It will always be Invasion Day, Survival Day, a Day of Mourning. // console.log('ignore ' + all_links.href); Australia Day should be a day that reflects what our ideals are and how we imagine our country. His view is that Australia Day should remain on January 26, but he wants to see a national holiday on January 25 to honour Indigenous communities. The changing of the date of Australia Day would broadcast our sincerity and hope for reconciliation for what the first settlers committed. On this Invasion Day, I am angry. Its that a full community of people, who are directly hurt and traumatized by the chosen date, say that it should be changed. That will take policy designed in concert with Indigenous communities and leaders, representation in places that matter, understanding of past wrongs, and likely several decades. Its like the government said to them, Yes, we know you dont like this, but guess what, we are going to make it official now, so there.. On this Invasion Day, I am angry. And yes, the survey was multiple choice. The disparity between these two experiences couldnt be starker. A day to reflect on the dark parts of our history, so we can move forward together as a nation.. The changing of the date of Australia Day would broadcast our sincerity and hope for reconciliation for what the first settlers committed. Moreover, another fire was lit when a 15-year-old Noongar Yamatji boy, Cassius Turvey, died in 2022. Things like festival pill-testing, renewable vs. fossil fuel-generated energy, whether free speech is dead and, yes, a whole chapter on Survival/Australia Day. Australia Day should be the day we become a republic. Before then, in the lead to the 1888 celebrations, Henry Parkes the premier of NSW at the time was asked if he was planning anything for Aboriginal people on Australia, to which he simply retorted, And remind them that we have robbed them?. Sixty percent of Indigenous people have mixed or negative feelings about the holiday and more than half (54 percent) believe the date of Australia Day should be changed to one not. The most media attention that these protests ever gained was in 1988, the infamous Bicentennial, where the phrase White Australia has a Black History entered our collective consciousness, but they have always been there in one form or another, whether they are noticed by media or not. Then to have a separate day of celebration, inclusive for all. "Part of a maturing nation is the willingness to listen and learn from someone else's view and to keep a dialogue open," she said. So, how do we go about actually making this change? In fact, they label it a Day of Mourning, Invasion Day, or Survival Day.. Even then, it wont make it a perfect day where we will all hold hands and sing We are the voice, but at least you could make a decent case for the idea that it is a day created for such a lofty purpose as celebrating what is great about Australia and being Australian.. Changing the date is accountability, its saying that we f**ked up, real bad. de 2014 . This website provides you with general information only and does not take account of your individual investment objectives, financial situation or needs. More from Letters to the Editor Barnaby is both out of touch and running out of time They say we should keep this date but not to be celebrated, instead to "have it like ANZAC day", as a commemorative day. Wouldnt the day that Australia abolished this act and, on paper at least, welcomed non-white migrants into Australia make more sense as a day to celebrate what is great about Australia and being Australian. Trans-generational, or inherited trauma, is real meaning that the agony of colonisation is still felt by many Indigenous Australians today. In this announcement, triple j said it could no longer ignore the issue after a survey conducted by the station revealed that 60% of listeners wanted the Hottest 100 moved to a different date. } There are many other options that would be far more unifying and inclusive, Duke said. I believe were almost there which explains the frantic push back. We are seeing the modest improvements in Indigenous rights eroded and dismantled. 10 de jul. The Hottest 100 wasnt created as an Australia Day celebration.. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: CLICK HERE FOR UPDATES ON COVID-19 AND YOUR SUPER, Muslims in Australia A brief history into the trade, migration and settlement of Muslims in Australia, Islamic superannuation Crescent Wealth receives honour roll award for their stance against weapons from ICAN . function external_links_in_new_windows_load(func) We know that many of our staff will still choose to have 27 January off to fit in with their family and friends plans. Tales of white benevolence, whether real or imagined, will not obliterate stories of what was stolen or lost. Australia Day: Change the date? From a political standpoint, there are a few ways to move Australia Day. But changing the date of Australia Day is something we can do now. text-align: center; A catalyst that will make us pause, reflect upon, and discuss what sort of country we have been, where we are today, and where we want to be in the future. An elderly man walking along the boardwalk was adamant the date should not be changed. But the generational differences are significant. Get the latest inspiration, intelligence, events & more. var force = ''; This is the date the City of Fremantle council chose to use this . They asked the government to consider what that day meant to them, the First Peoples, and called for equality and justice. Minister for Indigenous Australians Ken Wyatt said he did not agree with changing the date. Indigenous groups have been protesting against celebrating January 26th as any sort of public holiday for90 years now!!! [3] [4] Historically, eugenicists have attempted to alter human gene pools by excluding . A large proportion of the population 45 per cent disagree or feel neutral about the push to move Australia Day and Ms Reys said it was important to make room "for different views". color: yellow!important; The Australia Talks National Survey 2021 has revealed a majority of people now believe Australia Day should not be celebrated on January 26, given the historical significance of the date for Indigenous nations. The dispossession of Australia's First Peoples began on this date in 1788 representing a day of mourning rather than celebration. While many Australians argue that we have much to celebrate about this country, it shouldnt come at the expense of our First Nations peoples. Though it has been a staple of Australian media in recent decades to run a few stories acknowledging the existence of Indigenous people protesting Australia Day in one form or another (this year it was the Lamb ad and the Aussiebum undies ordeal so far), but thats about it. Check out our tips for writing to your MP here. display: none !important; And how can we celebrate our nation on a date that so many mourn? He knew that Australia Day was not a celebratory day from an Aboriginal perspective, and did not bother with the pretense that it ever could be. According to SBS, Yarra Council and Darebin Council in Melbourne also voted to cancel citizenship ceremonies on this date for the same reason. display: none !important; It begins with treating well the people who were there first. img#wpstats{display:none} Its purpose is to shed light on important community-based issues facing minority groups. Even though many Australians are apathetic about the date that Australia Day should be held (56% polled saidthey didnt care about it), other Australians, including Aboriginals want the date changed. One is to scrap the celebration completely, which, given that Australia is rooted in colonialism, and any celebration of it would be celebrating this fact is a fair argument. var f = d.getElementsByTagName( s )[ 0 ], Lets have a national day of celebration that includeseveryone. Australia Day is our national day. It could be: A rolling date, set on the third Friday in January to guarantee a long weekend every year (very much here for this). 5. Women and men had differing thoughts on the question of whether Australia Day should be moved it wasone of the Australia Talks survey questions on which men and women were most divided. } )( window, document, 'script', 'dataLayer', 'GTM-W5PMGDG' ); January 26 is a source of pain that non-Indigenous Australians just dont experience and sends a message to Indigenous people, the true custodians of the country we enjoy, that they arent part of the story of this nation. Changing the date is saying, we trust you to determine your own lives, we value your knowledge, and most importantly, its saying we dont want you to hurt anymore at the hands of our celebration. We pay our respects to Elders past and present and thank them for protecting Country since time immemorial. Nebrass strategies are always focused on return on investments, customer retention and high brand value. Melbourne City Council will likely advocate for the federal government to change the date of Australia Day while still holding . if(^http/) != -1 &&'') == -1 &&^#/) == -1) { It is white superiority to insist science, language, religion, law and social structures of an invading force are benevolent gifts. Shelley Reys has been at the forefront of the Reconciliation movement for three decades. In June 2020, following the death of Black man George Floyd at the hands of the American police in Minnesota, Black Lives Matter protests occurred around the world, including here in Australia. The entire premise upon which this Australia Day is based is shoddy and thus, the idea that this day should be celebrated is farcical. } In 2019, just 28 per centof respondents were strongly in favour of seeing a shift to the date, in 2021 that went upto 39 per cent. Changing the date would show that we have aspirations for this country to become greater than it is. Additionally, the origins of celebrating Australia Day on January 26 dont actually date back that far. According to the ABC, its the Premier who actually has the power to change public holidays in their state, so writing letters to bring this to the attention of your state government is a start. These antiquated worldviews of white superiority will continue to haunt Australia until a critical mass has self reflected on power and privilege and whiteness, and acknowledges past and present injustices. By moving Australia Day to another date, what is the Indigenous community gaining? (CrescentWealth), Blog The information shown on this site is general information only. Maybe youre going to end up in a heated argument at a BBQ this weekend (dont blame you), or perhaps youve only just started to explore your own feelings on the topic (dont blame you either). Regardless of the emotional ties, it is, as Prime Minister Scott Morrison said, The day Australias course changed forever.. } This move was criticised, with the Resources Minister at the time, Matt Canavan, calling it a disgraceful decision. Kamilaroi dancer Russell Dawson's cultural education and performance company Koomurri Entertainment has seen a rise in bookings on Australia Day. Many companies have actually started giving their employees another day off, like January 27th, and leaving January 26th as a working day. Today many Australians celebrate Christmas for other reasons: family; end of another hard year; food and drink; and summer holidays. oldonload(); Australia Day was made a national holiday in 1994. 26 January is an important day in our history, but it is not a day for celebrations. Despite generations of violence and interference from settler colonialists, First Peoples have not been defeated. Use our interactive tool to see the results and how your answers compare. What is Australia Day to Aboriginals? January 26 is the legacy of the horrific past and the connection of this trauma to the present. A record number of27,000 people were bestowed with Australian citizenship on January 26th, 2020. Does Cbd Oil Help Ivdd Dogs. } Change the nation. More than half (53%) of millennials (those born between 1986 and 2002) think we should not celebrate Australia Day on January 26. It compares the demographics of the 60,000 survey respondents with census data to weight responses by sex, age, education, language, geography and vote to ensure the views of Australians are accurately reflected. s.async = true; 4. f.parentNode.insertBefore( j, f ); At the time, many people pledged to educate themselves on what it takes to be an effective anti-racist ally. for (var t=0; t