManualOn-Line,2007 border-top: solid #18253A medium; Harry Griffith, Administrator (443) 263-3696 padding-top: 25px; Copyright July 06, 2007 Maryland State Archives, Jill Porter, Deputy Director (410) 260-6070 2740 JAIL INDUSTRIES BUILDING SCHOOL & SPECIAL INMATE PROJECTS Josette Brewer, Personnel Officer (240) 420-3112 color: black; Robert Hanke, Acting Chief of Security (410) 845-4000, ext. MAINTENANCE SOCIAL WORK ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING SUPPORT top: 0px; ADMINISTRATION Evelyn A. PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES e-mail: ppie@dpscs.state.md.us John P. Wilt, Warden (410) 799-3317 Randall L. Watson, Assistant Commissioner (410) 585-3399 SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT SERVICES Patricia J. Briggs, Assistant Warden (410) 540-2602 Tracey D. Harvin, Director (410) 209-4191 2833 e-mail: jpwilt@dpscs.state.md.us PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT Beryl Turner, Supervisor (410) 799-3400, ext. Mary C. Stewart, Director (410) 209-4094 FY2007 appropriation: $1,844,347; authorized positions: 20 Grant F. Smith, Manager (410) 845-4000 Archiena Beaver, Contract Operations Manager (410) 209-4064/6 Vacancy, Assistant Warden (301) 729-7505 BROCKBRIDGE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY (Jessup) (Calvert, Carroll, Charles, Howard, Prince George's & St. Mary's Counties) Gregory R. Smith, Supervisor (240) 420-1195 Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. e-mail: kblucher@dpscs.state.md.us FY2007 appropriation: $38,281,691; authorized positions: 510.5 SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT SERVICES MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT /*letter-spacing: 1px;*/ e-mail: hray@dpscs.state.md.us (Q00B0307, formerly Q00B0610, and RE-ENTRY FACILITY SECURITY HUMAN RESOURCE SERVICES DIVISION INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES SECTION John L. Drexler, Director (410) 209-4109 (Q00B0501, formerly BALTIMORE CITY OFFICE (REGION 2) STAFF TRAINING e-mail: dbrooks@dpscs.state.md.us Fazal Khattak, Chaplain (410) 845-4000, ext. FY2007 appropriation: $8,296,588; authorized positions: 47 Kimberly A. Ida Y. Ositely, Regional Dietary Manager (410) 845-4000, ext. PROPERTY SERVICES Tracey J. Stovall, Executive Associate (410) 339-5077 Kevin D. Patten, Director (410) 585-3318 Mark J. Smith, Personnel Officer (240) 420-1411 (Q00B0502, formerly Q00B0604, formerly Fred E. Allen, Director (410) 209-4168/41 e-mail: dwhitaker@dpscs.state.md.us font-weight:400; 4349 Lt. Curtis G. Pope, Dietary Supervisor (410) 878-4132 FY2007 appropriation: $639,694; authorized positions: 6 e-mail: wfalck@dpscs.state.md.us 4085 CARROLL COUNTY e-mail: rgibson@dpscs.state.md.us Mary Lou Plutschak, Administrator (410) 822-5050 Maryland Counties PAROLE SERVICES UNIT MENTAL HEALTH SPECIAL NEEDS UNIT James K. Holwager, Ed.D., Director (410) 585-3727 Calvin Wilson, Administrator (410) 234-1878 (Q00A0106, formerly (410) 799-3313 OFFICE OF FIELD OPERATIONS VOLUNTEER SERVICES Maryland Municipalities e-mail: ockermt@dpscs.state.md.us PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING DIVISION PERSONNEL FY2007 appropriation: $639,694; authorized positions: 6 e-mail: gneff@dpscs.state.md.us COMMISSARY DRINKING-DRIVER MONITOR PROGRAM David N. Bezanson, Assistant Secretary for Property Services (410) 339-5068 color: black; TRAINING GOVERNOR ROBERT L. GREEN SECRETARY DAVID BLUMBERG CHAIRMAN . Lt. Joyce Kucharski, Coordinator (410) 837-2135, ext. Ex officio: John A. Rowley, Acting Commissioner of Correction; Stephen M. Shiloh, Chief Executive Officer, Maryland Correctional Enterprises. (Q00B0801, formerly OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (Q00A0106, formerly (410) 799-3400, ext. 4317 Lt. Curtis G. Pope, Dietary Supervisor (410) 878-4132 FOOD SERVICES W. Morgan Jones, Administrator (410) 234-0221 General AssemblyJudiciary Maryland.Gov (Q00B0203, formerly e-mail: swills@dpscs.state.md.us Dorothy Strawsburg, Director (410) 585-3371 Maryland at a Glance Willing, Jr., Esq., 2002; Mattie W. Dryden, 2003; Lauren C. Taylor, 2003. OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Capt. Efrem Foster, Administrator (410) 845-4000, ext. Claude J. Nelson, Jr., State Coordinator (410) 875-3426 Lee Poling, Plant Manager (410) 799-3400, ext. INFORMATION MANAGEMENT CONTRACT COMPLIANCE AUDITS 4349 4117 e-mail: wfalck@dpscs.state.md.us CITIZENS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS - BALTIMORE REGION ASSISTANT WARDEN (Q00B0402, formerly SUPPORT SERVICES SECTION font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; Tell Us What You Think About the Maryland State Archives Website! div.thetopbar{ Vacancy, Administrator (410) 566-5747 background-color: #FCF0BE; RELIGIOUS SERVICES left: 0px; MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES e-mail: rnero@dpscs.state.md.us Letty Carr, Chaplain (410) 799-5550, ext. e-mail: mhisley@dpscs.state.md.us e-mail: sberry@dpscs.state.md.us Mark J. Smith, Personnel Officer (240) 420-1411 display: inline-block; Frederick J. Beauchamp, Personnel Officer (410) 540-5410 FY2007 appropriation: $11,046,661; authorized positions: 126 Phillip J. Pie, Deputy Director (410) 585-3512 William Johnson, Regional Fiscal Administrator (240) 420-3320 Pamela Norbeck, Supervisor (410) 799-5550, ext. 234 e-mail: jhergenroeder@dpscs.state.md.us } Maryland Manual On-Line JAIL INDUSTRIES BUILDING Rev. (Q00P0003, formerly 4414 (410) 799-3313 ASSISTANT WARDEN RELIGIOUS SERVICES margin-bottom: 0px; Telecia Jones, Coordinator (410) 230-1458 CASE MANAGEMENT & SUPERVISION SERVICES SECTION /*padding-top: 0.5%;*/ Theresa M. (Terry) Satterfield, Administrator (410) 875-3574 5224 color: black; Vacancy, Chief (410) 585-3303 e-mail: crascona@dpscs.state.md.us STAFF TRAINING Roslyn Wilson, R.N., Administrator (301) 729-7114 DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES Lt. Curtis G. Pope, Dietary Supervisor (410) 878-4132 position: fixed; MENTAL HEALTH SPECIAL NEEDS UNIT OFFICE OF PROGRAM SERVICES Get premium, high resolution news photos at Getty Images Jane Rollins, Supervisor (410) 845-4000, ext. Vacancy, Investigative Officer (301) 729-7044 Patricia Goins-Johnson, Assistant Warden (410) 799-7276 Lee Poling, Plant Manager (410) 799-3400, ext. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS CORRECTIONAL OPTIONS PROGRAM Debra L. Roberts, Fiscal Administrator (410) 585-3524 FY2007 appropriation: $39,340,517; authorized positions: 437 OFFICE OF PROGRAM SERVICES H. DeWayne Whittington, Ed.D., Chair (chosen by Committee), 2003 Vernon Crowell, Dietary Manager (410) 540-6306 Governor margin-bottom: 8px; Phyllis M. Seibles, Personnel Officer (410) 540-6747 4349 Richard N. Rolle, Assistant Warden (410) 545-8107 Marguerite Murray, Fiscal Administrator (410) 333-4356 .mdmannotice{ Donald Carroll, Ph.D., Administrator (410) 799-3304 FY2007 appropriation: $11,046,661; authorized positions: 126 Maria Haine, M.D., Associate Director, Psychiatry (410) 799-3313 VICTIM SERVICES Barbara A. Cooper, Public Information Officer (410) 209-4296 e-mail: lwelle@dpscs.state.md.us Fred E. Allen, Director (410) 209-4168/41 Randolph J. Shipe, Principal (410) 230-1468 OPERATIONS (Q00K0001, formerly e-mail: rwoolford@dpscs.state.md.us 4123 Patricia J. Briggs, Assistant Warden (410) 540-2602 ROXBURY CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION (Hagerstown) REGIONAL OFFICES OF CRIMINAL SUPERVISION Devon Brown, Esq. William J. Franke, Acting Administrator (443) 263-3710 SOCIAL WORK MAIL SERVICES CRIMINAL INJURIES COMPENSATION BOARD e-mail: kmccamant@dpscs.state.md.us, PSYCHIATRY (Q00B0602, formerly Melanie Brock, Deputy Compact Administrator (443) 263-3582 e-mail: jcummons@dpscs.state.md.us FISCAL SERVICES John D. Hergenroeder, Director (410) 585-3852 Denise Gelsinger & Angela Moore, Coordinators (240) 420-3311 margin-top: 1px; Vivian E. Ferebee, Director (410) 585-3005 Gwendolyn Bullock, Director (410) 209-4150 e-mail: jcummons@dpscs.state.md.us FY2007 appropriation: $4,954,831; authorized positions: 68 Kathleen S. Green, Warden (410) 845-4000, ext. VICTIM SERVICES Brad H. Keller, Principal (240) 420-3290 Priscilla Griffith, Coordinator (443) 263-3713 167, RELIGIOUS SERVICES FY2007 appropriation: $29,502,402; authorized positions: 351 FOOD SERVICE border-top: solid #18253A medium; EASTERN SHORE, ANNE ARUNDEL & HARFORD COUNTIES OFFICE (REGION 1) Carol L. Harmon, Director (410) 585-3327 LIAISON AGENT WAIVER UNIT MARYLAND CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION FOR WOMEN - JESSUP Shirley Price, Regional Supervisor (410) 540-6755 Lt. Darlene Smith, Coordinator (410) 878-4250 POPLAR HILL PRE-RELEASE UNIT FY2007 appropriation: $29,502,402; authorized positions: 351 Naomi B. Williams, Assistant Warden (410) 209-4015 (410) 799-3313 James Drewery, Assistant Warden & Contract Administrator (410) 209-4384 VOLUNTEER SERVICES PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES 104 e-mail: rdryden@dpscs.state.md.us Maryland Counties Paul B. O'Flaherty, Assistant Commissioner Keith Hardesty, Fiscal Administrator (410) 540-6336 METROPOLITAN TRANSITION CENTER (formerly Maryland Penitentiary) (Baltimore) Josette Brewer, Personnel Officer (240) 420-3112 color: black; Todd Deak, Manager (410) 540-5409 Donald Carroll, Ph.D., Administrator (410) 799-3304 e-mail: dwade@dpscs.state.md.us Brenda M. Shell, Warden (410) 379-3801 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICES background: #FFD90F; Michael Speis, Coordinator (410) 799-5550, ext. Richard B. Rosenblatt, Esq., Assistant Secretary for Treatment Services (410) 339-5031 Kenneth Bartee, Chief of Security (410) 209-4308/9 FY2007 appropriation: $89,589,067; authorized positions: 1,265.5 DIVISION OF PRETRIAL DETENTION & SERVICES FY2007 appropriation: $5,118,346; authorized positions: 97 Marie B. Hisley, Administrative Officer (410) 986-5914 color: black; David N. Bezanson, Assistant Secretary for Property Services (410) 339-5068 RECORDS Patricia Johnson, Supervisor (410) 799-3400, ext. Wanda Miller, Coordinator (410) 585-3338 e-mail: dwanim@dpscs.state.md.us Sgt. e-mail: glhaupt@dpscs.state.md.us 5224 Denise McGowens, Personnel Officer (410) 799-5550, ext. (Calvert, Carroll, Charles, Howard, Prince George's & St. Mary's Counties) Maryland Departments (Q00B0402, formerly margin-bottom: 0px; 4102 Copyright July 06, 2007 Maryland State Archives, HEALTH SERVICES SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT FY2007 appropriation: $40,455,408; authorized positions: 454 (appointed by Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services with Governor's approval) font-weight:200; line-height:1.0; (Q00A0108) Maj. Rory Jones, Director (410) 878-4103 Appointed by Governor upon recommendation of the Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services: e-mail: kmccamant@dpscs.state.md.us William J. Franke, Acting Administrator (443) 263-3710 Veronica E. Dore, Coordinator (410) 845-4000, ext. (Q00B0203, formerly 4414 FY2007 appropriation: $44,395,177; authorized positions: 544 BUREAU OF SPECIAL SERVICES Bonita L. Cosgrove, Administrative Officer (410) 339-5051 ADMINISTRATION 234 Rev. 4396 FY2007 appropriation: $135,909,320; authorized positions: 1,597 (Q00B0602, formerly PATUXENT INSTITUTION NORTH BRANCH CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION (Cumberland) Greg Warren, Director (410) 585-3725 e-mail: mhisley@dpscs.state.md.us K-9 UNIT HEADQUARTERS SECURITY & OPERATIONS 4117 ASSISTANT WARDEN Lt. Bridget Knight-Simms, Coordinator (410) 540-6748 line-height:1.0; Brenda M. Shell, Warden (410) 379-3801 Governor e-mail: jholwager@dpscs.state.md.us e-mail: gwarren@dpscs.state.md.us Milburn Ziler, Manager (301) 729-7162 Ernest Eley, Jr., Coordinator (410) 585-3529 (Quantico) CITIZENS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS - SOMERSET COUNTY border-top: solid #18253A medium; text-align:center; Ryan G. Knorr, Chaplain (240) 420-3256 margin-top: 1px; Richard J. Graham, Jr., Acting Warden (301) 729-7501 Patricia L. Sill, Program Administrator (410) 875-3421 Donald Carroll, Ph.D., Administrator (410) 799-3304 (appointed by Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services with Governor's approval) FY2007 appropriation: $8,296,588; authorized positions: 47 Kevin Baylin, Unit Commander, Baltimore (410) 637-8970 position: fixed; CLASSIFICATION Kevin Conroy, Dietary Manager (410) 230-1441 BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES Wade, Acting Administrator (240) 420-1685 John P. Wilt, Warden (410) 799-3317 EDUCATION color: black; Denise McGowens, Personnel Officer (410) 799-5550, ext. INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES SECTION James S. Smith, Sr., Warden (410) 540-6353 Wayne P. Hunt, Ph.D., Chief Psychologist (410) 878-4180 Sharon Baucom, M.D., Medical Director (410) 585-3377 PERSONNEL All About Maryland || Telecia Jones, Coordinator (410) 230-1458 left: 0px; VOLUNTEER SERVICES font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; Robert S. Weisengoff, Director (410) 986-5909 Paula Matthews, Educational Liaison (410) 585-3346 4082 James Berger, Manager (410) 585-3557 INFORMATION SYSTEMS Chase, Special Agent-in-Charge, Baltimore Office, Federal Bureau of Investigation; Rick Watts, President, Maryland Law Enforcement Officers, Inc.; Col. Douglas K. Holland, President, Maryland Chiefs of Police Association; Wayne D. Hurley, President, Eastern Shore Police Association; Dallas G. Pope, President, Maryland Sheriffs' Association; John A. Bartlett, Jr., President, Fraternal Order of Police; Chief Juergen D. Ervin, Chair, Police Executive Association, Maryland Municipal League. STAFF TRAINING Grant F. Smith, Manager (410) 845-4000 CASE MANAGEMENT [ Archives' Home Page || Bonita L. Cosgrove, Administrative Officer (410) 339-5051 FY2007 appropriation: $44,710,621; authorized positions: 199 Felicia Hinton, Warden (410) 878-3500, (410) 878-4100 EDUCATION Mary Lou Plutschak, Administrator (410) 822-5050 Phillip J. Pie, Deputy Director (410) 585-3512 EDUCATION PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT font-weight:200; PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION 4102 FY2007 appropriation: $5,118,346; authorized positions: 97 Claude J. Nelson, Jr., State Coordinator ( 410 ) 799-5550, ext Manual On-Line JAIL BUILDING. Correction ; Stephen M. Shiloh, Chief Executive Officer, Maryland CORRECTIONAL Enterprises Acting. Maintenance SOCIAL WORK ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING SUPPORT top: 0px ; ADMINISTRATION A! Shiloh, Chief Executive Officer, Maryland CORRECTIONAL Enterprises maintenance SOCIAL WORK ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING SUPPORT:. Top: 0px ; ADMINISTRATION Evelyn A: dwanim @ dpscs.state.md.us } Maryland Manual On-Line INDUSTRIES., Plant Manager ( 410 ) 845-4000, ext Q00A0106, formerly ) ( 410 ) 837-2135 ext!, formerly ) OFFICE of ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ( Q00A0106, formerly ) OFFICE of ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Q00A0106. Claude J. Nelson, Jr., State Coordinator ( 410 david blumberg maryland parole commission 585-3338:... 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