I was a misfit everywhere and that is why I am not a nationalist. While we speak about global racism, we must also become aware about whats happening around us, in our homes, our friend circles and our society, and do our part in thwarting the obvious as well as the subtle racism and colourism that exists all around us, in our everyday lives. Yet another nickname added to them is " Mallus ". I AM SCARED BY IT I CANT GET ANOTHER JOG I FREEZE DURING INTERVIEW AND I RUIN MY CHANCE BEFORE THE CAN GET THER FIRST. They found that malayalis are more than willing and capable to match them in their mind games. It is the only one state that didn't have incidents of regional chauvinism that you find for example in states like Maharashtra, the anti hindi agitation in tamil nadu, the cauvery riots in karnataka for example. Nothing against them will be tolerated. I want to tell these monkeys to stop eating the shit of malayalees, because that will not make you people look like malayalees. You are like one of those filthy lepers you find on the indian streets who show off their dirty leprous hands to garner sympathy and some coins in the process. Will always thru corner of eyes check out all males in room .e) malyalee females will corrupt the kids by forcing them to speak malyalee and become one so he cannot bond with parents family .f) she will create fights emtional black mail and crying scenes saying why dont you kill me if you cant give me this or that thing .g) she will only want sex and want u to be her slave who satisfies her materialistic and physical needs.h) you will always feel frustrated living with a malyalee female always feeling like killin the female .i) the female will always try toinsstigate fights by sharp words or comments to family members and then shout i am victim i am victim . Now these people will think a thousand times before crossing swords with malayalis. Check out the following facts:- 1. You revealed your true persona when you said that you were not smart enough to handle the wiles of your wife. [89] Kutiyattam is a traditional performing art form from Kerala, which is recognised by UNESCO and given the status Masterpieces of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. I am a Malayalee, I keep my self to myself, and do my best for me not show off as others do. It is mainly conducted during the season of the harvest festival Onam in Autumn. Quality assessm in a SysLit: better to use a quantitative quality assessment method? Sonny boy admitted that kerala is a matriarchal society where females have a major say in the decision making process. The malayali cliques/associations..etc are something to stay away from IMO. There is also a considerable Malayali population in the Persian Gulf regions, especially in Bahrain, Muscat, Doha, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait and European region mainly in London. Kannadigas and tamils are an abominable race with no set of morals. what the mind doesnot know the eyes wont see. I had always had bad luck. When I asked you to abhor hate it is not that I want you to become a gandhi or a mother teresa. [41], According to scholars, the Malayalam language is descended from a dialect of the Tamil Language spoken on the Malabar coast, and largely arose because of its geographical isolation from the rest of the Tamil speaking areas. (whats the point of India then?)16. And last but not the least, you know Malabar is only a part of Kerala and you are wrong to call keralites as Malabaries, this shows your ignorance of the Geo-political facts. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. i will care a fuck abt a guys parents who will torture a wife and break of the marriage with her husband and poison him and talk lies and make him believe that she is a liar when they r the money minded poeple who will go to any extent to break of their sons marriage bcoz of their insecurities. If you are so sure that there are a lot of indians who hate malayalees then your job will be easier. My dear americanized sonny boy.maturity seems to be the birth right of the malyalis it seems .Thats how they are quite dirty in there politics and manipulations .And who is here to prove me god send or a prophet .I am here stating my expereince with dirt bag malyalis like you and your king .You are sitting here to prove me that u malyalis are right in been dirty .you are not replying to me arshole you are convincing yourself that its right to be dirty .If you cant see it then one wonders writing nice english words doesnt make a dirt bag mallu a civilized one does it .As someone said above all are educated vermons .I have not written all the blogs here it was exisiting with a lot of versions of indians with there malyali experience .i just joined the site to inform the other chaps why all of it is true what is said abt malyalis and they should stay away from malyali females . Malayalees. The Aranmula Boat Race takes place at Aranmula, near a temple dedicated to Lord Krishna and Arjuna. E. J. Brill, Leiden. I'm a kannadiga and just have my GCSE German exam left. We definitely do not belong to any of this categories? "Malayalees are bastard sons of Brahmins .Tamil Brahmins & Malayaless look out for each other, they conspire against Tamils and divide the spoils between them", "Malayaless and brahmins are basically the same, they are both cunning and manipulative.The worst parasitic class who live off Tamils.We Tamils suffer under Brahmin-Malayali parasitism", "Malayalees have influence in Delhi. No wonder your wife ditched you. 458-56. True that none of them speak Queens English, but most of the world do not do so as well. you sick north indians you caused my depression. i thought i was writing a original self help book for people " how to stay away from the dirty malyali ""But guess what i found this site and links which already have material on it .Sorry i couldnt be orginal in hating a malyali also there are millions out there like me .Sorry i copied the millions in hating fuckers like u u teflon coated pimp . My advise to malayalees never marry the kannadiga tamilian whores. [79] World Malayali Council with its sister organisation, International Institute for Scientific and Academic Collaboration (IISAC) has come out with a comprehensive book on Kerala titled 'Introduction to Kerala Studies, specially intended for the Malayali diaspora across the globe. Even if they fuck around with males from other community one thing is for sure definitely it is not your community. When you come to Dubai/US/London you are amazed at their success, influence and the sheer majority irritates you, you cannot take it that those who cannot speak Queens English have become so successful?? People realize malayalees are criticized for the right reasons,all the above said comments are very true.All states have bad people but here we are talking about the percentage,Overwhelming majority of Malayalees are cut-throat, deceptive, cunning, selfish, cruel etcBastard malayalees migrate to other states in search of livelihood and once the join their own flock of people they show their true colors of not having a iota of respect to the local culture and its people.Even a dog is more loyal than a malayalee.Malayalees eat,drink,live and earn in other states talk high about their own state and abuse their host state, this is the most disgusting attitude that no son of soil will never ever tolerate,If you find your state a heaven then why the fuck you bastards are migrating like a horde of sheep to other states.You selfish malayalee bastards you want all our states to feed you, because your people back in home are fond of licking the ass of communists who has brought ruin upon your fucking state hahahaha whose mistake is this,first realize you are a fucking burden to all of India. Q. I always found that hate or any negative emotion is a sign of helplessness, vulnerablity or impotence. You are staying outside India, and your friends know you are a Malayalee when.. Kannadigas and tamilians are hideous looking disgusting creatures. But you chose to paint the whole community in bad light. YOU MADE LIES YOU NORTH INDIANS LOVE STIR UP HATE ITS WHAT YOU DO YOU TAKE PLAESURE IN OTHER PEOPLES MISERY. A subreddit for anything related to Kerala (), a state in the south-west of India. They should be kicked out from all the states.The worst part of mallus are in tamilnaduthey come as beggars setting up their houses here by cheating they call chennai a polluted city and tamil nadu a waste state. [101] This confluence of culinary cultures is best seen in the preparation of most dishes. J.V. And yes it is better if kerala is separated from india. I've been through a few instances myself. its shame to keep kerala in indian map..they say, its God's own country, matter of fact, its packed with 'devil's own people''. I rather believe in the samurai dictum "fight but fight with a smile on your lips". But anyway going by your posts I can guess the despicable community you belong to. Why did his wife divorce him?A: Because he was louwing another woman. i hate malayalees my mum is amalayali and my dad is from punjab my mom hate where she is from i double hate malayalees they are such odd people liveing in the past century stillidiots all bloody idiots my dad says malayalees are kolayalessi say shoot the fuck in bastards kearla shouldnt be a part of india in my view ! ?And i repeat again you brainless dumbfuck teflon coated pimp seems you dont read anything other then a arabs ars properly " i wish my wife ditched me but she hasnt coz she has yet to dig out suff money or find a new bakra to fund her lifestyle before she ditches me with a good bit of money ""Its common in malyalis for FIls to screw there DILs i know a family where the malyali husband is a dud so his wife is maintained by the malyali FIL who bangs her and pays her for husbands drinking and gambling in there hometown in trichur .the husband is happy with that arrangement .So much for the malyali FIl hahahaha i can tell you more stories you pimp coz thats what you are it shows it all are a fact it hurts you must have got acidity by now reading hard facts abt yourself or seeing a mirror out there . They wear White dresses on their weddings. WE ARE PEACEFULL WE HATE WAR, SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE BEFORE YOU STUPID DUMB PEOLPLE ON THIS SITE CAUSE WORLD WAR THREE ONLY THIS TIME IT NOT THE WORLD IT ONLY RACIST, TWISTED CAST SYTEMS OF INDIA ITS SELF. It's so annoying. At least you were connected to Kerala in some way. Thats a proof of how sick these guys r. Ninety per cent of the kannadiga and tamil females are prostitutes. let's see.1. Surprisingly, Malayalees didn't seem to mind this abject rip-off of a Telugu or Tamil mass hero intro. Mohiniyattam is a very sensual and graceful dance form that is performed both solo and in a group by women. Again if the malayali females fuck around it is with other malalayli males, it is not with the unmanly males of your community. Love is two way.2. Forget about my parentage. Either learn Malayalam or dont attempt it at all. Sarpam Thullal is usually performed in the courtyard of houses having snake shrines. The batter is made of rice flour and fermented using either yeast or toddy, the local spirit. The emotion of hate keeps many people going, gives them a purpose to live, it is a kind of an emotional kick something similar to a drug induced kick , it intensifies their experience of living albeit in a negative sort of way. You seem to be repeating what I'm saying. The Malabar District was annexed by the British through the Third Mysore War (179092) from Tipu Sultan. Over the course of the later half of the 20th century, significant Malayali communities have emerged in Persian Gulf countries, including the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar and Kuwait and to a lesser extent, other developed nations with a primarily immigrant background such as Malaysia, Singapore, the United States (US), the United Kingdom (UK), Australia, New Zealand and Canada. There you go again. such an open society, not even in america. What I'm saying is that a positive state of mind is the first and absolutely necessary prequisite for mastery of outer circumstances. [25] Authors such as Ibn Khordadbeh and Al-Baladhuri mention Malabar ports in their works. What makes you beautiful is being a good and kind person, and not the colour of your skin, she added. It is sung, typically employing plain notes, to the accompaniment of the small, hourglass-shaped ethnic drum called idakka, besides the chengila or the handy metallic gong to sound the beats. So all we can say is till then stew in your own juices. These shitty disgusting bastards of karnataka and tamil nadu should be sent to concentration camps. In fact there is a positive side to it in the sense that all mallus who are driven back from other states will concentrate on improving their own state rather than pulling it down. Guys dont be sympathetic towards malyali females behind the guise of the softness is the most dirty bitch u will ever face when her purpose is served .malyali females fuck u and your upbringing .Get a dog home rather then a malyali person in office or home the dog is more loyal then the malyali bastard . Remember that if you are pointing a finger at someone three fingers are pointing at you. The quadrangle is in every way the center of life in the house and very useful for the performance of rituals. he has thrown away his educated wife more than 3 times out of the house and once when she was pregnant and made life hell for her. You know one thing why your wife ditched you because she cannot bring herself to respect a father in law who is not the father of her husband. Kerala Christians are the worst, demonized scum.6. Another one is that Malayalis shit about people behind their back and smiling in front of them. My sincere advice Never Ever trust a Malayalee. My parents were humiliated in front of all relatives . It was a true matrilineal affair. Twitter was overrun by Malayalees on January 9 2012 with they Tweeting under the hashtag #BeingMallu telling the World what it was like being a Malayali. Principal Secretary to Prime Minister is from Kerala8. But I doubt whether bird brained people like you which your community seems to be constituted of will be able to grasp this. to the malayali defending guy.this guy is a nut case i think u should not waste time defending malayalies with him . there are good and bad in every community but this is one community where all i have known are shit pot manipulative black mailers.fuck the malyalees and the thiyas in this community are shitter coz the nairs also dont like them as vivekanand said a shit pot of castist community.an internationally despised set of dirt bags who thrive on black mail groupism dirty manipulative behaviour .for money who sell there women and pimp them to arabs .thats what all the malyalees are.where they see partners from other caste well off and more educated they jump off with there emtional black mailing attitute to ensare them .rascal community . To become a gandhi or a mother teresa a smile on your lips '' stew. 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