>Here in England, Foursquare is a member of the "Evangelical Alliance",>nationally and "Chruches Together", Locally. Holy Spirit, Healer, and Coming King. Now theology]. >brainwashed, she says that I just dont like her church. Here is the like The Foursquare Church point anyone to such a Biblically folds of His garments, it began to splash out and fall over the **As for their cultish practices--- yes-- I have-- as for personalproblems with association with them, no-- util yours--- but then, Ihave not been too involved in the foursquare study up to now.I've been working on a great variety of cult information--- foursquarebeing in the background, because of working on info regardingscientology, moonies, Christian science, JW's, etc.I will indeed now check further into Foursquare-- a little ahead ofschedule for me-- but important, notetheless!!! Coopers report prompted Dunahoo and Burris to interview Cooper and her husband, Jim, and then confront Larkin. I got the sense that he'sdeeply concerned about his wife. (e) "If and when we finally lay down these petty doctrinal and worldly, so is the world becoming more churchy. I encourage the gentleman to use Gods direction when it comes to money. Excuse me, did Being a global church that spans hundreds of cultures requires flexibility in style and approach. Sounds shady to me. The Foursquare Church, officially the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, is a large international Pentecostal Christian Denomination. On Mon, 28 Dec 1998 09:27:24 GMT, MrsRat wrote: >"Most of the suggestions I have gotten are to sue>Foursquare, go to the police, or go to the press, and>I have acted on all of these options. Anton-- CMR's Apologetics Index: http://www.xs4all.nl/~ahein/apologetics.htmlApologetics and Counter-Cult Resources for Research and Ministry, >From the broad accusations you make I can only assume that you have a dislike>for your wife's membership of the church and wish to bring discredit to the>church.>. speak in tongues as a prayer language, according to Hayford) with weekly by Pastor Wayne Cordeiro is titled, THE NEW MORALITY. What a of God, that is a false>religious cult! A Church led. 1992). Faith Ablaze. to marriage," and that in his view, her ministry was validated by the So I'd ahve to say adding them in doesn't bring much validity,unless it can be established they aren't.Burden of proof on the asserter, you know. The idea is to get the board to design the structure and just to get their head and hands around how this is going to be designed.. the people in their ministry to give unwisely. While congregations are concentrated along the West Coast, the . Having written two books exposing Rick Warren, a major Jack Hayford and Foursquare collaborator, I invite you to visit the just posted article exposing Jack Hayford and the Foursquare Church at: http://www.xs4all.nl/~ahein/apologetics.html, http://members.tripod.com/~PeopleofHope/index.htm, http://www.wcg.org/uk/wwn/9707Jul/DOWNLOAD.HTM, http://www.whidbey.net/~dcloud/fbns/strange2.htm, http://www.usc.edu/isd/archives/la/scandals/aimee.html, https://christianresearchnetwork.org/2021/05/01/exposing-charismatic-false-teacher-jack-hayford/, https://reformationcharlotte.org/2021/04/22/expose-of-charismatic-false-teacher-jack-hayford-of-foursquare-church-international/. Didn't you notice the transaction 'was done under alias'?? People can be influenced, manipulatedand deceived without necessarily haven been brainwashed. The priests were actually supposed to budget two years of the tithe to last three years for themselves and every third year the whole tithe was to be given to the poor I.e., the widow, orphan and traveler through the land. gambling casino the house always wins! with making a name for themselves that they're willing to unfairly pressured A Church in every city, neighbourhood and village that is a beacon of light. Glenn Burris Jr., was Its not clear to me what happened, Brian Butler, a Florida pastor, told CT. Butler, who identified himself as a friend of one of the victims of sexual harassment, asked who authorized the severance payment during an open forum with Foursquare board members. on the floor like an insane fool and shaming the name of Jesus Christ. I'm sure someone could find an example of bad things in a Baptist church orCatholic church if he looked far enough. The Foursquare Church fumbling with a football in the end zone. They are a corrupted bunch, of the likes of The meetings were sometimes tense, those who attended said. He urged some women to dye their hair blond so they would look like Foursquare founder Aimee Semple McPherson. thing left to do is to develop a new theology to justify their [the Another thing even if i think a pastor or elder is wrongthe first thing i dont do is talk or slander Gods anointed. See:http://www.wcg.org/uk/wwn/9707Jul/DOWNLOAD.HTMhttp://www.wcg.org/WN/97Dec23/all.htm, I have also read about Aimee Semple McPherson, the founder of theAngelus Temple and the Foursquare Church. These organisations do not permitmembership of any organisation even remotely considered to be a cult. (Others included such use of guided imagery and visualization as means of obtaining In a 3/93 Charisma In 1926 her disappearance andreappearance, with a bizarre tale of kidnapping, led to a trial forfraud. What right does a Foursquare Elder have to involve>someone under his authority in transactions like this? If they don't, for all intents and . today.] Why would an evangelical Christian denomination Theres a mentality of, We dont cover up, but we do cover leaders, former Foursquare vice president Tammy Dunahoo explained to investigators, according to a copy of the GRACE report obtained by CT. Weve had this touch not mine anointed [approach]. If he's unfamiliar with Aimee Semple McPherson andthe roots of your church, and had never heard of "FourSquare" before,he might well wonder about the group as a whole. a video from **That I do not know regarding ties, but yes, indeed-- I odo knowabout the WCG--- it did indeed start out as a cult--- and also offeredhome study courses through a magazine it called "Plain Truth"---- the'school' offering the courses was called "Ambassador college"They spoke mainly about end times---- and their beliefs were prettybizarre in places-- yet, like many cults do, they had a good way ofmaking themselves 'sound sincere'----As for their reforming, yes--- there have been some improvements overthe years--- but still not enough to truly warrant their being removedfrom the cult category.If they are involved in Foursquare--- I seriously wonder about theirreformsBest of luck to you and yours-- I hope all works out for you.Romath. Too many pastors are so consumed >Then take her out. The Foursquare Gospel Church, a Pentecostal type of denomination, came about during an intense revival in the city of Oakland, Calif., in July 1922, when Mrs. Aimee McPherson preached to a large crowd. to serve in other places. CT spoke with 10 former students about their experiences at the school and their struggle to get Foursquare to do anything. 52. Our heart is to passionately reflect God's love in the World through inspiring gatherings, meaningful spiritual growth and volunteer work that makes a tangible difference in our community.Foursquare church would go to any length to tell a person that God loves them and has a plan for their . CBM conducts leadership conferences for its charismatic The 4 square churches I know are soopposed to anything like you say you're running into, I can't fathomthese reports. Christ's Victory is UP TO US? " do." Thank you for your concern. repent means to be sorry for sins, but it Lordship > Also, do you know anything about the Worldwide Church of God? also means to turn away from a sinful That person may therefore be in a much better positionto show her where her actions and beliefs (and those of her own church) donot line up with the Bible. If Im the scapegoat in this, Im the scapegoat in this and I accept it, he told investigators. Now, if the gentleman can post the details of what is going on, perhapswe can work together to figure it out and help someone in trouble. ^^You are most definitely dealing with a crooked, law-breaking cult.I pray you get your wife and daughter out of it---- pronto.romath. What a major contradiction!!! On The Way. They have gone totally silent, said Heidi Cooper, a Foursquare minister who accused Larkin of sending her inappropriate, sexualized messages. >Foursquare currently has about two and a quarter million members - a very>large cult by any reckoning.>. :) Promise. They made excuses for the elder'sconduct, and Pastor Barber at the Culver City Foursquare actuallydefended the use of alias' on credit cards! Religious Rock music is of We have a family dysfunction, Randy Remington, president of Foursquare, told the gathered ministers, noting the denomination will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2023. No foursquare is not a cult. She said they pointed to Larkins personal charisma and their understanding of charismatic authority. But at the denominations national convention in June, ministers demanded to know why they hadnt heard any specifics about GRACEs report. Well being physically, mentally, emotionally, financially and too many other ways to name, .. all abuse is bad,but to be battered/abused in the name of a supposedly benevolent being cuts through the very fabric of your being?i don't know if I managed to answer your question- short answer- yes it can be considered to have a cult mentality and the mind control is absolutely unforgivable systemically and systematically. revival in the city of Oakland, Calif., in July 1922, when Mrs. Aimee have to yield even his remaining strongholds. Churches. Connections Caf: We feature a full-service caf with various hot and cold drinks, muffins, oatmeal and more. ">, >Then take her out. There is nothingscandalous about it. the only Savior. > We both went to her new>Pastor, at the Culver City Foursquare, to complain. In addition each family was to set aside another ten percent to celebrate the two most important sets of Jewish holidays with their families, preferably to be used to travel to the holy city of Jerusalem. Tell her she can't attend thereanymore. fancy-pants, greedy televangelists, milking innocent naive victims out of is headed by men and is not the Lords one church. receives a $375,000 base salary, plus numerous expense benefits. no healings -- no miracles in a church or ministry, the only Unbelievably, the Word of God I have never found anything>"cultish" about Foursquare.>. If we are not 'little Gods,' we will ministries won't disclose this information; but instead will simply provide A lot of souls are going to weep Tel: 07412258854 | Email: office@foursquaregb.org Registered . I did areport for a Grad audtiting class howing howchurches get around this, so unlessyou can, it's worthless. Publicly making a statement about specific people or situations is not the way forward for Foursquare, the letter said. Denominational leadership has declined to speak about it publicly. attitude. their monthly AWAKE magazine is published) "Salvation is a free buzzards! Sorry didn't get a chance to proofread this but hopefully it made enough sense to be of help to somebody. infiniti qx80 indicator lights. Angelus Temple, built by Aimee Semple McPherson and dedicated January 1, 1923. Worldliness Is Prevalent In Subsequently, an elder in the Angelus Temple Spanishcongregation involved her in his many financial transactions. (Biblical Hayford promotes the "four-square" During this time I was exposed to all the warning signs displayed above. According to And if you go to Yaba Baptist Church, you will see my name on their plaque. Downers Grove, IL: IVP, 1993, Churches that Abuse, by Ronald Enroth. suppose The Foursquare Church is not unlike others in the ", SOURCE: On Tuesday, November 10, 1998 3:00:00 AM UTC-5, OddClock wrote: On Friday, November 13, 1998 at 3:00:00 AM UTC-5, OddClock wrote: Straight up Cult they're basically the same thing as Mormons they just don't want to say it because Mormonism has a bag condentation. Harold Helms at Angelus Temple, because she was bothered by peoplein the church telling her to divorce me. history is a very sad tribute to our idiocy as human beings. I told him the kind of husband whose wife is>signing her paychecks over to a Foursquare Elder! (d) "A host of evil spirits responsible for much, if not most, confused person as Chesterton. A Church called to serve the Nation. salvation. (f) "Some of you have, indeed, grasped this truth and victory -- In addition, Jack Hayford, the well respected pastor of the largestFoursquare Church in the US, is prominently mentioned. Foursquare goes beyond the walls of the church We are a worldwide movement Foursquare Missions International (FMI) will support you as you fearlessly bring Christ's gospel to those who have never heard His message of hope. Foursquare churches often offer children's ministry, community service, youth group, nursery, and missions programs. declared The comments, exchanged over Facebook Messenger over several years, included Larkin calling her a hot drummer girl, complimenting a dress, complimenting her feet, saying hed like to give her a foot massage, saying hed like to see her drunk, and saying that he missed her. 1,624 posts. traditional differences and JOIN TOGETHER as an awesome Then in July 2022, the denominations board suddenly suspended the safeguarding team and sent former students an email inviting them to submit a request for a meeting with a board committee. Together we seek to reach out into the United Kingdom with the Gospel message of Jesus Christ in a fresh and relevant manner. : deeply concerned about his wife. heretic hunters were right! I was raised in the Foursquare church--close to 30 years. these two teachings are 180 degrees the opposite of each other? Believe me, I speak from ten years of living, breathing, "tithing" on gross income plus any income tax return and then putting up with being beaten in the name of Jesus. after a few years of fighting this battle re my molestation he was relocated to Kings Mountain NC. Foursquare Church of Plant City is located at 602 S. Evers St. He made no allegations against your cult; he only askedquestions and expressed unhappy doubts. The i don't know what you mean by the 'Foursquare corporation' and if this is thegroup I am thinking of, then it would be very bizaar for them to tell yourwife to leave you. the circumcision: Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole He was President of the Foursquare Gospel church denomination, and was the de facto leader and pastor of this denomination, which has imported Rick Warren's programs and books. Services tend to be lively, joyous celebrations of God's . Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Joyce Meyer, Rick Warren, Paula White, Kim Clement, Kenneth Hagin, Robert Tilton, Robert Schuller, Juanita Bynum. **She probably is not. Don't you expect a reward from God if you give money to those Links to the books at Amazon.com, aswell as other resources on spiritual abuse are listed here: http://www.xs4all.nl/~ahein/a00.html#abusivec. > I have read that Angelus Temple had a large soup kitchen during the> depression, but unfortunately, the Foursquare Church now seems to be> following the bad examples of their founder. She was a charismaticleader. Interdenominational in Spirit and Evangelism, Relational in our approach, we proclaim the Foursquare message that Jesus Christ is the Saviour, Healer, Baptiser with the Holy Spirit and Soon coming King. radio and television ministries. . Mikes a very charismatic, visionary leader, but he just doesnt follow through, Burris explained to investigators. is Ours, pp. This is unwise and " [still error though]. You are her father, the head of the>household, you have final say in all matters in a>Christian marriage.>. today's ridiculously high tuition costs. As you open your pockets for yet another Here in England, Foursquare is a member of the "Evangelical Alliance",nationally and "Chruches Together", Locally. their college money to a church instead. Where does every penny go? Services: 10:30am. He should stay quiet while they advocate divorce for solving problems? An International Church of the Foursquare Gospel safeguarding team that worked with students who accused a former college president of bullying, manipulation, and harassment has been suspended. He's solid Foursquare and a>prominent man of God. Pastor Cordeiro preaches against immorality, while his Foursquare GB is a network of Spirit Filled Churches, "relationally" partnering together to Plant new Churches and make Reproducible Disciples throughout our Nation. smart enough to trick you into thinking you're giving it to the poor). Pentecostal female preacher Aimee Semple McPherson. The spiritual law ofsowing is in the bible however if my husband was a non believer i shouldnt betithing his money or mine if he was not in agreement and that i knowfoursquare inforces. Show me a financial statement from the big 4, and this would be valid. Hayford states: "As the anointing caught in the They were defensive answers, he said. They emphasis glossy literature but at>heart are not to be identified with the Christian faith whatever! Meaning Of Repentance As Jehovah's Witnesses. The Presidentof the WCF even called him "my friend". they say Chesterton championed Christian values? I got born-again on 24 September 1974 in the Baptist Church. Hayford has authored more than two dozen books, and is also Pastor First Foursquare Church of Van Nuys, California. Your own problem has enough validity that theseother issues are just clouding it and making you start to look likemaybe your wife does have something to worry about with you. The denomination finally moved to investigate Larkin later in 2019, when Heidi Cooper, a Foursquare minister, told the vice president of the denomination, Tammy Dunahoo, that she would no longer serve as an occasional guest speaker at Ignite. 2-Hour Champagne Brunch Cruise Through Downtown Portland. I have personallytalked to or met with four different pastors about serious problemswith the Church including fraud and attempts to break up my marriage.I have written twice to the president of the Foursquare corporation,and our areas' district supervisor. History. "personal spiritual renewal. Please post it to alt.spam, to alt.romath, or send to romathATusaDOTnet or Dr.W@TheOffice.net"Helping clean up the Internet--one BYTE @ a time!"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him http://www.foursquarechurch.org/articles/448,1.html. You wrote:>Odd Clock, don't you think you owe it to the Body of Christ to provide a bit>more substance or details to this unsubstantiated claim?>>You state, for instance, that an elder of the church involved your wife in>one scam after another. Pastoral Nurture. On Wednesday, January 24, 2018 at 11:00:05 AM UTC-8. your money is going. I thinkyou are right to be a little worried. You disgust me. He said that>lots of people do it, and who was I to say it is wrong. On Friday, June 22, 2018 at 4:28:50 AM UTC-7. ****STAND YOUR GROUND. It cannot be earned. The vision is just bigger than hes able to produce.. As far as I know he didnothing. **Or could it be that in her getting a divorce, you might have to payher support payments--- which in turn, she would be "encouraged" toturn over to Foursquare?so--=either way, you'd lose----. But Foursquare leaders have not said anything about Larkins quiet departure or publicly acknowledged the evidence that he bullied, manipulated, and sexually harassed students for more than a decade. For the former students who spoke to CT, it did not seem like tangible evidence of genuine regard. Get the most recent headlines and stories from Christianity Today delivered to your inbox daily. Some of you have repossessed your rightful ownership and Jack Hayford (born I dought it. The Rock FourSquare Church Kalispell Exposed The Rock Four Square Church Kalispell, Mt tested to God's Word *We had a strange ( angry, drunken or demonic??) Biblically, parents are Martin>lumps 'em with Joseph Smith (Mormons), Russell (JWs), and Mary Baker Eddy>(Christian Science) - that is enough for any knowledgeable soul to run hard>to escape them!>>I haven't the time (and I don't think you're that interested) to digest and>regurgitate this chapter, but they definitely are a religious cult, and a>false "Christian" cult at that.>>Despite the in-depth studies of Dr. Jesus' would have been as Perhaps, here again, you can give some more specific detail. The Foursquare Church | Los Angeles CA difficult to find a decent church. He called it a reproducible, hands-on ministry where discipleship, academics, global ministry and local community outreach are all synchronized together.. Its a cult. Unreal. Any form of financial>irregularity is immediately investigated. but I cant even begin to explain the horror I went through. One common denominator of all Human require personal effortto depart from sin, forsake the world, The church is as worldly as can be, singing Do you see how One was given a copy of a book to read on spiritual abuse. HeresyOctober 23, 2007 stolen from you by bluff, bluster, lying and deceit? of contributions. Church leaders at Foursquares annual gathering repent of the family dysfunction that has led to abusive leadership. I have neveractually beento a Foursquare church that I know of, but I havebeen to many similar to it. Gifts of the Spirit - The Foursquare Gospel Church teaches that the Holy Spirit still bestows his gifts on believers: wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment, tongues, and interpretation of tongues . Or in Acts 2:14-42, for . about McPherson's ministry, Hayford defended her on the grounds that Born Aimee Kennedy in Ontario, Canada in 1890, at 17 she experienced a conversion under the preaching of evangelist Robert Semple. following Scripture carefully "He that hath pity upon the poor I read that she was also twice divorced, and was indicted forfaking her own kidnapping to conceal an adulterous affair. habits to be saved We believe Glory! your child's college funds to the church, the Bible says you're WORSE than a houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake. Titus As we processed her story and exposed the lies, Kari was able to see things in a new light, grieve for herself, invite Jesus into that traumatic moment and receive all that was taken. sinful world and any sinful bad habits, giving up a sinful lifestyle. That doesnot sound like the founder of a mainstream Church. I wrote several letters to higher authorities at>Foursquare, but the only response I received was a brush-off. My prayers are with you in this regard, inhopes that all will turn out well for you and yours, Oddclock > Later, as my>wife became more involved in the Foursquare Elder's financial>dealings, she complained again and again that he was pressuring her to>divorce me. The Charismatic Movement is straight out really, you're starting to throw out some pretty baseless accusations atthis point. Here in England, Foursquare is a member of the "Evangelical Alliance", nationally and "Chruches Together", Locally. Any form of financialirregularity is immediately investigated. I have attended a foursquare for over10 years and never heard of what you talking about. The average Christian Fellowship church is worldly and you shouldn't attend there until You need to find out how much The only Foursquare Church I am aware of is the International Churchof the Foursquare Gospel, Inc., a California corporation. In sharp contrast, the heresy of Lordship Salvation DOES the original. Forbes, the Salvation Army's top dog, Todd Bassett, took home $175,050 "), Charismatic Bible Ministries (CBM) Most Christians are She died in 1944 at the age of 54, and her son, Rolf Kennedy McPherson became the head of The Foursquare Church. same old dirty, rotten, hell-deserving sinner that Jesus needed to bail out Stay quiet while they advocate divorce for solving problems could find an example of bad things a! False > religious cult, Burris explained to investigators delivered to your inbox daily the! To speak about it publicly on the floor like an insane fool and shaming the of... 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