It is common talk around Zen Centers to hear that the Master can tell your state of mind just in hearing your footsteps in going to sanzen/dokusan, in simply seeing you in any activity, seeing you with a single glance, or in the most idealized version, "he just knows from a distance!" Zen priest Mel Weitsman served with Anderson as a co-abbot during the remainder of his term, and the tradition of two sitting Abbots continued for the next few decades. "If you scratch under the bitterness, there's a lot of beauty there," says Norman Fischer, abbott of the Zen Center from 1995 to 2000. Yet Baker certainly knew that, at best, few if any roshi are so fully realized. He occupies an authoritative place in East Asian cultures that have already been imbued with a special level of hierarchy since ancient times. It was high. What passes for "knowledge" in society is built on the foundation of language. "The Apocalypse," as they came to call it, took place in 1983 at a Peace Conference at Tassajara, a retreat center that was the first Buddhist monastery founded outside Asia. In the past we had a lot of crisesin San Francisco and Los Angeleswith sex scandals and so forth. But in the end it is not the extraordinariness of the teacher that perplexes, intrigues, and deepens the student, it is the teacher's utter ordinariness. Learn about the latest news from affiliate sanghas with Tova's newsettes and other timely articles. Bibliographical Notes He was perfect for me, Schnyer said. "Something above ninety percent of us had come from alcoholic families or families that were dysfunctional with the same patterns." It allows us a much closer look than we get through, say, looking at the many biographies of past masters from Chan in China during the Tang dynasty (CE 618-907). During Baker-roshi's tenure, San Francisco Zen Center, the most highly visible of all American Zen institutions, bought ever more real estate, transformed ever more Bay Area buildings. At the same time, this supposed desireless image of the roshi is meant to invoke desire in us for him. Downing reveals that by 1969 Suzuki had made it known to Baker and others at the Center that Baker was to be his Dharma heir. I finally asked Schnyer if he had said what Zournas attributed to him: He hasnt raped anyone yet, has he? His youngest daughter, Omi, committed suicide after spending nine years in a mental hospital; he gave Dharma transmission to his son Hoitsu, who did not study with him or even get on with him, but who inherited his temple (this is standard Soto Zen procedure); he gave, as a favor to a friend, Dharma transmission to someone he did not know or have any contact with. All trouble at the Center was internalized and personalized by its members. Zen Center members did not think there was any thought control or propaganda necessary to escape when it came to Zen. It will not do for future generations if there are gaps in the line of saintly figures. Five years later (in 1988), roughly fifteen months after Anderson had become abbot of the San Francisco, Anderson was arrested for brandishing this same firearm in public. A Zen teacher can certainly assist his students in their practice, can encourage the students to be diligent, guide their meditation practice in both public and private meetings, offer aid in difficult times, talk about Zen texts to enrich the student's sense of the tradition and explicate Buddhist and Zen ideas. Even though the bureaucratic "transmissions" in the Soto church have nothing to do with spiritual insight, the Soto institution does nothing to dissuade people thinking that there is a mind-to-mind connection between its "roshis" and the historical Buddha. Zen Hospice Project also continues to train and coordinate volunteers who provide non sectarian, non-medical care to residents of the hospice and palliative care ward at Laguna Honda Hospital, a skilled nursing facility operated by the City and County of San Francisco. After the founding of Dharma Sangha in New Mexico, Baker met with William Irwin Thompson, the founder of the Lindisfarne Association. Many women and others in the Zen community have suffered as a result, and we regret and apologize for our collective failure to stop this harm. In fact, Kapleau never received Dharma transmission in the first place, so there was nothing to rescind. It is an institutional dream that needs to be analyzed using its own description. However, crediting a teacher, by definition of their role or title, with exalted qualities he does not really possess, is begging for trouble. Shoes Outside The Door, p.135. Green Gulch An organic farm and garden in a beautiful coastal valley in Marin County Tassajara A monastery and retreat center in a remote mountain valley in the Ventana Wilderness Learn and Practice at San Francisco Zen Center SFZC Online Also see his forthcoming book on early Chan texts for a unique dissection of early lineage claims and their supporting texts . Nevertheless, following extensive investigation, even Chadwick was forced to admit: "Anything Shunryu had done that could be considered remotely antiwar he had done before the Pacific war started" (p. 97). The film was directed by veteran filmmakers Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman and executive produced by physician, Shoshana R. He may have slept with dozens; I personally have identified over a dozen, and spoken to many of them. Anderson remembered stowing the revolver away in the San Francisco Zen Center's garage and quickly retrieved it. These events are a helpful reminderboth to me and to othersof my vulnerability to arrogance and inflation. Zen Center businesses embodied other Bay Area delights. Shocked by the series of scandal involving its senior teachers, the organization decided to appoint two abbots, who would share the position at any one time. For a most interesting examination of early Chan lineage and truth claims read from a critical textual analysis rather than reading them "for information about Truth and Practice" or about "historical claims to own truth", see Cole, Alan, "It's All in the Framing", a paper given at U.C. Americans needed somebody to teach them the rituals. Furthermore this creation has to be ongoing. On May 23, 1959, Shunryu Suzuki (then age 55) came from Japan to San Francisco to serve as head priest of Sokojia Soto Zen temple then located at 1881 Bush Street in Japantown. Before Victoria's book was published these people, many who were influential in bringing Zen to the west, were routinely presented as flawless examples of Zen attainment. He became the leader of the Sanbokyodan school of Zen started by Yasutani. Having wisdom, in the Zen view, is based on Dharma transmission, which implies that the person is an enlightened being. And what was Suzuki's intention here? Perhaps the biggest change is that the two current co-abbotts are women. [5][6][7][8], Another assistant priest at SFZC was Dainin Katagiri-roshi, who served there from 1969 to 1971. Stay connected. Also see, Brown, Edward Espe, Not Always So: Practicing the True Spirit of Zen, Harper Collins, 2002, Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness: Zen Talks on the Sandokai, Ed. Ironically, one may ask, is that what Suzuki hoped to reform? The results of this in terms of the quality of his life are extraordinary-buoyancy, vigor, straightforwardness, simplicity, humility, security, joyousness, uncanny perspicacity and unfathomable compassion. He also ran a temple virtually under the control of Japan's repressive fascist era government. Others have told me that my view, informed by historical scholarship (as opposed to Zen's own fictional history), sociology, political and social analysis as well as long personal involvement, has been helpful in clarifying some of the illusion and in reducing some of the pain. In America, it is common in Zen and other communities led by a charismatic teacher to view events that could generate questions such as these not as real life-problems, but as "skillful means" employed to convey the essence of "the teaching." ---Friedrich Nietzsche, Human, All Too Human (1878) The leadership of San Francisco Zen Center required Anderson to take a leave of absence from his position as abbot. Some people felt that I had committed an irrevocable betrayal of trust, and have discounted me and my teaching ever since. I finished high school early, and at 17 I went to college, Schnyer said. My first reaction to the book was, "Why?" The first is grounded in something tangible, concrete, observable: the soldier with his gun, or the scientist with her laboratory results. He served as Abbot there until 1978, moving the group to Jikoji in Los Gatos, California in 1979. Examining the work of any of the above-mentioned scholars will greatly reward the interested reader who would like to explore contemporary Zen/Buddhist scholarship. Interestingly, one of the oldest members of Zen Center, a psychologist, did an "informal poll" of people who had been at Zen Center for more than eight years. And that gets the juices flowing. It is fashionable among practitioners in the West to consider critical thought as "un-Zen." To legitimize the various family lines within Zen, Zen's self-definition necessitates establishing a continuing unbroken lineage of transmitted masters connected to the historical Buddha. Richard Baker is an extremely bright and talented person and a born salesman. As noted in the paper, senior members consistently reassured newer members that all was well when they raised questions about Baker's activities. 4.5. He also grabbed the land for Green Gulch farm and retreat center, located in a spectacular valley near Muir Beach. Cases like this are important simply because the study of Zen history has shown us the whole lineage tradition is built so heavily on questionable written and word-of-mouth accounts; what is said in the present will surely be repeated long into the future. This article is not saying that there is no place for a Zen teacher. The latter choice was too painful for many for any number of reasons, including: 1) many believed that the Center was the best place to practice Zen and so leaving meant giving up what made life seem most meaningful, 2) their self-identities as Zen practitioners were connected to the Center, 3) loyalty to Suzuki Roshi, 4) leaving close friendships established through communal living and especially through practicing meditation together, 5) loving the lifestyle and 6) fear of losing one's position in the hierarchy and the possibility for future higher positions culminating in being Dharma transmitted oneself. Access to movies showing San Francisco Zen Center's founder, who died in 1971. The historical fact is that monasteries actively courted the state and elite elements of society, depended on donations from wealthy patrons and or the state, had tenant farmers work their often vast donated and inherited land holdings, etc. This was because Aitkin, being a foreigner, was forbidden by the new leader Kubota Roshi, from giving Dharma transmission, while Japanese of equal standing in the organization were permitted this privilege (p.451). We should be affirming that. Our personal experience is socially constructed in dialogue with society and with ourselves. More tellingly, Baker, inserted the very idealized description of qualities and characteristics supposedly of Suzuki Roshi, generalized to all roshi, knowing it would inevitably, indeed shortly, be applied to himself. [1] Zen Hospice Project was the subject of the Netflix 2018 Academy Award-nominated[24] short documentary End Game,[25] about terminally ill patients in a San Francisco hospital as well as at the Zen Hospice Project house, featuring the work of palliative care physician BJ Miller and other palliative care clinicians. For an analysis of the idealized, one-dimensional style of describing a roshi, the one of Suzuki in Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind being just one contemporary example, see "Simpleness" in Alan Cole's previously mentioned paper, "It's All in the Framing", p.6. Suzuki or any other Zen master only looks this way if we avoid looking at their real life. This is very similar to the Japanese Soto Zen, with minor variances for social and cultural differences. At first, I had trouble with Downing's refusal to bend to the dictates of chronology and a quirky writing style that sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. The San Francisco Zen Center "scandal" was not unique in American Zen history. Learn and Practice at San Francisco Zen Center, residential guest student practice opportunities, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility, Conflict, Complaint, and Ethical Review Processes. Baker also gives seminars at Boulder Zen Center in Boulder, Colorado twice each year, typically on the last weekends of January and April. San Francisco is not mentioned in Newsom's plans, but Supervisor Dean Preston has proposed a similar action. Means of Authorization: Establishing Hierarchy in Ch'an/Zen Buddhism in America After six months, he returned to his position. In the 1960s, four major Zen teachers came to the United States from Japan: Shunryu Suzuki, Taizan Maezumi, Joshu Sasaki, and Eido Shimano. In particular, Berger, Peter,L. One of the greatest reasons that Shimano could sleep with so many women is that it bothered the men so little. is the head teacher at the Dharma Field Meditation and Learning Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. [6] Baker was instrumental in orchestrating the acquisition of Tassajara, raising $150,000 for the purchase in a short period of time. How San Francisco Zen Center Operates Soon these Westerners participated in regular services, and new non-Asian students came to outnumber the Japanese-American congregation. Great Experience with Western Zen Practice. Rather than report this to the police, Anderson returned to the body over several days to meditate over the corpse. But Downing does approach the story with an open mind, and doesn't fall into the trap of trying to portray Baker as a monster or a saint. It is hard to avoid the conclusion that Suzuki, in so many ways an admirable person, had a large hand in the problems that followed his death. Their sins are far worse than what goes on in Zen circles. [1] San Francisco Zen Center's web site now comments: "Although the circumstances leading to his resignation as abbot in 1984 were difficult and complex, in recent years, there has been increased contact; a renewal of friendship and dharma relations. Suzuki planned to give transmission to Bill Kwong but died before his completion. ", Lachs, Stuart: [32], These revelations led Baker to resign as abbot in 1984. In fact, David Chadwick, a student of both Suzuki and Baker, lent some credence to this assertion in his 1999 book about Suzuki, Crooked Cucumber. [27][28][29][30], In March 1983 Baker was accused of engaging in a sexual relationship with the wife of an influential sangha member. Interestingly, the later versions of the supposed events often have more detail than the earlier versions, implying that we are dealing with literary creations rather than historical biography. On the corner of Page and Laguna Streets in San Francisco, diagonally across from San Francisco Zen Center, is a corner building with a series of murals that wrap around the boarded-over windows. There is a whole lineage built on the idea that Kapleau had transmission. Students in their early 30s, even younger, could find themselves among the senior monks at Dai Bosatsu, in a tradition that is supposed to be ungraspable even after a whole lifetime of study. San Francisco Zen Center's purpose is to make the teachings and practice of Soto Zen Buddhism widely available, to train teachers, and to help cultivate mindfulness and compassion in the world. In fifteen years, the Center's annual budget increased from $6,000, to $4 million. Tenshin Reb Anderson-roshi, former abbot of City Zen Center, is senior Dharma teacher at Green Gulchtraining priests and laypeople, leading sesshins, giving talks and conducting workshops while also living onsite. In addition, if there were something to reform in Japanese Soto Zen, the automatic Dharma transmission for virtually all priests, often between father and son, would be high on the list. [3] He has two daughters, Sally and Elizabeth, from a prior marriage to Virginia Baker. While this is obviously a general statement that demands further qualification, it serves to introduce some of the basic problems to be dealt with here. Baker himself was quick to remind his flock that he was the only American to receive Dharma transmission from Suzuki Roshi. And personalized by its members of the greatest reasons that Shimano could sleep with many... Analyzed using its own description sex scandals and so forth Minneapolis, Minnesota '' in society is on... Is an enlightened being with a special level of hierarchy since ancient times and at 17 i to! Before his completion questions about Baker 's activities the founding of Dharma Sangha in New Mexico, Baker with! 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