Corporate Equality Index, 2022. (he/him) To secure full credit for benefits criteria, each benefit must be available to all benefits-eligible U.S. employees. a. Benefits for same-sex partners 3. Workplace culture and analytics leader SAS received the top score of 100 on the Human Rights Campaign Corporate Foundation's 2022 Corporate Equality Index (CEI). , For companies with operations outside of the U.S., the policy must be extended across the global workforce. It is important to note that while Bostock brings meaningful protections to many LGBTQ+ people, Title VII applies only to employers with 15 or more employees, leaving many LGBTQ+ workers without these critical protections. Although there has been great progress seen in the area of LGBTQ+ issues, there is still much work left to be done. After wide-scale education and outreach efforts, the 2019 CEI resumed enforcement of the standard for both same- and different-sex domestic partner benefits. of CEI-rated employers (510 of 1,271 respondents) allow employees the option to self-identify as LGBTQ+ in anonymous employee engagement surveys or as part of data collection on confidential employee forms and 37% (470 of 1,271 respondents) allow self-identification in the HRIS system. Baird has approximately 4,600 associates serving the needs of individual, corporate, institutional and municipal clients and more than $385 billion in client assets as of June 30, 2021. After years of working with corporate partners, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders, including embassies and the American Chamber of Commerce, the HRC Foundation partnered with Alianza por la Diversidad e Inclusin Laboral (ADIL) to officially launch the HRC Equidad MX: Workplace Equality Program in 2016. FutureLearn: Online Courses and Degrees from Top Universities Committed to being a great workplace, Baird ranked No. While this historically bad year has been the backdrop of the 2021 legislative session, 44 new pro-equality laws were also passed. The Corporate Equality Index is a project of the Workplace Equality Program at the Human Rights Campaign Foundation. : financial, in kind or pro bono support), Demonstrated public support for LGBTQ+ equality under the law through local, state or federal legislation or initiatives, d. LGBTQ+ Corporate Social Responsibility, Contractor/supplier non-discrimination standards AND Philanthropic Giving Guidelines. The updated areas of impact for the criteria will be as follows: Driving equality in LGBTQ+ family formation; Raising the standards for transgender-inclusive healthcare by expanding the mandatory service and treatment options; Best practices for utilizing intersectional examination of workplace inequality through training and data collection; Mandatory gender transition guidelines and workplace policies to promote and ensure gender inclusivity; and. For the second year in a row, the company was recognized in the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's 2022 Corporate Equality Index (CEI), the standard for measuring policies and practices that promote a LGBTQ-inclusive workplace. The bottom line is undeniable in a global marketplace, equality knows no borders. Employers presence at these and other events sends a clear message to potential employees that LGBTQ+ diversity is part of company culture, and that LGBTQ+ candidates are valued as the best and the brightest across industries, geographies and trades. To earn a top rating of 100 percent, a business needed not just to mitigate one or more exclusions but also to address the root problem of transgender exclusion in coverage and fully affirm healthcare coverage for medically necessary transition-related care and other routine and chronic conditions. Over 50 persons who identified as transgender or non-binary are known to have experienced violent deaths in 2021, with more than 50% of those victims being Black or Latinx. Models Of Brand Equity. of CEI rated employers explicitly include sexual orientation as a part of their nondiscrimination policy. In the absence of sexual orientation and gender identity protections through federal and consistent state law, LGBTQ+ individuals remain vulnerable to discrimination in housing, access to public places, federal funding, credit, education, jury service, and, in some cases, employment (for employees not covered under Title VII). Inclusive Benefits (30 points possible) To secure full credit for benefits criteria, each benefit must be available to . Partner Across the country, 44 religious refusal bills were filed including about a dozen so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) bills and a dozen more bills that would allow for religious refusals, including against LGBTQ+ patients, in medical care. Equity: Generally speaking, equity is the value of an asset less the amount of all liabilities on that asset. Employers were not rated until all appropriate information had been gathered and verified to the greatest extent possible. Over the last seven years, countless companies in all 50 states have spoken out against attempts to undermine LGBTQ+ civil rights. In June of 2020, the Supreme Court held in Bostock v. Clayton County that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects against discrimination for LGBTQ+ employees. RaShawn Hawkins, SHRM-CP (she/her) is the Deputy Director of the Workplace Equality Program at the Human Rights Campaign Foundation. 258 OF THE FORTUNE 500-RANKED BUSINESSES achieved a 100 percent rating (compared to 233 last year), with 15 of the top 20 Fortune-ranked businesses at this top score. That quest to bring joy is at the center of every business decision we make. Rating Criteria for the Corporate Equality Index. As the national benchmarking tool measuring policies, practices and benefits pertinent to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) employees, the Human Rights Campaign Foundations Corporate Equality Index is a primary driving force for LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion. REDWOOD CITY, Calif. -- Impossible Foods Inc. received a perfect score of 100% on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's 2021 Corporate Equality Index, the nation's foremost benchmarking report on corporate equity and policy. of CEI-rated employers (984 of 1,271 respondents) have Managers/Supervisors undergo training that includes gender identity and sexual orientation as discrete topics (this may be a part of a broader training), and provides definitions or scenarios illustrating the policy for each. The Human Rights Campaign Foundation is excited to share the upcoming changes to the CEI and is grateful for the opportunity to raise the bar for LGBTQ+ inclusive workplaces. While Bostock explains that discrimination on the basis of sex necessarily includes discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, those words are not explicitly enumerated. 138 companies, from nearly every industry, participated in the CEI for the first time this year. Working hand-in-hand with both U.S.-based and international businesses, HRC made the case that inclusion efforts did not have to be contained to any one border. Recognizing the differences in businesses rated in the CEI, this criterion can also be met with an organization-wide diversity council or working group with a mission that specifically includes LGBTQ+ diversity and inclusion. An outstanding 1,271 companies actively participated in the CEI 2022 Survey. Businesses' Commitment to LGBTQ+ Employees, 15 of the Top 20 Fortune-Ranked Companies Received 100% Ratings. (she/her/they/them)(Business Council Co-Chair)Chief Executive Officer Determines the value of diversity management for the future. Thank you to Robert Villaflor, Josette Matoto and Carly Fox for editorial and design guidance. Equitable policies and benefits are critical to LGBTQ+ inclusion in the workforce but alone are not sufficient to support a truly inclusive culture within a workplace. Employee inclusion. The results of the 2022 CEI showcase how companies . The Equality Act creates clear, consistent protections to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in employment ensuring that LGBTQ+ employees are hired, fired, and promoted based on their performance. Supplier diversity initiatives are a win-win relationship for both the LGBTQ+ owned small businesses and the businesses that contract them. These two newest programs, Equidad AR and Equidade BR, were created in partnership with Instituto de Polticas Pblicas LGBT (AR), Instituto Mais Diversidade (BR), and Forum de Empresas de Direitos LGBTI+ (BR) to recognize employers in Latin American countries that are committed to adopting critical LGBTQ+ inclusive policies and practices for their employees and assisting in the global advancement of LGBTQ+ equality. Policy includes gender identity or expression for all operations. According to the study by Popular Information, it's also "Divide all year" as Comcast has donated more than $1.1m to anti-LGBTQ+ politicians in the past two years. The Bank earns 100 percent on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's annual assessment of LGBTQ+ workplace equality. Accordingly, we will be raising the bar for CEI participants in 2023 to reflect new opportunities companies can seize to support their LGBTQ+ workers. #4 - Resulting Value. While mission statements of ERGs are specific to LGBTQ+ inclusion, an increasing number of ally-identified colleagues are encouraged to join as membership is not limited to those who are LGBTQ+ but is open to all supporters of equality. In terms of benefits, the HRC Foundation evaluates employers on the provision of health insurance coverage for same- and different-sex spouses and partners. Employee resource groups that are focused on the LGBTQ+ workforce empower employees as change agents and promote inclusion for LGBTQ+ employees within the workplace. Thank you to JoDee Winterhof, Molly Meegan, Cathryn Oakley, David Stacy and Sarah Warbelow for legal and policy guidance. These best practices will require a company to include the option to self-identify in human resource systems, the option to self-identify in confidential surveys, or the option to provide the members of the board (leadership body) with a means of self-identification. In the 2022 CEI, 842 employers achieved a top score of 100 and earning the coveted title of Best Place to Work for LGBTQ+ Equality.. Out of an abundance of understanding for participating companies, credit was given for spousal equivalent benefits in the 2016-18 CEIs. Additionally, strategies for implementing the four components of the Corporate Equality Index into a company may vary from state to state, depending on the laws and regulations regarding workplace diversity. HRC, its partners, and supporters will continue to work toward the goal of all 50 states having LGBTQ+ non-discrimination protections written into law. From 2006 through 2011, a top CEI score meant businesses needed to mitigate at least one exclusion among five critical categories of transgender healthcare, namely: mental health, pharmacy benefits for hormone therapy, medical visits and lab procedures related to hormone therapy, surgical procedures, and short-term leave for surgical procedures. The 20th-anniversary edition of the CEI now includes over 1,200 participants and more than 800 top scorers. of those companies with an officially recognized LGBTQ+ employee group (1,011 of 1,046) report the ERG is expressly for LGBTQ+ and Allied employees. Tyson Foods, Michelle Phillips Who are the experts? The scheduled roll-out of the new criteria will enable us to devote substantial time, energy, and resources to collaborate with companies in an effort to bring real change to the community. The widely used Transgender Inclusion in the Workplace: A Toolkit for Employers (available at is a comprehensive resource to guide employer transgender inclusion efforts. (2019). As Deputy Director, RaShawn leads the teams work to create tools for employers to deepen their LGBTQ+ inclusion efforts including training & education programs, policy guidance and employee engagement resources. Specifically, where available for employees, the following benefits should all extend to transgender individuals, including for transition-related services. Below I propose four strategies that all organizations can pursue today to finally make an impact. Workforce Protections (5 points possible), 2. Chief Accounting Officer The National LGBT Chamber of Commerce began certifying LGBTQ+ owned small businesses in 2002, a process that requires substantiation of majority LGBTQ+ ownership in a business and verification of a business good standing in the community. Non-discrimination policies 2. The Human Rights Campaign reports on news, events and resources of the. With many multinational companies employing persons outside of the United States, HRC encouraged CEI participants to consider how their adopted inclusive policies and practices could and would impact their workforces in countries with less tolerant legal and cultural stances towards LGBTQ+ communities. This years report contains 138 new businesses from over 20 industries that opted into the survey. The most considerable progress measured over the 20-year history of the CEI, which has also been reflected in this 20th edition, is the wide-scale adoption of transgender-inclusive initiatives by participating businesses. The following report is reflective of verified data submitted to the HRC Foundation as well as independent research on non-responding businesses. In addition, the bill provides protections from discrimination in housing, credit, and jury service for LGBTQ+ people. The 2022 Equidad CL report will be released later this year. Senior management/executive performance measures include LGBTQ+ diversity metrics. The CEI helps guide the wide-scale adoption of LGBTQ+-specific practices and language within existing business structures. include economic, ethical, legal, and discretionary responsibilities. Additionally, we argue that these decisions could have been made within companies that have been hit differently by the COVID-19. This year Clarivate is proud to make a first appearance in the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's Corporate Equality Index (CEI)joining 1,271 major U.S. businesses that were ranked in 2022. The Equality Act was introduced in the House of Representatives by Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI) on February 18, 2021, and in the Senate by Sens. The Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index has awarded Tesla as one of 2021's Best Places to Work for LGBTQ Equality. This years CEI reflects substantial growth in LGBTQ+ workplace equality and inclusion measures. This paper employs the newly conceived accounting-and-finance engineering system (AFES) described in a previous paper (Magni 2023, "The Split-Screen Approach for Project Appraisal (Part I: The Theory)"), addressed to the analysis of capital asset investments. Three LGBTQ+ Internal Training and Education Best Practices Businesses must demonstrate a firm-wide, sustained and accountable commitment to diversity and cultural competency, including at least three of the following elements: New hire training clearly states that the nondiscrimination policy includes gender identity and sexual orientation and provides definitions or scenarios illustrating the policy for each, Supervisors undergo training that includes gender identity and sexual orientation as discrete topics (maybe part of a broader training) and provides definitions or scenarios illustrating the policy for each, Integration of gender identity and sexual orientation in professional development, skills-based or other leadership training that includes elements of diversity and/or cultural competency, Gender transition guidelines with supportive restroom, dress code and documentation guidance. These initiatives intend to give more equitable opportunities to those would be small business owners who are more likely to face social and practical barriers to success. On the surface, LGBT+ employees in many parts of the world have progressed in the workplace. efbuidfsujgjdbuftxjuidpssfduobnftboehfoefsnbslfst "mmfotvsfuibu-(#52 qfpqmfbsfbcmfupublfpoftufqdmptfsupgvmmmfhbmboemjwfefrvbmjuz &wfobtqsphsfttjtnbef (she/her) Interim President Addressing the gap in training and education materials, the toolkit includes scenario-based learning that uses real life examples from HRCs work with businesses to illuminate the everyday experiences of transgender workers on the job. The CEI continues to reflect best practices for LGBTQ+ workers and their families. Invitations for the CEI 2022 survey were emailed and mailed in May of 2021 and responses were due back in August of 2021. In 2009, the HRC Foundation announced a major change to what would be the 2012 CEI criteria. Anonymous employee engagement or climate surveys conducted on an annual or biennial basis allow employees the option to identify as LGBTQ+. A Changing Landscape: 20 Years of Driving Adoption of Inclusive Policies. Supporting an Inclusive Culture (25 points possible). Competitive employer-provided benefits packages are critical to attracting and retaining talent. (he/him) By using this site, you agree to our use of cookies. Human Rights Campaign Foundations Corporate Equality Index is the national benchmarking tool on corporate policies, practices and benefits pertinent to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer employees. (he/him) On the Tyson Foods, Inc. company website, their mission statement made by their chairman, John Tyson, reports that: "Tyson Foods, Inc., recognizes the importance of being a responsible corporate citizen. These corporate initiatives include the Business Statement on Anti-LGBTQ+ State Legislation, the LGBTQ+ Refugees Mentorship Initiative, and Working Positively, which invites employers to commit to being visible role models in support of HIV-positive employees and other chronic illnesses.One of the largest coalition initiatives is the Business Coalition for the Equality Act. Four LGBTQ+ Internal Training and Accountability Efforts (5)Businesses must demonstrate a firm-wide, sustained and accountable commitment to diversity and cultural competency, including at least four of the following elements: c. Transgender Inclusion Best Practices (5), d. Employee Group OR Diversity Council (10), 4. Some of the most common forms of LGBTQ+ inclusion efforts are: of CEI-rated employers (1,075 of 1,271 respondents) have training for New Hires that clearly states that the nondiscrimination policy includes gender identity and sexual orientation, and provides definitions or scenarios illustrating the policy for each. of CEI participants documented that they provide inclusive benefits for same- and different-sex spouses and partners. We recognize that this acronym is U.S.-centric and that communities around the world recognize different identities and acronyms. Jackson Lewis PC, Scott Sapperstein It gets our teams excited to come to work each day. Raina Nelson (they/them) is the Senior Manager of the Corporate Equality Index for the Human Rights Campaign Foundation and co-author of the CEI. Other benefits available for other medical conditions are also available to transgender individuals. The HRC Foundations CEI rating system is designed for mid- to large-sized businesses (500 full-time employees and above) and divided into three key categories of criteria: Launched in 2002, the CEI is the first internationally recognized benchmarking report for businesses to gauge their level of LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion against competitors. In addition to the CEI, the Workplace Equality Program researches, develops, and advocates for greater equity and inclusion for LGBTQ+ workers at the federal, state, and local levels, and provides support to employers seeking to enhance LGBTQ+ inclusion through education, training, policy, and consulting assistance. Supplier/Vendor Standards Include LGBTQ+ Nondiscrimination. While awareness of barriers to transgender healthcare coverage steadily increased, a majority of CEI-rated businesses plateaued in offering mental healthcare coverage and/or short-term leave for surgical procedures and did not mitigate exclusions related to other medically necessary treatments. Each year, the Human Rights Campaign conducts a survey of hundreds of major global employers, with the number of participants growing each year. Raina also manages all aspects of the CEI database and survey implementation. The HRC Foundation proactively evaluates these 112 Fortune-ranked companies for two key reasons: Because LGBTQ+ workers and prospective employees must navigate the gaps in federal and state protections that affect their employment decisions, our staff assesses the research on these non-surveyed businesses through this same lens, ascertaining what we can from publicly available information and applying those findings to our CEI criteria. Prior to joining HRC, RaShawn worked in corporate Human Resources roles including Learning & Development. Michael Hart, president of the American Chamber of Commerce in China, discusses the results of its annual business climate survey. What is the Corporate Equality Index? You can unsubscribe at any time. Wherever credit can be verified, all ranked businesses will receive it, irrespective of their participation in the CEI survey. 1. These questions work to assess three categories of criteria, which are outlined in more detail in the Scoring Criteria section. He speaks with Shery Ahn and . It's a fantastic opportunity for businesses to take stock of their inclusivity . President & Founder After the United States v. Windsor and before the Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court rulings, HRC released a position paper cautioning against a marriage-only standard for accessing healthcare coverage, which is an unreasonable standard given the many other legal vulnerabilities that continue to affect LGBTQ+ individuals freedom beyond their right to marry. of CEI-rated employers (1,182 of 1,271 respondents) offer a robust set of practices (at least three efforts) to support organizational LGBTQ+ diversity competency. Keisha further serves on the inaugural Board of Directors for the Ray Corollary Initiative, Inc. and serves on the Georgetown University Law Center, Workplace Streetlaw Steering Committee. Determines the value of diversity management for the future. Job descriptions often use biased language that can especially discourage female candidates and older candidates. 662 major businesses have adopted gender transition guidelines to establish best practices in transgender inclusion for managers and teams. Corporate Equality Index. Five Distinct Efforts of Outreach or Engagement to Broader LGBTQ+ Community (15)Businesses must demonstrate ongoing LGBTQ+ specific engagement that extends across the firm, including at least five of the following: b. LGBTQ+ Corporate Social Responsibility, Contractor/supplier non-discrimination standards AND Philanthropic Giving Guidelines (5). Forty New Jersey businesses are among America's leading companies and law firms meeting strengthened criteria to meet the evolving needs of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) community around the world, according to the 2018 Corporate Equality Index (CEI) released by the Human Rights . To learn more, please read our Privacy Policy. She is passionate about social justice, intersectionality, Marie Kondo organization, and Passion Planning. No matter the rating, any business that participates in the CEI is taking on a transparent, credible process of LGBTQ+ inclusion. The pandemic has caused temporary disturbances in the production and commercialization of goods and services that have translated into tensions in the sales figures, causing serious liquidity problems, drops in profitability, and increased risk. Rates of litigation, upon implementation, are consistent with other protected classes. This requirement sets the standards around responsible foundational giving and ensures that a top-rated business does not provide philanthropic support to organizations whose values do not align with theirs. NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS Jan. 27, 2021 UL, the global safety science leader, proudly announced that it earned a score of 100% on the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundations 2022 Corporate Equality Index (CEI). In addition to seeing a growth in the number of highly-rated employers, the CEI has also seen great success in the reach of the survey. Keisha still serves as an adjunct professor of law at the University of Maryland School of Law, where she teaches Labor Law. To this effort, in 2016, the Corporate Equality Index criteria were expanded to require that companies with global operations extend their nondiscrimination policies across all their operations. CEI-rated employers are on record supporting broad issues of LGBTQ+ equality at the local, state, and federal levels, including through amicus briefs that are submitted during court cases to support pro-LGBTQ+ legislation and rulings. Corning Incorporated, Michael Lopez Today, the Human Rights Campaign announced the results of their annual Corporate Equality Index, and for the fifth consecutive year EA is proud to have received a 100% rating from the survey. Experian North America Earns Top Marks in Human Rights Campaign's 2021 Corporate Equality Index. In addition, companies must have one overarching policy on gender inclusivity which includes dress codes, restrooms and facilities, or pronoun and chosen name usage in the workplace (email signatures/meeting/onboarding). of CEI-rated businesses (1,021 of 1,271 respondents) have written giving guidelines that prohibit philanthropic support of non-religious organizations with an explicit policy of discrimination towards LGBTQ people. Data collection forms that include employee race, ethnicity, gender, military and disability status typically recorded as part of employee records include optional questions on sexual orientation and gender identity. Debunking the Myths: Transgender Health and Well-Being, U.S. Federal Government Employment Policies, Sexual Orientation in U.S. Nondiscrimination Policy, Gender Identity in U.S. Nondiscrimination Policy. You can unsubscribe at any time. Criteria 3: Supporting an Inclusive Culture & Corporate Social Responsibility. It is the desire of the staff and management of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation to not only recognize the work of the past but also to look excitedly towards the future. Policy includes sexual orientation for all operations, b. South Dakota and Montana passed RFRA legislation and Ohio passed a medical care refusal bill. Courtney holds a BA in International Studies and a minor in Environmental Policy from the University of South Florida. For example, where businesses enumerate federally protected categories of workers in their non-discrimination policies (e.g. We combined the four items into a Supervisor/Team Leader Equity Index that ranges from a low of 1 to a high of 6, with higher scores indi- cating greater perceptions of supervisor/team leader equity. The HRC, a US based foundation that advocates for equal rights for LGBTQ+ individuals, provides their annual CEI report to help companies benchmark their policies and practices related to LGBTQ+ workplace equality. Capital One. The Human Rights Campaign uses cookies to improve your site experience. More than 242 employers earned top ratings and the HRC Foundations designation of Best Places to Work for LGBTQ+ Equality or Mejores Lugares para Trabajar LGBTQ+'' in the 2022 HRC Equidad MX report. Workforce Protections (30 points possible), a. 379 Fortune 500 employers actively participated in the 2022 CEI. The profile and impact of an employee resource group is greatly enhanced by an active executive champion for the group. NEW YORK; Sept. 16, 2019 - For the second consecutive year, Accenture (NYSE: ACN) has been ranked the No. In addition, the HRC Foundation assesses the availability of routine, chronic care, and transition-related medical coverage for transgender employees and dependents. Determines the value of diversity management for the future. Accenture Ltd. Lanaya Irvin of CEI-rated businesses (748 of 1,271 respondents) ran LGBTQ+ specific ads or marketing content or sponsored LGBTQ+ inclusive events such as Pride. 93 percent of the Fortune 500 include sexual orientation in their nondiscrimination policies and 91 percent include gender identity. Over 66 percent of Fortune 500 companies offer transgender-inclusive healthcare benefits. NJ Companies' Workplace Policies Scored in New Equality Index On Mar 28, 2019. Assistant Vice President, Public Affairs & Strategic Alliances Keisha attained her Juris Doctor degree from the University of Maryland School of Law. c. Three Distinct Efforts of Outreach or Engagement to Broader LGBTQ+ Community | Businesses must demonstrate ongoing LGBTQ+ specific engagement that extends across the firm, including at least three of the following: LGBTQ+ employee recruitment efforts with demonstrated reach of LGBTQ+ applicants (required documentation may include a short summary of the event or an estimation of the number of candidates reached), Supplier diversity program with demonstrated effort to include certified LGBTQ+ suppliers. 503 leading companies are members of HRC's Business Coalition for the Equality Act, demonstrating their support for federal legislation that would provide the same basic protections to LGBTQ+ people as are provided to other protected groups under federal law. Responsible citizenship (-25)Employers will have 25 points deducted from their score for a large-scale official or public anti-LGBTQ blemish on their recent records. Lastly, major businesses have a range of engagement programs for their target markets and the communities in which they operate, such as advertising, public policy engagement, supplier diversity, philanthropy, and sponsorship. Typically, these efforts have a strategic connection to the core mission of a business, such as a law firms pro bono legal support of organizations tasked with direct legal representation of LGBTQ+ individuals. Marie Kondo organization, and discretionary responsibilities to what would be the 2012 CEI criteria Human roles. Employers actively participated in the area of LGBTQ+ workplace Equality Program at the center of every business decision make... The experts Inclusive benefits ( 30 points possible ) to secure full credit for benefits,. Sexual orientation as a part of the four components of the corporate equality index participation in the CEI is taking on a transparent credible! 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