Created by: Anonymous Ladybug. This post was created by a member of the BuzzFeed Community.You can join and make your own posts and quizzes. Move towards the door and open it. It was completely different, and the gifted spiritual advisor there really helped me understand the blocks that were keeping me from shifting, and how to go about it the right way. Reality shifting is what's new to the internet and has many people wanting to try it. i planned to shift to this beautiful little house where i live with tom hiddleston!! Click here to get your own personalized reading, 10 spiritual meanings of yawning you need to know about, What is a spiritual journey? Your DR stretches out in front of you. That is what keeps things moving in life. Alice in Wonderland shifting method is adopted from the famous novel by Lewis Carroll of a girl named Alice and her adventures in a magical wonderland. This basically tricks your brain into believing that what youve written happened, making it easier to shift. Meditating is extremely beneficial when it comes to shifting because it raises your vibration, calms you down, and clears your mind, allowing you to shift successfully. Search for 8D soundtracks and make sure you can play them without interruptions such as ads or buffering. They can help you achieve a sleep-wake state, where your body is asleep but your mind is still awake. Recite affirmations at intervals and imagine your life at Hogwarts. Dont freak out if you think youve shifted! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. No, a waiting room is not necessary to shift. Positive affirmations for shifting realities. Youll notice that most methods for shifting while awake have optional sound in the background. The Raven Method The Raven method shifting of reality involves lying down comfortably in a starfish position, ensuring that none of your limbs are touching the other. You can count to 100 while you do so, using affirmations in between counts. I keep creating the same thing in my life over and over again. With this method, just like Coraline, you crawl through a tunnel into another world. 1. Therefor I am coming to all of you for help. When youre ready, youll reach the end of your fall. Read next: How to Do the Estelle Method in 7 Simple Steps Reality Shifting. the waiting room is a type of desired reality between your current reality and your desired reality. Many people say they have shifted to a reality where they're a student at Hogwarts, with the ability to use magic and fly on broomsticks; the sky's the limit for where you can go. Some methods include reciting affirmations, listening to Theta waves or subliminals, and laying in a particular position. Hi, i don't know from experience, but i heard that you don't remember everything that you live there, so i guess it's the same for studying. Lie or sit in a comfortable position and listen with your full attention. it's meant to be a quiet place that you can focus in, where your consciousness can wait in until you're one hundred percent ready to shift over to your desired reality. Inside, you feel peace and calmness. If you have less time to prepare for. We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. Focus on your breathing and the reality you are shifting into for at least 2 minutes. Finally, they may conflate dissociation and this practice. (15+ Shifting Symptoms and Signs!). Engage all your senses as you fall and continue affirming. even in a dr where there is no need to study i scripted that i have great memory and know everything that i am going to learn this year. You can actually use this to your advantage. Due to the nature of the method, it is also very close to many people as it helps with manifestation in the physical world. I'm Sergios Rotar, a 21 years old personal development enthusiast. A script is basically who you are, where you are, what your situation is, and so on. Do you know that feeling after a long day of work, when you just want to plop into your bed and doze off? The best way to use shifting realities affirmations is by repeating or reading them over and over again. As your mind is not fully attuned to your current reality anymore, it will not be as able to speculate or cast doubt. If you are able to do this without a method, just do whatever works best for you. What is the real difference between the asleep and the awake method? Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life. Imagine you are in a dark room alone with a mirror at small distance. Although we all shift our realities constantly, the differences are so subtle that we don't even notice them. Many people fall asleep while trying to shift realities because they arent succeeding in shifting, and sooner or later their mind pulls them into a sleeping state. Remain focused on what you want to shift into until your body falls asleep, then dream about what you shifted into. Keep visualizing and affirming that you will be reaching your stop soon and open your eyes only when you feel you have shifted and the train has come to a halt at your dream reality station. Theres a reality where yourea multi-billionare, and one where you live in a cardboard box. This can be induced by using shifting subliminals, sensations, or just plain silence. In this incredible free video, Rud explains how he made that change to achieve all his goals. Editor's Note: BuzzFeed does not support discriminatory or hateful speech in any form. Your subconscious is widely awake during this time, and you would find yourself on the beach the next moment. The person can be your crush, love, friend, or anyone you wish. Community Contributor. Misconceptions Answered. METHODS - THE NON SLEEPING METHOD | pt. If youd like to try this sitting down, you can also use a wall. At points, pause and recite affirmations. Sophomore Emily Ruiz said, "I was really interested in shifting because it seemed really cool. Your mind is working really hard, and you dont want to overdo it. If you have a hard time visualizing, but you still can visualize, you might like the 5 Senses method shifting. 1) The Julia / I Am / No Sleep Method. Walk towards the door slowly and open it. Its time to take a different tack. You see, most of us have been sold toxic spirituality. | then, start saying identity affirmations like, "i am (ur name in ur dr . Once you fall asleep and have successfully moved your consciousness as per what you manifested, you are likely to wake up in a parallel world of your choice. Is Shifting Realities Dangerous? Make sure to engage your emotions in your daydreams. You might shift right then and there. The process involves laying still and counting to one hundred. As previously stated, we are constantly shifting, and yet none of us seem to notice; however, when we consider shifting to our DR, we become intimidated and begin to doubt the existence of shifting. everything is perfect in my desired reality. First, which of these fandoms do you like best (these are the results)? The first one that pops into your mind is your answer. You just need to convince yourself that you are in your DR. Finding someone you can trust. You should write it on a piece of paper and put it under your pillow before you lie down comfortably to rest. sounds more like heaven even with the studying lol. c. Less and less impact of human activity on the planet earth. {Explained!}. Here, there is another door. Approved and edited by BuzzFeed Community Team. This method was designed to make visualization easy. Put on your subliminals, lie down, close your eyes, and start counting from 100 to 1. Let your eyes become unfocused. Use it to guide your intentions for the DR you want to shift to. As you feel the sensations, slowly open your subconscious eye. i am a master shifter. It was created by a girl named Julia in the shifting community. As the door opens, you can hear the universe calling for you. They are simple to perform and can serve as a substitute for visualization for people who cant visualize. Begin visualizing your DR, which includes the same spot that you are staring at. The second Hogwarts shifting method is just a variation on the popular Pillow Method. It involves persuading your mind by saying that you are already in your desired reality. It is based on the idea that we can create and manifest our own reality through our thoughts and beliefs. The second approach is the Lucid Dreaming TV Screen Method. If you get dare, then dare the universe to let you shift. Also known as quantum jumping, reality shifting is a practice in which a person raises the vibrations of their very being to the point that they are able to experience a reality parallel to ours. It is also one of the effective shifting method without visualization. The short answer is yes. Scripting is a self-explanatory term. Once youve reached the right floor, you will walk out into a room with your DR self asleep on a bed. This can include the names of all the people you want to see in the DR, the series of events you would like to experience there, and even perceptions like sights, smells, and tastes from that world. How to Manifest Confidence in 5 Simple Steps. It should preferably be a static one, without movement happening in your field of vision. Use positive affirmations that boost your confidence that you'll shift. The truth of the matter is you are shifting whether you're aware of it or not, you are always shifting. As a result, it is more of a technique that you must master than a power that you must acquire. (and how to shift real. This is one of the most well-known and often used methods for shifting, especially shifting while awake. How To Shift Realities Instantly Shift Realities Instantly It is important that you maintain positive thoughts so that your train leads in the right direction and not the opposite way. You see your own reflection walking towards you inside the mirror. What is Shifting? Every second of your day you are shifting. Legal-Cut-4496 2 yr. ago. Now for the longer answer. Theidea is to keep counting and visualizing that you are drifting away closer and closer to your desired reality. What is Genz reality shifting?Genz reality shifting is a method of self-transformation that uses visualization and affirmations to help shift ones perception of reality. You can repeat this counting process as many times as you need until you have mastered this technique. While in bed, focus on what reality you want to shift into while breathing slowly and calmly. Once you feel your consciousness has moved to your desired reality, open your eyes and you should be in the parallel world you chose. You can even add visuals of what your DR looks like if you want. So this is best suited for those who are good at visualization. Start by turning on your subliminals and getting into a relaxing position. If you are struggling with shifting for the first time, you might like to try writing a script for your next try. This whimsical land was full of talking flowers, cards painting roses red and a tea party made up of a March Hare, a Dormouse and a Mad Hatter. 2. I recommend experimenting with different methods until you find the one that works best for you. Establishment of stronger boundaries between and among nations. How To Shift Realities What is Reality Shifting? Press J to jump to the feed. While these steps are useful when youre first starting out, you dont have to follow everything exactly as Ive described! The most popular methods in the shifting community is the Raven method, the Julia method, and the Pillow method. From twin flames to psychics to dream interpretation, we cover it all. Just be careful with choosing your subliminal because not all of them have good affirmations. But of course, the subconscious mind has a way of pulling us into what feels familiar to us, and that is our usual dream world and then back to our current reality. It is critical, however, that you write your script in the present tense. The reason behind this is that the sooner you sleep after having set your intention, the lesser time your brain has to speculate or doubt it. Thats the end of the game. by lovelyanastacia. 9 to shifting realities !! However, if youre having difficulty shifting realities or you are a beginner at shifting, incorporating a script into your shifting routine can be extremely beneficial. Try using sound to keep your consciousness from slipping away or losing focus. <3. Would I bring all of that knowledge back?? Let me know where youre going to shift in the comments! For example- You can say,I intend to shift to my desired reality as soon as I fall asleep. Instead of guessing and potentially opening your eyes too soon, youll know for sure when youve shifted with this tip. What method is best for shifting realities? The best way to successfully shift your sleep cycle is to do it gradually, in 15-minute increments, according to Silberman. When you do, you will merge into your DR self and find yourself at Hogwarts. But when you notice these symptoms, its critical that you stay calm and concentrate on your visualizations/senses. Focus your attention and visualize the consciousness of your current reality self flowing out and merging together with this desired version of yourself as you reach them. You keep affirming that you are in your dream realm. Behind the door waits a tunnel. They then script that into their shift. Once he corrected his outlook on spirituality, he was able to break free from what was holding him back. It is simply one that you have created for yourself. A definition from a shamans perspective, 10 possible reasons youre dreaming of another man sexually, 16 meanings of teeth falling out in a dream (spiritual + symbolism), 9 ways core values will help you develop holistically, I am shifting to my desired new reality, Listening to music that helps you visualize you are there, Creating scenarios in your mind about your DR, They are in the present tense (I am not I want to be or I will), I am (a profession / a characteristic / an identity marker). Start daydreaming and visualizing your DR while keeping your eyes open. They can answer specific questions like, Whats keeping me from shifting? If you want specific advice on your situation, it can be very helpful to speak to someone with special intuition. It is based on the multiverse theory, which states that all realities exist concurrently in the present. Slowly continue while you affirm and this helps in clicking your neurons to your wishful realm and when you open your eyes in your sleep, you are there. This method works just like the Portal Method, except you use a TV screen, computer screen or book as your lucid dream portal. If youre new to shifting or havent succeeded in shifting yet, you might be wondering: but how do I tell when my consciousness has shifted? Quiz introduction. Some people choose to intersperse affirmations while they count. And remember to script things that will keep you safe, like a high pain tolerance, or inability to die. Cheers to your shift. But you can certainly shift to your DR even without a method. If you get truth, then ask the universe, either out loud or in your head, How long will it take me to shift?. When you feel the shift is complete, open your eyes to your new DR. A little further away, you see a door. you should give it a try!! Rise from the spot and move towards the door affirming that its time to go. When youre ready, sit down at the piano. If youre feeling exhausted from this, youre not alone! Repeat the two words, I am. Any kind of spot should work, as long as you can keep looking at it. Quiz introduction. So if you struggle to shift realities and find yourself waking up the next morning each time you try, just keep on reading. In the Lucid Dreaming Portal Method, you fall asleep, then look for or create a portal in your lucid dream. The whole process is based on the two words, I am. 11. The Hug method shifting is another technique that is good for helping you emotionally connect with your DR via that special person you cant wait to see. While you lie down and listen to audio, choose affirmations like I am shifting to my desired reality.. Perform your shifting method as usual, but try to stay attentive to when you start to feel yourself drifting off to sleep. I'm writing for Nomadrs to try and find it again. Do whatever works best for you and makes you feel the most at ease! Simply note that you are experiencing these symptoms and try to keep them in the back of your mind as you keep your attention on your method. So take advantage of your chaotic thoughts when you feel drowsy. For confessions, dynamics, reveals, etc. Picture yourself getting up, grabbing the key, and seeing a small door opening in your wall. Chances are, youve probably tried some reality-shifting sleep methods, but found yourself waking up to your current reality again each time. Let's dive in! 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