I dont have any pets, but I do have 2 other children in addition to the baby. It doesnt, its not really a repellent. Thank you for your help. I bought a jar of diatomaceous earth to sprinkle on my dogs food. Weve tried everything..from dawn dish soap to nexgard. Hi Mandy! I suggest that you just use your hardwood floor cleaner on the floor, it will kill them as well. Food grade means that its 100% safe, even for eating. You can use this on plants and the ground and it is suggested that it be applied in the morning hours. Thank you Thank you this product is amazing. Still have fleas. I recommend that you apply DE once a day in the morning (rub the stuff into the carpets, etc.) Obviously you wouldnt want to breath that. The beetle targets tasty plants in the families Solanaceae (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers) and Brassicaceae ( including cole crops: broccoli, kale, cabbage, collards). What about red lakes brand of diatomaceous earth? Thank you so much for the support, Sincerely, A Clean Freak. Although it is not toxic, it can cause dryness and . Was just at our vet with two infested kittiesshe gave them a Capstar and used Cheristin topical that lasts 30 days and is only for cats. It already had salt rubbed into it and was sprayed earlier so we just put a clean mattress pad on it and he got a clean blanket and slept in his room. Floating row covers provide a physical barrier between the beetles and the main crop. I cant sleep at night, constantly getting up with a flashlight to see if I see whatever I feel is crawing on me. Last night I sprinkled with a flour sifter between my box spring and mattress and between the mattress and fitted sheet and slept in same bed. I immediately gave him a bath with dawn and rinsed him down with vinegar and water and then dried him. This was 3 years ago, also they havent seen a spider or any beetles or ants in their home since then. Put them out at night, as the light will attract the fleas to their doom. He wont even come into the bedroom now! Can I sprinkle it into the couch where my guest was seated?!? ( its early November here in Wisconsin) and will continue with the DE if I feel the need. Luckily my cat is on advange and has been before we moved into our new house. Although its advisable to vacuum it up completely, the food grade (this is incredibly important)) variation of DE is perfectly safe. The food-grade version of DE contains a much lower level of silica than the versions used for industrial work. I sprinkled and brushed into all bedrooms carpets and box springs. Some things i have just thrown out because I cant deal with it all. Can you use it on sofas and ceramic tile , in other words all other surfaces? Let me know how it goes! Read our complete guide to using DE for more info. Hello again. It is not effective for flea control when used in this manner and could potentially result in lung damage if inhaled, says Dr. Jennifer Coates, a veterinary writer, editor and consultant based in Fort Collins, Colorado. You rock! I have a few area rugs do you think it would be a good idea to sprinkle them with DE then vacuum up? And would I have to wash down everything else that I covered?? Ive been reading through your article and comments and was wondering why you recommend to use a non-water based vacuum cleaner to clean up? Hi Sharon, apologies, I meant to specifically say cats when advising about their liver. Garlic is toxic when given in high amounts. I had to share that it works so well since it was a really horrible year for the mites and our neighborhood is dense with old oak trees. Hey David! It does not go all over the room. I cant even walk across my bedroom without getting bit 3 or 4 times on my feet and ankles. Hi Natasha, I used borax all over my wood floors and carpet 2 days ago, vacuumed it up after 12 hours. Hi! I would love to know more about this! I love your site! Will my cat be safe around it? Alternatively, I can get you a quote from an exterminator in your local area that will sort you out (they are vetted), let me know if you need it. Hi Krissy, I am sure that it will work just as well, let me know how it goes. I have used a spot treatment for both of the cats I rescued from the shelter, but found theyre still scratching and Im seeing fleas. Your article says that the DE can be sprinkled on the lawn but it becomes less effective once moist. It can be used in your home as an insecticide, deodorizer, filter aid, cleaning agent and more! and a decent spot on treatment for your pets and you should be flea free in no time . I will be sharing this on my facebook page, I think everyone needs to know there are safer solutions to pest control than just spraying chemicals. Hi Misty! Ive been spraying a Peppermint oil & Clover product on all the fabric furniture (its suppose to kill fleas and fleas eggs). Pure is best and application matters as well. Then she comes in the house and the larvae transfer to me and make my life a misery. Ive no doubt in my mind the parrot made things worse with the flapping spreading eggs everywhere in closets if one was open.every area of my home has been effective. Hope that helps. Dont use any essential oils on your cat, it is dangerous for them. The first time I did it lightly with flea DE from Home Depot (only 90% DE) and the fleas were still there but less. This stuff is messy and we are covered in the stuff. Hello! Hi Dave! I had my entire house sprayed by a verminator one week ago and within one day,those bugs showed up.I live a nightmare.. Hi John! Yes, you dont need to keep washing them to kill fleas if you have DE in place, just make sure its food grade. They seem to be newly hatched ones as they are all tiny not adult size. I tried excessive vacuuming and boric powder. Rather wash your dogs with lemon water and dish soap for effective flea control, it works really well. Hi Donna, you can put it anywhere you think fleas might be hiding, dont hold back hehe. However, there are other alternatives for flea control and I highly recommend that you take a look at and if you would like me to point you in the right direction, let me know what else you have tried and I will help you out . For your hardwood floors, normally just cleaning them with your floor cleaner (whatever one is safe for your wood) is enough to kill fleas on contact. Thats all I have and I was thinking that it will work great for it, but now Im curious of your reasoning. Otherwise your timings and target areas is perfect, let me know how it goes . Im washing blankets, sheets, bedding, and vacuuming the couch very well every couple of days. There are also harmful nematodes in your soil already like the Golden Root Knot Nematode, but the one you will be applying is friendly. Electrician has not said if it was the fine powder but he has raised questions about stress on the appliance. The DE could be dusted around and under the bedroom furniture, especially under the bed. Hi, I recently purchased some DE because my cat has a flea problem. I just bought and applied some DE yesterday Natasha. Can I hose it down? We just found some fleas on our cat. This is the height of tick season and when you leave the field with the dogs there are so many it looks like a flea infestation but its ticks. I dont own any pets, so its even more frustrating. Hi Deb I have been using DE for some time for internal consumption for myself and my cats as it is a brilliant wormer for pets and a marvellous health benefit for all sorts of internal problems etc etc. Keep strong! I do not see fleas in the house and no human bites, etc.am I to assume they are attacking him when he goes into the yard? I had DE food grade on hand. D E seems to work but I dont want to ruin my expensive hoover. The last time Honey, the dog, was here laying on my couch, she was getting bit by fleas. If you like the article, please feel free to leave a comment there as well , I love the article! See our TOS for more details. My kitty is finally scratch free and part of the family again she has been missed. Shd I have done the floors anyway? Im obviously on the right track, because the fleas we had, were the biggest I have ever seen, and havent seen any that size since doing all this, any advice would be great. Very popular around here and now I see why. 4) For the poster who has bees in her wall: If you can locate a beekeeper or beekeeping club in your area, you may be able to enlist their help to capture and relocate your bees. Well, research shows that once the fleas come into contact with the powder, they usually die about 4 hours later. Hi Pete, thanks for helping Sharon with that great suggestion! I bought a big bag of DE at amazon and sprinkled it all over my carpet on the living room, hallways and bedrooms carpet and left it there for at least 24 hours to be sure. It worked its way into the bloodstream so when she was bitten by both fleas and mites, they died. Lamb and Rice foods have a pretty low allergenic value. I have a cocker spaniel who always finds the fleas. Hi Mary, yes that is perfect. Hi Carol, do you have pets? If an extremely large amount is inhaled, people may cough and have shortness of breath. We have never had a problem with fleas in our home or biting us in the two years since we rescued him. Speaking of which, here are some suggestions for treating fleas on your dog and removing fleas on your cats. Plant well hardened-off transplants as soon as the threat of frost has passed in your region. I also found some ants emerging into my kitchen over the last couple of days and I poofed DE and they dont like it at all. Hi Natasha! Hi Aileen! Thanks so much and I cant wait to hear from you. My daughter is planning on coming over to wash ALL of my bedding, and doing the complete borax treatments here in my house this week. If you spend $45 bucks, theyll ship to your house for free. I have tried all kinds of stuff. Hi Pam! So thanks for posting! Best way to check is to use a DIY flea trap at night. Does it come in a light brown too? Your article was very informative and clarified some information about DE. Your best bet is to wash them gently in warm water and dawn soap, kills fleas instantly. Been going to them for years for both my cats and reptiles. Do you think we need to take such drastic measures as this? Paula Fitzsimmons is a content marketing writer and journalist who writes about pets as they intersect with topics related to health, nutrition, technology, and lifestyle. I always bathe dog in Dawn mixed with vinegar but she is white and it seems if there is 1 flea anywhere its going to find her! Please share this article with your friends and family. Unless its VERY humid, the DE should be fine. We noticed some small holes dotting the foliage, but nothing too alarming (we thought). I recommend you read the entire post but if you are in a rush and want to skip to the usage instructions, please click here. I am freaking out and would appreciate any advice. Thanks. He said he felt nothing while in there and slept good (I still plan on putting DE in his room today). I have a question. These are spread out in a dry powder form and used to control Snails, Slugs, Earwigs, Thrips and Aphids. 02/25/2010 Thoughts on purchasing diatomaceous earth for fleas online at Home Depot or Amazon? Fleas are fairly resilient and although they are less active during colder weather, it wont kill them in most situations. AWESOME! Beejorn from Home Depot. Spray it on your hand or directly on your pet and massage it to the skin. etc., etc., etc. Simple answer, when purchasing diatomaceous earth online or in a brick and mortar store, make sure you get the food grade product. Hi Janice, thanks for sharing your experiences and for the suggestion . Ive done some research on DE but having a hard time finding DE that is labeled FOOD GRADE. THIS has sent me into panic attacks which causes me not to eat, sleep, and then chronic fatigue. Sound unsightly? I have to wear repellent in my house and to bed, what a shame. So lightly cover wherever they might travel . The dogs sleep on our bed. It will last for a long time. I just wanted to add that the Diatomaceous Earth has to be food grade (not the kind used in pool filters, which is dangerous to animals and humans). I had been suffering from pesticide resistant mutant fleas for about almost a month now. Rather use DE in the house (carpets, etc.) This morning no signs of flea dirt, so maybe we are winning the war. Hope that helps! Thanks, appreciate your kind words and I am very glad that you have followed my advise. I am not sure what model you have but it might clog it up. We have one large dog and the fleas have gotten extremely bad to the point he has missing patches of fur, and they are on his face and biting the insides of his ears. I couldnt find your example of the flea traps. Hi, I have read your article closely and am going to be doing a treatment very soon. Let us know in the comments below or feel free to ask questions about prevention and control! I get this question a lot, so I decided to add this into the article itself (lots of answers in the comments section if you want to read over them as well). can i apply this to my dogs/cats i hear every day is a no.but how about once a month in place of topicals. Let me know please! Thank you. Remember to repeat the process a couple times! I left my door open whilst I was away and he slept on my bed. Hi Rhonda! It didnt affect them negatively, and when I treated the window sills and rug they actually started going and rolling in those areas or pushing themselves into those areas until their coats were dusted again. I have read many comments but none that stated it finally worked. You can get about 5lbs for $14. Of course I will be treating the stray cat Boo for fleas with more Revolution (it is due again) and more Capstar pills, before I let him in the cleaned up basement again. A ton on the back patio I need to do but there are only so many hours in a day. It is made up of the fossilized remains of single-celled aquatic microorganisms called diatoms. Although I have not seen a flea for 2 weeks both cats are still getting welts. Hi Kimberly, if it doesnt specifically say Food Grade on it, I dont recommend it. However, now that the powder is no longer there, they are back again. Maybe I should just put in in their beds etc. We have also sprayed multiple products inside the house. If not, there is an article on my blog about this, check it out. Thank you, appreciate you helping Fancine. . many thanks for reading this G, Hi G! My pets Are being treated, but I knew I would have eggs/larvae in my carpets. I have a article on making them yourself on this blog, under the Fleas category. I just bought some diatomaceous earth to help deal with a burgeoning flea problem and Im excited to begin using it. Let me know please, I will help you through this. Hi Natasha, I shared your website address with Next Door Neighborhood Online Community Network because I found that DE also kills Oak Mites which we have all been suffering from here in the Midwest. Hi William, rather just use the nematodes first and see how that goes, as from my personal experience, DE isnt great outside. I almost went crazy last time and DE saved my sanity. Why not? Hello! According to the National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC), "Diatomaceous earth causes insects to dry out and die by absorbing the oils and fats from the cuticle of the insect's exoskeleton. Hi! ;o), Thank you in advance for any light that you or your readers can share on these questions. Katrina. Our cat lives down there. Hope that helps. Hi Ashley, interesting, thanks for sharing this, will pass it on to those that need this info . After fleas come into contact with it, it should take about 4-6 hours before they die. I have DEd my back yard yesterday and today (its a rather large fenced in area) And Ive applied it rather heavily (I realized after reading your comments). DE is absolutely fantastic and I appreciate you sharing your thoughts on it, especially to help my readers. We live on a nature preserve and have found them in our yard. However if it says 100% DE. Hi Natasha, I am a senior lady who lives alone, and has NO pets. I read in a couple of your comments saying fleas on humans are not that common (or something along that line). I dont have carpet or grass. It will not be effective when wet, but when it dries out, it should have some efficacy.. How safe is it really? I was wondering how DE can be given to animals for parasites like worms in dogs and cats? Hi Gina! How about my 2 year old son? So, I then treated the whole house, all 3 floors, with Borax. Food grade of course. Hi Sharlon, yes that sounds perfect, good luck! The grass and plants are dry. So, of course, now i have them all over the house as well! Hope that helps! Hi Carrol! Then I remembered seeing some DE in the bathroom cabinet. 21 Comments. Glad that you have had success with DE and thank you for sharing! You may also consider planting your brassica crops later in the summer, when the adults are getting sleepy from all of their summertime feasting and going dormant. That will accelerate the process. The DE that I ordered will probably arrive tomorrow. wherever she lays. Would it be ok to simply distribute the DE around the whole house and leave it on for at least a week before vacuuming to be sure we get both the adult fleas and their eggs? Looking for a permanent solution, tired of being aggravated by the little pests! To be honest, if you can afford the exterminator and they can confirm their treatment will not affect your family, go for it. Please do, you are doing well though, keep it up! I have purchased DE Food Grade and ready to give it a try. Hi Teri! But we are infested bad and seen 0 response to it Also, salt is really course and over time can damage the fibers in your carpet. I can use something else to get them off her, i am just wondering if you have heard of this brand and is it too coarse for flea control? Two of my dogs got the worst of the fleas and had some really bad skin problems and tons of loss of hair but they recovered fantastically. Hi Heather! thank you very much for this comprehensive ariticle on DE but I dont have a clue how densely it should be spread it around. Which is questionable. Im going to make some DIY traps tonight (thanks for that tip). How long will it take for the nematodes to kill the ants. Even though she was only in our home for a day prior to starting her Revolution, we are looking for something to treat our apartment, as we dont want anymore popping up. My parents dont. I dont recommend using the DE directly on your pets. You can dust her once or twice a week, just keep an eye on her skin because it can dry it out on some dogs. Maybe dandruff, shes always had that. I have seen no mention of anyone using it on human bedding, so I would love to hear your thoughts on that. I feel like I am out of resources now and debating whether if this problem existed before we moved in, it is our first summer with this home. Ok, enough chit-chat. Everywhere else says rubbing into skin is ok? I am unsure about the moisture and the calcium bentonite. The problem, he says, is that homeowners will often misapply or over-apply it. The present tapeworm should have been dealt with using a medication of some sort, or if self-treating, the DE. Thanks for your kind words, they are appreciated! Omg. Yes, lavender oil repels fleas so you can use that if you like. Used with permission. Gotta figure out what to do for the animals though. Filter grade DE is added to pool filter systems, where it captures small particleslike dirt and bacteriathat other filters might miss. I recommend using an icecream container (those plastic tub ones) and after punching small holes in it, use it to sprinkle the DE in the places that need it (kinda like a salt shaker). Was told it was safe to use on my 13 house cats, yes 13 cos they r so ate up with fleas. I put DE all over my carpet yesterday, I did not use a broom to sweep it into the carpet but Im going to do so after this comment. Its a good way to sprinkle your pets as well because it comes out of the sifter in a fine dust and not clumping. I also heard that DE (food-grade) worked well for getting rid of worms in cats. Plant your trap crop before your main crop so that the insects are attracted to your trap crop first. Ive read all the posts on this page, and found the probable explanation for my three dogs itchy tummies too frequent use of DE directly on their skins. I sprayed their curtains. Could I do that every morning and expect it to last the whole day? Oh, neem is green so your animals will have a green tint to them!! I wouldnt dump it on them, but 1/4 tsp or so per cat one time, plus whatever they do to themselves (which isnt too muchits not like its sitting in piles anywhere) seems to have helped a lot. Hi Barbara! Hi Jean, super glad to hear that it worked for you, and thanks for taking the time to share your experience . Glad you managed to get hold of it locally, definitely saves you a load of trouble. She was so sick from it I thought she was going to die. I can deal with a markedly improving situation over the next few days and then repeating the process for the next month to make sure theyre all dead and gone! Ive treated my car, having my father transport the pets back and forth because of the pesticides Ive used in it. Grateful for this informative site! I am battling a second flea infestation problem, I used boric acid, salt and baking soda mixture, and DE when if finally arrived.I used those products around the house and carpets the first time leaving the last treatment on the floor and carpets for 72 hours. I have put some DE on my cat directly and rubbed it in. I recommend that you just keep an eye on the situation and vacuum everything really well. What is Lime Treatment and Beneficial Nematodes? Please also consider sharing my blog with your friends . I dont usually recommend DE for dogs, its mainly for areas inside your house. They come out to feed on you or your pet, then go back to their hiding spots. Hi Rebecca, that is a fantastic idea, thank you for sharing! So far, no scratching for the cat except once today and outside of two flea sightings this morning before treatment Nothing. Thanks for the great tips and website this whole experience is nerve wracking and it helps to have others offering suggestions and sharing. I found one live flea in each room, does this indicate there are hundreds? Hi Gail, honestly, he should be fine, just keep an eye on him and clean it up if he is battling. Thanks for helping people with flea problems! Its rather overwhelming. My vet did not carry the bombs. Hi Kathy, agreed, white is better. Does using DE seem like an appropriate way to handle this situation? This article will help you choose the right Diatomaceous Earth Vs Nematodes For Fleas with more ease. If the infestation is bad, it is safe to use the Cheristin and have the collar one. I put the DE in an old flour sifter to use on my bed and my dogs. Should it be safe to release my cats to walk on it? We dont seem to be having a problem in the house but Im going to pick up some tea lights and make some flea traps to make sure. It has really helped lessen the amount of stink bugs that get into the house. I live on a farm, so its ok that the music is blasting. Im so relieved! Also, have you heard of the brand wolf creek DE It showed exact ingredient in the package unlike Silalive? Hi Alicia! We left the DE for 3 days and vacuumed, except under the beds where the cats hangout. I will do our carpets tomorrow. i would like to treat my whole house at the same time, but honestly dont have anywhere i can take them while its on the floor. We had a few weeks of constant cleaning, dusting, vacuuming, and washing laundry before we got back to normal. The DE was the only thing I felt safe using around my family and pets. That will work perfectly! It looses effectiveness when it gets damp, maybe that happened. Be vigilant. Awesome, please share this article with your friends . She has a strong interest in crafting content that will inspire and help pet parents make informed decisions. I am not saying that you wont be bitten from time to time (check out my article on flea bites) but they wont take up permanent residence in your hair for example. Thanks! Thanks for the heads up, yeah while it depends on the amount of DE being sucked up, it is definitely hard on the vacuums. 2% maximum of de in your pets ration. Alexis Morin is an avid gardener who resides on and manages a horse ranch in north Texas. so hope its good to hear i wasnt the only one that had trubles finding this product to. I just want to get that out the way first. Ive found them on their heads and other areas Im not sure how to use the powder there without getting it into their eyes. and roughly how much would be needed for 2 Jack Russel cross dogs? This is really stressing me out as we have a tiny baby and two toddlers. Ive left it down for a week at a time before vacuuming and Ive used it on the couches and chairs both under the cushions and on the surface of the cushions. Hope that helps. Karen. I am not even sure of our vacuum will pick up the DE. I figure tomorrow i will vacuum it up, do it every 3 days or so for the next 2 weeks and it should kill anything in my house, at least thats what i am hoping! Tomorrow Ill be blowing up the front yard with it, after first rain Ill attack lawn with dawn and sprayer. Since using the diatomaceous earth also known as d.e., they never had a bed bug problem again. Today we are going to talk about Beneficial Nematodes and Diatomaceous Earth. Used it once with no results. Hi! on the box it has a variety of animals on it and says its ok to use on them as well as the lady who rang me up said she uses it for her chickens. Would this plan work for DE application -> DE down on carpet for 2-3 days, then vacuum up, then DE immediately reapplied (so in effect DE two times a week or a continuous application for 4 weeks). Specifically say cats when advising about their liver no signs of flea dirt, so its ok the! Your pets as well was going to die have also sprayed multiple products inside the and! 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