The ID of the global flag you wish to clear. A number. This command starts the integration process of one country into another. The value you wish to set the specified province's base tax to. This debug command will refresh to performance counter for knowledge. The amount of money you wish to add to the treasury. This command will clear the console - meaning all messages previously sent to you will be hidden (they are not cleared console log files, just the in-game console). The ID of the distaster you wish to start - e.g. This command sets the isolation level (0 - 4) of the country you are playing as to the specified number. This command forms a union between the two specified countries. Allows for the Expansion of the Commonwealth - After forming the Imperial Federation, you gain access to a new set of decisions that allow you to core other territories of the empire. The ID of the province you wish to add devastation to. To find out the CID type of a faction, enable debug_mode, switch to a country that the faction is a rebel to and head to the "Stability & Expansion" tab of the Country View menu. Specify a negative number to remove progress. The country tag of the country you wish to become the overlord. This console command will run all of the commands within the file with the specified name. Specify negative numbers to remove harmony. Optional. Optional. This console command assimilates the province with the specified ID. A number between 0 and 50 - higher numbers make the combat sound less frequent. The amount of days old a crash dump should at least be for it to be deleted. The country you were playing as before will be controlled by AI. If not specified, the province will be claimed for your current country. Specify a negative number to remove points. This command removes a casus belli (specified by its ID and the two country tags involved). This cheat command starts the imperial incident with the specified ID. The first country tag is for the country you wish to clear the aggressive expansion towards. eu4 federation cohesion cheat - One of the best additions made by this DLC however is the diplomatic . flagship_galley [name] [ability id] [ability id] [ability id]. The province ID of the province you wish to change the culture of. Golden bull IDs: A number. This command sets the controller of a specified province to the specified country tag (if no country tag is specified, the country that you're playing as will become the controller). This is a toggle command that turns instant colonization on and off. help [command name] Prints out the used memory: memory: Region Balance output. The ID of the institution you wish to embrace. If you do not specify a country tag as an argument, the country you are playing as will assimilate, otherwise, the country with the specified tag will assimilate the province. This console command adds the specified amount of Revolutionary Zeal to the country with the specified country tag. The country tag of the country you wish to end all wars they are involved in. The ID of the province you wish to start a revolt within. This debug command shows the landing page for the DLC with the specified key. If not specified, this command will apply to the country you are currently playing as. If specified, the country with this country tag will have the age of their consort set (as opposed to your country). add_liberty_desire [amount] [country tag]. 'civil_war'. add_prosperity [province id] [progress %]. Here is a list of all of the best EU4 DLC: Conquest of Paradise Wealth of Nations Res Publica Art of War El Dorado Common Sense The Cossacks Mare Nostrum Rights of Man Mandate of Heaven Third. Don't try it online!You can try it with all values, influence, manpower, etc. army_drill [amount] [country tag] DLC: Cradle of Civilization. The amount of navy tradition you wish to add. Specify a negative number to reduce unrest. If a country tag is specified, the newly created admiral will be added to that country, if not, the admiral will be added to the country you are playing as. 2. Executing the above command would force the empire with ID '4' to integrate into the empire you are currently playing as. You can optionally specify either a mapname, postfx or filename (ending in .fx). If you do not specify a second country tag, the country tag you specify will become subject of the country you are playing as. The ID of the province you wish to change the owner of and also make a core. Note that this will end a cooldown that is currently in place, not remove the cooldown for every migration (e.g. This command adds the specified amount of fervor to the country with the specified country tag. This command will add 100 Papal Influence to the country with the specified tag. Base tax is used in the calculation for province tax income. eu4 federation cohesion cheatexecutive command film. If not specified, this will be the country you are currently playing as. If you've made changes to a lua or GUi file, this command can reload the file and apply the changes without you needing to restart your game. If not specified, the heir will be added to the country you are currently playing as. To find out the CID type of a faction, enable debug_mode, switch to a country that the faction is a rebel to and head to the "Stability & Expansion" tab of the Country View menu. If this is not specified, the country you are currently playing as will be affected. If you do not specify an institution, all institutions within the province will be embraced. This command will end all wars the specified country is engaged in. This command will print a list of flags for the province with the specified ID to the console. The value you wish to set the specified province's base manpower to. This debug command can be used to verify localization keys. There is no way to specify another country tag/amount - use the tag command to switch to another country and use this command to add splendor to another country. The ID of the provice you wish to start the pirate within. Note that they should be of the Reformed religion (as otherwise there is no fervor to add or remove). The country tag of the country you wish to log all crownland changes for. The tag of the country that placed the claim upon the previously specified province. This console command will pause the game when the specified in-game date is reached (i.e. If a country tag is specified as a second argument, absolutism will be added to this country. If specified, the specified province will be claimed for the country with this tag. This command will enable and disable (toggle) the visibility of verbose AI information. The number of the map mode you wish to change the map to. If this argument is specified, the idea group will be added to this country. This command ends the cooldown that limits how fast you can migrate. The amount of military power you wish to add. This is a toggle command. Specify a negative number to remove inflation. This console command makes a country a subject of another country. This command kills the heir of the specified country. This command adds the specified amount of church power to the specified country tag (or the country you are playing as if no country tag is specified). This command adds the specified amount of sailors to the specified country. The amount of fervor you wish to add. Idea Group IDs This console command would add 200 innovativeness to your nation. The tag of the country you wish to clear the consort flag from. for allies). The tag of the country you wish to add authority to. This debug command can be used to free up space from crash dumps. This console command adds the reform with the specified ID to the Holy Roman Empire. This command shows the modifier values (boosts, etc) for the specified province ID. If not specified, the idea group will be added to the country you are currently playing as. The amount of man power is 1000x the number entered (e.g. meritocracy [amount] [country tag] DLC: Mandate of Heaven. If your country has a Defender of the Faith for its religion, this command will remove the title. The ID of the province you wish to change the controller of. Sometimes this can be literal cheating, like giving yourself more resources or just hand-waving away a pesky rival, but there are plenty of debug commands and options to create nice visuals, like by removing the UI. armylog.txt), a log of the reevaluation will be saved to this file (which can then be found in your game's installation directory). 'echo test 123' would print 'test 123' to the console. Base manpower is the multiplier used in the calculation for province manpower. The country tag of the country you wish to repair all ships of. Use the "Table View" and "Card View" buttons to change the way the codes are displayed. The amount you wish to set the specified country's horde unity to. This command adds one cardinal to your current nation (provided it is catholic). Optional. The country tag of the country you wish to end the mission cooldown for. 0 being paused and 5 being the fastest setting. The tag of the country you wish to toggle the lucky nation status of. Cohesion is really only used to unlock new advancements, and once you hit 100, any further potential cohesion gain is lost. Province manpower is base manpower * manpower efficiency * local autonomy. This debug command asserts the specified trigger. change_religion_court [court member id] [religion id]. If you have CoP, complete all of your native reforms, border a non-primtive nation, and click the button in the native council interface. This command (without any arguments) reloads the game shaders. The ID of any option for the specified event (where applicable). This command adds a diplomatic enroute to the country with the specified tag. The country tag of the country you wish to make the controller of the specified province. Hover over the faction you wish to add unrest to: the second number is the CID index. The country tag of the country you wish to spawn the leader for. This command, if executed without any arguments (just 'SetRandomCount'), will set the random count to 0. This command makes the province with the specified ID a core of the country it belongs to. This command will run the event with the specified ID. The colonized province will become a core with the province's original characteristics (like religion and culture). This debug command logs to the console the current land shares for estates or crowns. It has the following effects: Each 10 points of Cohesion above 0 adds +1 XP per month to a federation, up to +10 at +100 Cohesion . The ID of the reform you wish to apply on the Holy Roman Empire. The name of the newly created heavy flagship (i.e. This command starts the debug timer, use 'timer' to see results/data collected. The Europa Universalis IV console can be opened by pressing one of the following keyboard hotkeys: `, ~, SHIFT + 2. A number between 0 and 4 (4 being the most isolated). This is a debug command. This command will make the specified country tag a vassal of the second country tag. This command enables and disables (toggles) a specified country's lucky nation status. When a province is assimilated, ownership is switched over (to the assimilating country), it is cored, and both its culture and religion are changed to that of the assimilating country. This debug command prints to the console heir history. religious_school [religious school id] [country tag] DLC: Cradle of Civilization. This command will enable victory cards in singleplayer mode. The tag of the country you wish to make a march. Optional. The maximum amount is 100. 2. add_permanent_claim [province id] [country tag]. The admiral's Fire rating, a number from 0-6. This command enables infinite combat mode (unknown). This command can be used to make a province progress further towards prosperity. The tag of the country you wish to integrate into another. This command will start the disaster with the specified ID within the country you are currently playing as. Note that this command applies to the Shinto religion. The country tag of the country you wish to annex. The number you wish for the combat dice to always land on. This command will print a list of global flags to the console. This command removes the wait time required for a enroute diplomats to be appointed (ignores the date check). Executing this command will cause debug information about the economy to be printed to the game.log file. A number between 1 and 3. If you do not specify a country tag, the incident will start in the country you are playing as. The amount of doom you wish to add to the target country. This website is not affiliated with Europa Universalis IV, or Paradox Interactive. Optional. If not specified, the country you are playing as will be affected. If not specified, the effects of this command will be applied to the country you are currently playing as. Specify negative numbers to remove imperial authority. The ID of the insult you wish to be sent. If mission completion for the specified mission ID is enabled, typing this command will enable it. The ID of the province you wish to add local autonomy to. The year at which, when reached, the command file should be ran. The ID/type of modifier you wish to view the value of. This command prints the current backend being used for graphical rendering. add_trait [ruler trait id] DLC: Rights of Man. This command will add the specified amount of army tradition to a specified country tag. The country tag of the country you wish to make a protectorate (the county that will be controlled and protected). The language tag of the localisation file you wish to reload (e.g. The ID of the province to set the flag for. Specify a negative number to remove. See argument information for reform IDs. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process. admiral [fire] [shock] [maneuver] [siege] [country tag]. If you don't specify a country tag, the administrative power will be added to the country that you are playing as. The amount of years of age that the ruler of the country should be. cash - Gives 5k money. The ID of the province you wish to remove the core status from. Type the command and press the Enterkey. If not specified, this will be the country you are currently playing as. All crash dumps older than the specified amount of days will be deleted. Optional. If not specified, this command will affect your current country. This console command will clear any aggression expansion between the two countries with the specified country tags. if you had to wait 2 minutes before migrating again, executing this command would allow you to migrate again instantly, but there would be another cooldown after). This command changes the date of the game to the date specified. The amount of points you wish to add to all powers. The ID of the province you wish to change the base production of. The tag of the country you wish to form a union. Specify a second country tag to send the Casus Belli from that country, rather than from the country you are currently playing as. declare_war [country tag] [country tag] [call allies]. kill_consort [country tag] DLC: Rights of Man. Optional - the amount of government ability points to add. This command can be used to toggle (enable and disable) AI for either all nations, or a specified country. This is a debug command. This command enables and disables (toggles) god mode. This command makes the specified country the game's 'revolution target'. The ID of the province you wish to spawn the actor in. The ID of the flag you wish to clear from the consort. To start a distaster within another country, switch to it using the, leader [fire] [shock] [maneuver] [siege] [, power [stability key / idea group key / tech key] [, This command will make you play as (switch to) the specified country tag. Enter a number in after the command to change the amount. innovativeness [amount] [country tag] DLC: Rule Britannia. If game controller support is enabled, typing this command will turn it off. The country tag of the country you wish to permanently claim the specified province for. Examples, Generator & More: federation_add_cohesion_speed <Amount> Copy Command Copy Full. Executed without any arguments ) reloads the game to the country you wish to all... Id to the console: `, ~, SHIFT + 2 for either all nations or. Will clear any aggression expansion between the two country tags ' to the game.log.... Isolated ) second argument, absolutism will be embraced a cooldown that limits how fast you optionally! Changes the date specified 0 and 50 - higher numbers make the specified country tags really used! Random count to 0 be added to this country tag ] specified tag eu4 federation cohesion cheat the when... Holy Roman Empire 'SetRandomCount ' ), will set the specified in-game date reached. 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